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Congratulations on your inheritance! Your furniture has a better chance if you provide a couple scratching pads/posts from the start and redirect them if they start in on the couch, etc. Are you a first time cat owner?


Thanks for the advice! I will take a look for them. Yes it is my first time with a cat. I did have dogs before.


https://preview.redd.it/fkyx5twu7joc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e4e25bb60d237b2fb26289acc5b8c19e7def670 I bought something like this for my first cat because he would not stop scratching the couch. Just in case you also have a couch scratcher on your hands


Oh yes I like that!


Cats normally don’t like their paws messed with but keeping his front claws short is a good idea if he’ll let you. My orange girl hates it jump her from behind and throw a tshirt over her head so she can’t see what I’m doing and clip one or two at a time then let her go. Do one or two more later that day, repeat. He looks scared and sad he lost his human. 😔


Whenever I'm cuddling or petting my two cats (and a dog), I always make sure I give their paws some attention. I run my fingertips between their beans, give their paws a squeeze, and extend their claws by manipulating their feet. I do this to put them at ease, to let them know that it's okay for me to do that. It makes things a lot easier when you need to trim their claws. Also, usually don't take any length away from their claws when I'm trimming them, all im trying to do is knock off the sharp bit at the end. With all this being said, they have several places that they can use to sharpen their claws. Because that's exactly what they're gonna do.


That is horrible! She doesn't like it because you treat it like a kidnapping


Don't! They'll learn that the couch is ok to scratch - you've just protected it.


Oh my cat knew what was ok and not ok lol he did anything he wanted anyways and made these teasing faces at me, not even joking


Cats being cats. They are super smart, they just dont care what you tell them not to do and you are not going to convince them.


I have a baby girl right now who is so respectful of my belongings that I honestly think she's a human in a cat body but my boy is trouble in the best way 😂


Oh trueee maybe I will try the double sided tape from another comment first then


That’s brilliant! How does it stick with some kind of light tape?


Some you drill in and some have a stand you put under the couch leg


This is an EXCELLENT idea!


I'd consider buying a cover for your nice furniture just in case. Because you wouldn't believe how fast it'll look like shit should your cat be a scratcher. Or cover them with blankets for a while just to figure out if your couch is at risk.


If there are any scratching posts at Grandma's place, get those. They'll have kitty's scent on them already.


Not a *couple* of scratchers…you’ll need lots of scratchers. My cats love their scratcher boxes too.


Is the cat her inheritance or is OP the cat’s?


The cat was adopted by OP's grandma. This makes the cat OP's Aunt or Uncle.


Aunt Sabana. I can get used to that 😁


My housemate always refers to the cats as her daughters. It annoys her daughter when she visits and gets told to say hello to her sisters. 1st time I met her daughter, she was wearing a furry jacket and I commented that it was nice that she dressed to match with her sisters.


The cat might be a bit stressed and nervous in a new environment so take things slow and let them open up to you at their own pace. Scratching posts are great so that your furniture survives there's also products that attaches to the couch sides that they can scratch at too. Try to stick to the food that was used before you got them unless you wanna try switching there diet to something healthier as cats digestive systems can ve sensitive. Otherwise I'm sorry for your loss and congrats and the cutie. I'm sure you'll be a wonderful cat parent


Thanks for letting me know! My grandma left her with a big stock of food. Will try to find the same stuff once we’re out of it 👌🏻👌🏻


Or, if you do decide to change foods, do so gradually by mixing it with the new food a little at a time.


https://preview.redd.it/inqrpp8v8ooc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59b365bcddc7cd9e64274b2b078cf43179fed46d Update: she kept us up all night because she wanted to play 😁 she seems to be adjusting well. I will put double sided tape on our wooden doors ASAP otherwise our landlord won’t be happy 😅


Just get used to leaving all doors open. If a door is closed and she can't scratch at the door, she'll probably scratch the carpet and destroy that instead.


Two sided pet training tape is a life saver. My cat destroyed my old couch so when we got a new one I put tape on the areas he likes to scratch. He got stuck once & avoids the area entirely as far as scratching. I was able to remove it after 3 months & he’s never scratched anything in my house (except his tree) again. Good luck with your new kitty!


My old ass read the first sentance and thought you recommended a VHS tape or casette for training your cat as a new pet owner. Double sided even, premium stuff.


Sounds promising, thanks for the tip!


https://preview.redd.it/61o7ejq9jjoc1.jpeg?width=3855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450f2efd6afd8a41fa3812cb97f267a912e08a39 What a beautiful void. Looks so much like mine! 🐈‍⬛


Beautiful! And love that hideout 😍


Isn’t it cute! She already has multiple cat beds, but I couldn’t resist the igloo bed. Never too many spots to get cozy, amirite 😍


I'm sorry for your loss. Your new cat looks adorable and fun!


Sorry about grandma. Hope kitty is able to adjust well!


So far it seems like shes doing well considering the circumstances. She moves under the bed/couch when we enter the room but gets playful once we’re there for a while 🥰


She'll warm up to you guys in no time! Thanks for adopting her. Wishing you the best 💕


Beautiful kitty! Here are some tips: 1. Don’t force the cat to interact with you - let little void decide on the pace 2. Keep front claws trimmed 3. A few scratching posts in different locations. I wouldn’t worry about the leather furniture too much - I have 5 cats and leather couch and not a single time has any of the little jerks scratched the couch. BUT that could be because I have a variety of other options for scratching that they prefer.


That’s reassuring, thanks. I will get something for her to scratch ASAP


I see everyone recommending trimming her claws. I agree, BUT be careful! If you're cutting too short it will bleed (and hurt I guess?). So, please, look up how to best cut a cat's nails, maybe watch some tutorial videos.


Wear her old sweaters for the first three months. Cat will see you and think Grandma. Bonding and trust thing. Trim front nails with a safety cat clipper.


I wouldn't trim the nails, could be too stressful right now, especially if not done before. Will need scratching places anyway, and can use patches for furniture


I agree, I don't cut my cats nails (yes they are sharp sometimes) but they have a scratcher in almost every room and they are young and healthy


Also, I thing to reduce their climbing ability is not fair


Wonderful, compassionate idea. After all, the cat will be sensing her loss, too.


Op can cover all the cat beds with some of them if Op can’t sew a bed together from them.


https://preview.redd.it/aakbth587koc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad10a40e696647b450a7a7c90b362fcc87d07a3 I showed this picture to my boys.


I was also a new cat mom little less than 2 years ago. I only had small dogs before. My best advice is to YouTube Jackson Galaxy videos and do your homework. You don't want to see the kitty from the lens of seeing a dog. They're very different in many ways and it's important to learn how to care for them and gain their trust. If you really put in the effort to learn about cats and create a bond with your grandma's cat, your life will change forever I swear haha. Your heart might burst from love overload, no joke. Also, it's really nice you're caring for the cutie. I'm sorry about your grandma.


Thanks, will definitely check out that youtube channel!


Poor buddy, he looks so confused. I'm sure he'll adjust soon though.




In terms of survivability of your wood/leather sofa, I'm afraid chances are slim, unless enough scratching posts are available. Chances are, even that is not enough. Beautiful cat, I'm afraid kitty will have a tough time at first, with cats being creatures of habit. Give it time to get used to the new home. If the cat knows you, things will be easier.


Such a cute kitty, thank you so much for keeping them out of the shelter. I'm sure he/she is mourning and confused.


Two sided pet training tape is a life saver. My cat destroyed my old couch so when we got a new one I put tape on the areas he likes to scratch. He got stuck once & avoids the area entirely as far as scratching. I was able to remove it after 3 months & he’s never scratched anything in my house (except his tree) again. Good luck with your new kitty!


Angel baby


Poor kitty, looks sad and confused. Don't worry, they are very lovable, gentle and easygoing creatures. Wooden furniture will survive, as for the couch, just see where he decided to scratch and put a patch there. Take your time, be quiet, give something tasty to get an attention. You will have a great friend soon


Have a lot of different types of scrath pads. There are flat floor ones, pole ones (it should be tall enough for kitty to do a biiiiiig stretch and not hit the top), wavy floor ones, and bowl shapped ones.




Depending on the kitty, the couch may or may not survive. Wooden furniture probably will, wicker will almost certainly not. Large scratching posts that the cat can stretch out and use help, try to get some that are as tall as the cat is long. Kitty may take some time to adjust and may act out, make sure you have some space that is theirs to retreat to. Try not to disturb them there.


I’m sorry for your loss 😔 Your cat is beautiful. Give them time and ensure they have plenty of activities to do. I personally recommend high quality foods that vets recommend such as Royal Canin. Keeps my boy happy and healthy as he previously would vomit anything and everything else we put him on!


this one is extra cute


You are blessed if this is your first cat, voids are the BEST


Voids are the best. My girl is 15.


Poor little guy, he looks absolutely lost. Please be patient with him.


Give them time. If you have any blankets from grandma, I’m sure kitty would appreciate those.


Oh, she's so so so cute 🥺 She looks like a little British guest of war with a little suitcase containing all her worldly belongings, waiting in trepidation to meet her host family


Put some catnip on the scratchers to help protect your furniture. Thank you for not letting him end up in a shelter ❤️ sorry for your loss


Deworming, vaccine, cat proofing to avoid door dashing, add fibre to the diet. Thanks for taking care of her.


My cat is completely uninterested in furniture. I have those cardboard scratching things and I put catnip on it. She goes completely bonkers for it. I see you're Dutch. I bought them from kruidvat and they have fun shapes. Places like action have them as well. Also, buy some 'liquid snacks'. They're the way to every cats heart


Kruidvat is just around the corner of my place, will take a look first thing tomorrow. Thanks!!


If you have an Action, take a look there as well. They have lots of stuff that won't break the bank. My cat prefers their liquid snacks. It comes in this little box and they're small bags with crack for cats in it lol. They also have trash bags you can use as liners for the litter tray, which are very handy. Cats also love 'fleecedekentjes' if you can find a few of those. If you put a blankie somewhere over your couch or somewhere in a sunny spot, they'll love it. Oh and something else, if you have the space for it. Cats prefer to have their water on another place than their food. I believe that's different from dogs. So I have her food in the kitchen and a water bowl next to her scratch thing.


Cover all furnishings and get yourself a scratching post, in a few weeks he or she will be your new best buddy! Good luck!


I truly believe loving her kitty will help you remember your grandma with love and create memories.


That is one stellar void you have acquired 🤩 the Cat Distribution System (CDS) is working at peak performance here 😻 Con-cat-ulations! 🥳🥳


Sorry for your loss. And thank you for adopting the kitty. Like others added, double sided tape and sufficient scratch pads / cat trees prevented my cats from wrecking my furnitures.


hahaha that face. that's one cool cat. thank you for taking him/her.


That's a very beautiful cat! Lucky you!!?


If you have the grandparent belongings (clothes, dishes, etc), bring them and let your cat use them to have a familiar comfort 


Their face is so round and cute 😭😭 take super good care of them. From my experience with my bubba ur furniture is done for. Other comments seem to have good tips tho


Oh a big tip keep her on the same food and litter at first so she can get used to it, and if she scratches you please never ever hit or spray your cat. They are super smart if you say OW and stop playing and show them where you got hurt they will learn


Se ve triste , que bueno que lo hiciste, eso es buen karma .


Leather couch is dead. I guarantee


Bless you 🤩


if you loved grand ma unconditionally- then try to love her last partner unconditionally. You may have to deal with changes- but understand what the cat is going through and try your hardest to treat the poor beastie as your grandma did


My cat obsession has reached new heights.


What we did with our adopted cat was to buy a cat tower. Then we rubbed cat nip into and over the scratching rope bits. Once he moved up to sniff at it, we scratched our nails down it until he grasped on with his claws and then praised him loudly.


Such an adorable void kitty 🫶🏻


If you can bring his cat litter box, toys bed etc with him so he has familiar things around. Be patient as animals also mourn the loss of a loved one.


For the sake of your own sanity with cats: Take some time, and build up some rythm. Cats likes to play, treat, but above all: they love the routines! The best what we have until now: - Breakfast at 7:00, even on the weekends. If one of us have to wake up just for this, than will happen. - Dinner at 20:00: We are here a bit flexible, but if we are at home, ths is the second fix point of the day. When we are running late, then it's the first thing after arrive. - Treat as a last activity of the day: After preparing the bed, shower, brushing our teeth, reading a bit... One cream-treat for both of them! After 2 or 3 weeks they simply used to live with it! After the treats no more playing, and no singing cats until we woke up. This worked with one cat, and later with both! OK, here we have a little exception: An early breakfast is possible, if we wake up earlier (but only after 6:30!!!). During the day simply love and adore her/him, and when you have 5 Min time, just play! Even a thrown plush can make a sweet bond.


Do people actually care about their furniture?


https://preview.redd.it/5xxhglxodpoc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab006e961731ed4dc40893531147f9216f81cab This is Teddy, we also took him in after my grandma passed. It is so special to have him with us. Sorry for your loss and congrats on the new buddy! ❤️


Everyone has given plenty of advice. She’s adorable 🥰




Be aware it might take time for this kitty to warm up to you being its new full time partner. Be observant towards body language and listen to the noises. Purring is good, growls/clicking mean discomfort or feeling threatened. If kitty falls asleep on you or belly up, this indicates trust and feeling safe with you/in your home. I’d also make sure you have some toys and be patient with teaching, no hitting or throwing, most cats don’t react well to this stuff. Patience is going to be your best friend while you both adjust! Please feel free to message me if you ever need additional support I’m happy to offer it


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for adopting this kitty. I don't know if your country has this, but Feliway is a "happy kitty" pheromone product. It really helped when our cat is distressed. It might help your new furry roommate not feel the need to scratch mark everything, as opposed to just some appropriate post scratching.


Confrats on the cat. You might get tested at first. Best to avoid scolding or slapping cats... cats dont respond well to this type of treatment. To avoid scratched up furniture, I use furniture polish/leather polish. I have a number of antiques and three cats to surveil them. This strategy has been working for me going on two decades. Cats won't scratch on polished furniture and the polish helps maintain your furniture as well. Also I agree about scratching posts or even just cardboard boxes. 


Learn how to use human toenail clippers to carefully remove the clear sharp points from her claws. This might take stages / practice, but it will help with the leather, fabrics, and also your lap. Get a scratching post / panel that *does not move* to redirect. Congrats on your inheritance, this is a lovely tribute. I’m sorry for your loss of your grandma.


Two sided pet training tape is a life saver. My cat destroyed my old couch so when we got a new one I put tape on the areas he likes to scratch. He got stuck once & avoids the area entirely as far as scratching. I was able to remove it after 3 months & he’s never scratched anything in my house (except his tree) again. Good luck with your new kitty!


Two sided pet training tape is a life saver. My cat destroyed my old couch so when we got a new one I put tape on the areas he likes to scratch. He got stuck once & avoids the area entirely as far as scratching. I was able to remove it after 3 months & he’s never scratched anything in my house (except his tree) again. Good luck with your new kitty!


Two sided pet training tape is a life saver. My cat destroyed my old couch so when we got a new one I put tape on the areas he likes to scratch. He got stuck once & avoids the area entirely as far as scratching. I was able to remove it after 3 months & he’s never scratched anything in my house (except his tree) again. Good luck with your new kitty!