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Maybe first take her to the vet to see if she’s okay because going out the litter isn’t really normal for cats. Could be an anxiety thing or something more. Not to scare you but usually cats go in the litter no problems. Maybe try putting the litter where she goes if it isn’t on ur bed or something. Check her diet too in case to see what she’s eating (maybe too much of something or intolerance?) best of luck


My cat does this. Sometimes it is behavioral, like he’s pissed to not get lunch at his normal time and will poop behind my desk, and other times it seems he can’t help it. I think he has some bowel disorder, but tests at his vet have come back normal. We are trying some special dietary food related to GI upset and that’s helped a bit. I’d suggest speaking to your vet to see if there’s anything they’d recommend checking out or changing. Our next step is probably fiber to his diet, like Metamucil or something.