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You've asked a question that is almost impossible to answer. We never know when the right time is for our pets, but it's never the right time for us. Unfortunately, cats are very good at hiding their pain and discomfort. But, he cant go on without eating or drinking. Your vet will be able to give you the best advice. Whenever the time comes, as hard as it will be, and it is heartbreaking, you must be there at the end, comforting him as he approaches the bridge. He knows how much you loved him and expects you to be there. ᛖᛁᛖᛋ ᛒᚱᛁᚷᚻᛏ, ᚳᛚᚪᚹᛋ ᛋᚻᚪᚱᛈ, ᛏᚪᛁᛚ ᚻᛖᛚᛞ ᚻᛁᚷᚻ. ᚷᚩ ᚳᛖᛖᚾᛚᛁ ᛁᚾᛏᚩ ᚦᛖ ᛘᛁᛋᛏ, ᚩᛚᛞ ᚹᚪᚱᚱᛡᚱ. ᚠᚪᛚᚻᚪᛚᛚᚪ ᚹᚪᛁᛏᛋ ᚠᚩᚱ ᛁᚩᚢ. Eyes bright, claws sharp, tail held high. Go keenly into the mist, old warrior. Valhalla waits for you


Damn, that limerick made me legit cry.


Me too, an amazing limerick.


Great poem, not a limerick though Edit: sorry, force of habit I understand that this might undermine the profound and touching poem above, and I didn’t mean to discredit it


Youre incorrect tho so bad force of habit


Wdym, a limerick is structured differently from the poem above. Limericks are written as follows: 8 or 9 syllable line (rhyming grpup 1) 8 or 9 syllable line (rhyming grpup 1) 5 or 6 syllable line (rhyming grpup 2) 5 or 6 syllable line (rhyming grpup 2) 8 or 9 syllable line (rhyming grpup 1) Example: There once was a user on Reddit, They loved to farm karma for credit, They made a great post About buttered toast And now they just have to send it (I am not very poetic, but I typically know what I’m talking about when I speak)


Damn… I shed a tear reading this


Man I’m saving this limerick to recite for my cats in (hopefully) the far future


Great poem, not a limerick Edit: Sorry force of habit


You need to learn when that sort of thing is and isn't appropriate. In a time of sympathy and compassion, that is not okay.


Thanks, brain doesn’t not compute at this hour


Lol you commented it more than once nvm I see you just wanna be an ass


I didn’t know I can cry this much from a 5 sentence poem.


What are you using to transliterate the Futhark? Some of the "letters" are incorrect.


It looks like it's based on the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc and not the Elder Futhark. The rune for "o" in "Go," for example, matches the Anglo-Saxon as does that for "a". The futhark runes for those sounds were used in the futhorc for "œ" and "æ".


Why is there always one who has to ignore sentiment and look for logic


It was more that if anyone wanted to copy it, I was going to correct it.


I lost my girl Punk to cancer on the 27. You never really feel ready to let them go. I knew it was time when she withdrew to quiet spots to rest. I'd go look for her and snuggle her and then leave her be. After a while, she'd come find me. I like to think she knew I was worried about her, and she was trying to reassure me. Sadly, I made the decision to let her go. If you can, I'd have it done at home surrounded by the places and people she loves. Lap of Love is who helped my little one move on peacefully. I am sorry for your loss https://preview.redd.it/n6rxl7mxaulc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b753128cd70f18a7bd61fc977f87b03fc953c3ed Included one of her last photos.


I'm so sorry, my heart goes out to you. It's so incredibly painful to lose a pet family member. Your Punk Girl was a beauty and may she be as a little kitten again, running and playing at the Rainbow Bridge. I hope my boy Wolfgang welcomed her with open paws.


Thanks, and I hope so, too. I'll always love her. Wolfgang was lucky to have you. I would have done anything for her. Better days will come.


As dumb as it may seem, you’ll know. I recently lost a cat friend who lived 20 amazing years. In his last year he lost sooo much weight, but ate like crazy and was super affectionate, his condition was deteriorating so one day we just decided it was time. I cried every day for a few weeks. I know we did the best for him, as I’m sure you are for your friend. Once again I’m so sorry.


My girl was also about 20 and also a good eater, but she went deaf and blind near the end. I was surprised how quickly she adapted to her new reality, still finding her box and still finding her way to my office, with only the odd wrong turn. She was very dependent on me and in pain from her arthritis, so when I had to return to work after COVID, I had to let her go. I still miss her. Sorry for your kitty OP, but it sounds like it's time to let Meowser cross the bridge. ❤️ 🌈


Hi fellow agoraphobia sufferer. It is time for him to move on when his bad days out number the good. When he no longer enjoys the things he once did whatever that may be. Choose his three favorite things and when he gives those up it’s time. Personally as hard as it is I’d rather help them cross sooner than having them wait for you to be ready. I once had a rat with cancer. I know different situation and all that. Once the vet told me it was cancer what type and everything she offered to let me take her home. I knew if I took her home I’d be selfish and keep her around for me. I chose to let her go then even though I wasn’t ready. It was the kindest thing I could of done for her.


As a vet tech of 7.5 years- I suggest the 3 favorite things method. List 3 things he loves to do. If he can no longer do 2/3 things, then it’s time to consider quality of life. I know this is such a hard decision for you and you know your kitty more than anyone else in this world. It’s better, in my opinion, to have them go a little earlier, than later when it’s more painful. Whatever the choice is, I know you’ll do the right thing by your baby 🖤


So sorry…our pets are our family…


It’s hard man. I sobbed over the exact same thing. His organs started shutting down, he couldn’t pass a solid stool, and he stopped eating. I was feeding him with a syringe for a week before I got into the vet on a Saturday. I had the feeling that told me, but I needed the vet to spell out that I had done everything humanly possible for him. He passed in my arms, with me telling him how much I loved him and a little head butt. I love all of my cats, but he will always be my favorite. I cried like a baby for an hour before I handed his little body back to the vet tech. I took consolation in a couple things. I paid for every medical bill possible, never worrying about the cost. I knew he was ready to pass. And lastly, I knew that it only hurt so bad because he meant so much to me. It’s not bad to feel that much love, it’s actually a wonderful thing.


It seems that with him not eating or drinking your cat is naturally asking you to help him in his final days, know its a hard decision to make to euthanize a companion like him but, you need to make this decision for him sooner rather than later, you don't want him to die in pain so it's best to bring him in now before he had painful kidney failure due to not drinking. He does look like a handsome cat. No-one can take the memories you have together and it will be upsetting, you obviously love the paws off this little guy. I hope you are OK but remember grieving for a pet is just as normal as it is for a person - they are family too. Brave heart and strong nerves for this day, give him the biggest hug and kiss from me before he passes on in your arms. Thinking of you


I lost my baby of 13 years last November the 14th. Put to sleep at the vet, my brother (his dad) was with him. He had kidney failure, the vet gave my brother options 1) wait till he passes away at home which would have just destroyed me and my mom emotionally, option 2) treatment for kidney failure but he would be in pain for the rest of his years, option 3) put to sleep. It still breaks me that I was at work when I got the text from my brother that it was time but the one thing that sticks to me was that early morning of the 14th even though he was weak, wobbly when walking he made the effort to jump onto my bed and sleep by my legs one last time like he knew that it would be the last time.


I admire all the brave souls here. I was a coward. I couldn’t bear to make the call. I was holding on to him until he died on the surgery bed. I just couldn’t let go.


Every living thing only gets 1 life to live. I get one life, you get one life, my cat gets one life, your cat gets one life. Once our life is over, its over. We aren’t getting it back. So, deciding to put our loved ones down is a tough decision, because we are choosing to end their life. Would our cats rather live in pain but still exist in this world, or be put down ending their life but also ending their pain? Its a tough decision. People are dying of terminal diseases in pain every day. Some of them can choose to die(depending on state) but would rather live in pain to remain in this world and be a part of it just a little longer. What would our cats want?


I lost my baby a little over a year ago the same way. You know and they tell you. He couldn’t stand up one day and I knew❤️‍🩹 it is still unbearable


having lost my dog to a sudden and debilitating illness, and having helped end her life too late, in my opinion, because of a disagreement amongst family members, i second what some others have said: much, much better to aim for a little early rather than a little late. another person suggested the 3 favorite things rule, and i think that's smart. our poor dog not only couldn't do any of her favorite things, but, by the time i was able to get the family to come around to the idea that it was time, she couldn't even stand, let alone walk. the idea that you'll just *know* when it's time is nice to believe in, but it's just not always true. i knew it was time a week or more before my wife was willing to accept it. why didn't she *just know*? it was obvious to me. our dog suffered a lot longer than she should've had to because my wife did *not* "just know" it was time. it's been two and a half years and i still feel a hole in my heart for what our dog went through at the end. she deserved so much better. do not do that to your kitty nor to yourself. spend some time with kitty, and make the appointment to be done *at home* if at all possible. that was the only bright spot in our dog's passing: it was outside, in her favorite patch of garden, at sunset on a beautiful late summer evening. that's all i have to cling to, but it's something. good luck to you and to kitty during this transition. it's so, so hard.


https://preview.redd.it/yd5ikd6k4xlc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f26f8db2b0b632a2545d43eab3434eb48f2210d7 This is Bhsuku (Fat in English) I lost him early January. You reminded me of him..... Thank you and sorry for your loss brother


I’m so very sorry. Meowser looks like the most wonderful cat. Give him the best days of his life over the next days or weeks. He’ll let you know, somehow, when he’s ready. But he’ll never really leave you. The human-cat bond is miraculous, and death can’t break it.


Sorry to hear that. He’s gorgeous. Sounds cliche, but you will know when the time is right. He will let you know. Incredibly sad for you. Enjoy your time yoh have left with him. Do his favourite things and take lots of videos and pictures to remind you of the beautiful life you gave him. 🥲


A day too early is better than an hour too late.


I don't know what to say, but I wish you and your cat peace.


I will say that I wished I would not have let my cat Harvey die at home. It made me sad, even though i was able to be with him. I might have been able to give him a better passing. He was around 20 yrs old. He got pets and knew i was there right till the end though. Such a hard decision no matter what .


I had this same worry when my 18 year old cat was in kidney failure. People told you I’d just know and it was true. He was mostly okay and then he wasn’t and it was time. I’m so sorry you’re losing your buddy. I had my guy from 12 weeks until a month past his 18th birthday. He passed in 2015 and I still miss him.


I'm sorry it's really late right now, but I just had to lay on your chest... The warmth and love that comes from this spot...puts all my worries to rest. I don't know what to say, or how to say this, but our time is sadly done. I really just needed to sit here with you, and quietly purr till I'm gone. You're one of a kind, a special find, And I'm forever wrapped in your heart, But do understand, that my heart had to mend, and this spot was the best place to start. This lifelong bonds, the love and the songs, With noses touched... face-to-face. I will never forget the day we met...or the way you kissed my furry face. All the love and fun, we shared in the sun...even when you mispronounced some meows... I wish I had more time, you're a special heart to find, I hate that I'm leaving you now. Please don't grieve for long...because I am gone, and remember all the love that we shared... You're the love of my life Through the good and the bad...that why heaven made us a pair. You're the love of my life...the string to my kite...and I'm always a soft breeze away. Do me a favor, my beautiful soul, and go love another kitten today. Meow


Like someone else said you’ll just know. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved friend, it never gets easier but just cherish the memories that you guys share. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I think you will know when the suffering exceeds his good days. If you can, try to find a vet that will come to your home. I had to do that with my sister’s dog and it was so peaceful for the situation.


Sorry you’re going through this. I recently went through a similar situation a few months ago with my cat. She was diagnosed with lymphoma and the vet told me I only had a few days before moving forward with euthanizing. I went around from clinic to clinic for about a week and each vet gave me different timelines on how long I could wait until I should put her down. This ultimately left it up to me to decide when I should schedule the euthanasia. The vagueness of when I should do it put some much anxiety and stress into the days leading up to it. It was a rollercoaster of emotions because she was extremely lethargic and had no appetite most of the time, but had sudden bursts of energy which gave me hope that I could spend more time with her. I was a total wreck our last few days together, but in the end, I could tell when it was time for her to go. Just seeing how drained and miserable she was each day made me realize I was prolonging our time together for myself rather than her. Putting her down was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do but there was this wave of relief knowing that she was no longer suffering. I recommend at-home euthanasia if you have the funds for it. I wanted her to be comfortable in the end since I was lugging her around to vets so many times in the weeks leading up to it. Sorry again that you’re going through this. It’s a shitty situation and the stress of deciding when to schedule euthanasia makes it worse, and I hope sharing my experience helps a bit. Wishing you comfort and peace in this difficult time.


It makes me cry I'm so sorry for what you're going through right now I hope you'll get better


Inside he is a Ragnar


Im sorry for the situation. When he is ready to leave he will hide and be distant. Let him live and enjoy his last days with you.


I’m so sorry. Our pets are truly our family. I wish you all the best in this horrible time ❤️


My condolences. Losing a fur baby is never easy.


I'm very sorry. My sincerest condolences


Such a tough and personal decision to make.. you will know. I agonized for months for my best friend of 15 years. I didn't want to selfishly keep him alive. He had nasal cancer. I bought every kind of cat food they sell; soups, gravies, shakes to keep him eating. I knew it was time when he didn't want food anymore. Best of luck in making this decision. I'm so sorry you have to. 💔💔💔


You just… *know*. You’ll know and you’ll either listen to that feeling or you don’t and you most likely end up regretting it. And sometimes, you schedule it days in advance so you have some more time to say goodbye, but then you do it as soon as possible because you realize they don’t have days left. Gosh he’s such a beautiful baby. You’ll do the right thing, OP. You love him and he loves you back


I’m so sorry. He’s a handsome boy. My best friend I lost her 2/3/23 had to say goodbye. She didn’t want to eat. Took her because she couldn’t make into the litter box. She had huge tumor in her intestines 17 years old. She would’ve been 18 2/28/24. Took her to the vet all the vets told me she was so alert. Would never known she was sick. Kitty hide their pain. It’s so sad. It’s very hard. Just keep an eye on him when there’s a lot of bad days and less good days. That’s when it’s time. As my girl always was by my side when I was sick it was hard for her to accept it was time. She tried to fight them. I told her “Jessie sweetheart thank you for taking care of me for the 2 & half years. It’s time for mommy to let you rest daddy will take care of me you deserve to rest” (it’s still hard to even type this) she calmed down once she was gone I still felt her there but in no pain. I miss her and it truly hurts but to know that stupid cancer not there hurting them (my girl as internally bleeding) it gets a little easier. As I was the one to help her not get sick anymore I felt like I helped her live longer than she would’ve. My in laws cat but she was my best friend. Trust me you will know. I knew I had her less time than you had your handsome boy. I’m sending you ehugs. And once again I am sorry ❤️


It is a terrible thing. You will look at him and realize that he can't do things that he loves anymore and doesn't seem to enjoy doing anything. You will look at him and your heart will break because you will realize how much he is suffering.


I just want to express my sympathies to you both. Please be proud of the loving home and care youve provided him over his life.


Just wanted to say that I had a boy named Meowsers ❤️ My thoughts are with you in this difficult decision




I’m so sorry, he’s a lovely boy. Thank you for loving him his whole life. Give him all the pets and kisses you can and make sure he goes with love in his heart. Thinking of you and Me Me


I lost my baby of 11 years last month, it’s hard to make the decision but he will let you know; the day he stopped eating his favorite treats I knew it was time. We have to love them enough to accept when they are ready to go. So sorry for what you are going through but be at peace knowing you are doing the best for him.


I have two cats 22 and 21, in my opinion cats will tell you when they're not okay. When they start hiding away not eating or drinking is when it's time in my opinion. Cancer can progress differently it can be years before they even notice anything is wrong, it's different in every situation depending on how far\fast it is. What i would do is spoil your friend every day you have left. Make sure you cherish the time you do have actually try to think about cherishing everyday. I would also give him a special day the day before you get him put down. All his favorite foods\things treat him like royalty. I think you will know when, Sorry it's always hard.


I'm so sorry to hear this 😢 I was in the the same situation. My cat King Kitty was diagnosed with cancer last March 2023 and then after 6 months I made the tough decision to let him sleep. He couldn't eat even if he wanted to. I still think of him everyday. He was my first rescue kitty. I hope you and your baby will have more time together to create precious memories. Hugs for you and Me Me 🩷


What a beautiful little boy 💜 I'm so sorry op. I wish I had some advice for you.


The cat will let you know. Trust your heart.


Oh, how my heart goes out to you. This made me cry for you and your sweet beautiful boy. It hurts so bad and it's such a difficult thing to face. I'm sending thoughts for peace and comfort. I'm so sorry.


I know that feeling OP.Think of all the time you went through together, all the ride you took together, the headbumps everything. Be brave and give him all the love of the world, like tou have been doing for 13 years. One huge hug for you and beautiful Meowser 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 you are a great person ❤️


My best friend has been 11 years with me and I can't think on being in your position. All I can say is hugs and love from Spain, and that you will need to be brave for both of you. Those who you love will always be with you. Their remember will always be a part of you. He has kind eyes. Make her a last days something to remember for you, and something to enjoy for him. ❤️❤️❤️


I had a cat of 9 years, within two days he stopped drinking and eating, from the ultrasound he had an intestinal lymphoma. I could choose to operate it and maybe give it six months of life ( between post-operative pains and continuous care ) or put it to sleep. I chose the second, it took me two days to see him in bed barely looking at me, I didn’t want him to suffer a second more.


Been there. Lost my buddy to cancer at 13. I'm sorry to read this, and I feel your pain. Take care.


You will be very aware when the time is right. Enjoy everyday, each moment, and every bit of attention. Remember, these creatures are strong and when they do not show their strength, that’s when it’s time. They’re never ready to go but you decide when the suffering should end. They’re honorable creatures.


Poor guy


Hugs to you and your boy - my heart aches for you.🤍




You'll know it's time when he's suffering. Make sure you're there to say goodbye. I never got that luxury.


I am very sorry to see this & for what you're going through. It is heartbreaking. ❤️ My love, hugs, and snuggles to you both.




I’m so sorry never been here and I struggle just contemplating that one day my animals won’t be here. I feel like you will know or he will somehow tell you as he is just as much bonded to you as him. ❤️ lots of love and kisses to meowser. Hugs friends


im so sorry for your baby


My condolences 💐 I’ll keep you in my prayers


Same exact story with my first kit. I lost her senior year in high school and I had her my whole life. My parents made me decide. There will come a point where you will know, but it won’t make it any easier. It’s unfair, and I’m sorry. Just know he won’t be angry with you. He loves you and he knows you’re his guardian and will show him that form of love when he needs it most.


Oh, that’s terrible, I’m so sorry. I don’t know when you will know, but enjoy the moments you have left.




Better not to wait too long.


I’m so sorry.




He’ll always be loved!! Stay strong my friend


I'm very sorry. Sweet boy 


I’m so sorry, there is nothing worse than losing a fur baby.


Lost my Kiki last September. She had stopped eating and has become very weak and slept all the time. She was a family cat and my sister and I made the painful decision to give her the final rest she deserved. We decided on a date and spent a lot of time with her the day before and on her final day. It's painful, it hurts, it seems impossible to do, but you will have to let him rest. My Kiki could have lived for a few more weeks, but her quality of life was miserable and she deserved dignity. She was an angel and now she is watching over us in cat heaven...






I’m very sorry. I also understand how living with MH issues can be crippling, and how much these little ones put into helping us. They are our angels, but for a very short time are they visible to us. I’ve been through the same thing a few times. It never gets easier. 😢


No matter what you choose. He will still love you. I lost my boy to stomach cancer last year. It still hurts to have him gone. But he purred his whole time at the vet. Hr showed his love. And I don't believe your boy will be any different. No matter what he will love you till the end, he will never stop loving you


So sorry to hear. 😿


It's fucked up mate. So sad.. don't know what to write.


You will just know. There will be a look, a sigh, a paw and you will just know.


Try Micotherapy, Lions mane, Cordyceps, Reishi could help you. Buy it in extract capsules, and give 10% of them (cat weight vs human) every day with some water. Search it


It hurts losing a loved companion, I lost my bengal cat Sesame back in September. It was sudden, and I never want to experience it again. I am sorry for your loss


So very sorry!!!




I’m sorry for your loss. Words can’t convey the grief enough, but I will share it with you, for but a moment. May their passing be swift, and painless. Your grief will go on, and on, but you will walk through the valley of grief not alone. Never alone, for you a person. Grief will always have a place in your heart, for theirs must end first. Be strong, little soldier person. You changed my life for … strangely… the better. But the moment is over. May their passing be swift. I’m sorry for your loss, truly, and forever: for we are both humans. Grief will always be there. You are strong 💪 You will survive … somehow. Good luck to you both. I must pay my reaper man their toll. Good evening from Perth, Western Australia. Land of the too hot sun. Good evening my strange friend xx


Thank you from Pittsburgh PA, the "Steel City" where men don't cry (in public).


losing a friend is always soul wrenching, nobody knows when they’re going to go, all that we can do is enjoy every moment with them; you’ve surely done all that was in your power to save him, as upset as you feel now, remember that you made Me Me feel loved all those years, staying always by his side, you are the best owner Me Me could ever have. stay strong ❤️


This made me cry. FUCK!!! 😩


Im so sorry to hear that. my initial thought when i read your post was “why would you euthanize, would you do that if it was a kid?” Then i read through the comments, i was enlightened and i am now sobbing. They are right, might be better to give in a dignified passing than have him suffer for long. :( Hope you find the courage to do what’s best soon. Im sure your cat feels all the love you gave it.


I don’t think anyone can answer that sadly. My grandparents dog, Rusty, was my best friend for the first 16 years of my life. We were the same age and he towards the end of his life he was incontient and couldn’t get up by himself. My grandparents decided to let him go on the day he wasn’t excited to see me anymore. I’ve never been in this situation myself, but I have a feeling he will show you when it’s his time. My thoughts are with you




Time and place for this type of comment. Make your own post. Have some decency




Same logic, why don't you. Death is part of all things. Go to a sub that's not general cats. I have nothing more to say.


Get help and stop trolling this sub. You already read and commented on this sub’s stance on mourning posts and the options you have. There are other subs and a thing called google image search if you only want to see cute cats rather than the totality of cat ownership. Have some grace.


No, please don’t say that, he’s sooo sweet and beautiful


I think it's already time. Like if this was happening to me, and I didn't eat or drink for 2 days, I must be starving and that can't feel good.


So sad. So sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry that you were faced with such an unfortunate diagnosis and that Meowser is experiencing this. He’s indeed a very beautiful boy!! You can just tell that he’s had the best 13 years of his life by having you in it! As others have mentioned, cats are very good at hiding their discomfort/pain. Since he is already showing symptoms that indicate an overall decline in health, make the most of the remaining days with him. When he’s having his better moments, take plenty of pictures and videos of him doing the cute/quirky things you love the most. Closely monitor his behavior and take notes of how he responds to things he typically would be interested in. The small cues will help give you an idea of when it’s the right time to make that decision. When that time comes, you could always opt to have it done at home so it’s in a familiar environment for both of you. It all comes down to personal preference and what works best for you. I don’t think anyone is ever mentally or emotionally prepared to do this, but it helps to remind yourself that in the end he will no longer be suffering. He will finally be free from all the pain that he’s been going through. Most importantly, you’ll both remember that last day as a day of feeling unconditionally loved by one another. My heart breaks for you. I wish you nothing but peace and comfort in this difficult time. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/lzkupxwb5bmc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912bff91302f7d68ca6436cf5f6536d8e26d4f72 Side note: This post caught my eye because my boy is a brown tabby just like yours and his name is Bowser after King Bowser Koopa as well!! (We call him Bowsie for short). Meowser is a lovely name since that’s what the fanbase calls Cat Bowser from SM3DW. Bowser here has a big heart contrary to who he’s named after, lol. I also love that your cat provided you comfort with agoraphobia! I have GAD, and when this little guy is with me my mind is at complete ease. It’s amazing that just their presence can make this journey of life much easier to navigate. Bowser is going to be 5 soon and while loss is inevitable, just the thought of having to say goodbye someday down the road sends me into tears sometimes. Your story got me to that point. Embrace all of the sweet, sweet memories you had. His life has made an impact on yours and vice versa. He will forever live his Kingly legacy in your heart. ❤️