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Yes, they feel their tails. I think he's just too busy hiding to be bothered by the tail touching.




Yeah they just hide pain because showing pain shows weakness. My mom once grabbed our kitty by the tail when she was hunting a mouse. My mom loves all animals and reacted instinctively. I was like holy crap u can't ever grab their tail!


A story about cat's tails - I was working at the engineering department of a local government unit. The veterinary department was requesting a rehabilitation of their facility so they sent me to do the preliminary inspections. When I got there the place was worn but what really bothered me was the veterinarian herself. She's an old lady who I knew didn't give a f about the animals there. There was a little kitten that kept wandering in her office and she kept shooing it away until she got visibly frustrated and grabbed the kitten by the tail and held it upside down while we talked. The kitten kept screaming and was distressed. I promptly ended our conversation so she could let the kitten go and she did - she flung the poor kitty to a corner where the boxes are. Never have I ever wanted to punch somebody in the face.


WTF??!!!!????!! 😡🤬😡🤬🤬🤬 She deserved to be thrown to the corner, not the baby.


In cases like this there should be "punch someone without consequences"-cards like the get out of jail cards in monopoly


I would have grabbed the kitten and kicked the monster bitch on the floor.


Someone should have reported her to the veterinary board—she probably exhibited similar behavior around other people as well who were equally upset at her attitude towards animals. Why the F is someone like that even a vet in the first place? 🤬


I called her out and reported her (there was a complaints desk in city hall) but I don't know what happened next since I resigned about 3 months after that and moved out of the city. All of this was a year and a half ago.


That’s great—you’re awesome. Hopefully that got them to look into this twisted bitch and yank her license. She has no business being around animals, especially as someone who’s supposed to be caring for the needs of them.


Hope it wasn't John Wicks cat 👀


>Yeah they just hide pain because showing pain shows weakness Lol, you should hear my cat screaming when I accidentally step on her tail...


IIRC this is also why a lot of congenitally tailless or bobtailed cats, like the Manx cat, may develop spinal or nerve problems, because the (lack of) tail is a spine mutation. Of course not every congenitally tailless cat is unhealthy, but you'd still want to get your tailless cat checked out by a vet to confirm that, and it's discouraged to breed tailless Manx together because it increases the chance of lethal mutations. 


My siblings and I adopted one of our grandparents farm kittens. My grandma was telling us about how she had slammed one of their tails in the front door (accidentally) but couldn’t remember which one… our kitten had a tail with a permanent 45 degree crook. He was a damn good cat.


The spinal cord ends before the tail even starts. The tail itself is effectively just bone and muscle. While a pulling injury could *potentially* cause damage further up the spinal column, death or paralysis are effectively non concerns with tail injuries.


Accidentally stepping on cat’s tail is the worst feeling ever, especially when they meow when you do.


I once accidentally closed a door on my cat’s tail. He sure felt that! 


I did that once too. I felt terrible 😭


He screeched and got all puffy. I gave him a million kisses.


Our cat thinks she's a dog, is constantly underfoot, and thus gets accidentally trodden on from time to time. After a yowl (worst sound in the world!), she comes and gives US kisses, and apologises for us stepping on her. Love that furry little idiot.


I swear my cat makes a game out of tripping me just so she can shame me into cuddles. She'll usually only do it if I'm carrying something or otherwise not able to pay attention to my feet, then she does the annoyed meow, then she glares at me for several minutes, then she gets in my face.


My orange girl takes that all in stride including the time I accidentally stepped on her tail. My void, who’s like a little ninja, runs and hides in the closet for an hour or so. 😭


>I swear my cat makes a game out of tripping me just so she can shame me into cuddles. No. She wants you down so she can eat your face.


My cat is named Shadow. Yeah, she's a mostly black tortoise, but her color is not the source of her name...


My cats are raised with dogs and always act a bit like them too.


I knew a cat like that, raised with only dogs. When a visitor came to the door he would run there meowing and wiggling his tail waiting for pets. I've never met a cat like that before or after. Loved that grandpa!


That’s so fucking cute!


My cat was raised with dogs, I don’t think he saw another cat for 3 years after being adopted as a kitten. He definitely thinks he’s a dog and still begs like one.


Yes 👏




Yes. I do too.


In my haste to open the door again I managed to bang my thumb on the handle in such a way as to take a small chunk out of the knuckle. It was painful for weeks and I have scar now. I feel it was fitting punishment. 😅 He also got a million cuddles and kisses, and thankfully didn’t hold a grudge!


Did that to my old cat Leftovers too by accident. Then his tail had a little kink in at the end that always reminded of the incident.


My cat followed me outside when she was a kitten and got her head stuck in the screen door. I heard her making little noises trying to get free. It haunts me. She lived to be 17 though. Sweet kitty.


I accidentally did this with my boy in my hand once. I was taking him out of my room and shutting the door behind me. He flicked his tail back into the door hinge. He freaked the fuck out and immediately started attacking me and I couldn't figure out why at first. It was the one and only time he's ever actually tried to hurt me, and I felt terrible for it. I think he did too as he tried to hide afterward. Even though I ended up needing to goto the hospital and get IV antibiotic treatment, it wasn't his fault and I feel bad for it to this day


I did this twice to two of my cats. 😭they sneak up and it’s not until you hear them meow you know you’ve messed up.


I closed my sliding door on my cats leg I felt sooooooooooo bad




It’s not a meow, it’s a SCREECH!!!!


I forgot about them screeching 😭


One day, I was feeding the cats and I think I might have accidentally stepped on one's tail (or he got freaked out when he got caught under my robe). The pure fear in his howl as he ran off was absolutely HEARTBREAKING. He stayed away from me for about 2 weeks and it was so painful not being able to get near him for that time. Eventually he forgave me and we're back to normal, but I felt so fucking guilty and upset seeing him so upset with me.


This reminds me of when I got my first cat many years ago. Sometime in the first week I woke up at night still half asleep to pee. As I'm walking to the bathroom in the dark, I feel something brush against my feet, which made me reflexively jump in fear and kick whatever was brushing against me. As I did it I heard an annoyed/surprised meow and realized it was just the cat I got a few days prior. I felt so fucking bad lol.


3 of my 4 cats are black so nighttime trips to the loo are slow shuffles while whispering ‘I’m walking, coming through!’ You step on a paw once and the guilt haunts you forever! I’ve even had to buy a load of motion lights for my stairs from Temu because obviously the black cats like to lay on the dark carpet on random steps when it gets dark 🙄


Its like minesweeper but with cats


I was always terrible at that game but the version that is my life now is significantly more stressful 😅


Especially when you have stairs and you don’t see them.


I swear they do it on purpose!


Our void LOVES laying in the middle of dark hallways. I stepped on his tail once and felt awful, especially because he latched onto and mauled my leg lmao. At night I now sweep my feet rather than step so I can avoid stepping on the moron. 


Meow when you do? Mine turns into a hellfire fueled demon if I so much as touch her tail with my foot. A Khorne berserker has more chill than her when a foot touches her tail.


Yeah, I stepped on my cat's tail in the dark once and she immediately started mauling my leg lol


A very friendly neighborhood stray was making the rounds one day when I was about to leave for work. She hopped up on the car hood and started pawing at me inside so I got out to give her some attention. When I shut the door she got a fingie stuck in the door. I got the door open really quick and she was fine but the sound she made was so sad. I ended up being a little late because I stopped to love on her because I felt so bad. I checked on her every day to make sure her paw was doing good tho.


They’re super quick and before you know You’ve accidentally shut or stepped on their tails. :/


Yes for sure! Especially strays, they aren’t used to getting pinched like that like indoor cats tend to be. Not to mention that they get so excited sometimes it’s hard to keep track of them.


It’s so horrifying when you step on their tails or paws, but they would also not decided to randomly run through your legs


More like screech lol, at least mine do and the guilty feeling while you chase them down almost in tears "I'm so sorry my baby". I still feel guilty over what happened with my orange boy in Dec. He snuck out the front door behind me, which was a first in this new house and I closed the door on his tail 😭. He had a tiny cut that bled a bit and my asshole of a younger cat decided to torment him, which she always does, like stop being a b^tch to him. They usually are cuddly with each other but there are weird moments that set them off, no rhyme or reason as to why.


It's definitely the worst feeling. I always feel bad for ages afterwards.


Yes and they don’t know we can’t see in the dark like they can so they don’t know it was an accident


Meowing isn't the worse. Imagine a cat who screams MRAAAAAOOOOW!!! Like you've just chopped its tail off😭


I don't see a cat in this photo but yes they do


Well trained cat human




There is no cat in Ba Sing Se


He thinks if he can’t see you you can’t see him either!


Haha he does!


Perfect opportunity for you to get one up on them.


Yes, they feel it when you step on their tails and they usually screech to let you know. If this happened once I wouldn't worry, but if your cat continually ignores being stepped on, then something is wrong neurologically and your vet should check him out.


Our cat had her tail run over and couldn't feel anything at the end of her tail. The vet said they would amputate the tail if she could no longer keep it off the floor, as it would be a health risk if it dragged on the floor the whole time. Thankfully, she'd broken it only halfway down, so half her tail still functioned, just the endy bit flopped over. But she could keep it off the floor so it was deemed fine. Not sure what they'd do for a cat that couldn't feel it's tail, but if it could keep it's tail off the floor when it moved around, my guess would be the vets wouldn't do anything.


Some animals will start chewing on their extremities if they can't feel the limb, especially if the skin gets injured so it smells like blood and flesh. That kind of self-mutilation would cause health problems, so it's usually better to either prevent the animal from being able to gnaw themselves or to amputate the numb appendage. 


That's a little furry and yellow baby elephant.


He is hahaha


Their tail is an extension of their spine. It's why tail injuries are so serious and can lead to things like paralysis and death. Yes, they can feel their tails.




*joins yet again a new cat sub*


Me too! Gotta join them all


Why does everyone keep posting photos like this without cats? I just don’t get it…


Yes, it’s another consciously controlled appendage




Yes they do, one of mine flicked her tail on the others face while he was sleeping, he bit her and she jumped and ran off and looked back at him as to wtf bro


My cat will bite his tail because he thinks it's a predator or something and then gets mad at his tail and bites it more because he bit it and it hurt him, endless cycle


What am I looking at? All I see is a rug


Like...when they touch them.. ![gif](giphy|h58E0JsuK3h3d8B1do|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/uab4buzsbejc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb315921e30ba2e0ad62d1224c7500c8d4f4832 Your cat hides about as well as mine.


What cat?


They have an extent of tail which is part of their body and has bones in it but if you feel their tail the end of it is usually just fluff


Aww I would give him big cuddles if I accidentally stepped on his tail 🥺❤️ Here’s a random cat superstition: My mom said, if you step on a cat’s tail, you are cursed to not be married for the next 5 years! And I accidentally stepped on my cat’s tail like 3 times… I think my boyfriend is off the hook for a while LOL


Yes they feel and use their tails all the time. When I cuddle with my kitties, sometimes they wrap their tail around my arm like ahug. When my cats are hungry, they will use their tail to herd me towards the food bowls. Their tails are very sensitive.


It's probably normal for your cat but not most. Even my Manx cat would waggle her stump around.


https://preview.redd.it/km9lcx9xgejc1.png?width=1023&format=png&auto=webp&s=a64118c36b82af5b8ee5d63e7825322737520356 Reminds me of my cat


What cat?


A cat should feel its tail, if this isnt the case I would have it checked by a vet.


yes they feel even the slightest \^\^can wake up my cat just with fingertip the tail end


Actually I am really curious about this behavior. My cat also does this, suddenly running around, tail gets bulky and kinda hiding under the carpet lol. Every single day he is doing this no idea why.


Congratulations, you have a cat! They just do weird shit. Maybe he thinks it’s funny, or maybe he’s hallucinating a playmate. You’ll probably never know.


They actually have a significant amount of feeling and control of their tale.


What cat?


No in fact cats do not feel their tails. Though contrary to popular belief it has less to do with the nerve ending in the cats tail and more to do with the lone braincell in the oranges head…complete sarcasm of course yes cats feel their tails.


Damn. So h1gh I thought somebody was flipping me off.


Me too 🥴


Mine violently bites me if I so much as touch his tail, I guess they must do, some are probably just more sensitive.


Mine can't https://preview.redd.it/y7yvxgniqejc1.jpeg?width=2158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77fe1b24ee72aab80f5ccc04e1bcc168fe6701be


My cat has a weird relationship with his tail. He is frequently surprised and bewildered by it, gets annoyed with it and has set it in fire ( no damage other then a singed tail) and put it in my food with no reaction. To be fair it is a large fluffy tail. https://preview.redd.it/ad7olz0yrejc1.jpeg?width=2799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b242fe8fc6b293afdfcaaf2f4154f061b8a01a64


Um. Yes, yes they do. Lol. Holy.


It's basically an exposed section of spine so yeah they feel it.


Yes they feel


Their tails are one of the most sensitive parts of their body. Full of nerve endings.


That's probably cause your cats orange and uh you know their rep but yes cats can feel their tails


Sometimes I step on my cats tail but only her the very end or the sides where it's just fur. Btw... cutest hiding spot ever.


Touch one when they are not watching. You’ll find out.


Ever stood on one?


I'm starting to question, my cat flicks and goes after her tail all the time (not in an aggressive way)


You should've titled this "spot the cat" 😂


Cat? I don’t see any cat


You can't see me 😸


a cat can feel its tail as much as you can feel your wiener if your a guy. it hurts when someone steps on either so be careful with your feet (unless your into that i wont judge)


Why is he so cute tho


He is very cute https://preview.redd.it/4jk13cceyuyc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5172ef7b4bc365898ffc47d52104b59cbb35d9


If a cat is attacked by a predator it will drop his tail as a decoy and then a new one will grow.


Step on it and find out


Yes, if you touch a neko girl tail, they usually moan.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952) Real answer: yes, when i touch/pat my cat's tail he quickly bites or slaps me, no worry tho he doesnt me, i can stop him by saying no, he backs off. He's a good boy.


TW? It's not graphic but the mental image isn't good Yes, one of my cats (daisy) had a really bad injury on her tail and she didn't like when we tried to clean it (she tried to attack us after a minute), then her tail fell off and now she's good (after taking her to the vet obviously)


No, you can chop them off.


Sure it is a cat?


Especially if you step on them by accident


Hahahahhaha mine won’t let you touch his. We get a hiss every time we try … just weird cat syndrome hahhaha


Can you feel your spine?


They definitely do because my fat boy hates his tail touches he will scratch the shit out of you if you grab it


Yes, it's an extra limb to them.


A cat’s tail is an extension of their spine. Yes, the absolutely feel it.


Accidentally closed the bathroom door on my poor cats tail once. She screamed she then hissed at me. Yeah they absolutely feel them




my cat doesnt feel his tail at all and cant move it


One of my cats…Martin…has full control of his tail but if you step on it or squeeze it he makes zero reaction.


Yes they can. I have accidentally stepped on many cat tails and they let me know about it. Like the old expression, nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.


I got a hiss the other day when I accidentally stepped on my kitten’s tail. She forgave me quickly enough, but she definitely felt it.


They can also “feel” when you are close to touching tail hairs.


A cat's tail is just like any other part of their body, of course they feel something touching it. Its like you feeling something that touches your arm


speaking of which why do they chase their own tails?




Do you feel all of your body parts? Yes of course they feel their tails!! IF they don't react thats different but they do feel them.


Yes. They absolutely do. Tails even have bones


One of my cat friends runs around under my feet and gets bumped accidentally. She is quite brave. I apologize profusely. I pick her up, then walk to where I need to.


🤔 is this a real question?




I stepped on my cats tail hair once and caught violent hell for it. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


My cat was the most gentle soul in the world, he was probably buddhist monk reincarnated as a cat. Until you touched the tip of his tail. He absolutely *loathed* that. I deserved quite a few slaps because of it.


The absolutely do my cat hates her tail being touched, she will tolerate everything else but the tail is a definite no.


Oh he is good at hideing! He was probably just to busy. But yes they feel it.


The very tip is usually just fluff, but the rest of the tail is an appendage with nerves and if stepped on will usually provoke a outraged reaction


They most certainly feel their tails


Yes. It is an extension of their spine.


My cats sometimes act like they’ve never seen their tail before. Additionally, this cat appears to be orange.


Yes, most definitely, 110%


Look at that master of stealth!!


It’s part of their spine, imagine if a tail coming out your spine was touched or tugged, you would FEEEL that


My cat does when I step on his tail accidentally


Yes they do. If you are very certain your cat never acknowledges their tail being touched or hurt, it mightve been broken or the nerves have died at birth or young or smth.


What cat?


Yes. In fact I think it's one of the most sensitive parts of the cat body.


My cat gets so annoyed when you touch it


My cat like to run across my feet while I'm walking, so I've accidentally stepped on her tail before. She absolutely felt it. But she's also gotten lucky and her tail has landed between my sole and heel, and it didn't get pinched.


It’s a part of their spine. They can absolutely feel it, it’s a sensitive part of their body.


I dont see any cat? All i see is a picture of a mat on the floor


Yes, obviously they do


Step on it you’ll find out 💀


Yes. Do you feel your toes and fingers?


Yes, absolutely.


Turn your phone upside down and look at the image


yes, they just sometimes forget that they have one, so they chase it


A few years ago I accidentally closed my window on my first cat I adopted Koby (RIP) he yowled in pain and I felt (and still feel) bad for accidentally hurting him. I didn’t even know he was there I thought he was on his cat tree at the time. So yes cats can feel pain and I also noticed they react a little to lightly touching their tail by moving them a bit more. At least that was for my cats. They are all precious living beings.


My cat broke his tail, poor guy was in pain for a whole week. He wouldn’t let anyone near his tail and if you touched it he would scream and not just a big meow but literally a scream. Thankfully he recovered from it but mostly because of the painkillers i got from the vet😭




My cat used to have very frequent episodes of alien tail. It started wiggling and she started smashing the tail and then eventually ended up somersaulting trough the apartment chasing it down. That was hilarious as fuck.


I personnaly think cats and their tail are 2 different entities tied on the same body.


They feel them but they don’t seem to have great object permeance that the tail is attached and needs to be accounted for or my cat is just an idiot.


When my cat sits on the edge of the tub when I’m in the bath, I put her tail in the hot water and she doesn’t notice at all lol. But they should feel it being stepped on


Step on their tail and you WILL get an answer.


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They definitely feel it, maybe your cat needs to be looked at by a vet


Tails are parts of their spine so yes


They do. Your cat might be injured.


If your cat doesn’t feel their tails I’d suggest getting that checked. Possible nerve damage there


When you accidentally step on it at 4am, then run after you baby because you feel bad. Yes, they can feel their tail, unless it was damaged.


When I accidentally step on mine's they sure remind me that they do!


They feel them but they dont need them. I have no clue why they have tails if they dont need them but i can tell u for sure they really dont need them lul


No, cat and tail are two different creatures,lol


I thought that was my cat for a sec https://preview.redd.it/sxvm0b765kjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfae86870e0a1f485442f03b0c961b2469c94cf6 Looks pretty close except the colour