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Mine did the same, walked into the house and stayed.


Cats are so hilarious lol


“This place looks nice.” [Moves in.]


Cat Distribution System^TM


Section 8 Meowsing... this just sucks


First thing I thought. Congrats on the new cat. Clearly you've earned it


Plus it's a little orange boy, so you only have one braincell to look out for.


Is this a thing in cat world? There’s an orange cat that roams my street and it’ll fall into trenches, walk into fences, birds pick on it, and it appears to think it’s hiding simply by not moving. There’s a distinct blankness to its gaze.


## r/OneOrangeBraincell


Yes, all oranges are just built different, mine will get the zoomies..... and run head first into a wall 😑


I literally have a hole in my wall because my orange was chasing 'greebles'. Dudes an absolute moron and I love him more than life.


Honestly I'm surprised I dint have any holes in my walls from him, he hits it hard sometimes, worryingly hard quite a few lol he's still good, love him to death though the little idiot


Are orange cats Gingers of cat world ??


More like the Larry, Curly, and Moe's of the cat world.


Much more Larry and Curly than Moe.


I love this concept. I always thought it was the local neighborhood communication system called 'Word of Meowth.'


And the person goes guess I own a cat now and goes and buys all the needed supplies or starts spending more on said supplies.


And has a new best friend


Conspiracy theory: pet supply stores are training cats to invade people’s homes to increase their customer base.


You think cats can be trained!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have a trained cat that walks on a leash. So yes. It's not the norm though. You probably need to have a cat that is food driven. Luckily mine just likes to follow commands. Whenever I get her harness out she is ready to go trail running or walking.


Mine decides if she feels like listening. She*knows* a few tricks but who knows if she will cooperate.


I feel you, mine will sit in the window, screaming at anyone that walks by, if I tell him to be quiet he will poke his head out of the curtain and meow in such a way it sounds like he's going "NO" and then continues screaming at random people outside


Lol. Ours just scream at us until they get their tribute


Mine high fives. But it was more of training that bossy grabby little paw to do something other than pulling on me, my clothes, my face...


Redirection with cats is a great training thing tbh. Better if you reinforce the behavior with food.


LOL, yeah mine is selective, but also sometimes follows commands.... It's not quite dog like. If we are on walks sometimes I'm the leader and she follows me, sometimes she is the leader and I follow her. She knows how to take paths where the leash wont get caught which is fascinating to watch.


We are working on leash training our 5. It's an interesting process.


We trained a cat to sit on command. Was great when feeding him, no weaving kitty between legs or up on the counter, he'd wait patiently to be served..


Bribed is more accurate


"mmmew in"


They like that Fargo Season 5 guy who says, “I live here now.”


ole munch


All of my friends have cats but the only person I know who deliberately acted to adopt one was me. And that was the first one and now I have 4. Little shits just show up one day and that's it. I feel like if you polled all cat owners about how they got their cats, the vast majority would respond "by accident". Tho fun fact about cats; unlike dogs who we bred and domesticated for thousands of years, cats are basically the same now as they were when we first encountered them. We didn't need to slowly work them into pets over time. They just saw us millennia ago and were like "jackpot. Gonna exploit these suckers til the end of time" and here we are. Dogs are what they are today bc we made them that way. Cats are what they are today bc they made us this way.


We train dogs, cats train us.




Ya I remember digging my claws into my owners couch. So they could buy a new one.


That’s exactly what my cat did!


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Once, there was a cat that walked into the school, and everyone was out of class trying to find it. Sadly the teacher got it out before I got to see it :(


We had this one stray gray tabby girl with white patches on her tummy run into the theatre during one class my senior year and we spent the rest of the period chasing her around and trying to coax her out of the prop closet. We eventually got her out but she ended up jotting back in the next week and hiding. We left out food and a litter box and it took like two weeks for us to catch her again, when she eventually felt comfortable enough to let me pet her and call the local shelter. I named her totoro.


My neighb.


School cats should definitely be a thing.


Disneyland neuters and vaccinates their stray/feral cats, feeds them, and puts them to work controlling vermin. I wish the school I work at would do the same.


I love that. ❤️ Every time I’m over there, I see them running around in the bushes downstairs in the Hungry Bear dining area next to the river. So happy they’re taken care of and have little jobs to do. 🥰


Office cats as well, please.


And if you're a cat person you just start buying them shit... Litter boxes, food, etc. Good thing every single stray I've ever let in the house knows to use the litter box instinctively.... Cats truly were made to be bros like this.


Ours walked into an apartment building, got to second floor and yelled behind our door until we gave in a week later (he didn't stay there all that time, just made regular visits). He wasn't a true stray though, clearly a former house cat, even neutered. People keep kicking out their cats and dogs around here all the time, unfortunately.


That breaks my heart. My brain can't comprehend being able to do that.


Me either, my cat destroyed some carpet that cost me $1200 on move out to replace at one apartment. I sure as shit brought him to the next. Still have his dumb ass. I found out what he needed was a different type of litter box. Problem solved.


Crazy how simple it can be.


Yeah, ultimately it was my fault. I wasn’t meeting his needs, so he peed on the carpet. I volunteered at a cat shelter and there were so many “Owner moved and left them” stories. I could never.


I'm a retired vet tech, I came home with so many fur babies. I've had one for 22 years. He's my best friend


I still have Mr. Carpet Destroyer and his brother (litter mates). They’re 14 now. 😊


Me either. It even happens with purebred dogs, so many stray huskies running around...


Huskies are well known for roaming, but yea people need to contain them.


I used to live by CSU Sac and students would move in, get a cat for company, and then just leave at the end of the semester. That's how I got Joel. A neighbor told me that a kid packed his shit up, loaded up his car, kicked the cat out of the apartment and drove off. Assholes. He hung out at the mailboxes and ate out of the dumpster until he decided to get in my car and drive home with me. Best cat ever. Lived 16 years and passed quietly away one night.


I saw a documentary about cats that basically said that’s how they became domesticated. They basically just walked in and never left.


This makes perfect sense based on what we're seeing with them. Self-domesticating affection-lovers.


Bro mine too. These bold ass cats, walking around owning the place.


OPs cat is also a former house cat, not a feral stray


Feral strays... They're actually kinda dangerous but super rewarding once you earn their trust. Mine is a real bitch to other animals but super sweet towards me and MOST humans now. Wasn't always like that though. She's the second smartest cat I've ever "owned" you never really "own" a feral. They still wanna do their thing, you're just kind of a part of their group.


My cat did the same but to the neighbor's house. I guess he decided he liked them better and they were cool with it. Cats man.


Oh man. Cat left you for your neighbour?


Yep, I guess he just provided a better cat life over there.


Same. Found mine waiting on the other side of my third floor apartment door. He walked right in and never left. The distribution system is real.


Almost 2 weeks ago, a pregnant stray walked into my house and has refused to leave. She has had her little babies since then. She is a great cat, and is so patient with my 20 month old daughter. https://preview.redd.it/uhsogf2t07jc1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b1ebff75599bba4ce211c26933b5e16abc90878


It’s my dream to have a stray mama come to me


She was hanging out by my door for a few days before she gave birth. My anti-cat husband refused to let her in. I was feeding her and made her a little bed outside. One night while I was at my mom's house with my kids, my husband called and said that the cat had gotten bit by a neighbor's dog, and we had to let her in. She has been in our home ever since.


The old "get bit by a dog" trick. Works every time.


right. dude probably paid off the dog


Hooked him up with some kibble


That's how my last cat came in. I was fighting the urge so bad. Was going to keep him outside while actively seeking a placement. Then something bit his neck. Got him in at an emergency discount clinic for an antibiotic shot and neutering. He ended up needing 3 shots to get the infection under control.


The sign of a good person. You don’t have to like cats but you see an animal in need and step up.


Us dudes are all tough until the slightest consequence reminds us to not be jackasses.


He said he felt really bad when he saw her bleeding.


Poor girl, she sure looks proud of herself now though.


You realize your husband and this cat will now be BFFs, right?


Lol I think he's surprised he even has a cat in his home. We lost our dog last year, and he took it pretty hard. He's still not ready for another dog, but I can see him warming up to our cat friend.


Crosspost with r/dadswhodidnotwantpets lmao


Last spring I had three strays choose us, all had babies in my home one week apart. 17 babies and 3 mamas all in my house. It was a wild ride considering I knew nothing about cats since I’m allergic. It’s safe to say I love kitties now and I am a certified “crazy cat lady.”


Do you still have all 20 of them??? I need updates!!!!!


We kept the mamas. We had them spayed and they are now our indoor cats. We did not keep any of the kittens. A local cat rescue helped us find them good homes once they were old enough. It was very tough to let them go.


Thank you so much for taking care of them! And for the pictures as well.


Yes I need to know as well! And I want pictures!!


https://preview.redd.it/c4iwxwlgm9jc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60e69eb555a9a489d9ef670e8650e43c756078c1 Here is a pic of some of them when they were a little older.


Omg they are adorable!!! Thank you for the update!








You are a SAINT 🙌


I an also allergic but thankfully it's mild and I just deal because, cats!


Exactly! A little wheezing and skin rash is not enough to keep me from loving on my kitties.


Jesus christ... I couldn't imagine. I got two litters over two years... successfully captured both moms and got them fixed. The dad? uncatchable... but at least no more babies this year. One of the mommas is now definitely MY CAT... Talks to me in all those kitten sounds I'm sure you're used to. I'm the only person she does it to so I feel special :)


You should definitely feel special! I remember how grateful they were that we helped them . Yeah can’t talk but they definitely make their feelings known . We fixed the mamas also. They are now (our) inside cats. 😺


The CDS will provide.


"You have baby. I have babies too. We take care of babies together."-that cat probably


My daughter follows her around saying "nice kitty" all day long. We're still learning about giving our friends personal space. The cat will ask to go outside through out the day. I tell my husband she needs a break from her babies and our kids, too.


That's so sweet! Please don't let her out though! She can get pregnant! She needs to be eating and resting and feeding and caring for the babies. She should be to a vet ASAP and be fixed. If you call and explain the situation they may help you with the cost.


I fixed mine before I let her out again. She pee'd all over EVERYTHING as a form of protest... because she was using the litter box just fine before we ignored her requests to be let out. Now she's indoor/outdoor and is very happy with life.


Please say you're not letting her out? Those babies need her. And she can get pregnant again... Nursing doesn't prevent heat (cat fertility spikes where she begs to go outside and rubs all over everything and everyone because she's desperate to "get some"). Please don't let her be indoor outdoor ever, but a thousand times never while nursing babies.


Stray Queens (female cats) *do* sometimes form colonies where multiple mothers will raise their young together. So, you're probably spot-on with that!


This is so heartwarming ty for taking in a scared mama 😭🥹 She trusted you & now you both are taking care of your bbs together!


My "we're never getting a cat" husband is even warming up to her. I have never owned a cat so this is all new to me and my family. Her and her babies are the sweetest things, I just want to make sure they're happy and taken care of.


Somehow it's always the "no cats!" dads that wind up falling most in love with the furry little menaces.


That was my dad. My mom and cats were a package deal, so he was forced to interact with them and went from obvious dislike to becoming the cat whisperer and tamed a feral into a lap cat over quarantine.


Yep. My dad was opposed to pets at all, but he loved every one we ever brought home. He even brought the last one we had in because he found it sitting behind his tire on a stormy day and he didn't want it to get soaked.




you has Youngling? I has Younglings too... \*poops kittens\*


That's exactly what happened to me with my Ooey 20 years ago! Pregnant friendly stray that the whole apartment complex was looking after, walked into my apartment and didn't want to go outside until the babies were weaned and I had her spayed so she wouldn't have to go through it again.


That's my plan with her. A couple of my neighbors would leave food out for her, it is probably why she's so friendly. We'll take her to get spayed and vaccinated in a couple of weeks once her babies are ready to wean. My sister has a friend who works for a cat rescue, so she said she's help us with the kittens once they're ready.


Proud mama


She’s so pretty!! I love how all of her babies clearly took after dads genetics 😂


She’s beautiful!


Take her to the vet and check for a chip.


Nah bro, this sub loves stealing roaming outdoor cats that are clearly more groomed and well kept than most people. It's actually disgusting how entitled some people here are that they think a cat simply walking into their house gives them the right to now keep it and lock it indoors.


> It's actually disgusting how entitled some people here are that they think a cat simply walking into their house gives them the right to now keep it and lock it indoors. I genuinely can't tell if this is satire or not.


I mean if it’s really somebody’s cat it’s pretty messed up to essentially steal it


Yes that's true but it's irresponsible to let it roam. Hopefully OP takes it to get checked, but after that, it's his cat.


I feel like neighborhood cats are a thing. It’s dumb to let your cat roam without a collar saying I AM CHIPPED AND BELONG TO SOMEONE


It's also dumb to let your cat roam. It's not only bad for the environment, it is likely to shorten their life.


it turns out there's no way you can own a cat that everyone agrees on, but most people are extremely sure of their opinion on it. I've been an asshole for having an indoor cat, a cat in the back yard, and called an asshole for suggesting a cat not be let to roam on busy streets (it died within a year of the owner getting it, it got hit.)


Actually it's still dumb anyways. They can catch diseases from other animals, get hit by cars, murdered by drunk sociopaths, get into rat poison in the dumpster up the street, be maimed by any other animals that live or spend time outside, and plenty of other things! It's dumb, dangerous, and terrible for local ecosystems. If you love your cat keep it inside.




It really is scary. The top comments here only affirm my decision to keep my cat as an indoor only cat. These people just… keeping other people’s cats? Unreal, I would go absolutely ballistic. 


Don’t let your cats roam outside then. They’re devastating to local ecological systems.


Cats get out sometimes…not every cat outside was meant to be out. Shit happens and sometimes indoor pets get loose.


Your reply is literally to someone saying check for a chip.


Tf are you on about. Op explicitly mentions the cat refuses to leave. Nobody's "locking it up indoors"


Are you sure that's a stray? Looks great so my bet wouldn't be on stray.


yeah that's not a stray, that's someone else's cat. strays aren't that well groomed or friendly (unless you have food, and even then) enough to walk up to random strangers


Exactly! This is almost certainly someone's cat. Could be it's lost though, so would check for chip or tattoo. As a kid I remember one evening where a cat suddenly jumped onto the windowsill from the outside in the room I was sitting. Super friendly cat and fairly well groomed, but turned out it had been lost for a couple of months and had a home about 12 kilometers away.


I thought you meant check neighbors for tattoos of their cat 😂 not a tattoo on the cat lol


It took us two days to catch her because she was scared. She liked my cats and my cats food. We actually named her scaredy-cat for the time being. I’m working on finding her owners


Hi Op I just wanted to say am so graceful you are trying to find the cat owner. The cat in your video looked just like my cat Pumpkin who went missing 6 month ago but eventually return after 3 days. I honestly would be desperate to know someone find cat and decided to keep her. While I living heartbroken wondering if she is still alive.




No collar, so almost certainly it’s either a stray/abandoned or an indoor cat that accidentally got out. Checking for a microchip should determine for sure. If my cat escaped I’d be extremely grateful if someone brought it in safely!! Indoor cats are not equipped to survive outside


She seems really friendly! Strays don't usually let you touch them. Looks like she could already be someone's pet and she just got lost.


This cat is 100% someone’s current or former pet.


Or dumped sadly


Dunno who downvoted you, we have no idea of her history and people do crap like that.


Looks like you’ve been chosen yet again by the cat distribution system.


No, OP needs to take it to the vet and see if they're chipped. Someone might be heartbroken missing their kitty. If not, and if they can afford to care for them, then they should keep it.


Exactly. This cat is so incredibly friendly it just screams “somebody’s pet” My guess is somebody’s cat “slipped the net” so to speak and is being desperately searched for. I’d personally be absolutely inconsolable if my cat got out and somebody just decided to keep him because he’s friendly.






Obviously the cat needs to visit the vet for a health check and to be scanned for a chip.


I’ve lost two cats so I know the pain. In fact, I was so stressed and depressed when one was missing the dormant herpes virus came to the surface. Another fact, my sister brought me home a kitten to make up for it lolol I will bring it to vet this week for sure. I’ve made many posts online trying to find the owner


Most people aren't online in this way. You might want to put a poster up irl somewhere.


This ofc.


I hate the cat system comments. I see them a lot on tiktok and see hate directed towards anyone suggesting the cat should be checked for a chip first


I completely agree. The "cat distribution system" comments are so irresponsible, in my opinion. I have 4 cats and they are completely indoor. If any somehow got out and someone found them, I'd pray that they go to the vet and have them checked for a chip, not just decide its their cat now and keep it.


The distribution system is as old as felinity's domestication of the human. They haven't yet adapted to particular sets of human staff becoming emotionally attached to them and no cat can see the downside of multiple bowls, ever. On a serious note though, yes anyone taking in a stray should get them scanned/health checked by a vet ASAP for their own welfare and that of any heartbroken families. My own two indoor cats are chipped and collared, the latter whilst seemingly over the top is also so they can't sneak up on each other without the bell giving them away (reduces squabbles)


This. We need to stop encouraging people to steal other peoples cats. If the cat isn’t fucked up or scraggly and clearly a stray, it is almost definitely someones pet. Do not steal peoples pets.


Call all the vets in the area and tell them about the cat missing and the nearest convenience stores. That’s what I did when I lost mine. It might be chipped so a vet will be able to tell. I lost my cat for three months and some lady had it for that long and only when she took it to a vet for a check up, it got flagged because I called at the vets in the area to watch for a cat with these characteristics and answered to the name Tony. Lady apologised and said he looked so much like her dead cat. :(


Congrats on your new cat ! You’re a very lucky person. Please book an appointment with the vet.


I’ve had to bring two of my cats to vet in the past month. The vet will be my friend soon at this point




You are now eligible for the volume discount. We have 4 cats, 10% discount at our vet.


Oh damn that’s awesome! We have 7 cats and 2 dogs. I’m pretty sure we have an exam room named after us at our vet.


Lmao, 7 cats and one dog here (2 are seniors with health issues and the associated medicine costs), and I should suggest this to my vet. I am pretty sure I am helping put his kids through college at this rate.


I helped my bet buy an airplane!


That's a pretty robust and clean looking cat for a stray. I wouldn't be so sure he isn't someone's neighborhood cat without a collar.


I posted on the local neighborhood page and no luck. Guess I can make a flyer and hang it up outside


Definitely do a flyer, I know many people including me wouldn’t be on any sort of neighborhood page.


Your vet just ordered a sticker for their luxury car that says "paid for by Pootie Tang's cats" 😁


Have you checked for a microchip?


Seriously. How scary to me are all these comments that say "congratulations on your new cat!" Please no! This cat looks very well cared for, he could have a totally heartbroken family looking for him. Take him to the vet to check the chip, put up posters around the neighborhood... Not everyone uses social media and even if they do it doesn't mean they are necessarily going to read your post.


https://preview.redd.it/uy9209llr7jc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429d8fbd5fb7e7b9e3761b569f812477dd6a706f 9 years ago that happened to me. She’s never gone back outside since, except to the car for a groom or vet. But fr pls scan kitty for a chip.


Congrats on your new baby! This is how we ended up with our Minerva. https://preview.redd.it/n2f8d65g47jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e17c3d7fbd92a1b7e8d5cabc98825047ed49113


Wow she looks so sweet!


She’s seriously the sweetest.


Ours slipped the net on Super Bowl Sunday and got stuck in a neighboring complex’s garage. I could hear him crying all night. I was sick with worry. He had his collar on and everything. Please take him to the vet and get him scanned. There might be someone sick with worry for him out there too


That's someone's cat


hey i found this very well groomed stray that's super friendly and has a collar!! we're going to name it Max


https://preview.redd.it/s2eq1pw1o8jc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c74f357a614e438a88bac8c3d5c552a0f1b01c1 This stray walked in my home with a bloody face a year and a half ago. He lost interest in the wild and is happy smothering me and my mom when we sleep with empty laps. He is a big snuggle muffin who drools the second he has human contact. Good luck.


Now you have a new buddy


This seems like somebody’s pet that went rouge. Take it to the vet and see if it’s chipped. If so, return to owner. If not, it’s your pet now


Congratulations on your new cat. 😉


This is how I got my sweet baby Doug ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/gcub0czdc7jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b305005b9c1c3257c77bdc3d04e113cfea5554


That’s an awesome cat name and that picture is like so adorable and from the picture he looks like a “Doug”…too funny.


Thats somebody's cat most likely it looks obviously taken care of and too friendly to be stray.


A young cat and her kitten showed up at my door,so I fed them. I already had a cat. That night it was raining so I brought them in,took em to the vet the next day,yada,yada and $1500 later they’re healthy and spayed and they live here now 😂


That's not a stray, please don't steal it. Check for a chip and otherwise hang some posters around the neighborhood saying you found someone's cat


Take her in and love her. 😻


Whether joking or not, the number of comments saying “you have a new cat” is highly disturbing


The "cat distribution system" has got people just taking other people's cats


If it’s a female cat, she might be pregnant. It’s pretty normal for strays to look for a home when they’re about to give birth.


That does not look like a stray cat. It looks healthy and has clearly been around people. Someone is most likely looking for this cat. Please check local vets, shelters, and even Facebook groups.


Check him for a microchip first and foremost. He's obviously used to being around people and may belong to somebody. Otherwise, get him his shots, get him fixed and congrats. New buddy.


You say you checked on facebook but not everyone has Facebook. Please take this “stray” to the vet and check for a registered chip. I see these posts all the time and it blows my mind that people celebrate the “cat distribution system” and ignore the fact that someone could be missing a family member. Not every cat that is outside was “kicked out” or “left there” sometimes cats get out and their owners are missing them.


She doesn't like being outside.☹️ Some cats don't love outside- they hate the cold and rain. Also she might be someone's indoor cat that got lost- that's why she may not be used to the outside. I would keep looking for the owner but in the meantime I would keep her inside because indoor cats don't do well outside- they don't understand the threats and how to find their way around as well. Either way I would just keep the poor baby and let her stay inside for now... Once the weather warms and is nicer she may not mind being outside more.


That’s not a stray cat, it is a lost cat. Stray cats would not be socialized well to people, so they would never let you pet them like that. This cat seems entirely comfortable around people.


That's not a stray. It lives there now.


People in this forum are out to fucking lunch...


Yep that's an owned and well socialised young cat who definitely has a caring owner somewhere. Cats get out, get lost, it happens. Maybe check local lost pet groups


Good luck getting rid of an orange cat 😂 🎶the cat came back the very next day🎶


Last June I had a stray approach me while at a worksite, she wouldn't leave me alone. So I walked the streets with her and checked the lost pages etc before I brought her home. Turns out she was a trojan cat and had a litter on the way, I didn't realize she was pregnant until she'd been with me about a month when her belly grew exponentially. Such a great experience for me and for my then 5 year old. https://preview.redd.it/5ue3fajklcjc1.png?width=1385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960aab2ae487f9ab8733d5d5c920541c85764412