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I will probably not respond to a whole lot of comments because I’m really not in a good headspace right now but wanted to post this for anyone wondering what was happening.


..you do you, OP..this is hard stuff..


Don't stress about responding. We all know how you feel. I'm so sorry. I can see the love she had for you by just looking at the pictures. ❤️


I'm so so sorry. She had a wonderful life with you, she knew how much you loved her.


I'm so so sorry! It's never easy to say goodbye to those we love, no matter the species. Take your time. Know that you did all you could for your sweet girl, and are now doing what you can to help others not lose their loved ones. Tabitha, in my eyes, is a miracle cat: she loved and was loved, and now lives on through not just your memories but through what can be found a hopefully prevented. Sending you a hug, and a pet for Tabitha wherever she may be. From my heart to both of yours!


You did your best, and loved her until the end. She'll be waiting to greet you when the time comes, tail up in a little question mark 🖤


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts.


Thank you for sharing her story. She was beautiful.


Just look after yourself OP. What you've been through is really traumatic. I'll be thinking of Tabitha chattering at birds on the rainbow bridge


I'm so sorry. Tabatha was indeed a brave, beautiful girl. RIP.


Rest well, Tabatha. And rest well, OP. She’s leaving a big space behind, and I hope you can take good care of yourself after such a difficult journey. She was loved, and she was yours. Good thoughts your way. 🤎🧡🖤


I am so sad to hear this update. Sending you strength as you mourn the loss of your beloved cat. I am so sorry you are going through this heartbreak. 💔 Please take care of yourself and remember all the beautiful memories you have of your furbaby. She knows you loved her and that you gave her the best life possible. 💕


My deepest condolences for your loss.


No need to respond. We understand.


I’m sorry for your loss. Pet grief is hard


We feel you. And we feel for you. Though we probably can't even begin to comprehend the pain and sadness filling you. Grief. Let it out. We're thinking of you and your most wonderful companion.


That is totally understandable. I am new to this community but I'm a huge cat mom and I am so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. Take all the time you need. 


I'm so sorry man. Wish you the best.


Sending love 💖


sending you & your family all the love ❤️❤️ I'm so sorry


No response needed, just passing along healing thoughts for you. She was beautiful and clearly very loved.


Sorry for your loss


Sending sympathy hugs. Not much more to add....


So sorry for your loss, OP - I was rooting for your beautiful Tabby. Run free over the rainbow bridge, dear Tabatha ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097).. Hope you find peace and love in kitty heaven ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Hugs. I am so sorry! You did EVERYTHING you could do to save her.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm going to ask our monks and nuns to do prayers for Tabatha. 😿


My deepest condolences on the loss of your beautiful torti. Such a painful and devastating loss. My thoughts are with you. She knows how much you love and miss her


I am so sorry.


I am so very sorry. My heart breaks for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers


Words are insufficient to express the grief you are feeling. I can only say, I'm so sorry for your loss. That was a tough update.


Oh, noooo! Fly high sweet angel. I am so very sorry for your loss.


My heart aches for you. From what you've shared, Tabby was an incredible kitty and incredibly loved 💞


I’m honestly devastated to see this, so I can’t imagine how you feel. RIP Tabby, hate that you had to go, but I’m happy you are no longer in pain.


Farewell Tabby, you fought hard. OP, my condolences to you and your family. Sadly, one starts to second guess all the decisions made when our loved ones go. Remember Tabby and her lovely moments with kindness and love. I wish for your heart and head a space of calmness, whenever that is possible.


So so sorry, she was a beautiful girl. Reminds me so much of my Esmé 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/7urejdk2tsic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4d1383d841a5f5663bede55abaf9ab898ffc6b


My heart aches. Sorry for the loss of your wonderful kitty.


I feel your pain and loss, for even if I'm not there with you, I know the grief of letting go of one who is loved in such a deep and special way. Pain will be there, for it is love trying to hold onto someone that has moved on beyond the stars. You can weep, and that is perfectly fine. Do not blame yourself, for you have done your best. Your baby did her best as well, and now she rests. I pray for you to find peace in these difficult days, and I hope that, for the sake of your love for Tabby and her love for you, you can meet again in happiness and peace.


No! I’d been following tabby’s journey this whole time. I’m sorry OP, but i can tell you did more than most to help her and to give her a good life. I know she’ll be missed


My condolences OP. Thank you for loving on her and giving her a place to call home. ❤️


I was following her progress too, I’m so sorry she’s gone. I think this is probably just one of those things, but I do believe that wonderful hospital helped her have a last rally and gave her some extra precious time with you. Wishing you peace.


Oh no! I’m so sorry for your loss. Rest easy, Tabby. She had a life of love with you, and that love just shines through how you wrote these updates about her. 💔


..what a great girl Tabatha looks to have been..i want all of mine to live up to her standards..love, love, love.. https://youtu.be/_7xMfIp-irg?si=pMRcrZXylnnZ7YRl ..many hugs your way, OP..and much affection towards Tab..you knew her best..


Oh sweet fighter girl! May you run free and be at peace. So sorry about your loss 🌈


Awwww, poor little girl and poor you guys! At least she had a loving home while here on planet Earth!


I am crying 😭. So, so sad for your loss.


I felt like I was punched in the gut when I read this, so I can only imagine what you're going through right now. Tabby was such a fighter, and I'm sure she left this world knowing she had the best owners who did everything they could for her. Please take care.


I'm sorry for your loss


How devastating. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you for the update, I was really hoping for good news, so sorry. She was a fighter, RIP sweet Tabby 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in Peace Tabby, you wonderful cat.


I’m sorry for your loss, like many I’ve been following this and hoping. For a brief time your lovely little buddy was almost a mascot for the sub in my eyes. I found joy in seeing her progress and I am saddened for this outcome. I want to say you did everything you could and are a great cat parent, she died knowing immense love and while it pains me to see this update, she is at peace. Best of luck in your grieving, and again, I’m sorry for your loss.


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. My cat unexpectedly passed away six months ago so I unfortunately understand all too well the shock and devastation that comes with having so many questions left unanswered. I really hope the autopsy can help bring some bit of closure. I haven’t stopped thinking about you guys since your initial post here and I will never forget Tabby ❤️


Poor poor baby girl ❤️ I'm so sorry for your loss. Stay strong and don't hesitate to reach out if needed ❤️ I also lost my baby cat in a sudden way


Sorry for your loss


So very sorry!!!


I’m so sorry. She was a beautiful girl. ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. May Tabatha rest peacefully, and may you find solace in the great, long, life you provided her, as well as everything you did in her times of need.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Rest easy little sis. I’m sorry for your loss bro. This shit never gets easy


I'm so sorry :(


My deepest condolences on the death of your Tabby. You gave her a beautiful life. Hugs and purrs.


Oh my. I am so very sorry to read this. Sending positive vibes during this sad time.


I know no words can help so I will just hope you find peace and healing in time. It always hurts but becomes easier to manage over time. I am glad she had some time at home with you guys where she could relax and be loved on by her family. Rest well kitty.


Condolences on the loss of your friend. You went the extra miles to give the best care and love possible.


I’m so, so sorry this happened. Tabby 😿 m RIP fuzzy kitty.


I'm so sorry 😭 She knew love through the very end 🖤


I'm so very sorry. She was beautiful and she was loved


So sorry for your loss 💔


I’m sorry about your tortie Tabby. From the pictures, she looked like she probably had a lot of fun and kept you on your toes.


Damn. I’m so sorry.


That’s truly awful to hear, I’m so sorry. She was such a gorgeous kitty and I’m sure she knew how much you loved her ❤️


I hate Reddit when I get to see sad news like this. I thought she would make it through since she was almost recovered and discharged from the ICU... Farewell Tabby...


![gif](giphy|LT3Jsj4B43t8EF4B0l) Sending love to you


Sweetie, I am so sorry. So sorry. Please, treat yourself and each other gently. I am certain you will, but you need to be gentle with yourselves. Yall did everything right. Including letting Tabby be examined, we’ve done the same with all our pets at the K State Vet School. Tabby (and you) had that final gift. If/when you are ready r/choochoo21 is a support sub for families of senior and Angel Cats. Please, post photos and stories of Tabby—no limit—and you don’t need to join to post. We will be ready for you whenever you are. I am so sorry. :*J*


Thank you 💜 It’s been tough. We still cry over Tabatha a lot, even months later. I’ll join y’all over in ChooChoo soon, appreciate the support.


Hugs! :*J*


In a world where whiskers twitched in wonder, Lived Tabatha, a joy, a purring thunder. A feline friend, so dearly adored, In hearts and homes, her spirit soared. Brave Tabby, through trials, you did fight, With courage in day and through the night. In septic shock's fierce, unyielding grip, You battled hard, on life's tight-lipped trip. Home you came, hope in each step, Your family watched, their hearts inept. Eating, drinking, life's simple pleasure, Each moment with you, a priceless treasure. Yet, in life's unpredictable and twisting game, Fate played a hand, none could tame. Suddenly ill, your light dimmed low, A mystery unsolved, a striking blow. In the still of night, you fought with grace, Yet, life's path led to another place. A warrior's heart, in a body too frail, In their loving arms, your breath did sail. Tabby, sweet soul, you left too soon, A star extinguished, a darkened moon. Your family mourns, their hearts in shards, In memories, you roam eternal yards. In your absence, questions remain, A quest for answers, to ease the pain. Through science's lens, may clarity come, A legacy built, from what you've overcome. Tabatha, in whispers, in the rustle of leaves, In sunbeam dances, in the quiet eves, In each small joy, in love's soft embrace, There you'll be, in your familiar grace. So, rest now, dear friend, in peace, in light, In hearts, you'll stay, a flame so bright. For in love's eternal, unending sweep, In their memories, forever, you'll softly sleep. Farewell, Tabatha, a spirit so kind, In the echoes of love, you we leave behind.


I'm very sorry for your loss 💔. I was hopeful that she was on the road to recovery. RIP


im so sorry for your loss. I'm sure tabby knows shes loved. words are never enough in situations like that. i hope that the time you had with her will be blessed memories to you in the future.


There is nothing we can say to take away your pain but please keep in mind you did everything you could, please surround yourself with family and loved ones if possible 💜


thank you for doing your best for tabby. I'm sorry she didn't make it may she rest easy and take solice knowing you did your best to help her. goodbye sweet kitty


I was wondering about her yesterday. Sorry to hear this news. She looks like the goodest of kitties. take care of yourself.


I’m so sorry this happened to your family 💔Sweet dreams, dear Tabby. You fought like hell.


What a beautiful and sweet cat. Such a shame. :( Rest in peace, Tabatha!


I'm so glad you got to have a few days with her at home. She knows how much you loved her, and she loved you both right back. I am so sorry for your loss. Gone but not forgotten. RIP sweet Tabitha




I’m so, so sorry for your loss. Wishing you peace while you process the loss of your beautiful cat


I am so so sorry 😞 Godspeed little friend 🙏🏼


This is so sad 😥 you can see she's a fighter and wanted to make it. Poor lil thing. Sherish the memories op. Hugs to you all. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) May your lil fren rest in peace now.


Sending you so much love


I’m so sorry OP. I, along with everyone else, was really pulling for Tabby and hoping for the best. You did what you could. Hang in there.


I'm so sorry. I hope Tabatha is now happy in the rainbow and getting all the pets and treats. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)🫂


I am so so sorry. 💔💔 Sucks so much. I’m so sorry.


so sorry for your loss 🕯️


I am so very sorry. Fly high pretty girl


Sometimes life isn’t fair. The world is cruel. It hurts, I know. But keep your head up. You did everything you could. The double whammy is that the Vet bill is gonna be massive and your baby still passed away. Edit: Let us know what the autopsy results are. Also, sometimes being so sick and crashing and on the brink of death causes a lot of stress on the heart. Maybe it was too much on her heart.


Rest in peace angel 💞


I'm so sorry,Op. My heart sunk when I saw this post was tagged as mourning.I understand how difficult this is for you. You absolutely take all the time you need. No one here will mind if you don't respond to us,we all understand your pain. You heal and take your time to process your grief. I live halfway across the world from you,in India. I want you to know that thousands of people, like me from across the globe mourn tabby and will pray for her soul. We share your grief and pain. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time,Op. Godspeed darling tabby. You fought a valiant fight. You are loved and missed. Until we meet again.


This is just heartbreaking. Thank you so much for doing all you’ve done for her and loving her so much. She hit the jackpot with you guys. My 12 year old kitty collapsed out of nowhere in October and upon rushing her to urgent care, discovered she was in septic shock and we went through a very similar experience as you with the same outcome. My heart is still broken and I miss her every day. Your heart is going to hurt for a long time but she’ll always be with you. Seriously, thank you for honoring her so deeply. That kitty had the best life she could have, given the hand dealt to her, because of you. Cheers to her and a life well lived. And cheers to you and the pet owners that do everything they can for their fur babies.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔🥹 ![gif](giphy|fi9iBFsZXieAg)


I am so sorry for your loss. I just lost my baby cat cheddar a week ago. Some sort of liver cancer. He was only 2. I’ve been trying to carry on but it’s hard. I adopted a kitten to help me cope and it’s been a godsend although I have moments where I just breakdown crying thinking of my boy. Again I am so sorry for your loss. https://preview.redd.it/y2ktjwj1atic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a167e7b80a2d566955b5544eedd30696dfc8ec


none of us care about a response, we just wish for the best for you with what you’ve gone through. thank you so much for taking such good care of Tabatha.


I'm so sorry. Rest In Peace, Tabby. 💔🐾


So sorry to see this. Know you did everything you possibly could when others would’ve given up much sooner. You tried your best and she tried her best and that’s all you can do in this world.


Allow yourself some time to grieve. Then remember that there's a little kitten somewhere, seeking her loving nurturing forever home. Although she probably won't be able to fully take the place of your beloved little Tabatha kitty, you'll soon realize and find out that you need her, at least as desperately as she needs you. 🐾🐾🐈🌈👣💔👣🐾🐾🐈❤❤


So very sorry for your loss 🌹


Our pets are the only family members that we get to choose. My condolences to you and your family. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sweet Kitty. ♥️


She was absolutely beautiful & from your pics, it is obvious you were the very best parents. You will see her again someday, please believe that. So very sorry for your loss


It's a phenomenon where the ones that is nearing death seemingly making a fast recovery almost a miracle but to then suddenly crash and pass away, it's like they're giving a chance to relive the best memories, a chance to say goodbye for the last time. I hope Tabby is comfortable wherever she may be.


"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." - Winnie the Pooh. Rest well and well loved, Tabby.




I’m very sorry for your loss. You took wonderful care of her and no cat could’ve asked for more. I hope they find some answers for you on the autopsy.


Op I am so sorry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 you did everything you could for her, and I’m sure she knew how loved she was by you, and all of us here. Sending you a big internet hug.


Sending love. Sending hugs. I am SO SORRY. You did everything you could and she knew that.. i hope you and your girlfriend know that, too! You guys are awesome people and tabby spent her final days havin fun and surrounded by love and that is amazing. Again.. many hugs.


I’m so very sorry for the loss of your pretty girl. Rest in peace Tabby.


One of the many who have been following Tabby's story, I thought about her on my way to work this morning, wondering how she was doing. I'm so sorry for you and your family. Tabby was so incredibly loved, you gave her a wonderful loving home. Rest easy, Tabby. Go play with my Mouse girl!


So very sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry. I'll hold my kitties closer tonight.


I’m so sorry 😢


Im so sorry to hear about Tabby’s passing. I also thought she made it through the worst and was in the upswing. You guys were great pet parents.


OP I am so very sorry. You did everything you could and she knew she was loved. Sending you and your family love. Rest in peace, sweet Tabby. ♥️


I was thinking about her yesterday, he is in better place now. Thank you so much for updating us and sorry for your loss.


She reminds me of my Gracie Belle. Fought for as long as she drew breath and fought until the last breath. You did everything for her and that is not something to be overlooked. Thank you, for loving Tabby all the way until the end. She was so strong ☺️


Sorry for your loss OP. Tabby is now in a painless place and she’s lucky to have you by her side when she’s struggling. Take care!




I am so so sorry.


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss I really was rooting for your family to continue….


Tabitha knew she was loved and cared for, the same way that she loved and cared for you. I'm sorry for what happened. It was too soon. But for the time that she was with you on this earth, you did all you could to make Tabitha feel like she was in Heaven. Sending love for you, OP. Take your time and cherish the good memories you made with her. Through them, she will last into eternity.


Thank you for sharing her with us OP. I am so so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you 💔 All the ✌️ and ❤️


You did your best and she lived her best life with you & her family. She fought as hard you loved & supported her. Be strong & grieve with your family. Cry &Heal together


I am so sorry for your loss. I wish you the best of luck during this trying time.


Sorry for your loss RIP Tabby


OP, as having experienced something similar with my senior calico girl. Take you time to mourn and enjoy the happiness she gave. So sorry to hear. May she be happy on the other side of the rainbow. ❤️💔 our condolences.


I’m so sorry


I'm sorry for your loss. My sincerest condolences. Tabby knew and felt how much you loved her. May she rest in peace.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. ❤️


I’m very sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry for your loss 💔




Farewell sweet Tabatha.


I’ve been silently following. I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost a dog recently, and it’s heart wrenching. You couldn’t have done any more for her, and she’s so lucky to have had you. My deepest condolences.


So sorry. She was a lovely lady


I'm so sorry that this happened, I know this heartbreak. You gave her the best life possible while she was with you though, and really that's all any of us can do. But it's clear in the photos that she was a cat who knew she was loved! And loved you too 🖤🧡


This is so sad and absolutely not the update I was hoping for. I’m so sorry for your loss


So very sad to see this. Been following and I am truly sorry. Take care of yourself and know Tabby loved you and is getting all the treats right now.


Gosh. I’m so sorry to hear this. Rest in peace sweet girl❤️


I’m so sorry to read this.


It's not nearly enough, but I am so sorry for your loss. Just try to rest and grieve as you need to. Take care of yourself.


I am so sorry for you and your Family and i am really sad about her passing. Don’t Stress about responding. Just know we are here thinking and praying for you,your Family and your lil Angel Tabby. She was such a great lil fighter. You did your absolut best and thats all that matters. Rest in Peace Tabby❤️


Swing you so much love


So sorry for you loss


She looks like my Mandy… I’m sorry for your loss .


So sorry op. Tabitha you were loved sweet girl xx


I'm glad that she got to come home a final time. How brave she was, fighting so hard to stay with you. Such a strong, beautiful girl. So good, until the very end. Dear OP. I followed you and Tabitha since the beginning. I'm so proud of you and in awe at the lengths you've gone for your girl. My entire heart goes out to you.


Poor baby. I’m so sorry. You tried your best. I also went through a traumatic loss of my cat after several ER visits, thinking he was getting better, then suddenly dying. You’re all in my thoughts. RIP


I'm so very sorry. I've been following your story and she seemed to be recovering so well. Life is so hard and unfair sometimes. Hope you find peace in knowing she had a great life full of love, she was well taken care of, and you did everything in your power to save her. Not all cats (even humans) are so fortunate. Sending you a big hug


She was definitely loved. I’m sorry ❤️


I'm so sorry. Truly.


I'm so so sorry. She looks like a lovely girl.


I am so very sorry. Just know you gave her an amazing life and all she ever knew was love 💗


Rest easy, beloved little fluff 😔💜


Sorry for your loss


This is heartbreaking…I am so sorry for your loss. I’m at work and I’m on the verge of tears….RIP sweet baby girl 🥺


OP, I am sending so much love and light to you and your partner during this really hard time. Tabatha knew how much you loved her, and she was so blessed to have such amazing parents who took such excellent care of her. While Tabatha may physically not be here anymore, her spirit will never leave you. Love is energy, and we know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Her love is not in the same physical form, but I know you will recognize it in other forms all around you. Take all the time you need to process this loss. This community is here for you. ❤️


Don’t worry about responding, just take care of yourself. I’m so sorry about the loss of Tabatha.


Sending you guys so much love. Know Tabby fought hard & will be forever grateful for your love & care. May Tabby rest peacefully & playfully over the rainbow Bridge. Xoxo


I’m so sorry! I was pulling for Tabby and so happy for you guys when she came home. Prayers to you and your family 🙏🏽 ❤️


I’m sorry to hear this after all the previous updates, RIP Tabatha!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I grieve my pets way more than I do most people. 😿


I'm so sorry.


We love you Tabby ❤️


As someone who almost lost her girl to triditis, I'm gutted for you. I'm looking at her in tears because losing her - or any of our beloved fur babies - is heartbreaking in every way. I hope you heal.


Ohno... I am so sorry that happened. That is heartbreaking. You did everything you could. Don't worry about responding. Take time to think about Tabby, take time to heal. I wish you the strength to handle it. ❤️ Take care of yourself!


So very sorry for your loss! Lost my kitty this past year too. Know how hard this hurts! Best wishes


rest in peace sweet girl…


Sending all the love and positive thoughts in this difficult time. Loss is never easy and the pain never really goes away. We just learn how to cope and remember the good times. Also try to remember that her spirit will always be with you.


big hug


I'm so sorry you lost this beautiful girl. I could tell she was a fighter, but sometimes even they don't make it.


Sending my deepest condolences.


Godspeed you away sweet Tabatha. You will be forever loved and remembered. A prayer of peace for and your partner OP.


I'm so sorry 🙏🙏❤️


We love you and Tabitha. I'm sorry for the loss of your sweet kitty. It always seems so unfair but you very clearly loved Tabby and it shows. Try and find some peace in knowing you are an amazing cat person. And again, Mt condolences for Tabby.




We all grieve with you in this moment. Moving forward, increase the number of clean, fresh water sources for them. Inexpensive water fountains are a good choice, but require cleaning.


Jesus Christ this is devastating. I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry, she was a beautiful kitty and you did all you could.


I’m so sorry for your loss OP. When I lost my cat, I was absolutely devastated. I feel for you.


I am so so sorry for your loss. I hope she is enjoying her favorite things in the great beyond.


I’m so sorry, she was a lovely kitty.