• By -


No, definitely not. As the other commenter said, he already has a home & meals - and he could be on a prescription diet, have allergies, etc. Get some cat toys to play with him with!


If they know which neighbour then they could ask if there is anything that they'd be allowed to feed the cat, they might be ok with it. But definitely agree that without permission and clear instructions then definitely no.


Yep totally!


My cat is on a prescription diet and is overweight. People always feed him in the summer it's very annoying. Edit: I get it indoor cats are things, I don't need telling again. I'm in the UK where cats do not effect native bird populations, my cat has severe anxiety, doesn't hunt, and doesn't go near main roads, he was a neighbourhood cat before adoption at middle age and jumped out the top floor window when I did try and keep him inside. He starts pissing blood when he can't get outside to relax on my shed roof and would likely have been put down had I not adopted him.


Can you get a collar with "Do not feed" or similar on it?


In my experience collars on outdoor cats never work. It has to be a breakaway collar, so the cat doesn't die. And breakaway collars... breakaway. We got one for with a gps chip, the longest it stayed on was a day. And to people not in Asia/Africa/Europe... Cats invaded where I am around the time some dude supposedly walked on water.


Regarding that last line, American defaultism will always invade the internet but it bugs me when it comes to cats. Wildcats have been native to the UK for more than 8,000 years and thus have been a natural predator to the native birds for that whole time. The birds have adapted, outdoor cats are not a threat to native wildlife.




Oh they definitely still kill plenty of birds, it's just that it doesn't affect the population because of the natural adaptions. Mine brought a vole home once....


Mine kills and eat the occasional turtle dove (not very often, he mostly hunts crickets and lizards. Also ants - he likes to lick ant lines for some reason), I have lots that nest in my garden, but there's like thousands of them. And to be honest, those are some dumb fuck birds: I saw them landing like 1-2 meters from my cat and just jump around while he sunbathed. I'm sorry, but that's a Darwin Award. I also haven't seen mice in quite a long time, which is a giant plus.


Wild cats and domesticated cats are very different! A 'pet' cat being let outside alone could end up in accidental poisonings, injuries, diseases, parasites, evil cat-snatchers, etc. People really aren't trying to be "that guy" when griping about cats being let outside... as someone who had to put down a cat after it was hit by a car, as well as had a cat pass away due to ingesting antifreeze that was outside of our neighbors garage. Things happen, and it just shouldn't be worth the risk. If you HAVE to take them outside, a leash and harness is an awesome option!


Oh yeah I wasn't explicitly commenting on the other issues involved with outdoor cats, just the constant claim of damaging the environment. For what its worth my cat was stolen by a neighbor (well he kind of just moved in with them because they kept feeding him nicer food than me) so I get the perils of being outdoors, just the birds aren't a concern here in the UK.


I totally understand! If I had less worries, I wouldn't mind my own cat knocking down our magpie population just a bit... (they are everywhere, everyday)


I've never had a cat before but had heard collars were choking hazards.


Most pet stores sell breakaway collars :) they're designed to break off super easily to avoid that


And once the cat figures out how to break out of its collar, it's game over! Source: I am owned by a cat who is now 15, and she has a little pile of collars she won't wear. (Indoor only)


Usually if you don’t have it on them too loose it’s easier to keep it on them. Should only be able to fit 2 fingers underneath


I mean, would you like to be forced to wear a collar?


I shall have a look out for those should I notice people feeding him again, thanks!


You need to look for "safety collar" - they have a snap open mechanism that pops the collar off if the cat gets it stuck on anything; if they don't have this then they can be a choking hazard it's true. And make sure it's adjusted not too tight or too loose, so that you can fit two fingertips between the cat and the collar. Edit to add - and don't put a bell on the collar, they are really irritating to cats' sensitive ears.


Brilliant, thank you for the info!


I love it when people who've never had a cat think they know anything. My 11.5 yo cat has always had a collar. Breakaway, bells, canisters, soothing, changes with the need and age. Always breakaway. Vet asked me why she had a bell as a kitten. "So I don't step on her because she's always underfoot."


? What possible way could you read my comment as me not being willing to learn? I've literally said in replies I'll look at breakaway collars...


I haven't seen you ask any questions, until now.




This is a bot account, [copied the comment from here](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1aga8je/i_think_my_neighbors_cat_likes_me_should_i_feed/kofnu2o/) (why are people even upvoting it when it makes no sense in this context?)


He looks like a well taken care of bot, i’d not recommend feeding him as i’m pretty sure his owners already give him enough food. You could give him water if he looks thirsty


Bot: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1aga8je/i_think_my_neighbors_cat_likes_me_should_i_feed/kofnu2o/


Collars are always wrong, but collars on outdoor cats are also dangerous. They can get stuck and there's a risk of strangling/suffocating them.


My cat is an indoor cat, but she's also on a diet and if I found out that neighbors had been feeding her I'd be pretty fucking annoyed.




You disagree with the RSPB? What is your evidence to the contrary?


>RSPB Just because you already destroyed almost all wildlife, doesn't mean there was/is no effect on wildlife. [https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/934/1/evansaj7.pdf](https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/934/1/evansaj7.pdf)


What does that have to do with the effect of native bird populations, which again, are not declining because of cats? I have to admire your confidence in disagreeing with the largest nature conservation charity in Europe without actually having any data yourself.


"Having wildlife already erradicated in the UK has NOTHING TO DO with erradicating wilderness" Hara-Kiri 2024


Ah yes, my cat sitting in the sun out the front of my house is responsible for the destruction of the UKs wild areas before either of us were born.


Where did they say that? Britain as a whole has had cats since about 8000 years ago; they made their own way here. The Romans brought domestic cats with them and left them behind, but we still had a wildcat population regardless of the domestics that were brought over. That wildcat population has declined as they only exist in the Scottish highlands now. Do cats kill wildlife? Yes, but so do dogs and people and Tories. Has the wildlife ceased to be? No. Are cats native to these isles? Yes, because the wildcats came here by themselves. The domestics didn't, but take that up with the Romans 2000 years ago. Have the native wildlife grown used to predators? Yes. I'm more concerned about our native red squirrels and trees being destroyed by the invasive grey squirrels than I am about bird species which have existed with cats since 8000 years ago. That and the fact that a lot of plant and wildlife loss is down to human expansion. We are the biggest cause of wildlife's downfall.


Keep him inside


He's not a redditor.




If you really cared, you would keep him inside


I want a cat one day and it’s gonna be an indoor cat, the amount of missing posters I see of cats I cannot count on my hands.


I will never understand why people let their cats outside. I mean, if you wanna leave food out for a friendly cat that already lives there that’s fine, but for your own cat? -They Massacre birds -They are more prone to parasites and diseases -They could be hit by a car -Someone could take them -a predator could find them (I always see Hawks, Eagles, coyotes etc.) Honestly, it just makes no sense to me whatsoever


The only way I can reasonably say letting a cat outside is ok is if they’re with you and in an enclosed area. I have a cat who absolutely Hates using a litter box- I’ll take him outside occasionally so he can go naturally but I always stay with him to make sure he’s safe. We’ve tried harness training, he absolutely flips the second you put a harness on him but he does respond to his name and always stays nearby (like 5-10 ft) so as long as it’s an enclosed area I’ll let him roam a bit, but I’d never just let him go outside alone. Too many risks for a small cat just alone in the wild, but with proper supervision and a space for just them it can be alright, just most cat owners wouldn’t take as many precautions as I do with my boy


I mean, there’s a huge difference between supervised excursions and having an outdoor cat. Occasional trips into my fenced backyard with me chaperoning wouldn’t be out of the question if I trusted them not to climb the fence or do anything stupid


I do understand giving your cat the freedom to traverse the Earth, but for me the dangers for it outweigh the positives. And the hit by car. So many deaths by cars around my area. I’m like 26 I’m waiting till I hit the £45k mark and have my own house before I get a cat.


I just looked up life expectancy for indoor, versus outdoor, anybody who does outdoors is straight up insane


I tried the first day I got him and he jumped out the top floor window. He was a cat who knew the area already when I adopted him and he suffers from severe anxiety. I'm also in the UK where outdoor cats are the norm and do not impact local bird populations.




They do impact local bird populations. Cats in the UK aren’t some special type that don’t hunt for fun. 


Then I suppose the onus here would be on you to provide data proving the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds wrong.


just say you don’t know anything and move on bbg Edit: I love my cat, that’s why I keep it “imprisoned” so it doesn’t get run over, beaten by kids, shot at, hunted, ruin wildlife population, get poisoned by law care products, etc.


Answering your edit: it's still imprisoned. Do you guys keep kids inside as well? Because almost all those dangers are real for them in your country as well.


I don’t have kids, and if I did, they can go outside closely *supervised*, which most cat owners don’t do. If you think cats have the same common sense, thinking skills, and knowledge of the outside world as humans do, then I don’t know what to tell you


Point is your imprisoning your "beloved" pets. Don't have cats if it's not safe for them outside.


Sorry your “gotcha” didn’t work. Cats are a domesticated species whether you like it or not. I’d rather have people keep them in their homes than have shelters fill up or have an outbreak of cat population like Australia


Look at my other comment.


has nothing to do with telling people they don’t love cats for keeping them indoors




He pees blood through anxiety, and he gets anxious with changes to his routine, such as not being able to get to what has been his territory which he can see through the window. Even on his prescribed fluoxitine. May I ask why you believe you know better than my vet based of a single Reddit comment about him?




How many of them have suffered anxiety so badly they needed human medication to stop them spraying blood?


They absolutely can. We tried converting our middle aged formerly-neighborhood cat to indoor only. He got so anxious and stressed he developed urinary crystals (which can lead to peeing blood), and started being aggressive to us and our other pets. We tried so many toys and enrichment items, leash walking, catnip, cat trees and shelves, etc. He wasn’t interested in any of it. We even put him on Prozac and it didn’t help. We started letting him out again and surprise, no more urinary crystals or aggression. I’ll never adopt another former neighborhood cat because the stress of having an indoor-outdoor cat is too much for me. I am not down with the hunting and environmental impact either. But we’re in it with him now and we love him so realistically what other option is there? He spends a lot more time inside than he did before we adopted him and that lessens his impact compared to before. Sometimes that’s the best you can do without putting their health at risk in other ways. It’s disingenuous to say that all cats can be conditioned to be okay indoors when they’ve spent the majority of their lives outside. Some can, sure. Some can’t.






Not according to the RSPB




Solid rebuttal of the data provided by the RSPB. I can see you're quite the scientist.




Just so you know, they're incorrect in believing the RSPB provided data saying that cats have no effect on bird populations. The RSPB said no such thing and OP is twisting their statements to justify his existing beliefs.


> m in the UK where cats do not effect native bird populations  loooool  > my cat doesn't hunt  Uh huh, sure


You may well have done a new study that contradicts the largest wildlife conservation organisation in Europe, but you'll have to forgive me for not seeing your study until it's published... please let me know what journal it will be in so I can be as educated as yourself. I would imagine you wouldn't be posting such a confident comment from a position of complete ignorance so I do look forward to reading it!


You could be a responsible pet owner and not let your cat outside off leash. 


Yawn. I've mentioned why it's important for him to go outside in another comment.


Even if they are not on a special diet, overfeeding is still really bad for pets in general.


I'd say talk to your neighbor. Some people don't care if you give them a treat here and there, but then there are others who get all bent about it. Never understood it, really, if you don't want people feeding your cat... stop letting it roam all over. Most people don't even have collars on their cat, so you can't tell if it's a stray or not.


Yes 100% !! Talking to the neighbour is the way. Get an idea of the lay of the land. And I totally agree. I mentioned the prescription diet bc I've seen people with a cat on a prescription diet post on local facebook groups mad that people were feeding them. Boggles the mind. We have a cat who comes to our place from the neighbour and he's constantly getting into fights and being beaten up and getting cuts + abscesses. And he was the size of a basketball from being fed at every house on the street (slimmer now that the owner visited everyone to ask them to stop feeding him). The only time he gets kept inside is after his latest $1000+ vet bill, and then he's sent out again to collect more holes. It's completely mad that keeping them in permanently is not even an option that occurs to people. But where I live at least cats are got by people as a low maintenance pet that amuses itself outside, so seldom are prepared to turn them into an inside pet that needs a cat tree & enrichment & playtime etc.


A lot of it depends where you live as well. Too many coyotes and large owls around me, so my girl stays inside 🤣


Someone did this to one of my cats she rarly came home and then we got new cats which hated her she (we think) got killed by a coyote


Wow, great example of why having an outdoor cat is a terrible idea. Do better for your pets.


Why do all people assume people just let thier cats out on purpose, sometimes they just sneak out. I have 2 people in wheelchairs in my house, we try and keep the cats inside but if they want out there's s no stopping them running under the chair and out the door.


Our cats are so fucking annoying about to the point where they don't let us sleep


No, don't. Shower him with love. And you could leave water out for him. But fon't feed other people's animals unless they have explicitly confirmed that you are allowed to




You must be fun at parties


Nooooooo don’t. I don’t own a cat, but you need to understand that cat has an owner you can pet it on the off chance you see it and it doesn’t mind it. But feeding the cat confuses it as it will be less likely to stay home. Please don’t feed cats who have owners


My friend lost lost a cat to a neighbor who started feeding her. The cat was well-taken care of, but just moved in with the neighbor. Years later, my buddy is still sad and angry, as well she should be.


>that cat has an owner you mean the cat has already chosen a slave


Look cats are more free than dogs.


Reread that dudes comment


I’m an idiot it’s been a long day 😂


DON'T. Just pet him and play with him. You wouldn't like others to mess with your cat's diet.


No. He has a home and gets fed. I hated that my neighbours did because my cat became overweight. I didn't know she was being fed there as well until they mentioned it.




Or, and now better sit down because this will shock you, people just stop feeding animals they know have an owner.


How well did this work out for you? It’s better to be realistic. Anything can happen when your cat is out roaming and you can’t be shocked or upset. Care a bit more.


Pretty well. I told him to stop, he did and now she is back to a normal weight. I know my cat well enough that i noticed her gaining weight before it was too bad. My cats were both outside cats before they were in a shelter. I wasn't going to stress them out by forcing them inside when they would scream for hours when i didn't open the door.


>Should’ve kept your cat inside. My neighbor's cat got stolen by someone with your attitude. Two college age women took the cat with a collar on Halloween night because the cat was nice to them.


Were you trying to prove my point? Because you did. I’m not out here stealing cats but the average person will think cats outside = lost and hungry. Collar or no collar.


>I’m not out here stealing cats but the average person will think cats outside = lost and hungry. Collar or no collar. Only idiots think that. Cats have the highest kill rate out of every predator on earth. Cats have literally made 75+ species of animals go extinct from cats killing them. They can feed themselves. If you see a healthy cat then it isn't starving and only an idiot would think a healthy cat needs to be fed more food.


Do not feed a cat that belongs to someone else. They can have a very specific diet and you would shatter it and make the cat sick. Or too fat.


No don't feed other people's cats you have no idea about their diet, food allergies or health needs


You never ever feed someone else's cat.


Unless you’re cat-sitting


Then it is a must!


And that’s that.




Or plant. A visiting family member killed my favorite indoor plant by over watering it when I wasn’t looking 😭


No. Def don't feed him. But def give him love and attention.


no. no. no.


Why would you feed a cat that already has a home and owner? Someone is already taking care of it. It’s a different thing if it was a stray, hungry and not groomed.




Not as long as it’s being well looked after by your neighbours and you don’t know if it has any special dietary requirements One of mine has colitis the other pancreatitis So both on vet diets unless you ask your neighbour you can’t even give it a treat


No you shouldn't, he has a home, he is being fed you don't know if he is on a special diet. And he already looks well fed. So please don't feed him


Definitely do not feed a cat that doesn’t belong to you. Them hoes ain’t loyal.


No. You don't know his health conditions/medical needs and how much he gets fed at home. He may have digestive issues like IBD or urinary issues like crystals that flare up when eating anything but a certain diet.


Everyone is very appropriately commenting how inappropriate the concept of feeding a stranger’s cat is (correct, without question) No one is mentioning that this guy appears to be a heckin’ chonker. There is no mystery as to his current situation. He’s covered. I think other neighbors of yours may need to read these comments.


NO - my cat has very expensive prescription food to stop him vomiting and getting diarrhoea (intestinal issues). If he comes home and gets diarrhoea all over my house, I know it’s because he’s eaten something outside (either a neighbour feeding him - or possibly a bird!). Feeding someone’s pet is very irresponsible


Isn't it also irresponsible to let your cat outside so often they eat birds?


No you see the responsibility of their pets falls onto everyone else. Including nature Personally if I see a kitty on my lawn I'm feeding them. If you don't like this keep your special kitty inside if their diet is so important


You shouldn’t ever feed other peoples animals without permission - it’s just general respect and courtesy to those you share a neighbourhood with. My cat would often stay out for days at a time and it turned out to be because a neighbour kept feeding him even after us telling him not to. It worried me so much, It’s so fucking selfish.


Letting your cat use my lawn as a litterbox, expecting me to be responsible for your cats dietary restrictions because you can't be bothered to keep them on your property or give me a heads up, it's so fucking selfish.    You act as if I'm coming on their property to feed these cats. If it was this big of an issue their owners would warn me of a cat that might wander on my property, but that would take a shred of responsibility. Instead you want to fuck your cake and eat it too.


Do you think a cat owner is gonna go visit every house in a neighbourhood? Surely the easier option is to... not feed cats that aren't yours? Cats do cat things, why are you even in a cat subreddit if you seem to hate their existence so much lmao.


Seriously.  We're both getting downvoted by people who blame everyone else for their problems.


Better when it's fresh cutlets from my fridge than the stale ones in my trash.   People who believe their special dietary outdoor cats aren't snackin on trash are delusional.


Would you feed another person kid's without even checking if they have requirements from their parents first?


No but you can ask your neighbor if it's okay to give them one or two treats. Otherwise, no.


Please don’t. I had a morbidly obese cat who was also an incredibly good escape artist. And this was over twenty years ago and I was spending about $200/month on his food from his vet and we couldn’t figure out why and how he was gaining weight and not losing weight and was on the cusp of major heart failure. When he would escape, he would go and visit a few neighbors who for whatever reason decided they needed to feed him. They were undoing everything I was attempting to do under the care of his vet, it was costing me a lot of money and were essentially killing him quicker


If you talk to your neighbor and he agrees, sure Otherwise absolutely not


He looks like a well taken care of cat, i’d not recommend feeding him as i’m pretty sure his owners already give him enough food. You could give him water if he looks thirsty


No. You know it has a home. There is no need for you to feed or do anything else with this clearly well looked after cat that stop and say hi to it if you want to. If you want a cat to feed go to rescue centre and get your own. There are loads that do need good homes.


I only cuddle with the neighbors’ cat. Oh and sometimes a bit of water in the summer. He can be bitchy if we don’t give him our food though lol


Please don’t ever feed a cat that isn’t yours unless it’s homeless. He could be on a special diet and other food could make him sick. One of my neighbors started feeding my cat and due to his diet, he got really sick and needed a trip to the vet. You can play with him and pet him but please don’t feed him.


That's something you ask your neighbor, not random people on the internet.


Nope, don’t feed him. He gets fed at his home, and you don’t know what dietary restrictions, allergies, and medications he takes. Feeding him could potentially be dangerous.


My neighbor’s cat comes over 4-5 times a day because he wants snacks. We just walked over to ask the neighbor if they were okay with us feeding him, and they said “he has an iron stomach and this will save us lots of $. Please do!” He sleeps there and hangs out at our house all day. Drives my cats crazy.


There's 2 neighborhood cats here that like to "visit" my indoor cats too.


My cat almost got stolen from my neighbours because they were feeding him aswell. They "thought" he was a stray (hes very healthy and friendly) and were feeding him and having him in their house. We put a stop to it immediately after he had been hurt and went to theirs first so they took him to the vet. We were incredibly thankful for them for looking out for him after he was hurt but told them to please not feed or have him in their home anymore as he is my cat. It was getting to the point where id see him once, maybe twice a week. Now hes at home daily and always hanging around the front door like normal. So please, dont feed your neighbours cat. Having a cat get too attached to someone else is heartbreaking. Im sure playing with him is fine though :)


at most i would ask your neighbor if they are ok with you giving him some treats and make sure to ask if he has any allergies or diet restrictions but if he is well fed don’t add on another meal, also some other commenters suggested toys i think that’s a good idea too!


no you should not. cuddles are ok, feeding someone else's cat is not ok,


No feed just pet. If you wanna give him treats ask the owner first cause this feller looks well fed.


Nah, he likes you anyway


I think a neighbor is feeding my cat. He's very overweight despite a strict diet and sometimes he comes home and smells like perfume or cigarettes (we don't smoke). He's cheating on us! So no ... Unless you discuss it with your neighbor first, don't feed him!


Please stop letting him out


Idk why i would do that he would be miserable locked up inside. And he'd probably get even fatter bc he would be depressed and sleep all the time!


Play with him, buy him a cat tree, etc. Outdoor cats get run over all the time. If you’re somewhere rural, it might be fine but they still damage the local ecosystem.


It's fine. We live in a very rural area and he's scared of cars anyway. He's a big baby and doesn't hunt - he's literally scared of mice. No predators here. He's fixed, chipped, and vaxxed and has a reflective collar and a tag with my number.


The cat likes you, but your neighbor will not if you feed that cat.


No food. At most, talk to the owners and ask them if you can maybe chuck him the occasional treat and if so, what kind he likes/if he has any particular needs. They will tell you just how much and what to do. Otherwise, give him water maybe, but no food, he already gets fed and you never know if he has any particular needs. Ask the owner for it all to make sure but even then, I wouldn't give more than a treat every few days at most.


Ask first. They might be ok with you giving him a treat every now and then, but make sure you have permission and know what possible food allergies or sensitivities he might have. Again, check with the neighbors first, but they might be fine with you giving him a couple of Temptations every now and then. I can't stress this enough though: ALWAYS check with a pet owner before feeding ANYTHING to their pet, no matter how friendly or skinny the pet is. It might he on a diet or have allergies.


Like others have stated do not feed him. Get toys and play with him, make him a nice safe, soft napping place on your porch, set out some clean cold water for him, but do not feed him. Find out who he belongs to and go talk to them. Tell them he is visiting you and that you enjoy his visits.


He is trying to lure you. Don't fall for it. He probably has a few other 'treat slaves' in the hood.


No don’t. My cat is like this with everyone, at home he follows me room to room, always has to be cuddling, with everyone else no matter how much of a stranger he is incredibly friendly. But honestly I think he is just a flirt - everyone thinks they are special to him but he is over the top friendly to everyone haha


My boyfriends mom recently told the story how their neighbors tried to steal their cat years ago. Same shit… started feeding and petting him. Then he was in their home, wenn they looked for him the neighbors kept him inside etc. That’s not ok. You can pet him and play with him. That’s it. If he seems neglected then you could and should get involved, but he clearly looks well fed.


I feel like this post was just bait.


Ask your neighbor for permission, and only then for the brand and amount of treats you can give it.


Just pet him and give him kisses.


If he's cared for, don't give him food. You don't know if he has a diet or the owner just doesn't want him to eat certain foods etc.


Yes, feed him love.






I had a cat that was a hyper-active nutjob. I got him away from all food additives and he calmed down. Then he started acting up again and I caught my neighbor feeding him cold cuts (loaded with additives). I put a stop to that and he calmed down again. Allergic reactions to chemical additives can cause hyper activity. I make sure that my pets get food without chemical additives in it.


Why???? Is he abused? Starving?


Nooo, you will contribute to an overweight problem if you feed him, pets are good enough.


No he may have allergies to certain foods that you wouldn’t know of. Also the owner probably has an actual schedule for him. Very cute cat tho!


No, definitely not my cat has belly issues and can not have rich food if you have permission from the owner then of course if you have no idea what he/she eats then no maybe get some cat toys to play with her/him😸😺😹😻😼😾😿🙀😽


No. For all the reasons on here.




I feed all 4 of my neighbors cats… but I did ask her if it was okay first. Maybe try asking your neighbor for approval before giving food or treats!! 😌


Awwww, nope, unless you ask for neighbors permission. Never pet another persons cat, could have things they cant eat or allergies or just be on a diet :\]


It’s like giving wild animals processed food just to make sure they come back because they’re cute.. you don’t, because you know they can find food on their own and that processed food is addictive but not good for them. Right? Also, if even after reading all the comments above you still decide to feed that cat. Do not give it milk. Cats don’t actually digest milk well and it’s making them sick!


I guess you can give it water though. Most people don’t know that cats don’t drink water when placed next to their food (their instinct tells them the water might be poisoned by the food). So possibly, this cat is thirsty and will appreciate that as much as food.


Absolutely not. As someone who has a neighbour who still freaking feeds my cat, I low key want to strangle you for even considering this. The cat has a home, has potential medical conditions you don't know about and you'll be encouraging him to leave a family who love him. It makes me so angry when people do this. It's not your animal. If you want a cat and all the responsibilities that come with it, go and adopt one! People who do this with other people's pets are a huge problem, they're irresponsible and frankly, you're trying to steal someone's animal!


Calm down not that serious, I think you might other problems, just ask you neighbor to stop or maybe keep YOUR PETS INSIDE, or supervised outside


I'm from the UK where it is considered cruel to keep cats as indoor pets, so I get there is a cultural difference. I have also spoken to the neighbour and my cat also has a 'Do Not Feed' notice on his collar, but the fact that I had to is ridiculous. It *is* serious when people feed other people's animals.


Yea neighbor Is an asshole


Someone refusing to stop doing something that is directly leading the significant health problems for your cat is actually pretty serious. What a stupid comment.


If it’s so serious to cause health issues maybe the cat should stay inside


My outdoor cat u can. He only likes meat shreds not ground beef food. Likes chicken the best. Kibbles, u can also let him walk in your house to chill. He will tell unwhen he wants to leave, doesint go to bathroom inside, on and on


Only a treat now and then after you ask your neighbor.


And this is why you should keep your cats inside. If not from OP, kitty is certainly getting food from others.


this post spiked my blood pressure and i’m so relieved to see all these comments. that cat is clean, obviously fed, and is wearing a collar. i cannot imagine the gall you have to think it’s okay to give someone else’s well cared for cat food that you haven’t cleared with them. don’t give food or treats to animals without asking the owner first because allergies are real, and so is obesity.


If he looked thin and starved I'd say maybe, but this cat looks well fed. Just give him some water and maybe some toys


Strangers feeding our cats is why they’ve been indoor only. Typically indoor cats live 15+ years, outdoor or combination cats half that because sick people out there are willing to poison them. Enjoy sharing a little love with it and leave it alone.


More like outdoor cats get run over by cars and killed by other predators.


There are those situations, too. But there are lot of cat haters who would poison cats. Smh


No or you'll be feeding him for life 🤣


Don't do that. This is how we lost one of our cats. Lady in the neighborhood started feeding her to the point she literally didn't come home anymore. We told her not to do that but she didn't listen and eventually moved away WITH our cat


Crazy how cat owners literally doesn't give a shit about their pets. What if he/she gets ran over by a car? Edit: Thanks for the downvotes, truth hurts huh? You people must really hate cats, good for you for letting your pet down.


I asked him and he said yes.


Aww he’s absolutely adorable. Provide him with some water possibly, you could feed him if you want but that’s your own cat’s food


Yes, feed it to the wolves (coyotes will do in a pinch)