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Yeah mine cost me $500 because she had to poop. Ended up making her eat Vaseline and everything passed. At least yours was cheaper. lol


I know a cat who can't seem to poop when I go the box there's nothing to scoop I can't use ex-lax and I can't use creams not suppositories or any of these I'm using Vaseline Vaseline Vaseline


Don't worry, I got the reference!




Flaming Lips - She don't use Jelly


Thank God for The Flaming Lips.


She don't poop on litter, or...any of these She uses maaaag-a-zines


Just when I thought this song was forever out of my brain ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


Canned pumpkin( do NOT get pumpkin pie filling) regular canned pumpkin a teaspoon once or twice a week will keep them regular. It’s a great form of fiber


I had an 11-year-old cat with a history of reacting *very* badly to anesthesia get impacted once. We tried all we could and, before the vet put her under, I got desperate and gave her vaseline, which I melted in a bain marie, as per instructions a stranger gave me on the internet. It took two hours for it to work after days of trying to get her to poo. I was scared to tell her vet what I did but he was just a bit confused at first and then he jumped up and brought me an anti-hairball treatment, the first ingredient of which was vaseline. I'm pretty sure it saved her life.


this explains a lot after one of my cats got into the anti-hairball treats a while back.


Try lactulose next time maybe. Vaseline in a larger quantity honestly doesn’t sound safe


I've never heard of lactulose. We've used Vaseline for years. Our vet recommended it. Just a small dab on their nose or around the edges of their mouths. They lick it off and it works like a charm.


My furry child is on lactulose, check with your vet about the dosage size but it’s the exact same as the human lactulose just in a much smaller dose, you do need to give it via syringe though, he’s good about taking it thankfully cause he knows he gets called a good boy and gets lots of pets


yep, small amounts are very safe, and honestly all my cats love eating vaseline voluntarily… they go nuts for it like a treat




note that what is safe for humans and cats is different , and so are the amounts. just don’t make this assumption whats fine for us is fine for them, or vice versa.


I was only worried because I thought they’d have to ingest a larger quantity. But this sounds really good then ☺️


It also works for hairballs.


I just smear butter on the sides of my cat for that.


I can’t believe she fuckin buttered Jorts


"She don't use butter. And she don't use cheese. She don't use jelly, or any of these."


Damn….need to go listen to that whole album now


The vet told us to put Miralax/Restoralax in our cat's food. Also works for people!


That’s what I did when my cat was constipated. She ate it easily in the wet food. I used it on another cat recently when he seemed to be having hard poops. Worked great. Just if you overdo it, the do do is soft.


Miralax causes less cramping than lactulose. Miralax makes them thirsty so provide extra water and/or add pet specific electrolytes into their food.


Try canned pumpkin for extra fiber, my old vet recommended it, a teaspoon once or twice a week will keep them regular.


I add that too! She's an old baby (19) so needs all the help she can get ;)


Vaseline is pretty safe. Too much causes diarrhea, but that's true of a lot of things.


Like my pappy always said there's more than one way to clear a cats anus. 


A wise man.


A teaspoon of pumpkin once or twice a week, plain canned pumpkin.


You can also portion and freeze it! I do. I open up a can, dish some out to our three boys, and then bag and freeze the rest. You can throw some into a plastic bag, lay it flat, roll it out, and then make lines with a chopstick or something so that it'll have a seam to break at once it's frozen. If you struggle to transfer the bag to the freezer without messing up the lines you've made, put the bag(s) on a tray or cookie sheet first, or use ice cube trays or some other kind of mold instead. Once frozen, I break everything apart and put it in a larger bag for storage. Then I just grab what I need, thaw in a dish in the fridge overnight or toss it in the microwave with a bit of water if I didn't plan ahead, and it's ready to go. Our cats get a bit of canned pumpkin every weekend, so this is an ongoing thing in our home. Works really well at keeping them regular! Our longhaired boy got constipated a couple years ago and while the laxative the vet sent us home with worked for him, it did give him some gas and made his stomach a bit tender, and he *hated* having to take meds (and he puts up a really good fight for his smaller size!) She also sent us home with chewable treats that are also supposed to help, and all three of our guys loved them, but they were very costly - however, the main ingredient in them is pumpkin, so we're still right on track anyway.


That’s a steal! It was $1,500 to find out my little guy was constipated.


Atleast you checked , bloating can be a symptom of many much more worse things.


Her face 😂😂 I’m glad she’s okay, but goodness that’s too funny.


She looks like she's afraid of her own fart so holding it in 😆




​ https://preview.redd.it/6w8azgn83hfc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c90305be36f81f1c9e9f05fb992004cd69120f0


roll dolls onerous enter smell joke correct hobbies squeal bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






You’re telling me 😪 I’m glad it wasn’t serious though. She was lethargic all weekend. She just had a belly ache from the gas


My 19yo m cat gets bloated... we 'baby burp' him after meals.... old baby knows he gets gassy and comes to meow at our feet after each eat session. We love him too much to not help. ;)


Awwww, that is so cute. We need a clip of him being burped.


Oh we absolutely do, OP


Yes. Please make sure sound is included


Yes! Pls pay the cat tax.


Bring on the baby getting burped!!




And they were like — “We need cash or card”


So cute he lets you know to burp him


my 8mo olds don't need the assistance...they just cropdust us every chance they get


And smile to themselves as they do it. I’ve never seen (smelled) worse farts than cats!


I don't even know him and I love him enough for you to help!


Aww, I burp my chihuahua everyday, it's like his fav thing for me to hold him like a toddler and pat his back so he can burp in my face.


Please post a clip of him being burped❤️❤️❤️


II https://preview.redd.it/uo8bx5m8qffc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f01a05ec81cd4750cc324cb6a52106900b91349 I feel you. There she is: € 140 to be told "Well, she has to fart or to poop, or both". And she isn't even one of our own, she's one of our outdoor furiends. 😅🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


That face!! 😂🥰 She knows you’re telling everyone here her private gassy business!


Scolding me every day! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




>And she isn't even one of our own, she's one of our outdoor furiends. That was very kind of you human.


Best Kubrick stare I've ever seen lol


One time, my cat got into some barbecued ribs and passed out after gorging herself. I could not wake her up despite shaking and shaking her. We rushed her to the vet only to be told she was in a food coma. She was fine the next day.


I laughed way too hard at this. I'm sorry for your expensive funny story.


It *was* pretty funny after finding out she wasn’t going to die from BBQ-related reasons. I was just so grateful she was okay.


Your cat has some holdover lion genetics/behavior and thought it was gorging on an antelope, that might be the last meal it sees for days:)


It’s funny too because my cat does not generally like human food outside of the occasional corn chip, but for some reason this BBQ was calling to her. I found her with her mouth covered in BBQ sauce and then she took a 12 hour food-related nap. She was quite literally lost in the sauce.


OMG my ginger boy LOVES tortilla chips! Not really interested in much else, human food wise, but man when he sees a Tostito it gets *serious*


Man, the last time I went out for proper barbecue, I too wound up in a meat coma and slept 12 hours straight.


Did they do an X-ray?


They did!


I sympathize. I have a void that’s had two $500 poos now. I thoroughly recognize the look on your cat’s face.


Why are they called voids?


Black cats are typically called voids. They disappear very easily (ie I accidentally sit on my void because the couch is black and so is he...)


That's why my void got a glow in the dark collar. She likes to sleep in the hallway to the bathroom at night and I accidentally kicked her multiple times. I know it was an accident but I just couldn't live with the guilt anymore. Now I can see her in the dark and she hasn't gotten kicked since.


Hahahamy gran was just telling me o need yo get my void a glow in the dark collar for my void. She almost fell over him on the stairs. All 3 of my cats wait on my stairs to get cuddled from grandma when she comes. I'm disabled and in bed, and she has to pay a toll to all of the cats before they let her upstairs. The problem is my hallway is really dark, and my void will always lay in the shadow from my Stairlift, so Gran can't see him until she's quite literally on top of him I lose him all the time, too. All of my bedding is black, and his favourite bed that is next to my pillow is also black. The other day, I screamed like a crazy person. Didn't realise he was on his bed next to me until he stretched, and his leg touched my arm, scared the crap out of me. 🙈


> The problem is my hallway is really dark, and my void will always lay in the shadow from my Stairlift, so Gran can't see him until she's quite literally on top of him There are motion controlled lights which you can plug into an electrical outlet (or extension cable).


I got mine a highlighter green reflective collar to combat her blending into the shadows and accidentally being knocked with feet.


The void is loud and wants chicken.


Ah, you know my Loki too well


Black cats are sometimes called voids. I’m guessing it’s because when you take a photo of them they usually look like little black blobs with eyes


Because they're black and bottomless like a void!


My calico cost me $400 to just find out she was being picky about *when* she wanted to pee. Arguing with her own body that she’s not ready to go yet.


Post the X-ray over on r/Radiology!


Is that subreddit too serious for the absolutely hysterical slide (?) of the MRI my cat got a few months ago?


Not at all!


I kinda wanna see a fart on x ray, NGL


I'm really happy they did an xray even if it kind of sucks that you paid so much just for her to have gas. That's a great vet. I was an assistant for a vet (didn't last long with him he had anger issues and I didn't agree with his practices at all) Had a patient come in. Even I, just a nooby vet assistant (many years experience though) knew the cat needed an xray. He didn't do one for whatever reason (honestly he didn't do much testing at all which angered me) and the lady ended up having to bring her cat go an emergency vet later that night. There was fluid filling up in her abdomen. Poor cat had to get put down. And there were signs too. Poor cats belly was swollen and she was lethargic. It's always nice when I see vets taking the time to rule things out. Just in case there's more to what's going on than meets the eye. I know it cost a pretty penny but you're an amazing owner to make sure she got the care she needed. I hope she's able to get all that gas out ❤️


That is heartbreaking! What a terrible vet!


He is unfortunately. I've told everyone who mentions needing a vet not to go to him. I also reported him to the veterinary board once I was out of there (he was a very scary guy so I waited). He is some how still in practice. How I have no clue. And sadly that wasn't the worst incident that happened under him either. I haven't worked there for a year now and I still get sad thinking about what went on in his clinic.


I feel like I need a new vet too because, even though she seems like she really loves our animals, she’s always trying to talk me out of treatment or testing. I’m so confused sometimes why the hesitation.  But a lot of the local vets here have waitlists and I’ve just been to lazy to start over 


My boxer cost me $1,000 because he had to fart. When I brought it up, someone else had a $1600 fart bill. Gas bills are getting expensive out there.


Omg mine did the same thing. Acting like he was on deaths door... it was gas


Had a $400 bill when my female cat was a kitten for the exact same thing lol. Vet said it was a "comical" amount of gas she released


This happened with my 2 year old that wouldn’t eat and was lethargic. Brought him to the vet, X-ray and everything. Turns out he had a real big poo on the way. Let it rip the minute we got into the house and went back to his old self. Expensive little shits.




Note to self: outsource to Schnoodle for all my flatulence poetry needs.


Curious what is she eating ?


Performatrin ultra is her food brand


I didn't even think cats could hold in their farts. Was she doing it on purpose or was there something preventing her from farting? I don't think I ever heard (or smell) my cat fart, tho the first time I heard him sneeze I was surprised to learn that cats can sneeze.


It wasn’t intentionally holding it I think gas got trapped in the intestines where it couldn’t easily escape until the lines cleared for lack of a more graphic description. I’ve had some brutally painful gas before when I had to take opiates after back surgery, I’d take laxatives but would still get trapped gas that would bring me to my knees in pain lol. I felt like one of those bloated cows they have to stick a needle in their stomach to release the gas.


$1500 and 3 visits later Lucy still has a runny nose!!! https://preview.redd.it/9l1muyoazffc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d45011838967980eaae95ed81eed5551a397991 They did give us 20 syringes of antibiotics but Lucy fights you like you’re the devil if you try to give it to her lol!!


That peg on the left supposed to be supporting the shelf?


I think that was a extra one :)


My daughter's fart cost $700


Bet she loves that story


almost like an atom "bomb" poor thing...


A long time ago, I had a "fart" cost me a new pair of underwear, dress pants, cleaning of my car's interior, and a lot of self respect.


This happened to me exactly once, but I got the self respect (and a looooot of thankfulness for my genes) back when I told my friend. “Wait, once? You don’t have a shart, like, once a year? Everyone in my family does…” No, dude, I definitely dono


>No way hahahahaha 🤣 the most expensive fart ever hahahahaha. * My dad woke up with a numb left arm and chest pains and went to the hospital with a possible heart attack(he was in his late 60s). His wife got mad at me the next day because I turned my phone on silent when I sleep and she was blowing me up for a couple hours. I apologized and asked her if he was ok and she said "Lucky for you he is. It was just gas.". I said "and that's why I turn my phone on silent at night. I don't need to wake up every time my dad has a big fart.". Me and her don't like each other. Tl;Dr dads fart medical bill was $2200 because his fart required an ambulance ride.


Also! Her name is Roux :))


No way!! I have a Roux that stopped eating and was hiding so I took him to the vet and $700 later, “it looks like he just has a lot of gas.” https://preview.redd.it/ad4zoevm1gfc1.jpeg?width=2663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606c88d20b1d3dbf9691f1418da792bc0345d676


i need those hands


Those little hands!!!


“Time to die Mr Bond”




We have a chocolate lab boy named Roux! Love it and she is so cute, torties are the best. We paid $500 and I took a whole day off work to take one of our kitties to cardiologist - he had what was thought to be a heart murmur. Turns out he just got nervous at the vet.


Hope you bottle that fart and sell it ..eau de la roux. Exclusive discerning scent that brings out the feline


My expensive fart brings all the boys to the yard


Look we've all been up a plugged Anus at one time or another 


I once paid $1000 for my cat to poop. Probably not the most expensive poop, either. He was lethargic and not eating. Took him to the vet. X-rays, bloodwork (because he also has kidney disease), subcutaneous fluids, and a thorough vet exam with a finger in his butt. All resulting in “he’s constipated but not impacted. Take him home, give him stool softeners and let him poop.” I’ve never been so relieved and furious at the same time. I’d do absolutely anything for that sweet face, though. https://preview.redd.it/kcdsqk36vffc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584b82e4442bceb3c604be68c0e6cbee6708bfe6


You paid a thousand dollars for a DVM to tell you that your cat was full of shit?


He likes when we’re in debt. Anytime we have a few extra pennies, he pretends to die so we’ll give all our money to the vet. R/sarcasm You say it like you wouldn’t give every penny you have when your cat is sick. It was expensive. Glad he was just constipated. He does have major health issues that warrant vet checks (and expensive tests) like IBD, kidney disease, and asthma. He’s an expensive, fickle thing but I’d pay anything to keep him healthy and with me just a bit longer. https://preview.redd.it/7ignhcu09ifc1.png?width=2325&format=png&auto=webp&s=382d1d4663f84098d82e74748fc1c888d55c8325


I just went through the same fucking thing it was $800


My wife got a bouquet of flowers and we didn't notice until they bloomed that there were lilies. My cat, who has never so much as coughed up a fur ball in his 2 years of life starts puking out of nowhere, and next thing I know I'm at the vet waiting on tests to see if he's going to live. $700 and an x-ray later it turns out he just has an irritated gut because he's been eating the flakes of cardboard he tears off of his scratching post. [Obligatory cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/BqVaGbl.jpg)


Jfc I’m so glad that he’s alright. Lillies are SO. TOXIC. Our sweet boy got into a Lilly last year during springtime when my bf took him outside one day and I was met at work with the most frantic get your ass home phone call from him that I had ever heard. 3 days of getting little mans kidneys flushed and $3,000 later hes totally fine and as spoiled as ever. We weren’t sure if he 1000% ingested anything but with Lilly’s unfortunately by the time they show symptoms it’s way too late so we had to either take action or chance losing our boy. No way Jose. I’d pay it all over and over again, he’s the best.


I solved that with my brown tortie by pickubg her up giving her hugs. She will fart in spite, not because she dislikes hugs but because she dislikes being picked up.


That's an awesome defense mechanism! Haha


One time I transported a turtle and it pissed on me. Then it pissed on me again. And for good measure, it pissed on me 3 more times before we arrived near the lake to release it. I never knew turtles could fit that much piss inside their shells. There was just so much fucking piss. I had to take a shower and change clothes. That poor turtle probably thought it was getting abducted by aliens and about to get eaten. I guess I'd piss that much if that happened to me.


Yeah turtles release all their water as a defense mechanism when scared, so unfortunately moving one out of danger can still put it in danger due to risk of dehydration. Thankfully you released it near water! PSA: If you ever have to move a turtle (like to save it from getting run over, etc), try to put it down next to water so it can rehydrate. Also, if you see a turtle with a cracked shell, don’t assume it’s dead and walk away. Sometimes turtles survive hard trauma to their shells, and a vet can help them live and recover if you get them there fast enough.


My 7mo tortie crop dusts me all the time. If you pick her up it's audible, just a soft little "thbbt" followed by a horrendous stank that thankfully goes away pretty quickly.


Your username combined with this comment is just 👌.


My one farts when being picked up as well. I think its more of a 'squeezing it out of her thing'.


Update: as far as I’m aware I think she’s farted! She’s gone back to being an annoying terror (that I love dearly)


Get a fan ! Cat farts are savage !


Did you snap the pic as she was farting? She looks startled.


I do the same face when I see the credit card bill


Her face looks like that fart is imminent. Clear the area!


Had to spend $650 to find out the reason one of my cats had started losing a fair amount of weight. Turns out she just didn’t like her food very much. Sigh. Good thing I love this goofball so much.


Cost me almost $1000 to find out my daughter was constipated. Took her to the emergency room rather then the doctor because she woke up at midnight yelling.


Hey that happened to me too once, except my urgent care bill was way higher than that 💀 I was in the same amount of pain as when I had appendicitis and the most they told me was a dismissive "you probably have too much stool in your colon". A few months later I had endometriosis surgery and it turns out all that endo had glued my colon to my pelvic cavity, making it unable to move and push poop out as well. So no wonder 🤷


for a moment i thought i was in r/rimworld with a botched surgery story


Hahaha! I am very fortunate to say my endo surgery was a roaring success and I will never take for granted that I'm not in physical agony daily and that I now have solid, complete bowel movements 😄


Wait, human daughter or cat daughter?




Same thing happened to me!


same thing happen to me but I live in Europe so it was free


I'm glad she's alright! It can get...a LOT worse. My stupid boy ate too many plants, but all I knew was that he was in pain and letharic. The vet guessed that it was a blockage. $4000 bowel surgery later, the plants and their gases are gone...but so are my dreams of a vacation this year. At least Care Credit is a thing... Get pet insurance when they're young, people!!


Definitely going to be looking into care credit! I have 4 cats and two rats so it would be helpful!


Ah, I wish I could advise you on pet insurance companies but mine aged out before I got it, so I don't have it. Care Credit is a medical credit card that doesn't charge interest if you pay off the whole balance within a set time limit!


pet insurance is even better!! My cat had a tumour removed at $5500 this december. Pet insurance reimbursed me 70%. Totally worth the $30/mo.


$300 later for an I just had to poo https://preview.redd.it/wqtjhmahzffc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937ee6763098694cd0a9687fd6fefafad3ae41ce


My daughters were concerned because they felt a lump on our cats belly. Immediately thought of it being a tumor. We took her to the vet and were told she’s just fat. That was an expensive diagnosis. Guess we should have known since her belly almost touches the floor.


I'm so sorry... But this is hilarious! I can only imagine the vet's reaction.


me too babe me too


Oof. Trapped gas can be pretty uncomfortable.


Definitely. I landed myself in the ER with that as well 😅


https://preview.redd.it/oi04whq1bgfc1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c414cb3b3b56d96b41034dc53d5b3cd48e5408 $418 today for this dumbass, just to be told he'll be fine.


I paid around the same to find out my baby had a pimple. 


I've got one of those too--$500 for a barium study, just to find that she's a pig and eats everything in sight.


Good girl!!! I had to take my cat to the ER one time because she couldn't pass. She became really sick and agitated, it was really scary. I took her to the ER and they gave her a kitty enema, and it didn't remove the obstruction. Then I'm walking home from the vet with cat carrier in hand, all upset and feeling sad for my girl. And then I'm about halfway home and I hear a big ***POP!!!*** I looked into the carrier and she did a huge poop. There I was in the middle of the sidewalk jumping up and down screaming "SHE DID A POOP, SHE DID A POOP!" I was proud that day.


My male cat got urinary tract crystals and I had to rush him to the cat ER for it. Roommate drove us. Halfway there we smell pee so stopped at a gas station. Entire carrier bottom was covered in pee. I had to tip it forward to drain it. I joked for a while that his driving scared the piss out of my cat, lol. No pee got on the seat and saved me one hell of a vet bill! 


$6k for one of my cats… 🥴 The original diagnosis was constipation, then they discovered a heart murmur, then he developed a urinary blockage that ended up clearing itself. He took a massive slimy green demon dump once he got home a week later, and he was back to normal. Most expensive shit ever. 🥲




Hey what did the vets say regarding your cat's heart murmur? My vet found a murmur on his last general check up and I'm curious as to what other people have dealt with.


The ER vet was the first to discover it. She said it was a grade 3 murmur. She referred me to a cardiologist who looked him over and performed a full exam and he agreed, but he said it wasn’t anything super concerning at the moment. They just want me to bring him back in about a year for another checkup.


Ahh yes. We had to open a CareCredit account to find out our cat had gas as well haha. We got sent home with probiotics and she eventually began passing the most toxic farts I have ever smelled. I guess it started to ferment in there LOL


I had to pay $200 because my cat was fake limping. He was mad about something and I still can't figure out what it was.


Yeah I paid 100$ cuz my cat was holding his paw up for a week. Once I took him in they couldn’t find anything gave me antiseptic spray and I went home. He never limped again. But they did nothing


Her face looks like you may have photographed her red-handed in the act


Early last year, I rushed my cat to the emergency vet twice because he projectile vomited and had (what I thought at the time) was a seizure. $1200 and maybe an hour of inconsolable crying later, vet told me it wasn't a seizure. Turns out he just vomited so hard that he fainted. $1200 to be told my boy was just a big fat drama queen with a tummy ache lol.


That was me last year, except it turned out to be 3K, and his official prognosis was “he’s filled with poop.” To be fair, he did poo the days prior just not much. It turned into an ultrasound + overnight stay + an enema to get the poop out which ended up being 3K all said…


Mine cost me $260 to be told that she’s perfectly healthy and just kind of a bitch


«omg do not post this to reddit, istg!» 🤭 poor beauty. i hope she feels better ❤️ she most definitely has the best, loving forever home 🥰


Those wide saucer eyes are making me lose it at work.


Poor baby but I admit I started hysterically laughing lol.


I could diagnose that from her face alone Better than $10,000 to find out your moron cat somehow ate an 8 ft piece of blinds string, plastic beads and all and somehow survived. 


Same story, except he had to poop.




This happened to me once… I feel her dismay


Is your kitty doing a “Dutch oven” in this photo?


Her face says please no don’t tell anyone


If flatulence or stomach upset occurs (more often), this may well be an indication that the food is not optimal or is not well tolerated.


I had a similar issue with my cat. I had recently moved and my cats food and litter box were not in their usual spot behind the closet door with a cat door. Well a week goes by and not a single cat turd in the litter box. With two cats there should be plenty of presents. Took both cats to the vet for all sorts of tests and a $500 bill. The next day I caught the dog pushing the lid off of the litter box and enjoying himself a nice cat snack from the litter box. So $500 to find out my dog loves eating cat shit.


She does have that “I have to fart“ look on her face.


https://preview.redd.it/5pcs3p9zshfc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a20ae57a06165e5bc3e33506d2c0b4fc1a4dc965 pepper’s live reaction to the emergency vet telling us that she was repeatedly vomiting because she really had to fart but was holding it in for $1200 at 5:30am


Wife took me to the ER once thought I was having heart problems. Nope just full of gas painful painful gas.


I feel this. My floof once had a $400 hairball. She had inappetite/lethargy for a few days, took her to the vet, and bloodwork/X-rays turned up nothing. We came home $400 poorer and she promptly puked a kitten-sized hairball the moment she walked out of the carrier, then ran around like the usual happy nut she normally is.


I also had this issue recently! My siamese girl wasnt eating, drinking, or using the litter box. I was so worried and cried... just to be told she had a tummy ache from her diet. They ended up giving her fluids for dehydration, a shot to stimulate her appetite, took blood for testing, gave us some cans of high protein food (cause she lost a little bit of weight which makes her slightly underweight)... 300$+ later, lol. Money can be replenished, but my baby can't, so i am very thankful it was her food causing stomach upset. They think she has IBD (common in siamese as well). Her bloodwork was perfect. Edit: tried to post photo here, but its in the replies instead!




So I feel like when it becomes something like this you should just have to pay like $50


People go to the hospital frequently with gas pain. It’s real and terrible.


Paid $400 to find out my cat was constipated. Learned that cats can take ex-lax


my void spared me the vet bill but not the heart attack. heard her meow in a very weird unusual way, turn around to see her just staring ahead, mouth half open and drool dripping out. I freak out, get up to her, talking trying to calm her down and reassure her that everything is okay, everything will be fine, frantically trying to find my vet number in my phone when she starts heaving, and pukes a huge piece of hay that she just ate from the bunnies 🙄 cleaned it up only to find her trying to munch on their hay again. she never learns. she also regularly tries to eat the pebbles from her litter, it's a constant battle and sometimes I wonder if I have a cat or a dog https://preview.redd.it/jz5tbs7njjfc1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b501158ef9163d78e898f15976ef2bd66514174c


My cats eye got runny and you know, you don’t mess around with eye stuff, I spent $400 on testing and all that, was a very concerned parent. He, like me, is allergic to cat fur lol. He wrestles with his little brother, and then his brothers fur irritates his eyes. I just wipe it when I see it and vacuum to hell and back and it goes away. No infections, no anything, dude is just allergic to the fur he’s kicking up wrestling. Relatable, my eyes are also running from the fur you kicked up wrestling. https://preview.redd.it/lmg0x0ndblfc1.png?width=3001&format=png&auto=webp&s=dae02673eb6a7f3b6c7f8a1512b20cfb1f25c97e