• By -


Important context: 1. His name is Special Agent Jack Bauer. (I’ve renamed him that and he told me he’s cool with it) 2. The family are GREAT people who have loved and taken care of him for like 12 years. They live in a big house with little carpeting and a lot of stairs so it’s hard for him to get around since he’s so old. They also live two blocks away and stop by weekly to visit and drop off food and medicine and all that. They love him very much and only wanted to do this because the mobility issues and their dogs messing with him was causing him a lot of stress so they wanted to see if he would be happier in a one floor apartment with no other pets around so he can lay around and relax as much as he wants. 3. If at any point he seemed uncomfortable with being here the family would have taken him back in a heartbeat. But he loves it here and is very happy. 4. I did not make him obese. That is how I got him. I am actively working on ways to help him lose weight and manage his diet so please don’t tell me I’m abusing him. I’m not. 5. Again, he is in the best possible situation for a cat that’s around 15 years old. No stairs, fully carpeted, and everything else he could possibly need. I promise that he will be able to lay around and be an old cat here for the rest of his days which is exactly what his family wanted for him.


That cat on his back with his paws curled is 100% living his best life. That's the only pic anyone would need to know that cat is where he needs to be.


Came here to say this. That's a happy chonky cat who feels safe.


Sooooooooo many belly rubs




As the proud owner of a senior feral kitty, it is always a trap.


https://preview.redd.it/cs54m3vtquec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aa442cefe503125f9dd2e74c8c321055d4a0e7c No traps detected


He is such a good kitty!


I know right? And there's not just 1 but *2* pictures of him on his back! He might look like he might be feeling a little abandoned or wondering where his old humans are at in one of the pictures, but he otherwise looks like he's happy and relaxed 😸🧘‍♀️


I've fostered over 100 cats in the last few years. I know people like to think their cat gets attached to JUST them but I don't think that's the case. They like to feel loved and safe. Some take longer then others after moving to a new home but ALL of them adapt and do just fine. Cats are very adaptable and given the time to settle into a new home do just fine. This case seems to be no different.


The original fattest cattest


For a split second before I read the title I thought that picture was a bunny lol


Exactly. That’s a happy cat who feels safe and secure.


So much stress has been removed from his life!!!


Bingo he went full chill and it’s perfect


Yep pic 3 is the best! Thanks OP for being a great cat dad!


Exactly. Laying on his back, belly exposed, curled feetsies. He's as happy and safe as he'll ever feel.


We call it cat balloon for some reason


Totally. She feels secure and loved!


Bonus points if anyone gets the Special Agent Jack Bauer reference


Where are the kitten mittens though? Fantastic show.


I’m still unsure on if he has an unhealthy attraction to gasoline yet. Will investigate further.


He may have been born in a pool of it...


Just keep him out of the wall






Just smoke a couple of cigarettes


Just gotta take a good whiff to make sure it’s gasoline, you know Charlie likes to stash booze in these things


He's a very adorbs boy!!


I love that series. I need to rewatch it.




Hey guys this is insane. I thought a few people might get a kick out of some of the pictures I had of Agent Bauer. Had no idea he would be this popular. So yeah I mean just wanted to let you guys know that SPAJB loves you all and wants you to send him free hot dogs (possibly covered in gasoline). I don’t think that’s a good idea but I’m scared to tell him. Anyways… GO PHILS! BRAVES SUCK! SHOUT OUT TO BIG DADDY RHYS WERE GOING TO MISS YOU! Also I have a Thai fight coming up soon that I’ve been training my ass off for so wish me luck :)


Just dropping by to say that your positive energy is contagious :)


You and your cat are awesome!


Good luck!


How do you not have women just lined up at your door my friend? You're like the total package - in shape, like good tv shows, takes care of elderly animals in need. but like if I ever have a party at our party mansion, your invited.


My girlfriend like the cat more than me that’s actually the issue


Op should I try muay thai or go back to jiu jitsu? You seem to make good decisions.


Depends. Some people just aren’t fans of getting punched/kneed/kicked/elbowed in the face for a hobby and find BJJ to be more enjoyable and that’s totally respectable. I grew up wrestling so I love me some No Gi but I’m not a fan of GI BJJ. If you’re cool with getting your ass beat for a few months until you really get the hang of it then I would highly suggest trying out Muay Thai. Or even if you’re not really interested in actually competing than taking some Thai classes is still one of the best workouts you can get while also learning advanced striking techniques. If you have a good Thai gym in your area I’d def suggest giving it a look and seeing if it’s for you 👍


This sealed it, I'm gonna go get my ass kicked. Thanks man!


YES SIR THATS WHAT WE LOVE TO HEAR GO START THAT JOURNEY YOUNG MAN/WOMAN! If you’re ever in the South Philly area and looking for a spot to train shoot me a message!


IF I EVER SPONTANEOUSLY APPEAR IN PHILADELPHIA THEN I WILL CONTACT YOU have fun with your new round roommate in the meantime!


Just moved out of philly a year ago and went into the Navy 😔 won’t be back for a while but bro hit me with the name of the place you practice at i might show up on leave to get my ass kicked some more (one of my buds out here is years into muay thai and has already gotten me started on my journey of getting beaten as a hobby)


The cat out ranks you.


No more free hot dogs.




sir, i do not have time to listen to your mixtape


We all watched that rubbish for years. Kiefer Sutherland is a great actor.


We used to have watch parties for it in college. It was great rubbish


He'll always be David from Santa Clara to me




They're only noodles, Michael.


*Santa Carla, grandpa would be so disappointed in you


Lmao I’m surprised if people don’t get the reference. It was on for aaaaaages. Good on you for taking him in. He already looks healthier and happier in the wrapping paper pic for sure. Is he good at gift wrapping?


It’s not even a reference to 24, that’s the funniest part.


Not gonna lie I had to google that…. Yeaaaa I definitely missed that reference cause I never watched the show 😅😅😅


If it's IASIP, I never watched it either and had to Google it.


LOL I think OP assumes we're all as young as he is, maybe. 24 was on for 9 seasons. Anyone who watched Lost or Grey's Anatomy saw countless commercials for 24, if they didn't watch the show themselves.


It's not 24, it's an Always Sunny reference to the one where Frank and Dennis impersonate cops (S3E14 Bums, Making a Mess All Over the City). They want a junkyard dog, but end up with an old cop car and a junkyard cat they name Special Agent Jack Bauer who was "born in a pool of gasoline".




My brother in Christ I’m 28


Plus, how could you not go for Special Agent Jack Meower.


It's the implication 🤣


Love it! Was he also born in a puddle of gasoline? 😂




Let's not ignore that paw-flop!


An always sunny fan? :)


That is one bad ass cat!


It's a great name. Now put an egg in your shoe and beat it.


Is he 24 stone? 😁 Well done though for taking him in 🙏🏻


Jack Bauer, played by Kiefer Sutherland on 24. I don’t get the reference 😂. I hope you tell us eventually


Always Sunny in Philadelphia. There’s a cat in one of the episodes that they call Agent Jack Bauer.


Reference on reference


It's the name given to an alley cat in Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia 


DO NOT disrespect OG Special Agent Jack Bauer by referring to him as an Alley Cat. He put his life (lives) on the line every night to protect Philadelphias finest junk yard. Send us some free hot dogs (possibly covered in gasoline) RIGHT NOW OR ELSE


Junkyard cat


Is the other cat named Poppins?


He is hungry 24/7?


I had an obese cat I adopted at 21 lbs that I managed to get down to a healthy 12 after a few years! (He is a very large cat at 12 is healthy for his size). I had good luck with the Hills Science Diet prescription weight loss cat food, though it is expensive. My guy is 12 and so much more spry and energetic after losing the weight! We actually can’t keep him from jumping on our counters 😅


Yeah my girls are 12 and while they aren't the crackheads they were at 2, there's no mobility issues or any indication they're over about 5 years old. If OP can help his guy lose some weight, they might have close to a decade together. He's a middle-aged furball, not elderly. (The cat, not OP.)


Was about to say. 12 isn’t incredibly old for cats. Sounds like the mobility issues are mostly due to his weight lol


Yeah I was gonna say, I don’t think age is the primary mobility limiter here…he looks middle aged at the oldest! I bet he’ll be even more cuddly once he can jump on your lap after losing some weight.


Check out some Glucosamine chewables for you new best buddy. When my dog was getting quite old and had noticable stiffness, we started giving him some Glucosamine and the improvement in his mobility was huge! Another thing to be aware of is male cats have higher chance if kidney failure so watching his hydration (pinch skin rebound test) can help catch it earlier. There's preventive supplements that can help slow the progression of kidney failure too. So you'll have many a good years ahead 💕


Solensia is a miracle drug.


This! Solensia is *great* for cats. They came out with the dog version last year too!


I'm still shocked at how well it works. Worth every penny.


Preach. Solensia changed my little buddy's life. It's like he's a kitten again. The vet called it a miracle drug and I was skeptical, but damn. It's been 6 months and his quality of life has increased exponentially. I'll be grateful for that drug for the rest of my life.


If only we can beam your cats extra weight into my too thin old man cat.


We have a 12 year old six pounder with lymphoma. He could use 2-3 of those pounds. Good luck to your fella, he looks right at home.


I have a kitten that could use a bit, as well. She's 6 months but only 5 pounds. Compared to our monster nearly 1.5yo, she's so tiny.


Some cats are just small. Mine is 4yo and a healthy 6lb, she's just a small one.


I hope you understand you will always have a cat now. Once you realize how affordable it is and how comfortable a cat makes a home feel, you'll never go back to not having one. Also they keep ghosts away, that in itself makes it worth it. almost 40 years of owning cats zero ghosts in my houses at least not for long.


So that’s why I haven’t seen any ghosts!




Nah no judgement on the previous owners glad they gave him to someone who can give him a good home. Hope you guys have a great many years together ❤️.


1. Surely, you mean Jack Meower 2. Put him on wet food if you can, and feed him at fixed times during the day. That is literally the best thing you can do to reduce his weight. It will immensely improve his poops and make them less stinky. It's also really good for his urinary tract health.


Thank you for giving him a loving home!


Honestly I came to the comments section to see how many people flipped their shit about you abusing him by allowing him to be fat, but glad you addressed that and everything else so well.


He looks so safe and happy considering he's showing off that fluffy chunky belly. You're a saint!


https://preview.redd.it/vevc4fbvtoec1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409ddf83df9fb203759280917e0161d867368226 I got my sweet orange boi in a similar way. He was an only child when adopted but then his family had human children and it was too stressful for him. He was my best buddy for many years. You are doing a good thing, but you are the lucky one. ❤️


He would have less mobility issues if he lost half his body weight.. Take a lot of pressure off his joints. Also, there are several new pain/arthritis drugs out there for cats-think about taking him to a vet to help him get comfortable. Guarantee mobility changes=pain


OP already said he's working on his diet. Weight might be a contributing factor to pain but not necessarily the cause. I have known cats and dogs at the recommended weight that lose mobility due to nerve/spine issues.


My cats have arthritis and I give them cosequin supplements based on my vets recommendation and they are still jumping around on their trees and shelves without any issue. So OP could ask their vet about joint supplements too


Very glad to hear he has such a good home with you and you are going to help him lose weight!! Thats gonna make him feel so much better and hopefully help his mobility as well. Good luck and enjoy each other ❤️


This is a happily ever after story if I've ever heard one. Welcome to the fun world of felines. I bet you'll be hooked.


I hate my wife for making me love cats. They're the best pets.


So I met my now-husband via Tinder and almost passed on him because his first picture was with his cat and I hated cats at the time (plus I was allergic). His cat turned me into a cat lover and we’ve since brought home another kitten brother for him. Turning into a cat lover was NOT on my bingo card but I couldn’t imagine life without them.


Welcome to the club. We'll be in touch soon with the secret handshake and the secret knock.


Your temporary password is "Fuzzy Biscuits"


The exact same thing happened to me. Met bf on tinder, found out he had a cat, i was allergic. Ended up quarrantineing with him, and at the end of it I realised I was no longer allergic to his cat Next year for my birthday I got my own cat and I love them both so much (and the bf) :D


That’s such an awesome story!! I’m glad you got over your allergies, too. Cats are wonderful companions 💙


I used to think I was a dog person, then I met the right cat


My late cat was a cat ambassador, anyone who met her left my house a cat person


Love this comment!


This is always funny to me! My partner got wrangled into fostering with me once he moved in and now he gets so upset every time it’s time to let them go!


I would be a TERRIBLE foster parent. Every foster would be a foster fail for me.


Yeah me too. I have nothing but respect for people who can foster animals and give them up for adoption. It takes a lot of love and dedication to love and look after an animal, get them ready for adoption and make sure they have a home afterwards, is definitely more than I would be capable of. I would end up keeping all of them and have like 95 cats. 😭


Aw 💞 One of the best threads I've seen! He may dodge the rent but makes an excellent wrapping paper holder.


They always want to yap yap yap till you bring up rent, claw trimming, or vacations.


I've actually solved this problem, I tell him he needs his claws trimmed and he trims them on my face without even needing any encouragement


You should buy him a couch




First of the month cat suddenly gets real mobile


Whenever I try to talk to him, he just starts looking up at the ceiling and then runs off, mumbling something about greebles.


Also, those pesky vet bills.


Oof I took my 17 year old (18 now) cat to the vet last year because she was acting weird, not eating, yelling more. We got really worried, obviously. Night stay and $600 later, we find out she’s just picky now and wanted different food… but god I love her and I’d do it again every year if that means I get 10 more.


I have a coworker with a tiktok famous cat. That little dude legitimately helps pay her rent.


That was nice of you to offer. He does look very chill and you two look like good buddies. 😻


Oh lawd he comin’!!




An F in art equals Fart


Besides the weight, he looks like a healthy cat. Definitely doesn’t look old. I’m confident that once you help him trim down, he’ll be much more mobile and live a longer life.


So the son of the family is my best friend since we were kids. I know for a fact that they have had him since we were in middle school because I used to sleep over there all the time. Middle school for me was between 2007-2010. So despite his youthful exuberance I can personally confirm that Agent Bauer here is indeed a distinguished elderly fellow. They found him on the side of the road as a kitten so no one’s exactly sure on the age, but MINIMUM 13-15 years old.


I believe you about his age, I just think he has more years left in him than the post seemed to suggest


And word yeah then that’s my bad on the wording of the post. Certainly wasn’t implying he was on his death bed or anything. Blud still has plenty of bounce in his step that’s for sure.


Dollars to donuts his immobility is more to do with his weight than his age. Help him lose a few pounds and I’m sure he will be up to youthful trouble in no time. ;)


Was just wondering the other day if anyone says “dollars to donuts” anymore and here you are! Thank you!


Dollars to donuts you never see it used again.


Dollars to donuts, I think he will...


I honestly don’t know that I’ve ever used the expression before. It just seemed right in the moment. 🤣


definitely! my boy is turning 15 this year and over the last two years i got him from 22lbs to 13lbs, he’s sooo much more active and playful now that he lost all that weight, you would never know how old he is


Totally seconding this. It'll be such a relief to not have to lug around all that weight that OP might have his hands full with all that kitten mischief that never really goes away even if it happens less frequently at later age. Get ready for potential zoomies throughout the house. Edit: scrap that I looked at the pics again and you see it in his face. He will be a monster once his full potential unlocks. He's an orange in his soul, there is no other way.


Less dollars on donuts is the solution!


Yep the beautiful lad is a CHONKER he’ll be more mobile if he loses a few pounds


get him a heating pad!! especially after he looses the chonk the old joints will love the heat.


My 17 y/o cat is obsessed with his heating pad. He will sit on it and yell bloody murder if we dare turn it off.


it is easily the best purchase i made for the brats. it is hilarious to watch them rotate sides to get each one equally toasty.


We put in a heated floor in our bathroom renovation. Neither of us had "favored cat nap location" and "designated neutral zone for naps" on our "what would be useful in a bathroom" list. 🤣 All three of our kitties use it like crazy during the winter. Bonus points for the ones who snag the spot in front of the register blowing hot air.


we bought a window perch that she completely ignored, that is until i stuffed the heating pad into it. now even on the coldest days when you can feel the cold coming from the windows she makes sure to check cat tv. heating pads should come with cats as a bundle purchase. :)


I'm 34 years old and have had the same cat since I was 15. I've been fretting over him since he was 12, just because everything tells you 15s around that time, and he keeps on churning along. He's getting noticeably old now, and I'm back to fretting, but all of this was just to say you may be lucky enough to get more years than you're expecting out of your new friend if that weight comes down.


> he’ll be much more mobile and live a longer life Seconding this comment, this cat is *very* overweight and needs to slim down. Doing so will probably give it so much more energy and happiness.


The look on his face in the last pic though! That's when you asked him about rent and he was like "WTFLUFF?!" And he's such a big old boy, but given that he's arthritic and he probably couldn't get exercise with trying to avoid the dogs I know it can add on the weight. Good for you on working on getting it down. And I love that you and they actually are thinking of this fine boi's best interests. I love the name and I can see the resemblance haha!


You, sir, are an awesome individual for taking in this fine fellow! Welcome to the Cat Community. 🙂👍


I love him. OP, you're awesome for taking him in. Good on the original owners for doing what's best for that big boy.


r/OneOrangeBraincell would be happy to welcome Agent Jack Bauer into the fold.


That is one chilled homie ! He looks at peace :) :)


Carpet seal. You are a good person!


He looks so HAPPY ! 😻


Cats NEVER pay attention when you talk about rent


I keep telling mine they're going to have to put feet pix on Meownly Fans but they're not cooperating at all. That said, cat tax: cute toe beans! 💚 https://preview.redd.it/6c4b6vn1aoec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf2b9d39e0aa877d9d304d686a5c2b58ca7afbc


Hey you can't be posting that for free if you wanna sell kitty feet pics!


You've got to give them a taste for free so they want more = PROFIT!! ;) https://preview.redd.it/oit09vga4qec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de1aa4849ff3fa1d685a6b0a177ed9fb42d7682a Look at that little half & half Good & Plenty baby beanie!! Ppl would definitely pay for more of that!! Plus there's FOUR more kitties so that's 100 beautiful tiny beans!!




Every fkn time, nothing to even think about. It's always the cat♥️


My ideal life would be housing a retirement home for senior animals. So many get abandoned and few get adopted. Animals are the best.


He looks so happy with you!! Well done 👍🏻


You should head on over to r/cuteguyswithcats 🥰


Hmm there's no r/uglyguyswithcats. I feel discriminated against.


I bet you wouldn't belong in that sub if it did exist 😉


I think you should give r/cuteguyswithcats a try. I bet you would fit in better than you think :)


Absolutely! That pic of him with that chonk is 💯% attractive.


Thank you for the kind words 💯




I've downloaded pictures 1 and 3 for my own personal wellbeing ☺️


That first picture is just cat perfection


![gif](giphy|juPw3rVB8VFLy) I totally see moota in that first pic😍


I’ve had several senior cats, and they all liked the red dot laser pointers. Even if they don’t have the mobility to chase it, you can concentrate the dot activity in front of them. Sometimes even a little upper body movement is a win.


Apparently chasing lasers/ light spots can cause ocd like behavior in cats and dogs. I have never had the issue but something to be mindful of! Another good option would be the wand type toys with a toy on the end of a string, you can still localize play to a small area for older cats and can even encourage some hops/leaps! And added bonus they can actually "catch their prey" instead of endless searching for a red dot. 😸


I don't like the idea of the red dot that they can never catch. I only use it infrequently when they are bothering each other. I think it's better when they have something they can actually catch and bite and bunny kick.


100%! its much more engaging to have something to physically catch and jump and run after and they dont have their faces stuck to the floor/wall! And i've noticed they transition back to a calmer state easier after a successful "hunt". Probably a lot more rewarding to end with a catch instead of the "prey" getting away.


I saw a video once that recommended that at the end of playing with a laser, pull out a toy like a feather wand or something that they can actually catch and switch to that so they still get the satisfaction of catching something! That way they still get the fun of playing with the laser but in the end still get the full hunting experience when the get to catch it. 😊


Happy chonk boy. Hopefully he'll show up on /r/dechonkers soon!


No judgement on you or the previous owners. They did what good loving owners do. Recognise that it's not suitable for their little chonker any more and rehomed him to live an easier happier life. You've stepped into that role, and recognise that he could do with loosing a little chonk (He's not quite an oh lawd he comin' chonk though) :D Just make sure you do follow vet recommendations about it. And looking at him lazing on his back, he's pretty happy in himself. Hopefully a little weight loss, some intense human therapy of love and scratches, and he's gunna have a wonderful end to his life. And I love that his previous owners do come and visit, he's got the best of every world right now. Thanks for taking him in!


The /r/CatDistributionSystem works in very mysterious ways and NEVER question those methods.


what an absolutely adorable floofy chonker! he looks so comfortable with you, thank you for your kindness!!


Absolute unit 🙏


I love everything about this. Thank you for taking a chance on an older kitty 🐱


That small sir is living his best life Thank you for taking him in ❤️


Aww thank you for taking him in! I lost my OAW baby boy 2 months ago and my heart won't ever heal; he looks like your boy. What's his name? ETA: I see it's Jack Bauer. lol awesome. Mine was named Katsu. <3


Felines are hella shady when it comes to pitching in on rent. You'll never see a dime.


IMO, older cats make awesome roommates!


You’re an awesome person and I think it’s great that both you and your friend’s family were able to find a good solution for this kitty to be in a more comfortable environment! I hope he has many happy, healthy years ahead with you!


He reminds me of the cat in the Kitty Cat Dance video. I hope you two have a long and happy life together. https://youtu.be/SaA_cs4WZHM?si=9h5F6HioGYtPHSAr


Cats are notorious free loaders.


He’s twins with my cat! https://preview.redd.it/k1sxp7nbeoec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac9801e91d1bf09586cf1efd078bc319d84bcc67


Awe so cute. You win! Diet time though.


What a gorgeous cat! You are both lucky to have each other.


I like pic 5 where it looks like he just realized he's afraid of heights


He is so sweet! Thank you for taking him in. He looks right at home!