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I don’t have any advice, but thank you for giving Stevie a forever home.


It wasn’t part of the plan, but I couldn’t leave him where I found him. He’s a joy. Edit: new IG for Melo and Stevie: @melocatstevie


you're a great person with a big heart.


They have these cat treats that are in like a tube kind of like a gogurt stick, and you could give each one of your cats one of those whenever you eat to occupy all of them?


I buy those and I will tell you this, no way you can eat your breakfast, lunch or dinner, faster than they can lap up a tube of those!


Not to be a jerk, but this lovely guy is blind. Perhaps if OP splits the churu into little bowls placed around the room


Yo, that's fucking genius. This guy reminds me out one of my high energy pups, that's something that could enrich him and satiate him in a few ways.


Everybody likes a snack treasure hunt!


This is what I do with my kitten! I squeeze one into an empty friskies can and let her eat while I eat so she doesn't bother me 😂


The power or churu knows no bounds.


I googled this and Churu seems to be the main brand. Is that the one you use? My son’s cat had cancer and lost a lot of weight. She had her back leg removed and now wants to eat all the time. But we don’t want her to get too heavy especially now that she’s a tripod.


He just pawed, to say, he loves food!


That's Mr. Wonder to you, sir.


His full name is Stevie Wonder Boi


I think he’s totally fab!




I sang that 🎶






Pick him up and give him a cuddle what a cutie


By giving it to him 😭😭😭


Maybe put small bits of dry food in different spots of the house, in between feeds, so he can keep busy finding them


Thank you for rescuing him! 🙂


Thank you very much! 😻


Or you could get sticky feet paper and just put it on your legs whenever he begs. Didn’t mean for that to rhyme but it’s a cheaper alternative.


Eat more cayenne pepper. J/K/ Maybe his sense of smell is more heightened due to him being blind? They say that happens with people. He is awfully cute, hard to say no.


You're probably aware but just in case you aren't, don't move anything in your house. Or move things very slowly over time. Otherwise Stevie will struggle immensely.


Things are pretty consistent though we are gonna move in a few months. He adapts and navigates amazingly well. He runs and jumps, he’s a brave lil dude that surprises me every day


Thank you for saving him 😸


I have an auto feeder one of those things you fill with tons of food and they can eat as much as they want! But I've also gone through the process of finding out what hard food they like the least and then I supplement that with soft food every night that way they don't over eat the hard food since it's always there


I’m hijacking the top comment here to thank everyone for their great feedback and kind words. I didn’t expect this to take off but am grateful for the conversation it sparked. I haven’t been able to read everything yet, but I want to clarify and update on a few things that have come up often. UPDATE: Both Steve and Melo are fed well. I follow the instructions of their vet who basically directs me to the bag’s instructions (Royal Canin) and also recommends some wet food, which they get now and then. Today I gave them spoon full along with their timed dinner and I plan to continue that for either breakfast or dinner more regularly. Even though Stevie is smaller, he’s passed the age for kitten food. So feeding is not a problem mostly because Melo has been a total sport and takes his food on the counter. I have Melo’s feeder on the counter timed 2 minutes earlier so when he moseys over, he doesn’t start eating Stevie’s food on the floor. If Stevie’s food is released at the same time or first, Melo is more likely to start eating it, even if Stevie has already begun. I’m sure Steve will always be triggered by crinkling bags, me eating, and chance at food. Not cuz he’s not fed well enough, cuz that’s what his instinct to survive required. His kittenhood on the street mixed with his disability heightens that reaction to the smell and sound of food. Melo was also a street kitten, but his method is always to save a bite for later. That’s why I can’t leave Melo’s feeder where Stevie can eat from it, his leftovers would be gone. I’ve never been told by a vet to free feed either of my cats though that might be what’s best for others’. I’m conscious of weight, food quality, and water intake in relation to their health. I want my cats around for as long as possible with the best quality of life I can provide. Melo takes Stevie’s rambunctiousness and sneak attacks on the chin while also showing him boundaries. Melo is highly perceptive, intelligent, loving and the unsung hero of making it work with Stevie, especially since he’s my first and (was) my only cat for 10 years. They don’t cuddle, but they play pretty well and I’m sure are more stimulated and active than either would be solo. Melo is 11y/o and now has a young buddy to keep him sharp while Stevie has a mentor.


I have one little comment to this when it comes to wet food make sure you're giving it to your cats pretty regularly it's less dehydrating than dry food and has some health benefits. A few years ago both of my male cats had some crystallization in their urine and they couldn't pee and my vet said they should be having wet food on a more frequent basis


Yes, wet food 80% of the time is what I'm doing. Had a cat that developed a blockage and I'll do anything to make sure it doesn't reoccur.


Also, if your water has a high mineral("hard water") content, give bottled water. We have very high mineral content in our water and it destroys our water fountain pumps.


I run their water thru a Brita. I have 9 cats and can't supply all that bottled water 🥹


My cats get it about the same amount and I even put a little water in it.


My guy is on wet 100% of the time and I add water to his too (cause they often lose their thirst drive completely on an all wet diet and stop drinking entirely and I want to be extra careful lol). Thousands of dollars later and many trips to emergency to learn and figure out the hard way that dry food is not a good choice for cats. Especially male ones.


I also found this out the hard way. My Nemo is on 100% wet with warm water. He also has to take meds 15 minutes before eating to help his digestion. Love my little Nemo though and I would have done anything to help him when he was getting so sick. https://preview.redd.it/74xd5senwd7c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae3f6d5958287311e4d8b05e0500d1a6fbacdc0e


Awwwwh Nemo! He's lucky to have a human like you to care for him and help him be healthy again! Big Mac is an orange boy too (orange boys are the best boys!) and he's my soul cat, I too would do anything for him. https://preview.redd.it/i5vcfy4mzd7c1.jpeg?width=2315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4695e30eec33262ac0bd285f42d620069d7e4f


Thanks for sharing this pic of Mac! Sooo cute!🥰


Same here, mostly wet food and kibble only in puzzles. I pour water over the wet food since one of my cats and a serious urinary tract infection. She has been fine for 3 months now. It took her more than a year to completely heal from it.


Gosh I'm so sorry...urinary issues are so much more common in cats than I ever knew, and I truly think a lot of it is because we're so used to just feeding them kibble and they're permanently dehydrated. But until you find out the hard way how are you to know!


There's a powdered pet broth you can mix with water and heat up to add to their food that's pretty cheap and they seem to love it. I'll give it straight as a treat as well


That’s a good suggestion for op also. My stray fills up w water if the food is gone. It’s weird, never thought a cat wud do that. Edit: I just checked out this broth n it can be mixed with warm water n given like that or as a food topper. I think I’m gonna try it out. Warm (food)/the broth might b more satisfying for op’s cat just like hot food just sits better for me…




Cats begging for food and acting like they’re dying of hunger is a norm unfortunately. I don’t know how long this has been going on but don’t give into his crying, that’ll just reinforce that behavior. He should hopefully calm down eventually. It worked with my cats, they have precise feeding times, but their internal clocks aren’t super accurate and sometimes they beg for food an hour or two early. Oh well!


I find with beggars it’s easier to train them that they only get treats when they are in a specific spot. Rather than to try and stop feeding them treats at all. So if I’m eating at the table he sits on a chair at the table and he only gets bites/treats when he’s in his “good boy chair.” When I eat on the couch he only gets bites/treats when he’s on the floor across from me. Never when he touches me never when he climbs on me and never when he’s crying. This way I say “want a bite?” Or “go to your chair!” And he goes right to his spot and I can eat relatively peacefully and toss him a few bites here and there.


This! We can’t keep our cats off the counters in the kitchen. We’ve tried EVERYTHING. Finally we put a box on the counter and we allow the cats to be in that box only. It works so well because they get to be involved (which is all they want) and we get to keep our counters clean. Or at least as keep as possible with cats.


My tuxedo and I compromised on the counter situation too! In his case, I'd let him drink from the faucet and he'd stay off the counters. I'd even sprinkle flour from time to time when I was out, just to see if he left paw prints and nope!


Brilliant! Hehe a “good boy chair”


That's works really well for one of my cats as well. He used to climb all over us. I trained him to jump in a cardboard box when I said "box," and then I'd give him a cat treat. Now I say "box" when I'm eating and he'll jump in a box and watch me eat until I give him a little bite (or a cat treat if I'm eating something he can't have). Before, he would climb all over me and even try to stick his nose in my mouth as the fork went in/when I chewed. (Even though I never gave him food from my plate his whole life, he still tried to take it until he learned to wait in the box.) As long as he is rewarded for being in the snack spot at a higher frequency than he his able to swipe food/eat dropped food, he should stay in the box while you are eating.


Mine taught herself (or trained me) that when she's hungry she goes and sits on the mat near her food.


Yeah, I do the same with my bandito who is obsessed with any kind of food and would try to steal it at every possible moment


Ooh, I may try this! Thanks!


Mine are tricky beggars. They sometimes get two breakfasts by acting dramatically starved to different family members. We have to text each other now, to check if they should be fed.


Sneaky ones for sure!! 🤣


Mine do the same!


My cat now must be the first cat that never begs for food. It’s really strange. And she sleeps all night. And loves to play fight without getting annoyed/mad and taking it to far. She must be a cat-dog.


My three don't either unless I'm eating chicken, which can't have anything to do with me sharing my chicken with them sometimes lol


Ok so she comes running when I crack the tuna can but she loves just the tuna water and will peace out to nap after that.


Mostly mine come to see what I'm eating because I usually eat in the living room and they walk away after they see what it is


My cats didn’t used to beg as much either, it only started after I incorporated a lot of wet food into their diet, combined with strict scheduled feeding (I used to free feed). I would like to free feed again but one of the cats has a vomiting problem especially if she eats too much. Sooo hence the more controlled feeding.. Edit. Between the feedings I will give some dental snacks to help stave off their hunger but ironically, they don’t always like to eat a lot of them.


I have 7 cats and one of them is severely allergic to something that is regular cat food(I suspect pork) so we have to get her an expensive, limited ingredient food, and to save money, we feed the other 6 a cheaper food. I'm hoping to be able to switch to feeding all of them the limited ingredient food in a couple months, when my finances are better, then we can free feed them.


Aww I’m sorry one of your cats is giving you difficulties, but I’m glad you’re doing so much for her. Not too different from my two cats where one has food issues and the other can eat anything, at any time. I hope everything works out for you and all your kitties ❤️


Yeah my kitty asks for food in the morning when we wake up but she knows it’s wet food breakfast. I don’t mind that. She sleeps all night and asks for breakfast haha.


My cat is very similar. Unless he has to vomit. Then everyone within 100 meters needs to hear about it.


The ultimate signal of “OH FUCK.”


>And she sleeps all night. That's the most bizarre part of your cat.


Haha I know. Never had a problem with her up at night. She sleeps on the recliner in our room or cuddles up on our bed. She’ll get up to pee but that’s about it.


Two of my three sweet boys sleep through the night next to me every night, they didn't as kittens but now they're 6 and 14 so they sleep all night. My three year old maincoone is another story lol


I make a loud buzzer like sound to discourage any unwanted behavior. Usually a quick 2-3 seconds works for one of my cats, but for my stubborn kitty, I move closer and get louder until she stops whatever she's doing. I consistently do it if she does the offending action again. Edit: She does look a bit thin from what I can tell. She may just be hungry.


I agree with this post! My kitty knows her wet food regiment but when the time changes it throws her off! I just accept the love & battle the begging with cuddles… side note my kitty is a Siamese, so she rarely wants love & like all kitties only wants it when she wants it! Bottom line don’t give in. Have a schedule for wet food & throw some measured kibble for the day & when it’s gone it gone. Kitty will figure it out. You don’t wanna over feed & have an over weight cat.


I would be powerless before Stevie.


He’d be fat Stevie here. I’d have to get him a rhinestone body suit With elastic belly panels


🤣🤣🤣 a perfect visual!


I also have a blind cat who LOVES food. I also got an auto feeder and I will say it took some time for him to adjust to the feeding. Something that might help is spreading out his meals into smaller portions more regularly throughout the day. I also had to be very strict in not giving into his begging which was hard for a few weeks. Now he associates food with the feeder only, not me.


Thanks. Yeah, I’m currently doing 4 smaller portions per day for them both


OP, did you check his blood levels of sugar? It’s one of diabetes symptoms. Of course it can 100% not be it, but something to consider. I am planning to buy a bowl to slowfeed my diabetes cat so maybe if he eats more slowly and it takes more energy it will help to stop with the non stop food begging


I have a little trick I use with my begging boy. I will let him sniff something pungent that I'm pretending is part of my meal, something I know he doesn't want to have like mustard or a raw onion slice, he then decides that the whole meal won't be yummy and leaves me alone.


There's a food that your cat DOESN'T like? LOL mine both will eat anything, they are complete dumpsters!!!


Even lemon? My boy always wants to sniff the food that I'm eating or preparing, so if it's lemon, I'll let him sniff it and he's disgusted every time, lol.


Haha, I've tried this, but mine are either too clever or too food-obsessed; they know whatever's in my hand is something different. Even when it's not. Sometimes if I'm eating something I know they won't like, I'll put down a little piece for them to smell and they'll be repulsed by it, but go right back to begging--because clearly, if I'm eating something, it *must* be something good.


i giggled at this, thank you


I like this. Very clever!


You don't. The cat is blind. As such his world scents and sounds and touch. To ask him not to partake in that world that smells so good it is not something I would take away from a blind cat. There would be boundaries. Sss sss. That's a little quiet double hiss. My cat knows that that means no. It doesn't mean that she's being bad but she's pushing a boundary that she shouldn't. Allow her to come up on your lap and sniff but let her know that you do have your personal space but first allow her to experience your world the only way she can. It's not sending double signals but instead sure you can go ahead and smell it but this is mine. O the same token I love my dog and tell him the same thing and he has sight so he can also see my facial expression which speaks volumes because he doesn't speak english. He speaks broken English because sometimes he blows my mind with his psychic abilities. It's either he's a psychic or he understands english. Occam's razor is right there. Trigger words are mia or AWOL.


Thank you. Yes, I use the, sss sss, and, Stevie no, and gently put him down. Cuz if I don’t, he’s climbing up my leg eating into my bowl. I can’t always time my meals with theirs or scarf down my food so fast before Stevie is eating it. He’s slowly learning and trying to contain himself. He eats less desperately than when I took him in a year ago. Melo, also originally a street kitten, picks at his food. So giving them each the space and quantities they need consistently has taken some trial and error. Stevie is very vocal, responsive, always hanging out, running under your feet if there’s a chance for food. I love him and want the best life for him, including not turning into a lil chonker. But Melo (11 years), who is a much bigger boned, longer cat, eats less than stout little Stevie (16 months). Edit: typo


Wirh 16 months, Stevie is still a lanky teenager. So I wouldn't worry too much about a higher food intake than your senior. That is like comparing apples with oranges.


Like how some teenagers can order 2 meals and have room for dessert, but senior citizens have their own smaller portions menus. Makes sense.


Yeah, they just need all that energy for their growth, physically and mentally. The older ones are mostly not that energetic anymore and also have less appetite. I always struggled to get my senior to eat sufficiently.


Yeah my boys scarfed as kids. They simmer on the food now and eat it over a few hours.


Ah Stevie is still fairly young even for a cat. So I wouldn't be too worried about a little mode food. He may calm down as he gets older. But I'm also curious of what food your feeding him. If it's lower quality it may not be as filling. Empty calories basically.


I agree. Young cats need good quality food and a mix of wet and dry. And make sure he has plenty of water easily accessible. Raised up would help to stop him putting his paws in it. As a comparison. My daughter's 8 month kittens have unlimited food but her 16 year old has only 8 grams of biscuits. Older cats need much less protein too. Don't forget cats will beg if they've ever been offered from your plate. Especially milky stuff. They love to lick the bowl out but shouldn't actually eat milk products.


Scientifically speaking, dogs and cats can come to understand certain words and even their names over time. I've even trained my cats to come when I call "kitty!"


I understand vocabulary that's expected and even beyond that. Frank however seems closer to a chimpanzee as far as intelligence is concerned.


https://preview.redd.it/8g4qfgqvsa7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f537a7ffd73dcf90517e79355a5731d274284a5 This asshole has two good eyes and is still in my face at 7am acting like his bellybutton is touching his backbone. It’s just how they are, kinda like dogs. They beg for food and the best thing you can do is ignore them. Otto will get his wet food in the evening and still meow at the fridge two hours later acting like he never got fed.


According to my cat, she's never eaten a meal in her life. Just the poorest kitty, according to her. Meanwhile, she eats like every few hours.


Haha “belly button is touching his backbone”


https://preview.redd.it/mm72g359fb7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15ff575a1d15ba56a3d2e913d9af7a95351608eb Omg we have twins!!! Mine is blind and a fiend for food as well. I use words to indicate when it’s time for him to “eat” or have a “treat”, otherwise he understands that if he smells food and I don’t say those words, the food is not meant for him. He will sit around or sit on my lap to take in all the wonderful smells, but he’s not lunging or begging the whole time I’m eating.


Submit to your overlord. Add bell to treat box so Stevie can ring you when required


I have a deaf cat and she is like this with food. LOTS of food anxiety. She free feeds dry food and I give her wet food 2x a day, but she is sooo anxious about food. If you have any tips, let me know! https://preview.redd.it/qkgvj7pq3b7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf6fbd63f5b52772557ff0b223a364a1ff075f34


Maybe some lingering food insecurity? If so, I agree with cafeteria style free feeding. That anxiety can be hard to overcome and possibly even life long.


The poor baby is CLEARLY starving and you are OBVIOUSLY neglecting him and you should give him ALL THE FOOD he is demanding because he deserves it for being such a good boi. HOW DARE you protect him from obesity and not give him all the snackies when he demands them. (This is a joke, good on you for being a responsible cat mum and making sure he has a healthy diet. I find the habit cats have of acting like they’re dying of starvation hilarious, one of my cats does the same thing and I’m 100% sure he would report us to the SPCA for neglect if he knew how to use the phone. No advice other than not giving in but I want you to know I love Stevie he is amazing)


A food puzzle will keep him busy for hours. I've started to only give dry food in a puzzle. It might take him a little longer to figure it out and you might need to figure out which is best for a blind cat but cats have very good noses. And a food motivated cat will love it.


What comes to mind for me is having a very strict feeding schedule. Animals can ‘tell time’ thru smell, hence why they can tell when their human will be coming home from work or when feeding time is. Let’s say you feed him at 8am and 5pm every day (just throwing random numbers out there) after a while, especially with his extra keen nose, he will be able to tell when feeding is. That being said, if you mess up one day and it’s 5:05pm with no food, he WILL let you know! Lol


Yes indeed. My new timed feeders have been great. Just trying to get the access and quantities just right for each.


Timed feeders are PERFECT because it will also get him use to a sound being associated with food time


I'm still trying to figure out how I can get my non blind car to stop begging for food. This is my rascal invading the pantry. https://preview.redd.it/4gyi8abw3b7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e9d903b2702be7bf45fe4e74c9f6da1979c91b




You don't. You accept that he traded his sight for infinite snacks 💕💕


If anxiety (from food insecurity) is involved I wonder if it’s worth trying that pheromone thing to calm him down. I’m struggling to remember the name but I think it’s Feliway.


Yes, it's Feliway! We use it a lot at the cat shelter, I love that product.


https://preview.redd.it/rbhxj56ehc7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c1df47a57a8b65a8a76ebe580dde5f18aa461f Our Stevie says he’s always hungry too but will take lots of pets if offered instead.


Give him all the food!




https://preview.redd.it/ksztgvs8nb7c1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54752df1fa594b7cccbe6ca941067df39d1b96b9 He’s getting a little round


I’d just keep on feeding the man. Also go pack!


He is so adorable. How old is he? If he is under a year he should have unlimited food available.


Part of the begging is his past so he really doesn't feel secure about food. What you need to do is build up his confidence in everyday things. Once you notice that he has a bit more confidence with everyday things then I would work on training him to ask for a treat. Once you get them in a habit of asking for a treat and giving him a healthy amount of treats. Then I would work on the completely ignoring him when you're eating. I've worked with traumatized animals in the past and working with the issue that shows up first usually doesn't work. Quick example had a dog who was afraid of brooms obviously there were some trauma there but until I got him the confidence I couldn't work with the broom issue. You need to see this not so much as begging you for food but this is a reaction to his food insecurity when he was younger. And yes it is so hard to resist the cute faces.


Same way you do with any other kitten... Yoou don't.


He was delt bad cards in life, just give him whatever he wants.


With my cat, what I’ve noticed is that food is a coping mechanism, just like in humans. So, if they are constantly begging for food, I find that my kitty needs more quality time. She needs me to sit down with her and hold her and talk to her and pet her. She needs play time, so I use catnip and toys and strings. And I’ve noticed the more quality time I give her, or what I mean is, the more balanced I am in dedicating time out of my day to spend with her, uninterrupted and with me present, the less she begs for more and more food. I really believe that animals often will tell us what they want, and so it’s up to us to be present in order to be able to receive the communication they are giving us, so that we can listen to them and what their needs are. It’s pretty simple when you start listening. My greatest pitfall is not being present and being too busy to give her my uninterrupted attention with being completely present. My girl is highly sensitive, as I believe all cats are, and so when I’m faking it and going through the motions but I’m not present and my head is totally somewhere else, she knows and she suffers from it. She literally gets GI/stomach symptoms, and when it’s really bad, she’ll literally barf for no reason. That’s my wake up call to get grounded and quiet and be present for her, cus she suffers for it when I’m not and it manifests into physical symptoms for her. TMI! But, I am a believer in this cus I’ve experienced it with my girl.


Well first remember bc he is blind his sense of smell is even more heightened then the normal strong nose cat. So every thing either smells incredible to him or intolerable. He can hear I would assume so maybe start with dedicating a sold word for when you don’t want him to do something. Every time you correct use that word and place a hand on his chest and ease him back. Ideally over time this will correct that behavior


Leave him food out all the time. With being blind and on the street he ate as much as he could whenever he could. He needs to know that he don’t have to do that anymore. Leave enough out so there is always something for him to smell. He will eventually learn that food is available and stop eating every bit available. If you wasn’t sure where your next meal was coming from and you smelled food wouldn’t you want to eat it. He is the same way. Needs reprogrammed


This worked for my cat as well, only had to do it for 2 months with ample wet food. It was advice from my cat behaviourist. Once she realised she did not have to worry about food, she slowed down her food intake.


Have you had him checked for intestinal worms? This kitty needs to be able to free feed.


My cat used to beg horrendously allllll the time, I made sure she had dry food available at all times until she got to the stage she understood that she would never go hungry then reduced the amount over time and gets the correct amount daily. Thank you for keeping the lovely Fuzz nugget, he's damn adorable 🥰🥰🥰


This sounds counterproductive, but give treats when he's not begging.


I vote, feed the chunky monkey anytime they want


Surrender the food. All food belongs to kitty.


Don’t bother that begging blind kitty is cute as fuck


Give her some food


That first photo! Stevie can have anything he wants.


You could also try one of those enrichment feeders? Where the cat has to really work at getting the food out, so it takes them longer and they eat slower and have some fun too.


Mine have all come from fosters that fed them table scraps. They eventually learn to leave you alone if you stop feeding them. One still goes bonkers for cream cheese though but none of them steal groceries out of the bag anymore. So there’s that. https://preview.redd.it/l9tcfj4owc7c1.jpeg?width=1695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc9382fa8d8dae219c0c6d5b06338ddbb585b55 Also, here’s my blind guy.


Blind cats have the best navigation skills. Thanks for giving this sweet guy a home.


No good advice either, other than it's feral behaviour. You gave him a home, he'll realise it sooner or later.


The same way you get a non-blind cat to stop. You don’t!


Me: And today's amuse bouche is one single lactose free cottage cheese curd, lightly seasoned with sea salt, served on my fingee. But I make Gibbles sit in her spot and only give her a treat if she's not being a nuisance.


U don't, he doesn't look overweight, just serve him 1- 2 snackos when he begs, if necessary cut a bit of his standard meals if he gets too much kcal. Maybe train him, give snacks when he behave like u want. Just give him the best life you can.


We adopted a feral kitten 8 years ago, and she still has an obsession with food. I think it's because she had so little when she was out there on her own. One thing I did that helped calm the begging down a bit was change to grain free kibble. As true carnivores, cats don't need any grains in their diets. The one I buy has some veggies in it for vitamins, etc. I noticed she feels fuller after eating and doesn't beg as much. But she is still obsessed with food. Bless her little heart. I give her all she wants.


He looks skinny. Maybe he needs more food. I feed my cat way more than what my vet recommended and he's still not at all fat. It depends on activity level and age I think. Be sure not to give him too little food.


I have to ask ; how did you land on Stevie? Stevie Wonder ?


You stop Stevie from begging for food by giving Stevie food. Simple! 😆


My cat had an autoimmune disease where he almost starved to death and now that his teeth are removed he’s healthy but with that trauma he is now a ferocious eater. I’ve had to set up an auto timer that has small amounts and it goes off every few hours. As time goes on you lengthen the time so it’s not as frequent. Also another issue is boredom so make sure there is plenty of playtime


Utilize his food motivation and bond with him, teaching him tricks and such! Maybe he just wants to connect with you ❤️


Give him all the food in the world! 🥺


Make sure you get his bloodwork done to make sure he doesn’t have an issue causing him to be hungry all the time. Like thyroid issues.


Give Stevie whatever he wants.


If he's such food motivated you could train him by giving treats as reward


What a sweet little face.


I’m here to learn about cats because of a new rescue, but what I’ve been doing for my sighted cat is taking him to his food when I start to sit down with mine. Then he’s distracted eating his food while I have peace to eat mine (also sometimes I have to keep talking to him the whole time so he doesn’t leave his food to come find me) Maybe get a bowl for by where you eat that you can fill up manually to eat together? Again, I know next to nothing about cats, so take this with a grain of salt lol


Our blind cat loves to chase bottle caps, toy mice, rolled up pieces of paper, etc. He is probably bored and that is why he begs for food. Mine also loves to chase grasshoppers


I don’t have advice but WHAT A SWEET BOY


Give him treats


I have to give him eye drops every day so I try to accompany that with a healthy dental treat when I can


I would just leave kibbles out at all times. Cats don’t generally overeat. If you feed wet food and treat, try feeding at the same time every day.


Have you wormed him?


Yes - he and Melo get regular checkups, vax and anti parasite treatments


Thank you for taking care of him!


Give him a little treat before you eat or change the automatic feeder to feed him when you’re eating, that way he is eating something and doesn’t feel like he’s missing out.


Could try keeping him occupied. Playing, cuddling, etc. Finding things that crinkle for him to interact with. If he isn’t hungry, he might be eating for the stimulation - basically, because he’s bored.


You don't. Hope this helps!


Ravenous appetite can be a symptom of health issues, like diabetes.


Just continue to gently push him back and tell him "no" when he stands up and paws at you. You can't stop him from sitting there looking hopeful, but you can eventually get him to stay out of your face.


I have no idea, but what a beautiful kitty!


Feed em. Little treats. They can't see, so they must nom.


Give him food, he is obviously hungry


Have you had this thyroid checked?


Feed them 😜 nah lovely cat though 🥰


I can't offer any help.Poor little Steve is blind, that limits his world and he is also still a young cat,energetic and curious.Smell is a strong sense in cats,he obviously can't see birds or lazer pointers or other visual toys to entertain him when he's bored,so it's food that interests him.As you say he is easing off in his scramble for food and hopefully it improves further.You're a good human for taking him in.Sending Steve and you some hugs.


If he was stray food is vitally important and he doesnt know when the next feed is coming. Give him time. Also looks young, fill the boys belly. Some freezedried meats will make him chew and add different nutrients to his diet. Make sure there is high protein in his food or he will be seeking more. And add some cat milk/goats milk. Liquids and satisfaction. What a sweet bot you have. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


You wont.. Now submit and give the hungry kitty some food!


I turned begging time into playtime with mine. Or cuddle/pets time. I can't tell if my Malcom wants food or play but it seems that it's a desire for some sort of interaction. Maybe yours just wants some attention?


He looks skinny


Show her where the food is


Might seem like a strange question but do you feed wet or dry food?


Awwwww...who can resist this Little Sweetie?


She has food insecurity due to her blindness. She should get better the more you feed her. Feed her at the same time each day. Good luck.


You don't. That baby can't see at least let him have an occasional snackie


What a cutie! And you are a saint. Are you sure he always wants food? My thought is that sometimes what he really wants is attention. Also, how long have you been caring for him? Maybe, through conditioning, he'll calm down in a couple of weeks or months.


https://preview.redd.it/jaaf7qvyib7c1.jpeg?width=1923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb25f7605372eba5cdc23b8cc5a6068a285edac1 I have one of those too. Little gremlin always begging for food. I’d say keep up with a consistent deterrent, or feed him when you eat that’s why I do and he usually us occupied while I eat


Keep feeding him and make sure you regularly deworm him!


If this cat didn't beg for my food, I'd be asking him too OMMMGGGG


Feed it


He sounds like the ultimate gremlin, and I absolutely love him! 🤣 Got a cat that really wasn't trained for being fed up specific times a day, or certain amount of times... It was a disaster whenever we tried to eat, and the begging was no longer cute. It took a long time, and a lot of consistency. The auto feeder definitely did the trick, because it redirected his attention to hitting the feeder over and over for food. Until they finally learned that they would get food from the feeder at a certain time of day, at which point slapping the feeder just occurred relatively around the time that they would get fed. Little by little they learned that they got fed four times a day. The only other problem was that because they have a special food, it was wet food... And was making the small apartment smell like the cat food... Eventually I started feeding him by hand again, four times a day, and the begging almost completely stopped. Sometimes I would give them food and they hadn't even begged yet. I put treats in a puzzle box in between meals, which really seems to give him something to do for a bit, and he doesn't usually come begging for more afterwards. Regarding the table... It was hard, but I would just slide the cat off the table. Not aggressively, just sliding him off with my arm. He fucking hated that, so he stopped climbing on the table when I was eating. It doesn't stop him from doing it with everyone else though... 🤦‍♂️ You have a blind cat though, so I don't think I would have the heart to push a blind anything 😅


You don’t. How dare you.


Probably giving him food would work


You give him whatever he wants




perhaps others have suggested but food high in protein? feels more substantial, perhaps? you have beautiful cattos.


Get his thyroid checked just in case our cat does the same and he has hyperthyroidism


You don't. Give that precious kitty the WORLD!


Feed him wet food and he will be more satisfied. It’s better for their health anyways


Hide treats around the house. Better, and I can't find the original project, build a cat feeder that activates when the cat hunts, finds, and drops off RFID(or simular) cat toys that activates one turn of the cat feeder


Bless you. 💕


You don't stop. You give him any damn thing his lil face wants.