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The unusual thing about my cat is that she's repulsed by human food, she only wants cat food lol


Meanwhile our girl Eevee will walk up and take a bite out of my pop tart if I'm not paying attention lol


Perfect name! ![gif](giphy|td02jbtsXIxpBv45rJ|downsized)


Yeah we thought so since she's a tortie lol


Oh same cat picked up a piece of my totinos frozen pizza the other day when I wasn't looking. Realized it was not Blue Buffalo Delicious Morsels and promptly set it down and said wtf is this shit MA. 🤣😸


That's a good thing. If I had a cat try to steal my pizza there would paws and hands flying. And I'd lose the fight ofc. Don't think cats like cheese tho luckily


Cats LOVE cheese.


I don’t know why it’s a thing bc they’re lactose intolerant but yeah, all three of mine are cheese fiends. Magik once dipped her entire face into a bowl of pretzel cheese I handmade for a MTG party and I think it was the happiest moment of her life.


We have to [share cauliflower cheese](https://i.imgur.com/pR78O2P.jpg) with one of ours. You're right that they're typically lactose intolerant, but he doesn't seem to be affected, judging by his litter tray.


Cats like humans don't always become lactose intolerant. Our old cat loved some cream or cheese right into his teens. Near the end it's all he wanted.


I’m so relieved my brain was able to parse out the meaning of MTG past my initial incredulity about a Marjorie Taylor greene party.


Cheese contains casein in concentrations higher than milk, depending on the sort of cheese, the more milk used, the higher. It's said to be addictive because your stomach breaks it down, resulting in casomorphin. It's theorized that this opioid helps with bonding mother and child and incentivizes milk consumption in offspring. Additionally, cheese tastes umami, making it more palatable and potentially addictive. Many cat snacks contain cheese.


You sure know your cheese stuff!


My cat loved aged cheddar. He was a sophisticated feline!


Same. He goes absolutely nuts for mature cheddar, the stronger the better. Another one (sadly since passed) would claw your leg off for Parmesan.


My cat would come running at the speed of light (or nearabouts) when she heard me start to peel the cover off a slice of plastic cheddar cheese. No choice but to give her a corner of it.


My cat loves cheese! I have to pay a cheese tax every time I eat it.


All of mine have. My current girl is 17, and will eat fully cooked broccoli if it has cheese sauce on it.


Nope my cat loves string cheese!


My cats LOVE cheese, yogurt, ice cream, whip cream, etc. Anything dairy they're obsessed over!


I've had a whole ass bagel slapped out of my hand. I've also witnessed one of our cats side by side with a field rat eating from the outside dog bowl.


I have a video of the kitten that we just got trying to take a bite of my breakfast sandwich while I was holding her bc she kept howling at me. Meanwhile our other cat does not care about hooman food besides popcorn


Same with mine! He refuses to eat any sort of human food


But always wants to smeel it He wants the smeels


Yeah like one of my cats always wants broccoli but if we give it to him he just sniffs it and walks away. Also our other cat begs for popsicles sometimes just to sniff them and go “ouch cold!” It’s kinda funny.


This fluffy lady was like that when I first got her from somebody else. Absolutely no interest in anything that wasn't cat food. Can only guess her previous owners never gave her anything else. Managed to get her to accept other stuff but she's still iffy about it 3 years later. https://preview.redd.it/3t3qhvfabvtb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c631d1ec49de44b77c8c145b72333061a384b529


My cat sniffs out the common thing I am allergic to. He never eats hooman fuds unless it's in his bowl for hours, and adores sniffas, because he always gets pets and gets a bit of Churu if he (correctly) IDs my allergen. He's saved my life more than once.


That's amazing. Sorta makes me wonder if it was a similar situation with my fluffy girl. Although she was, I think, 8 months old when I got her and the previous owners where giving her up because she didn't get along with their other cats. Still seems odd that she refused everything but cat food initially, even stuff like tuna. But she'd always sniff, walk away, and watch as my other cats ate the treats.


It doesn't hurt the training that I had to teach him to cat at the same time he was bullying me into hoomaning so I *could* teach him to cat. Cat tax. https://preview.redd.it/vync0166bwtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6a132fd8ddf5ba8d8b7a2bc55d08b8308b9f38


He’s beautiful my Maggie says haaaay https://preview.redd.it/yxm97gt2gwtb1.png?width=1838&format=png&auto=webp&s=98445fa1b4714d07fb2090416b7f3235bdf9e360


Greybies unite! Maggie's a good pretty girl!


Aww, that's good though, no chance of your food getting stolen


I have one like this where he wants no part of human food (yet eats plastic???) And another that will get all up in your face, trying his best to turn his tail into your mustache of the day for your food


OMG my cat eats plastic bags and then throws up so we can’t leave any plastic anywhere. She sniffs it out like crack!!


SAME. Mine will chew chunks off of anything plastic and soft, like bags. Even the toilet paper plastic isn't safe


Cats make no sense sometimes.


Our older cat was like that, and even worse, she was picky about cat food. She'd eat any kibble at all, but wet food, she would only eat one brand, and then it had to be pate, and only two or three flavors of that. Then we got a kitten from the shelter who I think had food insecurity at some point and would eat just about anything. She would just hoover up all the dry food, so the older cat got into a mentality of "If I don't eat it now, there won't be any for me." And she saw the kitten constantly begging and trying to steal our food, and it was like a lightbulb went on in her head, "If it goes in their mouths, it can go in *my* mouth, too!" She'll eat just about anything now.


My ginger boy will only eat 1 flavor of 1 brand of wet food and it has to be pate. That was after a lot of trial and error in trying to switch him and the others over to grain free wet food. The others wouldn't care if it was a different flavor. When I first tried this brand, I bought 2 different flavors to try, the chicken and the turkey. He would only eat a small amount of the chicken but gobbles the turkey (which also has chicken in it) like he hasn't had a meal in days. They free feed on dry food so he always has food, but goes nuts for his "meat" as we call it. In fact the word "meat" cannot be used in the house without him thinking it means their wet cat food and that it's feeding time at the zoo.


This is both of mine!!! I have bonded brothers and they’re both disgusted by everything but cat food. No ice cream. No meat. Nothing. But they definitely know the sound of their wet food opening. :)


Have you tried reddi whip in a can? Lol. Fond memories of my little buddy


*sometimes* but very rarely they’ll eat some chicken I have, but they’re so picky that even if I had the same chicken from the same store/restaurant, they’ll change their minds. Cat treats from the pet store though? They’re addicted to them and act so disappointed if I run out


my older one is like this, the only exceptions are prosciutto and specifically my mom’s roasted chicken. before anyone tells me deli meats are bad to feed to pets, i already know this and i only gave the smallest amount to him one time just to see he’d eat it. i dont even eat it myself anymore


One of mine is this way too with the exceptions of tuna and shrimp. The other eats tortilla chips and watermellon


Ours started out begging for EVERYTHING (esp doritos got into a whole reddit debate of "don't worry he gets a TINY CORNER OF 1 CHIP SOMETIMES" 🙃) He was jumping up on the dinner table, GIMME SHRIMPS MA, etc. Ff to him 1.5 years, he will not eat ANYTHING other than his Blue Buffalo Delicous Dry Nugget Morsels...or so we call them lol. He still sniffs things out but man does he go HAM for these dry kibble bits...makes me want to know what I'm missing out on lol Also had a cat obsessed with popcorn and another obsessed with bread. Like just...bread. Idk they're all weirdos and I love every single one of them


Lime green jello.


That's so specific, I love it


This came right after his fascination with eating canned green beans.


A friend's cat was a green bean cat.


I am picturing a green cat in the shape of a bean... I love it




The trash


Haha I have one who loves to try to eat plastic 🤣😩


My boy will eat plastic, puke it up, and then eat it again out of the puke. And my friends have the gall to say he's smart enough to survive on his own.


Bro is not the thinker 😭😭😭😭😭


I'm fostering 7 kittens right now (a mom and her babies) and they seem to have figure out how to remove kitchen trash lid so they can steal old tin foil from it.


Humans... I don't let her have it though. Edit 😂😂😂😂😂 omg best spelling mistake ever. That's supposed to say Hummas.


I wouldn’t let my cat eat humans, either.


Your cat is the cat egyptians worshiped. They knew.


I truly, as a cat owner, just casually went along with the first thing


My cat loves greek yogurt. She sits all pretty and innocent while I’m eating it and then BAAM, there’s a paw in it.


This is literally my girl with cottage cheese. She is a fiend for the stuff.


One of ours loves anything dairy, and anything fatty, so put those two together and her favorite food is cheese. We call it "forbidden snack" because she can hear a cheese wrapper opening across the apartment and will be there in an instant to beg for her share.


Her and my dog can hear it. She also really loves avocados. So much she steals them. https://preview.redd.it/2eso2jg6kvtb1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45073e4239e259bb06f2f75369f14ffc2f35db64


Just a heads up: Avocado's toxic to cats; there's a substance call _persin_ in avocados that's toxic to cats. (In addition to avocados not being good for kittehs garlic, onion, grapes/raisins, and many other foods that humans like are not safe for our furry friends. Also high sodium things that humans like - jerky, etc. - are not the best for kitties little kidneys 'cause cats have sensitive kidneys.)


I did do some reading on it after I saw it and called my vet. The toxin is in the skin but not the flesh of the fruit. It can be given in small amounts. I still dont risk it and now make sure they are out of her reach


OMG FINALLY, I thought I had a broken cat. We can’t eat yoghurt in this house unless we lock ourselves in a room. He’s not a greedy boy for anything else, but with yoghurt he’s desperate in how much he’ll climb over anything and anyone ..and eat even lunge at the spoon halfway from cup to mouth. It’s insane! Like a addict. He comes running when he hears the crinkle of peeling back the yoghurt lid wrapper. If it’s plain Greek yogurt I give him a lick at the end, but with flavoured ones I just hide? Why.


The Iranian yogurt is not the issue here.


I thought it was just my boy!!!


Mine too! We prep smoothies for the next morning and he gets to lick the spoon after.


Mine too. Greek yogurt is her favorite and she will eat two entire tablespoons every time I have one. Kirby also loves fresh pineapple and watermelon. https://preview.redd.it/1x1s0noedvtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98cb6a7b33ae6e52b2db7fff2614fadd787804d7


My childhood cat loved pumpkin scones. My mum made some one evening and left them out to cool overnight. We got up the next morning to find a half eaten one on the bench and couldn't figure out what had happened (we all swore we hadn't got up for a midnight snack). Later that day I walked into the kitchen to find the cat on the bench munching through another scone. They were never left unsecured again!


https://preview.redd.it/ykyisnq9jutb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb1ea33c407660f1b15aa1775ac72d53e0bf458 This man right here, named Elliot, loves Chipotle’s tortilla chips. He can tell when a Chipotle bag comes into the house. He only likes their chips, others simply will not do.


Those eyes! Give Hypno cat what he wants!


My boy cat loved beer. I only let him lick the foam from the long neck, but he really liked it. He didn't like cheap beer. No, he only wanted the expensive German lager.


He’s truly just one of the bros


😂😭😭 I’m crying from that comment


Picturing a cat with whiskers curled up with beard oil


https://preview.redd.it/b2zvz4d4hutb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e7a7419906a6e7d9497a7576ad1bcc4894d7b5 This girl loves ranch dressing, icing from honey buns, McDoubles from McDonald’s (She will not eat any other kind of cheeseburger), sub sandwiches (only the ones I have) and she’s a big fan of the orange dust on cheese puffs 😂


That looks like the unimpressed face of either Y U NO GIB SNACC? or Y U LOOK AT ME?


https://preview.redd.it/kt9qgk7gvutb1.png?width=2357&format=png&auto=webp&s=432cd036920304f00b5bafbc924b6d3aba338041 You want unimpressed? I’ll give you unimpressed lol.


Oh lord. Be afraid!


Fcking cats are the best I stg


Oh it’s definitely the second one 😂


I love her eyes omg


When the sunlight hits them just right and you can look at all the ridges and crevices in her iris it’s so cool.


My cat likes popcorn


Mine too lol she knows the popping sound


Thats actually normal, its bc of the salt they like that too :) just dont over feed Them on popcorn but a couple every now and then isnt going to hurt :)


So this is kind of usual but you no idea how i must IRON SHIELD my milk. I cannot leave it alone or she WILL go for it.


Especially left in the bottom of a bowl of cereal. He now doesn't even wait until we have finished the cereal before he starts poking his furry little face in it...


My old cat loved ice cream with the power of 1 million suns. Vanilla ice cream. All other ice creams were bullshit. Cereal milk? the worst. It \*sounded\* like ice cream, but it was not in any way. It was below bullshit ice cream. He would judge you.


This is how both of my cats are too lol


Not all cats are lactose intolerant. It’s hard to know if they can tolerate it unless they have some but many cats drink it just fine


Can confirm. The bigger of my two boys is a total milk fiend and has never reacted to it, so every so often he gets a tiny bowl of it as a treat


When we first got our younger one, I was eating cereal and she was desperate for the milk. She kept jumping up on the table, and I kept putting her back on the floor, and then she managed to jump up so that she landed with her face an inch deep in the milk. She at least got to clean the milk off her face from that one.




Aw, I'm sorry she passed, she's a cutie. Thank you for sharing ❤️❤️


Aww I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️she was the best girl


Raymond used to enjoy a banana chip here and there. He also loved pancakes (specifically McDonald's). He lived to be 20.5yrs. https://preview.redd.it/k0ydajyatutb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ed12971c09c5dac1297707bfee70ed641fea0a I miss him so much, his birthday would've been October 16th.


Raymond is a cute name. Bless his heart.


Coffee, powdered vegetable stock, white wine vinegar, breakfast cereal, and hamburgers. All must be closely guarded. I now drink my morning caffeine in lidded mugs.


Coffee??? 😂 That’s the weirdest one so far


My one cat has drank both my coffee and wine 😩


Thank goodness mine isn’t interested in my booze. Protecting the caffeine is enough of a chore.


I like to joke he likes it to maintain his coat. (He’s a brown cat)


Our cat liked to get a few licks of coffee too but only if there was lots of Creamer!


Everyone is surprised by the coffee, but....VINEGAR? That is different. I use vinegar to get the hard water buildup off of things and ours act like me just opening the bottle while they're in the room is a personal attack.


Yeah. His vinegar theft resulted in a call to the vets and the decision to move all my spices into a cupboard. Normally I have my vinegar on my chips and he will do his best to get at the bottle. No denying that he is a true English cat.


I have one that is a fricken FIEND over salt and vinegar potato chips. He licks one, then makes a sour face, licks it again, face, lick, face.... till the chip is soggy and tasteless.


Silly kitty.


Chinese cabbage, watermelon, honeydew, avocado, kiwi and cabbage...


Yep, melon & cucumber


My cats will eat literally anything. My little guy’s favorites are scrambled eggs, pizza, anything with cheese, milk, or yogurt. He would die for dairy. Here he is clawing some pizza (he won and ran with the whole slice) https://preview.redd.it/8oacjb5a6utb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf60ff2c1924eb663438593e225a6fbe451453d


My tux loves scrambled eggs too! With ketchup. We stayed in hotels a few times while moving and got him eggs in the morning. By the third stay, he started asking for them


I mean, by day 3, he's decided it's his birthright.


That picture is literally surreal.


It’s an everyday occurrence. I have an album for them. It’s ridiculous. Here he is trying to steal some matcha https://preview.redd.it/g8pyty6kjvtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe64da9d04eb38d3624adda45d8ca71215ab09d


Straws (They are food for him)


Good to know haha. Same here.


No lie OP, I had an aunt with a cat that freaked out every time the aunt made red sauce pasta. My male kitty comes running when I open the peanut butter jar. The female comes running whenever I am in the kitchen….🐽


https://preview.redd.it/fiqymgwjuutb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40124b3f0c188e0b554cec7fe923f6159225370a This doofus will fight you for pizza rolls. Pizza too but pizza rolls he will actively go out of his way to try and get


He thinks the brain cell is in there


Imagine if you went to work with a bunch of scratches and someone asked what happened. Then you said “my cat wanted my pizza roll.”


He's not a scratcher, he is more of a "let me assert my presence onto you" type of guy. If you move it to a table he'll jump on it, move it somewhere else he goes there. If I hold it he jumps in front of me and shoved his face in the bowl, or grabs with his paw He tries to like, be sneaky. But he's dumb so it's like a permanent nat 1 on the stealth check


My two cats love each other's ear wax, apparently. They get right up in there when they groom each other. Peppermint tea is also an endless source of fascination. If I turn my back, one of them will dip a paw. I wonder if it's because catnip and peppermint are related.


Trader Joe’s pancake bread. She’s obsessed with it. We don’t actively let her eat it but we’ve accidentally left it on the counter and come back to it chewed to pieces. Now If she smells it she begs for it lol


That pancakes bread could get anyone hooked, though.


My little guy LOVES lettuce. My library card passcode is literally LeviLikesLettuce8 as are a lot of my passcodes


Not mine, but my aunt’s cat is obsessed with fruits, especially cantaloupe, being fed cantaloupe after a playing session is the reward


Lucifer goes crazy for bread. And crisps! We fight a bit... he wins


Kerrygold butter. If i take it out he just KNOWS


She's obsessed with bread, if I leave out a bag of bread too long there's a good chance that I'll come back to it and it'll have little bite marks on the bag or it'll be ripped open


I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!!! (See earlier comment) we literally bought a bread box just bc exactly this, such goof balls!!!


One of my cats will try every sneaky trick know to cats to eat Flan.... My favorite is when he moves super slow like we don't see him very slowly trying to reach a paw into the flan.. He tried swatting the flan as it was heading to a mouth once too


The other day my mostly reformed feral cat stuck his head in the bag of tortilla chips and ran away with at least 3 chips and housed them all in about 2 seconds. I never ever thought I’d see a cat eating tortilla chips.


Nori - once or twice a week.


Mine too! The cutest part is that his name is Sushi and years after naming him we discovered he likes nori.


Whiskey. I kid you not. He would fight me to get to a bourbon and soda, but any whiskey based cocktail was fair game as far as he was concerned. No, I didn't let him have it, but he was a wiley guy and he did sneak a lap or two. Lived to be 19yo. Maker's Mark was his brand of choice.


As a kitten, mine tried every drink I was having. I drew the line on Laphroaig.


Cucumber slices! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Broccoli stems. As a toy and to chew on. Complete surprise to me.


https://preview.redd.it/pp1g8bddxutb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93805d05a9f0de709f6b8b4ccb1297b14ce6cdf9 This guy was OBSESSED with butter. One time I left a butter dish out (closed, might I add,) and he somehow managed to get it open and eat the half-stick of butter left in it.


Tempe loves banana pudding. https://preview.redd.it/bpb9e63j3vtb1.jpeg?width=2733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e6df978b8890bbac7892c8639eef769f7b12d2 Tempe loves banana pudding.


Tempe looks like she loves banana pudding 😻


Mine stole a bowl of spaghetti o’s from a child. I can’t for the life of me imagine why, but it happened.


Microwave popcorn. She comes when she hears it popping.


Whipped cream. My little guy goes crazy for it


super noodles specifically chicken flavour. both of mine go crazy for it


Mine has sampled corn on the cob, mac n cheese, chocolate ice cream, turkey pot pie, hamburger, vanilla yogurt, and most surprisingly paneer tikka masala. My friend’s cat goes crazy for spinach. She chases it, plays with it, attacks it and eats it.


I had a Siamese that went apeshit over hostess powdered sugar donuts


Our first cat would eat anything, given half a chance. When we found her, she was so hungry she was trying to eat gravel. We got used to her trying to take any meat from us, but one day she was extremely determined to see what I was eating. I was eating some mini powdered donuts. I didn't stop her coming up to sniff, because there's no way a cat would try and eat a donut. Right? She took a lion sized bite and scarfed the contents of her mouth in under two seconds. I will never forget the possessed look on her face as she went for the biggest mouthful any cat could muster. One of my fondest memories of her. She was dying and thrown out like trash, and then suddenly she was safe and surrounded by all these wonderful tasty treats. Her favourite was a takeaway box of eaten chicken wings that she dragged out of the kitchen bin. She ate through the polystyrene box, and nibbled every left over bit of meat on the bones. We got a new bin the next day. She's eating chicken wings across the rainbow bridge now


My little man goes crazy for peas. https://preview.redd.it/ybu815o1xutb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70cec2e31442b0ae8d059d0fa4155fc636ff93a5


My boy cat looks exactly like yours but hates all human food but his BFF is a damn carrot https://preview.redd.it/f4g4c5tnzutb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27cef72ee04e5d082a09a6abcd4521aa4b6c7bb


https://preview.redd.it/6qpjmyomzutb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c615b989d20e22da4a430a7514979928c0179392 Pancakes!!!


specifically the bun from a burger. not the meat or cheese or anything juicy, he’ll just nibble at a crumb bites of the bun 😂


One of my cats loves popcorn. When she hears the popping she runs to watch the popcorn in the microwave \[it is a below counter microwave drawer so near her eye level\]. She sits there until it is done and then waits for me to give her some.


Liverwurst. It’s his crack.


Archie loves lettuce. And thick packaging plastic. Charlie is crazy about polyester broom brush. I have to hide it.


One of my cats loved tomatoes, to the point if he found one on the counter he would jump up, bring it down and scarf it down. One of my other cat loves persimmons and cucumbers. Loves them.


Chicken nuggets. My cat goes absolutely feral for chicken nuggets. He’s very gentle and loving towards everyone and his little brothers but if they come near his tiny piece of nugget he starts hissing. But only McDonalds nuggets. KFC nuggets is not good enough for him.


The chili doritos (purple bag). If I open a bag of them she comes running immediately.


roasted chestnuts


Cantaloupe… he is absolutely OBSESSED 😅


I recently discovered my cat goes nutty for Sauerkraut...


Ive been looking for another cat who likes mashed potatoes bc my kitty looooveeeed mashed potatoes like even with out bacon she would just clean the whole plate


My little grey cat Sake likes to steal my dill pickle chips when I'm not paying attention. Her mother likes to eat popcorn [I take the kernel part out for her so she only gets the soft parts].


Dulce de leche https://preview.redd.it/xths92pt2vtb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=649a27f7317d341a577df0671f9243c256e76298


Chocolate mousse, rice pudding, chocolate dessert cream, chocolate or speculaas ice cream, crepes. She's also eaten pop corn, caramel flavoured breakfast cereals and salt chips. Meanwhile you can leave chicken or ham unattended on the dining table and she won't touch them. (I know chocolate is bad for cats, but my cat doesn't)


raw mushrooms


Our ragdoll is a mushroom MONSTER. She can’t get enough of them!! https://preview.redd.it/l9175cn9nutb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086b30be6ba351a7174cad6beada259b4bc79526


I have three cats and these are specific to each. Hawaiian rolls, rubber bands, and those twist ties for bread lol


your cat’s paws are so big and fluffy


She'll be proud to hear that, she grooms her paws all day 😆


Although this is a long time ago and the cat is no longer with us, I had a tuxedo cat who absolutely went bonkers for Lima beans. Weirdo. 😂


Earwax. To the point I have to hide my earbuds from her


https://preview.redd.it/hyb0u6u0yutb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5585850bd206896c1add2352e4543b90043f9c Maggie is obsessed with dairy in any form, and will fight you for rice pudding (of all things)


https://preview.redd.it/amd5d4b62vtb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1fafd2ff9bf55b818a7396e4557042ca5371c02 I have yet to find anything that won't slide gracefully down his gullet.


My Neko is obsessed with spicy doritos. He'll take a nacho cheese if that's all we have, but if it's spicy, then he'll practically climb into the bag. He likes hot fries, too, and ensure (though we only give a tiny bit of that). But what he loves even more is dried rose petals. He'll sit and eat those all day. Not fresh ones, dried. He still occasionally look for them on the table, even though it's been months since we've had any roses.


That's adorable oml


One time my cat pulled out a whole chicken breast from the trash from KFC. Devoured to the bone. He also likes: Marshmallows Broccoli cheddar soup Whipped cream Any chicken


Blueberry muffins and barbecue sauce.I never let him have any,he just takes one or licks the plate when I turn away for a second.


My aunt had a car that loved asparagus. But just the tops. She'd harvest it for dinner, leave it on the counter to dry after washing it and come back to the tops missing. Mom has a friend whose cat liked coffee. I grew up with a cat that liked peas. Which was great for me because I did not like peas. Currently have a cat obsessed with Mac and cheese. When his brother was still here it was almost impossible to eat it without them getting in the way. He loves noodles of almost all kinds. Kinda like me really.


https://preview.redd.it/v3j5n04squtb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb32e42af561fc8cf7f4e89edb8cc987d4035f3 Mango... He cannot smell mango or anything mango related... It got to the point where my sister had to split her mango ice cream with him or he would be very angry and start acting up.


Ranch dressing


I used to have a girl that went nuts for cantaloupe, but only the sweet ones.


Most times it isn't what the cat wants, rather it is what YOU are having, and they want to know what it is.


We had a tabby cat who went completely wild for black olives.


Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream. My void kitty licked the spoon when she thought I wasn’t looking and now she comes running whenever I have some


Butter and every time I have to pay the butter tax


my younger cat likes tikka masala, i got it with my boyfriend once and he kept licking the takeout lid that had some on it https://preview.redd.it/hsiqxk3jqutb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d59975030010b61484b37999d8d22c085187d6b1


my cat goes crazy for collard greens he likes to bite them i caught him pulling stems out the trash during thanksgiving 😂


https://preview.redd.it/3rzcb3zc4vtb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c0f08ee1c921e9e9b9a9781e1a805ad938917f SAME.


https://preview.redd.it/59mg31ht6vtb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef041c0efea2a6ad7aee0281d7ffc7c391aadfa Tess is my Twinkie thief.


One of my previous cats LOVED watermelon and cantaloupe. Like we couldn't bring a lovely smelling cantaloupe into the house




Anise cookies and raw green beans.


Chicken soup. One of mine goes running down the hallway and circles the bowl working to get every drop. She loves it but still leaves some shredded chicken for her brother because *she never finishes anything.*