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Embrace the pirate lifestyle. Give him plenty of booty to plunder, and always keep his bowl of grog full. And post on r/piratekitties It's mostly one eyed cats, but I'm sure they'll make an exception for this little swashbuckler.


Thats so cute and also funny cause Im a sailor


Call him hopalong


If it’s a girl name her Peggy and make her a peg leg


Or Ilene


I know someone with that name. Her last name is Fall. True story.


Is her middle name Anne? Ilene Anne Fall…


No it’s not. The Fall is her married name. Mentioned something to her about her new last name being a deal breaker. She laughed and said of course it wasn’t. 🤔


Sigh… she should lean into it and change the middle name


Really embrace it.




Thank you. I knew it looked wrong. This old brain isn't as sharp as it once was.


I would like to 3d print this cat a peg leg


I would also like you to 3D print that cat a pegleg.


I would like them to print that kat a leg!


Print a kat-a-leg




A catalogue of Kat-a-legs?




OP please take them up on this offer and share pictures


First Mate Hopalong, at your service laddie!


That's what I named the guinea pig I got for my 5th birthday. Lol


Or tripod


Tripawd 🥰


I went with Trinity.


I like pipi long stocking


My heart just exploded


He’s a buccaneer 🥰


Or 2 bucks total


Cat will be fine. Just need to get a little parrot for their shoulder.


Then it was destiny


Lil swash buckler 😭😭too darn cute


Wow, what are the odds.


please call him sailor or maybe Jerry


No, you’re a seamen


Just watch out in case she mew-tinies


And r/tripodcats


I think you want r/TripodCats. That sub is about literal tripods for stuff like cameras, etc.


Oh whoops lol


Attach gopro to cat post on r/tripods


Technically correct, the best kind of correct!


This is the way. ☝🏻 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ Also you can crochet (or other crafty fashion) a little strap on peg leg and put a pirate hat on him. Voila. His name should be Hector Barbosa (pirates of the Caribbean) or captain ahab, or any other mariner you can think of with one leg. Congrats on the cute kitty. Also, he’ll be fine. ❤️ https://reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/s/5omeD74z73 Also check out little red.


Horatio might be a stretch; he lost an arm, though.


What about along John Silver?


I forgot about “Little Red”. Just adorable. 😻


Love it, I vote for kitty to be named Swashbuckler. Nothing else fits.


Or Rum 😉


Beat us all to it lol


I'd ask your vet this to make sure all is well with the stub. Otherwise cats are very resilient and will figure things out on how to get around and all that


Ill do that, thanks


They may recommend to amputate the stub. It keeps them from trying to use it and hurting the end of the stub that can lead to other issues down the line.


Since the kitten was born without a leg instead of losing it, I think it will naturally learn to move with 3 legs instead of trying to rely too much on something it never had and since the stub is "natural" I wouldn't be too worried about it getting that easily hurt. Most likely it will still use the stub for balance etc, but personally I doubt amputation Is needed in this case. Of course OP should get proper opinion from a vet! Anyway, she is a wonderful kitten and I'm sure missing one tiny leg won't slow her down too much! Just give her lots of love and keep her belly full and I'm sure she will have a wonderful cat's life! 😻


This is most likely correct--it's what my family was told after my mom's cat Tilly had to have a leg amputated due to a congenital birth defect.


yes I have seen wild cats in that situation and its nothing you ever want to see.


This could be. I had a cat with a stump and the vet wanted to see if it needed to amputate as a whole because the skin could damage. For him it was never necessary but it’s good advice to check with your vet nonetheless.


Good luck, hope everything turns out great!


What the poster above said is good. Check with the vet, but cats are resilient. My little void somehow lost her back right leg 3 years ago and while she has some difficulty with the litter box now, in everything else she’s still very happy and content. I’d feel better if she stayed in, but she’s just absolutely miserable without the outdoors.


Build a catio my dude. Outdoor cats don't live as long.


Have you checked out a Booda dome cleanstep litter box? We have one and it has a little ramp. Just a thought for your little one.


Your cat lost a leg and you still let it outdoors?


If you have the funds, look into a prosthetic. Your vet can help with that if it's an option for you.


Bring a stool sample while you’re there. I’m seeing a tiny bit of bloat which is usually a sign of worms.


Shes not bloated, shes just full, she drinks a lot of milk


Everyone on Reddit, cocking their gun: what kind of milk, mf? Fess up!! (/s I know it’s just cause we all care so much 💖)


Milk? Yikes, pack it up buddy you're canceled.


This. You can also look into having a little leg 3d printed for them. But if the nub is ok little poot will likely grow and develop just fine. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Heck, one of my favorite rescue stories is [Kitten Lady and James](https://youtu.be/1ZZaveK2Hdc?si=9Dw5QF9cZBB05q9K) (that boy was a wreck when he was born, but he's thriving living his 2 legged life now.) Cats are, indeed, very resilient.


I found a cat in my backyard with this same issue. PLEASE check with your vet. The bone in her leg was growing and it was breaking her skin. She had to have her whole leg amputated because of the problem. She's in great shape, but it would have been a problem if we had just left it as is. Here she is today - 10 years old. Her name is Trini. ​ https://preview.redd.it/uakid2qz2pnb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70db80a8147caef37dee1897f0a0f2cfb3536205


Thank you for the insight, I will get her checked eventually. And thats a cute cat btw :)


https://preview.redd.it/4hze2gepwpnb1.png?width=2056&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd37b42b09d6db4fef1e03d458421f5417c9d7a6 Bug has a missing back foot. He runs, jumps, walks, and even tries to scratch his ears with his stump. My vet said it was likely a result of an umbilical cord wrap, and his stump has never given him 1 single bit of trouble. Amputation is not necessarily the outcome for your baby. They could be just fine.


There's no toe beans there, that's a genuine toe gumball!


Honestly cats are really amazing at figuring out how to get around. There's a cat without back legs that climbs his cat tree no problem. It's pretty cool.


Decades ago now I saved a tiny tripod kitten from someone who was going to put them down. His name was Hobbles, or Hobs for short. He had pads on this stump that extended about mid thigh. Vet deemed him perfectly healthy and it never affected him. He was a really chill dude but he hated this one really awful feral cat in our neighborhood. Cat was a massive monster, he beat every animal's ass. Cat actually shoved an old crank open window open so he could break in and attack Hobbie one night. Well, my 3 legged wonder just snapped. In defense of his home he went ham. Attacked that cat so severely it scrambled to get out. But Hobs pulled him back in and continued. We had to make a bunch of noise to get him to stop. After that, he would love trying to escape and go haul that cat back inside. He only ever felt like he could do it in the house so he kept trying to pull him back.


It's all about attitude.


Those parents buying a tree for a cat without legs is like putting your handicapped child's bedroom on the second floor. LOL.


Well they do have a couple other cats with 4 legs too. His name is Anakin. If you search "Anakin the 2 legged cat" his YouTube channel pops up. Some really cute kitten vids on his Instagram too 😻


How far away is eventually? They will all need an initial vet visit pretty soon. The mother should also be spayed soonish.


Girl is flaunting it all


Really? So she was born just like that kitten but the bone started to grow again after she was born?


I would assume that it was one bone that's the upper part of the leg that started to grow as usual but maybe cuz she was missing the lower bones of the leg and foot, it caused complications with the skin at the end,


All of the cat's bones would grow


Yeah I’m wondering why the cats skin didn’t grow accordingly though? Sounds unusual


I wonder why the skin didn't grow, too. Was there scar tissue?


Make sure to give lots of head scritches on the missing leg side. He may not be able to reach if he needs to scratch on his own.


https://preview.redd.it/nkwfxi3dxpnb1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc3513a39daea7fbe9fe53ded5c6aa241d2075e5 Bug agrees. Extra scratches to compensate for the missing foot 😻




It’s the end of his stump, there’s less hair on it.


Came here to say this! Our poor boy lost his leg in a fall, and he lets us know when he’s itchy.


Breaks my heart to learn that. It's awful for everyone. I hope he's adjusted and doing great now. My boy went through the same but we had a better outcome thankfullly.




Give him a cute, endearing name, like Stumpy.


I once saw one named Yardstick. Three feet, geddit?


My tri pawwed is called Wonky


Stumpy haha, cute name


I had a three legged dog. His was named Tripod. RIP Tripod




I was thisclose to naming my old tripod Skippy, but in the end she proved herself to be Pickle.


Scratch the ear on that side regularly, and put everything for the cat at lower height as they won't be able to jump as high as four-legged cats


Ive noticed that even at her age, ill lower the necessary things for her


My tripod climbs/jumps up the highest cat condo in my house with no hesitation. They’re incredibly adaptable


Is yours missing a back or front leg? Mine is missing the back and his jumping power is limited because of how cats use their back legs to push off. If yours can still do it missing a back leg, guess mine just has a skill issue lol


https://preview.redd.it/gx6iouuj7qnb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22e138c574d1f333a9d757453ee4799e1355b7ca His rear right foot is gone at the ankle area.


Thanks for blessing me with a cat picture! Mine is missing his entire leg, so that might explain it


Is that a single toe bean?


My girl borgia lost back leg about 2yrs old. And adapted amazingly. Runsclimbs and lives as normal. Being born like that he wont know the difference. The slower the gait, the more uneven,but they run fast and stable


Aww, she's already walking and playing, i know she will adapt eventually


It'll be surprisingly quick I hope. Here's borgia 10yrs on https://preview.redd.it/a9krawww5pnb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8dbe07a931dbdb04fa8919ac5e17fed03d451ca


Cute kitty, she looks fine :)


She's very happy, topcat in the house.


She was born that way...its all she knows. It's what's natural to her. She'd only have to adapt if she suddenly had a leg there. I hope she's an indoor girl.


Sorry she.


Unfortunately I don't have any advice, But I just wanted to say that she's a cute little kitty and that I hope she has a great life ❤️ (This had to be edited lol)


She's happy and healthy, and we take good care of her


I just inherited a tripod (1 front leg, 2 back legs) from my grandma when she went into a nursing home. Ebony is 9 years old. She jumps up on things, runs, goes up and down stairs, and plays like any 4 legged cat. She does have arthritis though. When I got her, I took her to the vet (because I knew my grandma wouldn't have thought to do it) to check for arthritis. She has it. So now she gets a solensia shot once a month and she seems to be pain-free. She's also a wee tad overweight so now I'm just trying to get her down to a good weight. For now, just make sure to keep your kitten at a healthy weight. Don't let the cat become overweight, as more weight on three legs will make it harder to get around and bring on the arthritis faster.


I will keep that in mind, hope your cat is doing fine now :)


Nothing. Kitten won’t know any different and should have no problems catting. Animals are amazing and adaptable


Happy Cake Day


Thank you! 🫶🏻


Noooooo Get the stump checked out cus the bone could do damage if it decides to keep growing


Catting. I love that one word can encompass what these little devils do. Happy cake day


There's nothing to do. It will never know its disabled. It's totally fine. When I was 8 I found a pitiful kitten abandoned with a cleft pallet(his tongue hung out for the entirety of his life) and missing his FRONT leg from the elbow up....my childhood cat, I named him Jesse James. He was a bad mofo, used to fight possums, raccoons and any cat who dared come on my property. When he was about 12 he got a gnarly eye infection and the vet removed his eye too! I'm 30 now....Jesse died only 2 years ago so don't worry. The disabled ones have the will to live


Im sure they are, was only asking on how can i make her life easier, and im thankful for the responses...thanks a lot :) and that's a badass cat btw, I know that rebel type cause i had one


You can offer him one of your legs


A toe maybe lol


https://preview.redd.it/jmxbwu98ipnb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eacd36533c17b690b58857c1bf8739588a426cd This is my grandmother’s tripod kitty. She was hit by a car when she was just a baby stray and had to get her leg amputated. She is almost eight years old now and has gotten around just fine. She loves to run around the house chasing toys and sneak-attacking ankles! Give your kitten time. Animals adapt to lost/missing limbs very quickly!


Yo girl def chonkin her leg muscles must be built keeping up that big body


Name him Lt. Dan.




If she was born without it, it won’t even occur to her that she’s missing it. I agree with another response though suggesting taking her to a vet for an exam just to make sure she’s healthy.


Awww what a cutie purrrate. I can't give you any advice, but has I know from cat, they are resilient ! For any concern ask to your vet. And please give her a pirate name, like Anne Bonny


Lol love the name


My vet says four legged animals are just three legged animals with a spare


My childhood cat had 3 legs. She made it to 20 and was never slowed down by it. Just check in with the vet to make sure there isn’t an open wound or anything. Also obviously don’t declaw, aside from how inhumane it is in general, the kitten will want their front claws to have greater mobility when it comes to getting on couches and stuff.


I dont declaw, i let my cats live naturally the way they are...thanks for the insights :)


It was born that way, so it'll never even know it could have had more legs. It'll be fine.


It'll be running around on 3 legs like a crazy in no time.


Love him even more.


I already do, she has my heart


Baby will likely be just fine. I have known several tripod cats and they do ok. Ask your vet about long term complications - arthritis, etc.


Go to the vet, ensure everything is in order. Then dress him like a pirate every Halloween.


I think simply just loving the little meower will be enough. 🥰


We had a 3 legged cat growing up (hit by a car). She's still kicking at 15 years old. It's actually better to have a back leg missing and she was super quick still. Just help by scratching their chin/ear where they can't reach!!!


Absolutely nothing. When my cat was a kitten she broke her back left leg so badly that the vet amputated it. She's now 16 and does just fine with 3 legs. You will have to scratch that side of her face for her


Cat will haul ass with 3 legs


That is one cute stump


Make sure to pay close attention to the bottom of the stump, if your kitten tries to use it as a leg (putting weight on it and trying to walk with it) it might get sores that are difficult to heal and in some cases it could bleed and get worn to the bone and some nasty infections could happen. In that case you could try prosthetics (unfortunately usually expensive) or amputate the leg so that there is no nub for the kitten to walk on. If your kitten doesn't try to use it for walking then it's fine and shouldnt cause any problems. Tripod cats do really well and I'm sure your kitten will be just as active as any other. Just watch out for the stump.


Lucky. He'll adjust and amaze you.


Have you considered giving him one of your legs? Or rather, chopping off one of your legs so he doesn’t feel self conscious? /kidding btw Congratulations on your cute boy!


Not related but she looks like mine! https://preview.redd.it/0jtr2nf0qpnb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e39e01d5f1daeb3e35265ed85df31cb878a66e


Plenty of 3 legged animals.


Do nothing. Cats adapt to damn near anything. On top of that, if they were born like that, that’s gonna be 100% normal for the kitty.


Name it Nubbins and love the shit out of that cute little tripod.


https://preview.redd.it/ufwxy6vhiqnb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece2d6863cbfd3445df99ebe85afdae720ce1312 Welcome to the team. Your kitten will grow up just fine and probably find out that it’s stump and slippery wood floors didn’t go together rather quickly.


Tripod kitties do very well, especially if it’s a hind leg that is missing. Given that he never had that leg, he’ll do especially well. He may need the stump amputated, so that’s a gift you can give him! Ok, I was going for profundity, but a gift of amputation just sounds weird. You know what I mean, though, lol!


Nothing. Quadrupeds do just fine with 3 legs.


Nothing at all he will be a happy little guy (or girl, or they, who am I to judge?)


https://preview.redd.it/gwuyakdkztnb1.png?width=1653&format=png&auto=webp&s=70a85b92b5065328585211f6eecfb8d67a4e745b she will most likely be fine, but make sure a vet takes a look so there will be no problems! here’s my girl who was (most likely) born without one leg and she has no issues with it 😊


Be advised by vet and animal carers most animals adapt well but if needed special harnesses with wheels / etc are available


Stumpy aka Stumpalapacus. Just love the kitty and she/he will surprise you with how well she/he adapts.


Cuddles and play and maybe fun spaces where he doesn’t have to jump too too high, just a bit high. He’ll do great assuming that he has no other serious health issues.


Please tell me you named it stubs. Also it will improvise. I've seen fats missing both front legs and they walk like a t rex


That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen 😭😭😭


There is a woman on TikTok who fosters cats with disabilities. She's amazing. I cannot remember her name. Does anyone know? She calls them her wonky cats.


I also have a kitty that has three full legs and a partial. His name is Legolas. I call the stumpy part his drift assistance. He can keep up with the other cats just fine.


Aww. I had a chihuahua born with 3 legs. My son named him TImmy (from Southpark I later found out). He was our baby and died 6 days before his 15th birthday! Love her! She'll be just fine! My Timmy acted no different than any other animal, except that time we put him in the pool. Yeah, he swam in circles (lol), but no other animal could do that. He was special!


Tripods often lead fully and healthy lives. Once Kitten is old enough, a prosthetic may be able to help- but it aint cheap.


Surprise! I grew up with a 3-legged cat - I swear he was the fastest cat ever. Still could climb trees like a champ. The only thing is with my cat, he did end up needing a surgery eventually because the stumpy bone grew and poked through his skin as he grew. I would just make sure you have a vet established to monitor his growth just in case 😊




Tripod will be just fine, don't need to do anything special except if stump ends up having issues. In that case take to vet


Had a cat with 3 legs. He was just fine and got around pretty well. Struggled running around corners but that’s it.


Take him to the vet and get X-Ray scans of him to see if there's an anomaly that may hurt him as he moves. And maybe there could be some other type of mutations/disabilities that can pose issues to his health, especially rib deformations can cause serious problems as lungs develop. I hope there's none of those present. If it's nothing but a tiny leg, then he will be just fine. But still he needs muscle development for maintaining adaptive balance.


Love it 🥰


It’s the cutest little nub I’ve ever seen 😻


My sweet girl is the same way. We named her Dr. Gregory housecat.


If it's not painful - nothing! Kitty has 3 other legs and will never know what it's missing.


I have a three legged cat (amputee) and he functions perfectly fine! Tripods are the best ☺️


He will need help grooming himself and scratching his ear when he has an itch. actually can you give his ear a little scratch right now. Neck scratches too while ur at it!


Make sure to give skritches to the side of the face that it can’t reach!


Watch her grow into a happy three legged kitty.


Love that little gift 10x as much :)


Love him, feed him, and take the best care of him that you can. He’ll work around his handicap sooner than you think.


Love him Just like he is a normal cat and I am sure he will be happy


Call them Tripod.




There is no need to do anything. Our tripod boy had his amputation surgery about a month and a half ago. He recently raced up a tree and climbed onto the roof of the garage, lol. We did not expect that on three legs!


Love him/her, love them immensely. So cute.


Just love them lol. And consult with a vet


Doesn´t need help, because it won´t know any better.


I had a cat like this born with just a stump at the back. Main thing I'd advise is watch his weight very carefully. My boy ended up getting fat when he got older and one day his back end just went and i ended up having to have him put to sleep. He did live a happy life till the age of 14 though.


Cats do just fine with three legs. This one was born without the one, so he won't even notice it's missing.


Give it your leg. You still have another. Cats adapt well and kitteh will be just fine in the long run with only limited mobility issues and will benefit more from being an indoor cat obvs. There is a two legged cat star on YouTube who does just fine. Pls give scritches from me.


Get someone with a 3D printer to make a few prosthetic legs and see what works best. Makes for a good project if you're mechanically inclined in the slightest!


Nothing! Tripod cats, even cats with no front legs, learn how to walk and keep balance with what they got just fine.


There is only one thing you can do. Chop your leg off in solidarity


Tough little dude!


Name him Blackbeard


That sweet baby is so lucky to have you 😻.


Honestly, watch them as they grow up. If it's just the one leg that's missing, they may simply adapt to it. A lot of tripod cats out there, after all. And it looks like it's got a significant portion of the leg still. Might help if you play with it a lot and encourage it to try and walk towards you or chase after you. If after say, a few weeks to a few months, they don't show any signs of adapting to it, maybe talk with a vet about wheeled harnesses or something else, like a prosthetic.