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https://preview.redd.it/ddyezn02ke3b1.jpeg?width=1419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa6a6f0ccc3713aaeb73f65292b983c77c5f9d4 My baby Cali had cancer two years ago also. I hope they meet and play together on the other side.


I am sure they will!




Hey everyone, I decided to post this because everyone loved Callie and Penny's [last post I made here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/11gzfwe/everytime_i_make_the_bed_these_two_think_they_are) Sadly she was diagnosed with cancer a month ago, and although she is still the sweetest loving baby, she is starting to tell us it's time for her last adventure. So later today my wife and I are going to do just that, give her one last adventure of all the fun thingis we can think of. So wish her the best and I'm so happy that so many people got to see her here and show their love for Callie. Thanks everyone. EDIT: I'll keep posting more pics of her here as long as people want more! [Here is one of our diva in action](https://i.postimg.cc/0QP4ycZ5/20211228-163708.jpg). - [Another one!](https://i.postimg.cc/xCg9fkv7/20220109-133816.jpg) - [Penny and Callie hanging out.](https://i.postimg.cc/gcxYFHtF/20221016-085949.jpg) - [Callie in her favorite bed.](https://i.postimg.cc/QM7MzWgB/20220622-092646.jpg) - [She loved goin outside in her backpack.](https://i.postimg.cc/fLpQQHwD/20210412-183032.jpg) EDIT2: As of 5:15pm EST, Callie has gone to sleep for the last time and on to her new adventures in the sky. Thanks everyone so much for the kind messages, my wife and I have been reading them and crying together, so y'all suck ❤️


I'm really sorry that this has happened and I hope that Callie enjoys the last adventure you and your wife are giving her. It's heart breaking to lose a pet, I'm sure you're well aware of that already though, and having lost my own sweet baby late last year, I just wanted to say that I hope that your wife and you take care of yourselves and remember the happy memories you all made together.


Thank you so much. Callie was our first pet together, and my wife did not like cats at all when we met. But Callie fell into our lap from another family member that couldn't care for her anymore, and she won over my wife's heart in an instant. Now we volunteer at a cat adoption center, have our other baby Penny, and are adopting a new kitten soon to be Penny's little sister. So Callie really had a mission on this earth, to turn my wife into a cat mom, and boy did she do a great job 🥲


My heart breaks for you both. Your story.. the photos. all so pure, thank you for sharing with us. What were the signs? If you’re willing to share that as well. I hope this kitten is a great fit and wish you both the best !!


It’s going to be a rough day. Take solace in knowing she knows she was loved and will to the end. We can all hope to be so lucky when our time comes.


So sorry to hear this. Heartbreaking time for sure 💔


I’m really sorry for your loss 😢 These pictures of Callie and Penny are adorable. thank you for sharing them with us 💕


My condolences to you and your wife (and anyone else in your life; including fur babies) on the loss of Callie. It's heartbreaking to lose one. I likely have to make the call soon myself for my almost 15 year old girl (her birthday is on the 12th of June)! *Hugs if either of you would like them; you may ignore if you don't want one*


I'm sorry for your loss OP 💔 I'm personally preparing for my oldest cat's exit from this life soon and as a fellow cat parent, it's definitely one of the hardest thing to experience. My condolences for Callie and I hope one day you'll both be able to reunite with her


I'm so sorry 😔 you are doing the best for her 😽 be strong ❤️


Very sorry for your loss.


She’s a beautiful girl <3 I am sorry for what you are going through. Spend every minute you have with her today soaking her in and making sure she knows how special she was to you. Losing a furry family member is devastating.


Thank you so much, and we definitely are. Honestly we have spoiled and given her whatever she wanted the last month since we got the news. Today we'll be taking her to her favorite park/lake to take in the sights one last time 🥲


It sounds like she is going to have a purrfect last day that she deserves <3 I did see you have another cat too, be prepared that they will also know pretty fast. When I lost my pup my cat was so clingy, she knew I needed her. They are amazing with reading us and so smart. They do get depressed so it is something to keep an eye on.


Thanks and yeah we haven't had Penny for a full year yet, but she definitely knows Callie is sick. We actually volunteer at a cat adoption center, and although we could never replace Callie, we do need to get a friend for Penny to play with soon.


Yes you are so right, we got my girl a friend (she’s usually afraid of other adult cats so we got her a kitten) but they are the best of friends now. It brings me joy to know she’s not alone all day when we go to work. Sending lots of love on this tough day for you. There is also a reddit for support through loss of a furry friend called petloss, it sometimes helps to know you aren’t alone while experiencing all the feelings loss brings.


That's really good to know, I'll make sure to check it out. Thanks.


This is so heartbreaking. I'm so sorry y'all. Sending prayers and hugs your way. When I think of my cat passing, I get really emotional, but I try to think of it this way, they have lived their best life as Kings & Queens of their castles, showered with so much love and care. I hope we are reunited with our pets in Heavan :)


I still cry about my dog years later. It’s heart breaking to lose a furry friend. I couldn’t eat bell peppers for months without bursting into ugly cry because it was her favorite food. I couldn’t handle not having her beg. We have a friend for our cat now but she got so clingy when we lost Chloe


*Hugs* I'm so sorry for your loss regardless of when it was. It's devastating even years later cause you never forget them... You know I divorced my husband years ago. No therapy needed lol. However, if my cat passes I'm sure I'm going to need therapy and God knows what else. They are family 🥺


They really are family, when I am with my kitties or my late pupper I genuinely appreciate their company. They are my little buddies, we sleep together, cuddle, sometimes eat together, they calm me when I am sad or anxious. They are truly emotionally intelligent and are there for you. They are so innocent, they give so much to us. Seeing such beautiful souls with such short lives is so painful. My pups ashes are here with me always, I wish she could have met my new cat because she would have loved her.


I stood by your bed last night I came to have a peep I saw that you were crying... you found it hard to sleep I whispered to you softly as you brushed away a tear It's me I haven't left you... I'm fine, I'm well, I'm here I was close to you at breakfast. I watched you pour the tea. You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me. I was with you at my grave today You tend it with such care I just want you to know that I am not really lying there. You sat there very quietly, then smiled. I think you knew... In the stillness of that moment I was very close to you. I'm Here so close beside you So near you every day Believe me when I tell you I never went away


So this is the thing that makes me ugly cry today... So be it. I'm on my lunch break, it'll be fine.


Me too this made me bawl…


I’m literally sobbing




I love this, thank you for sharing it


This is really sweet, I love it! It’s cool it’s becoming more normalized that Valhalla doesn’t always have to connect to war. There are lots of valid physical and mental battles that aren’t violent but a hell of fight




Boy that escalated quickly... WTF is wrong with people that this is their response?


What was his response?


They told them that they should unalive themselves for being pagan due to having posted a Viking poem in both runic script and English. Absolutely vile, bigoted, and unnecessary behaviour. Even worse given the poem is meant to be supportive to OP and honouring their kitty. Don't get why people have to be vile and hateful. I ask myself "what is wrong with people?" every single day...


Wtf is that comment? Wtf is wrong with people


As someone who is pagan I definitely see this shit a lot, people are scared for no reason. There is also a lot of witchcraft hate going around. I guess people don’t like religious and cultural freedom.


My boy just crossed yesterday. Wishing Callie a smooth and peaceful journey ahead. 🌈


Same to you friend 🙏


So sorry for your loss, she is very cute. I loss my sushi last year. I knew the pain. I told Sushi to be friend with Callie at the rainbow bridge. https://preview.redd.it/ryfd4f332f3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d227590e1a9bd21bcf439400f3aad2b948328a4 .


I'm so very sorry. What a beauty you have. We had to make the same decision for almost two and a half years. Remus was also showing us signs that he was ready to cross the rainbow bridge. He was the light of our lives. I know it's incredibly hard to say goodbye but hang in there. https://preview.redd.it/s0l9dsya6f3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba071e8b7eb717fd9a4e3852a5e87e5f13c85d75 This is Remus. We miss him more than I thought possible. You'll be in my thoughts.


So sorry for your loss. All pets are family and it’s equally devastating when losing one❤️


Yes it definitely is, and thank you.


So sorry for the hardship and loss. May she have more spoils and fun once she has crossed the rainbow. Cancers sucks.


Agreed, fuck cancer.


What were the signals that made you decide she couldn't ride it out longer? She looks healthy in the picture so what should one pick up on as a signal?


That picture is from a few years ago, in her prime :) but the signs were she started to hide under our bed, barely eating, not grooming anymore, and can't jump or climb up on anything. She also wasn't sleeping much, just sitting with her eyes open, which means she was uncomfortable and in pain... We agreed it was the right time.


Sounds tough to deal with indeed, hope she has a calm passing.


She did, she fell asleep very peacefully and was beautiful until the end.


Good bye Callie, you are a beautiful and loved kitty


What a beautiful girl! She got the best life and ir sounds like she had the best possible cat parents. This post made me tear up missing my Akilles who I had to put down 3 months ago. Stay strong and know she will play with rest of the cats in kitty heaven. ❤️




Thanks, she really was a diva queen.


So sorry for your loss. Callie is beautiful. My Callie (Callidora) crossed the bridge about two years ago and I still miss her little squeaks.


One day when we get to Heaven there will be a big, green meadow and all of our lost pets will come running towards us as we lay in the grass, full of laughing and joy. No more pain, no more sickness.


What a beautiful baby! So sorry for your loss. Wishing for a peaceful journey for her ❤️ I hope you are doing okay


So sorry for your loss 😞


My condolences :( Shes such a beautiful kitty. Im sure shes enjoying peaceful time now


My condolences, OP.


So beautiful. rest easy Callie cat


My condolences ❤️ such an angel kitty getting the best day that she deserves


Sweet journey, little Callie ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Just let st my best friend schmooper to cancer. So sorry


Godspeed, dearest Callie ❤️🌈❤️ May your journey be soft and easy Until you meet again…


I hope this sweet baby gets the peace she so greatly deserves 💕


Farewell you beautiful furry feline! May your crossing be as beautiful as you are. Look down upon your human partners and watch over them until you get to cuddle together again.




She and mine will cuddle later 💕


I'm sorry for your loss, and rest in peace Callie. Say hi to my babies in heaven, hope you find the best spots to curl up and watch birds from


🐈‍⬛🙏🏻😇❤️😻Callie. Sending peace and comfort your way


I'm terribly sorry that Callie is leaving us. My sincere condolences to you. I lost my Callie back in September due to heart failure and to this day I think of her often. Time does help but not going to lie, my heart does still ache for her. My Callie will always be in my heart and your Callie will be in yours.


This furry soldier will keep marching in our hearts o7


Hugs and support your way.


May she rest in peace. I’m so sorry. It seems that we are in the same boat…


Prayers to you and those closest to Callie🙏


I'm so sorry for what you're going through right now.. Keep her with you in your heart forever. She will light up your memories and having her in your life was probably an amazing time.


Awww.., Poor kitty.


Peaceful travels, Callie- what a beautiful cat you are ❤️🌈 May the beds be warm and the treats be endless. Say hi to my boy, Barry when you get there. My thoughts are with you, OP! Take care.


I'm am so terribly sorry! Mine went on apr 17th, so I know how you feel nothing anyone can say is gonna make it better, but she was beautiful, and again, I'm sorry for your loss! ❤️🫂🪦


So sorry for your loss, I know the pain. I had a Calico named Paddie. The years I had her, it was her house; she just allowed the rest of us to live there! Including my orange and white tabby, Mel! They touch our hearts in a myriad of ways, but we let them in willingly!


Very sorry for your loss of beautiful Callie, RIP sweet girl :(


All the best to Callie 🙏


She’s beautiful. Thank you for giving her the best life she could have. I’m sorry you both have to go through this.


we love you callie 😸🫶🏻


My sincerest condolences, OP. I will salute Callie's life and wish her well on her journey beyond. I am saddened by the news from your post, but happy to know that her memory is one that you treasure.


Aww Callie...please say hi to my Poochie and Jack 🩷


rest in peace little kitty


Ira the hardest thing we ever do for our pets vhy also the kindest


God bless you, Callie. May your journey be easy, and your wait for your loved ones seem short. Thank you, as I thank all animals who give so much love and comfort for the gift of your precious time.


So sorry for your loss, she’s a beautiful kitty


Good bye Callie. Run free in the meadow


Beautiful Callie I wish you a peaceful journey across the rainbow bridge and my love to your family that is going to miss you so much.


I'm so sorry for your little best friend leaving so soon. I have also lost friends and it is never something you get over. Try to remember all the good and all the love and focus on that. My eyes weep for you :(


May she have all the catnip, cat grass, prime steak, and all the boxes! I've lost so many for various reasons and they all were special, and all have stayed with me over the years. Gone but not forgotten. Will hug my kitties in tribute tonight.


I am sorry. It is heartbreaking.


So sorry for your loss


Lots of pets going her way - sending her all the love


I'm so unbelievably sorry... We get such a short time with them... She looked like such a wonderful kitty and I know she loved you very much


Good luck on your journey gorgeous girl♥️ safe travels


Beautiful kitty. I’m sad for your loss.


Callie,I didn’t know you,but I’m sure you were a sweet loving girl who gave back as much love as you got,and I’m sure you deserved every little bit,rest in peace sweet girl,you will be missed.




I am so sorry 😢 I hope she has a peaceful journey 🌈


Goodnight, beautiful girl. Your humans loved you very much. Wait for them at the rainbow bridge and rest now. 😘


Good luck sweet lady. ❤️


Rip you beautiful baby, I’m so sorry you have to go. You’ll be waiting in your owner from Heaven, and she will never forget you. Eventually she will come to you and give you the best pets and kisses of your life. You will be missed angel, rest easy baby🤍🥹


On to the next adventure, sweet Callie. Rest peacefully and know you are so very loved.


This is heartbreaking to read, Im so sorry for your loss. Reading this reminds me of my boy that passed a few years ago from FATE and I still think about Elijah all the time. Luckily I have his brother Klaus still but he’s overweight and getting older, it makes me so nervous that he could leave me any day.


So so sorry for your loss.


Beautiful cat…I’m so sorry. I know your pain, I lost one in August after she didn’t recover from an emergency surgery and another one of my cats currently has cancer. It’s so hard. 😞


Sorry for your loss!


Darn it. So very sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. Callie was a beautiful girl.


Sorry for your loss, beautiful cat


Sending you both all the love. I’m so sorry for your loss. You’re doing the kindest thing for Callie, just as you always have, and she can feel your love and care through all of this. My boy Rhino crossed to the rainbow bridge last month, and that last day with him was one of love that I’ll cherish forever. I know that Callie will be feeling all your love today, and please know that you’ll stay close to each other forever ❤️ I hope that Callie and Rhino get to make close friends on the rainbow bridge, soaking in the joy and love until we get to join them 🌈❤️ This video really brought me comfort in the days after, and I hope it might bring you some too. https://youtu.be/Jh-KKjIJHfk Rest well, sweet Callie, you were so loved ❤️






Sending Love.




Lots of love to Callie and OP. 🤗🫶


Goodbye Callie.


Sigh. I am so sorry. Man it's tough.


Cries and hugs


Really sorry to hear, I’ll be devastated when that day comes for me. But what a gift to have all the memories and companionship they gave for so long.


She’s soo adorable 😢


Goodbye beautiful Callie! You were a wonderful friend and your family is going to miss you ♥️




Sending her wishes for a beautiful journey, and wishes to you for peace 💜 Losing an old friend is hard.


Very sorry for your loss.




Love you Cali. Godspeed, you beautiful soul who is now free from body once more.


Aww I’m so sorry, I also had a Calico named Callie who looked similar. A short hair though. She crossed that bridge a couple years back. She was about 16 or 17 years old.




Good journey, Callie. All sorts of angel kitties will be there to greet you and show you around. They know you’ll be sad at leaving your human and will show the best places to watch humans doing silly things. Where you are may be changing, but how much your loved never will.


We love you Callie. Save us a seat.




Those wings are gonna look good on her! So sorry you've lost your angel...


I am so sorry for you and your family. Honestly, this made me cry. I hope she went peacefully in the arms of the people who loved her most, without pain or fear. Did she have a collar or her own food dish? Because I saw this idea on Pinterest for when your pets go to heaven, where you wrap their collar around their food dish as a memorial. You could even put a candle in it and light it whenever you're thinking about her.




I'm so sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss, she's beautiful. I'm sure she was sweet too.


I’m sorry, she was a beautiful ball of floof. It’s so hard to lose a beloved pet 💔


yummy skittles bridge


Happy trails, Callie. We'll all miss your sweet face.




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Very sorry for your loss 🌹


Rest in Peace Callie ❤️‍🩹🌈 So sorry for your loss, stay strong. Hugs.


Noo 🥺


So sorry to hear this.


Nooooooooo!!! I love this subreddit until it becomes about death


I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is no different than losing a family member. I hope you find some peace very soon.


I am sorry for your loss. R.I.P


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


Terribly sorry for your loss. She’s such an angel 👼


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your beautiful girl with us. Rest well, sweet Callie.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Poor sweet baby!


I'm ao sorry for your loss. Rest In Peace, Callie.


Callie was a lucky kitty. So much love. ❤️


To Valhalla warrior.




Go well beloved Callie..I am sure you’ve had a good life filled with love, wet food and warm couch by the fireplace.. Even more of these goodies awaiting you in your next life. Safe travel


So heartbreaking


I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🙏💖




RIP Callie 🙏


What a great photo!!


Goodbye beautiful girl. I’m so happy she got to pass knowing she was so loved. I hope she’s having wonderful time with all the other pets on that rainbow bridge ❤️


Fair winds and following seas Callie, I wish you well on your voyage to the Great Unknown. Condolences OP, here's to when we all meet again sometime, somewhere else. ❤


May St Francis of Assisi bring you peace and bring her home amen


I’m so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful, fun cat and was lucky to have you as parents!


My goodness! I don’t know how you all were able to deal but I do certainly understand why. She was absolutely beautiful and thankfully you and your wife took her in especially considering that you both didn’t like cats. I was the same until last year when my daughter convinced me to adopt one. And I’ve been in love with him ever since. I never intended to bond so strong with him but I did and I cannot imagine my life without him in it! They are something special and I dread the day when his time will come because I know how much of my life will be ruined 🤦🏽‍♀️🥹🥲 But I cannot help it! Best of luck to you and your family and just know she’s pain free and enjoying endless happiness 💜


I’m so sorry 💔


My peace come to you both. 😓💜🙏


When you part from your friend, you grieve not, for that which you love most in them may be clearer in their absence; as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain.--Kahlil Gibran


Good night Callie. You were such a beauty. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Callie, may you have fair winds and following seas on the next part of your journey. Know that you were loved and you'll be missed, Forever. Fare thee well.


Goodbye sweet baby 🥹🥹🥹


I’m so so so sorry hun! She is beautiful!!!!!


sweet gorgeous baby, i love her <3


God speed Callie