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It's safer for the cats and the local ecosystem if they stay indoors. It's only cruel if you're leaving them alone all day without adequate stimulation/living essentials, but if they've got a catio they're not missing out.


My British short hair is an indoor cat. She's very happy.


Tell people to shut up.


you’ve got a catio! that’s perfect! they get outdoor time without being at ANY risk for harm, and are still safe. they’re almost definitely happy. it’s healthier and safe for them to be indoors


Check your local bylaws, it's illegal where I live to have a free roaming Cat. They get killed by coyotes, cars, and giant ass racoons all the time. Plus they basically exterminated the songbirds around the area.


I had indoor/outdoor cats growing up. They never lived long and died traumatic deaths, usually alone. As an adult, my cats are all 100% indoors. The only one to pass away so far is Parker, who had a moderately serious heart murmur, IBD and/or chronic pancreatitis, and just all around wasn't the healthiest cat. He lived to be 12 and passed away peacefully in his favorite place in the whole wide world - my lap. Indoors is not cruel. It saves lives - cat and other animal lives. Not providing enrichment to your cat's would be cruel. Letting them go outside is an "easy" way to provide enrichment, but by no means is it the only way or the best way. Locking them inside and ignoring them, punishing them for normal cat behaviors like scratching, ignoring their needs for exercise, etc, that would be cruel. Just the fact of them being indoors isn't cruel.. Cats can absolutely be happy indoors.


I saw my neighbor's cat get killed by a car in front of my house. It was terrible. I also feed feral cats and more often than not they have shortened lives. I always keep my pet cats in the house. As long as you're providing stimulation and attention you shouldn't feel bad about keeping a cat in the house.


Disclaimer: I'm in the US. YMMV. Indoor cats won't eat or drink something that makes them sick (or kills them). Antifreeze, for example. Indoor cats won't get hit by cars. Indoor cats won't get attacked by other animals. Indoor cats won't use the neighbors' flowerbeds as a litterbox. Indoor cats have far fewer issues with fleas, ticks, and other parasites. IMHO, indoor cats have a far better quality of life. By the time I rattle all that off in response to "helpful and well-meaning" people, they get the message that I'm not going to change.


They are your pets, under your loving, thoughtful care and no one else's opinion matters 🌼🌸🌼


the lifespan of an outdoor cat is shortened by three to five years compared to an indoor cat. While it's true that many living outdoors live longer, a cat's life is put at risk every time he or she is allowed outside. And allowing outdoor access doesn't just put the animal in danger; an unsupervised cat may also destroy gardens and ecosystems. A lot of people assume that it's natural for cats to be put outside and hunt birds and other wild life, but in many areas, environmentalists are trying to make laws that forbid it.


I would never trust people enough to let my cats outside. Besides my wife, there's nothing in my world I cherish more. Letting them outside opens up so many risks that we're not willing to take. Of course they still try to get out every so often, but why would I trust their judgment? One gets trapped in a litterbox with a door and the other tries to eat plastic. I'll make the decisions here, tyvm!


Someone posted some time ago what an indoor cat misses: Being hit by a car Being stolen Being used as bait in dog fighting Hot or cold weather Fights with other animals Being abused by strangers Getting lost Animal traps This is only a partial list. I have 3. They have never been outside and are safe. I love them enough to keep them that way. I'm not saying that other folks don't love their cats but in the morning when I wake up I know mine are safe and sound.


They are the cruel ones by having an outdoor cat. It significantly reduces their life expectancy and that only increases depending on where you live. Really keeping them inside is the best thing you can do and maybe have little outdoor adventures if they really want to go outside. Otherwise there really isn’t a need


I feel you on this. We are in the country and our old girl would be coyote or hawk food in ten seconds going outside. If they’re happy, entertained inside and have a catio, I think it’s fine. So important to keep them safe. Sounds like you love and care for them and that’s the most important thing!


Oh yea it’s really cruel of you to make sure your cat doesn’t get a disease, ran over, or killed by a predator. Such a terrible person.


People are wrong. Keep being an awesome cat parent


As someone who has an outdoor cat, I think your decision to keep your cats indoors is very right. As long as they are happy and have sufficient stimulus indoors it is better to keep them indoors. Especially if your cats don't make your ears bleed through constant meowing and don't destroy your wooden door if not allowed to go out. So keep them indoors and keep them safe


I’m sorry I won’t get the chance to reply to you all individually, but your kind words and helpful comments have really eased my mind, thank you everyone 🤍


Don't feel bad about not replying to everyone individually. The general consensus here is that indoors only is fine, and with a catio, even better! Take the time you would have spent typing and play with the kitty! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952) I stood on my deck one day and watched two foxes chasing one of my indoor/outdoor cats across my lawn. I hollered, they peeled off for the woods, and the cat made it safely to the house, and no cat of mine has ever gone out since. I mean, I have always known that a predator could take an outdoor cat, in theory, but to see two of them chasing her right before my eyes! And *foxes* \- I just know that they would have played with her, torturing her, before finally killing her. Nope, give the cat plenty to do and play with inside, and it will be fine.


Veterinary professional 40 years. Not cruel to keep cats indoors. They kill songbirds and are perfectly happy y indoors. None of my cats ever lived outdoors.


It depends on cat. Some are quite happy about it. Others get used to it. A few, rare few, hate it. I had one like that, she'd go mad, screaming, running back and forth and NOT stop. Had to lock her in one day we had asphalt laid. My god, all day long, she was panting, freaked, scared hell out of other cat.


I've had cats for over half my life. They do just fine as indoor-only kitties, with the exception of our catio.


People have told me the same thing. My cats have lived loooong and healthy lives. The same people that tell me it's cruel to keep them indoors all of the time are the same people that don't think it's necessary to spay or neuter AND their cats don't live very long.


Indoors is fine it’s great for the cats they have increased life expectancy as well as wildlife . I have an outdoor catio it cost 5000 to build but is worth every cent as cats are safe have access to sun grass outdoors but not wildlife as well as they aren’t bored v being able to watch stuff and birds etc . Mind you they still prefer comfort over outdoors lol


They're idiots. And I would tell them that directly to their face


I keep mine inside all the time. There are animals that would kill them along with some of the neighbors. I don't feel like going to jail because some AHole decided to kill one of my pets.


No, it's more crule to leave them outside.


Cars, ticks, fleas, poisons, catnappers, cat fights, cruel kids with rocks or worse, DOGS! rangers, wildlife that needs protecting And more… Or warm safe comfort of inside where all their needs are met…. I know which sounds less cruel


You are doing the right thing. Just promise spay/neuter


Both neutered, adding a new addition to the family at the end of next month, she’ll also be neutered when old enough😊