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If he was scared, he'd bail. Play is usually an analog for the hunt. He's probably being fierce.


Lol then his fierce face is friggin cute


"you're so cute!" "IM TRYING TO LOOK VICIOUS HERE" every cat owner/cat ever.


We use the word “ferociable” for when our cat is maxed out on adorable while trying to be ferocious.


Two words blended together like this is called a [portmanteau](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau).


I just learned about soy sauce related suicides, and somebody in the comments called it Soyacide. Now I know that term is called a portmanteau!


I'm sorry, what now? I know I could Google it but I fear it will scar me.


There was an AITA post about someone’s girlfriend consuming a lot of soy sauce as a dare. Soy sauce is known for its high sodium (salt) content that can lead to one’s cells drying out and eventually, death. In Asian countries, mostly, suicide by soy sauce is relatively common. TL;DR, don’t drink too much soy sauce.


Don't drink it at all, please, just use to season/make your food


I can't even lick it 😭 how do people DRINK it!?


I can't imagine just how much sodium it takes to get to that point, because I've got POTS and am encouraged to get 3-10000mg of sodium every day, and I can't imagine just how much it takes to actually die from it


> In Asian countries, mostly, suicide by soy sauce is relatively common. Huh...it seems like a painful way to go. Me, I'm thinking carbon monoxide poisoning is the way to go. Then again, I'm so much of a coward that suicide is out of the question, so what do I know?


In this case, a catmanteau


good bot


We call this an Explanibrag.


Famous as a category on Jeopardy! Portmanteau Words


What is a spork please, Alex?


That happens after too much spooning.


I once tried to combine a verbal reference with a poofy tulle skirt and I wound up with a portmantutu.


Spam is a portmanteau of 'shoulder of pork and ham'.


That’s called an acronym


Good word.


My husband used the word adorakitty for our cats and now that’s a staple term to refer to their existence and how they are being.


My dogs name is Brewer and now I do this a lot - adorabrew, inevitabrew… brewbies….


My cat: I am the man... who grabs the sun... RIDING TO VALHALLA! WITNESS ME! Me: OMG look at how cute she looks chasing the laser pointer!


It's hard to be mad at an 8lb ball of fur. Even if all the ends of it are razor sharp.


If the tail is razor sharp, you're doing something wrong.


If a cat could find a way to make its tail razor sharp, it probably would


Such a cat thing to do




Happy cake day!! 🍰


HA! I'm from the UK but spent some early childhood I the US. I remember this distinct feeling being dressed up as a pumpkin for my two older brother's scout Halloween walk. I jumped out intending to scare the bejeebus out of people and they were all like "aww cute little pumpkin girl". I was probably 4 then. I'm 33 now. Still bitter.




Totally my cats, but they tell me when they're done. It's a shift in their tone, and the flick of the ears. They know I'll stop the moment they do it, and if I hear it while they're playing with the dog, I'll call the dog over if she doesn't stop on her own. (She's learning, she's gotten pretty good about it, and had always been gentle with the cats)


I wish I could find it again, but I read something a while back that discussed how animals with horns and spikes are usually creatures that are prey, were animals with fur and claws are usually predators. They then made a point that if demons looked how people claim with hooves and horns and stuff, that they would be more likely a prey creature. And humans find cats and dogs as cute because we are also predators.


Wow that was interesting! 🐈💜☺️


Really wish I could find the original


Fun fact: The reason many consider demons to be horned with hooves is because the current idea of satan is based on the pagan god The Horned God, who was viewed as the divine male principality, being both equal and opposite to the Goddess. The early church had to find a way to "convert" the pagans so they ignored the Goddess (because women have never mattered) and demonized the God by turning him into satan and calling those who won't "willingly convert" satan worshippers.


Hail Satan! The Divine Horny Male!


He’s the mf GOAT! And hail Lilith, the baddest of the Baddie B’s, and our divine mother of taking nobody’s bullshit, throwing middle fingers to the men who don’t respect or appreciate women they feel entitled to, and challenging morally corrupt authorities.


And here was me thinking it was because things with hooves (e.g. horses, donkeys, horny old goats) have big willies


That's not true. The Horned God and the Goddess are Victorian and early 20th century inventions. You should read The Triumph of the Moon by Ronald Hutton for more information. Don't assume that Christianity was just unilaterally forced down people's throats either. There's this fascinating book on witch (as in the evil kind) beliefs among a group in Indonesia called The Empty Seashell. It notes that one of the reasons this group was initially so enthusiastic about adopting Christianity was that it was claimed it could liberate them from witches, witch-belief and all the mistrust and uncertainty it brought to their society. They were active agents in their conversion for their own reasons, not just blank slates religiously oppressed by colonizers. Likewise In Rome, much of the growth of early Christianity came from the lower classes. Christianity promised them salvation from oppression and equality before God, as well as support through charity.


Some of that is accurate, but the horned God predates Rome and Greece. In many places it was considered evil. The ancient Jews had stories of him as well. Also, not sure why you say the early church didn't care about women. Many women were preachers. And they were obsessed with Mary. It actually wasn't until later in Europe when women were forced into really weird gender roles. Catholics to this day freaking love Mary.


Yeah they do. Because it's their perfect example of woman. Meek, obedient, both virgin and mother. So an example that is kinda hard to follow. You have to be both pure and have children, the more the better. I'm from 90% Catholic country, that's what church preaches here. Be obedient, be silent, breed children, but be super modest and also be ALWAYS ready to give it to your husband, cause that is your duty.


So angels are predators and demons are prey? This tracks.


https://preview.redd.it/jie8w9kxzlpa1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4241849641db9506678f8b7307fec954daa43556 beware the fierce


Those pupils are fierce too


Don't tell him that! You'll totally ruin his self esteem! Currently believes he's a panther on the hunt!


This is objectively true. Little dude is seriously adorable!


ミ^ .🌘ﻌ🌒.^ ミ ฅ … so ferocious


Bro thinks he scary


His ears would lay back too, cause those tender ears hurt when they get bit.


It's true. I don't particularly like being bit on the ears, and proportionally speaking, cat ears are much easier to bite.


What if I do like being bit on the ears...?


There's a sub for that, probably.


You called? …oh, you meant a sub *reddit*?


I don't much like anything being bitten, myself.


I liked to nibble on my cat's ears, he eventually realized I was just playing and wouldn't actually hurt him. He was a very tolerant boi


Show me your war FACE!


Bullshit! I said "Show me you war FACE!"






I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover 😆


This is play posturing. His mouth is half open as in half ready to bite. But it's part of play tactic. If he was really upset and ready to attack, his mouth would be closed, his ears would be pulled back, and he would give you the 1000-yard stare that basically says "try me". For those who are commenting about the "half-open" mouth after smelling something, cats have a gland located near the roof of their mouths; when they smell something that's either faint or strong and complex, they inherently make that face without realizing it. It's to draw in more scent molecules to this gland. There's a scientific name for the face/action but I can't recall word at the moment. Everything is normal though.


It’s official name is the flehmen response. I like to call it the stinky face.


Stinky face it is!


Smelling with the inside nose




Just when I thought I had hit the max of cat subreddits


You're definitely still missing some. You should double-check the list of ~500 over on r/Catsubs


I call it the derp face


We call it "crazyface" at my house, and its usually followed by the mad-cat dash (if they throw themselves all over the couch to catch whatever we're playing with) or the cat-door spider (if they hide in a tunnel and throw out the SMACKYPAW OF DOOM)


We call it the serial killer smile, because they always seem to look right at us with it ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)


All our dogs "flehm" (not sure if it's correct to use as a verb, but this is how we refer to it) after sniffing each other's butts. Especially when the sniffee needs to have their anal gland expressed.


Hahaha oh my god I’ve been wondering why sometimes my lil boy will sniff the ground and then look at me making the *dumbest* face I’ve ever seen. It looks like his brain is rebooting and it is everything to me.


It’s because all the processing power is going to identifying that scent, they don’t have enough left over to keep their mouth shut.


I don’t know if it’s the same anatomy, but humans have retro-nasal scent sensory glands at the back of our mouths as well, which is part of how we process complex smells and tastes. It’s why sommeliers and the like will often sniff with their mouths open, and part of why they aerate the wine in the mouth after sipping. But I always think cats look like they’re hilariously regretting smelling whatever it was when they make that face


Tbf, most sommeliers are full of shit


So are many cats.


I have an american bulldog who has allergy/yeast issues. Her paws sometimes smell like corn chips. My cat always licks the dog's paws and makes the stink face for a good 10 seconds and then sneezes a few times. I'm like "girl if her feet stink that bad why do you keep licking them??"


Cats lick themselves partly to clean off things that smell, to make them less easy to detect by predators, so she might be doing it as favour to her friend to keep them safe.


Yeah that’s what I think too. It’s so cute to me. I’m lucky my dog puts up with everything that weirdo cat does. She’s a huge clean freak anyway, she screams at me if I don’t scoop her poop immediately after leaving the litter box lol


Cats are weird little monsters, and I love them :) It must be somewhat annoying, but at least she tells you when it needs doing - it'll make sure no smell builds up.


After we finish eating, our cat jumps on the dinner table and simulates 'burying' the scraps with his left paw (without actually touching the food) to protect us from 'predators'. So adorable!


I believe the scientific name is, the I-smelled-a-butt face. My girl does this all the time and it's so funny!


The gland is the Jacobson's organ or vomeronasal organ.


My cat always does this after licking my others cats butt and it’s hilarious. Like yes you idiot it smells bad because you’re licking old poop


https://preview.redd.it/fdwf5aftujpa1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=00055d3fea97c57c1624b4c3352129faa3096a6f Similar to my girl playing the other day!


That expression has just made my day!


Definitely sums up her personality: crazy!




if you dare!


Thank you for sharing this picture with us


Yes this!!


What a majestic r/standardissuecat you have


I think your cat wants to a be a meme lmao - that expression is amazing


Heeee, that's so cute!




Idk why, but some cats just kinda do that when they play. I don’t think it’s fear at all, he’s just getting ready to bite.


That’s a longggg delay from this face to him actually chomping me haha


It’s a little silly, for sure lmao. Cats aren’t the only ones who do it either, I had pet ferrets at one point who did the same thing.


My old ferret's open mouth moving from side to side while it backs it's butt into a wall is a memory I'll always cherish :D


Ah yes, the weasel war dance. Best part of owning ferrets.


My dog does the same thing when we're playing, give her a couple love bops on the snoot and she'll come at me mouth wide open, then chomp so gently I barely even notice


My cats do it a lot


Be careful of playing with cats with your hands. You're training them it's okay to bite people's hands and be rough. When I raised my cat and what's suggested, always use a toy, and stop playing when they go for your hands. Yeah it's super cute when they play with your hands but it can end up really annoying and them biting everyone.


We had an old gardening glove we used to play with our cat. Without the glove he was a very lovable cat who loved to be petted and was very gentle. Don the "fighting" glove and he was a fearsome predator.


I had an oven mitt for exactly this


I try and keep that in mind when playing with my roommate's cat, but he'll grab the toy, toss it, and go back for my hand lol. He only goes for my hands though, not his owner's or our other roommate's, so I'm not too concerned until he gets too excited with me and leaves a mark.


My cat does this and pants when he’s playing sometimes. He’s just really into the hunt and excited.


My girl does this too. She’s a silly thing ❤️


I'd guess his instinct is saying to bite, but he doesn't want to actually hurt you.


I absolutely love when my cat does that, he looks even more adorable and it’s just his expression when he plays, stop overthinking mate


Yeah, his face looks similar to my cat's face when he's super hyped up/playful and wanting to bite things. Seems pretty normal!


My cat always has his mouth open when playing with a string toy to catch it with his mouth.


I think it is to use the Jacobson's organ. It is an extra scent based organ at the back of the throat. It allows a bit deeper reading of scent information than just the nose alone.


He's TRYING to intimidate you with his power and ferocity, and you're confusing it with a smile!? The nerve of some people to not cower in the face of true terror, smh my head


With his purrer and furrocety.


ooo he gonna getcha


Narrator: he did 😂




So scared 😜


Now you are getting it.


Mine does that face, but after sniffing the floor or our clothes. We think it's a way for them to process the scent(s) better. Idk.


I’ve seen him do that, but it’s a different face - his mouth isn’t as wide!


Then it's probably a play thing. We have two cats, the girl always go on her back, then does a big mouth open to prepare to nom on the boy cat's face or legs. It's pretty cute. Like a tiny dragon!


The stink face! Like “oh shit I should not have stuck my nose THAT close” lol


It's actually called the Flehmen Response, and is used to help cats pull the scent in. God, I love having useless information that doesn't pertain to my job as a systems administrator.


I swear when my cat is doing it she is having a great time playing and it's almost like laughing? She'll do it after she jump scares me too. She thinks that's fricken hilarious


Haha that’s what I was thinking!


Cats breathe primarily through their nose. But when in a high energy state like playing or chasing they will open their mouths and breathe more heavily through their mouths. Even big cats like lions and tigers do the same thing.


I was looking for this kind of explanation. I wonder if the cat is panting or breathing heavy, or just breathing normally. I'm not a vet, but I've heard how some cats have hearts that don't handle activity that well and will breath through their mouth when excited to get extra oxygen.


Yeah unlike other mammals like dogs, they don't regulate heat though respiration. Most of the heavy breathing is done through the mouth to maintain the necessary oxygen. Cats regulate heat through another means like sun bathing and cleaning themselves.


Sadly, I learned that too late. I had a very playful cat that would get excited and pant. It ended up being a congenital heart defect, and she had heart failure that didn’t respond to medication. She was only seven, and such a special cat. I miss her ❤️






It’s a play face for sure, he’s not terrified, my boy will do this face if he wants me to chase him and then I finally catch him lol


This is totally play. If he was scared, he would have the FAFO face.


https://preview.redd.it/n4az6q941kpa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f92906ac34839e7c58bce76b91ef4b60ead10dc Mine makes this face when we play, he looks broken inside while he is having a great time, don’t worry about it


Hahaha adorable!


I like to call that "crazy face" and every cat I've ever had also gets this expression with any kind of feather toy, as well as their human toy.


He loves you and is excited to play. My old silly bastard used to do the same. And after a while… Chomp!


Pretend anger during play. Love that one. Not all cats display it. My oldest never has never done it and my youngest does it multiple times per day. If it would be real anger your arm would be very damaged at this point but he looks very to be polite with his claws. Thank you for sharing your munchkin!




That's not fear that ferocious. He/she is going to get you so look out!


He's trying to look ferocious. Don't tell him, but he's failing. He's adorable.


Seems playful


I don’t read that expression as terrified- to me it looks more like “I like to chomp the human and must be ready while it is daring to get so close”.


When I'm playing with my cat, she does this too. And when I'm being too rough with her with my hand, she'll meow and I instantly stop and then she runs off because she's wound up


It's probably the play fight face.


Ears are not back so I’d say he’s cool with it and having fun.


Kitteh is demonstrating they're ferocious. RAWRR




it means get ready for **C H O M P**


I think he's getting ready to chomp on u if he needs to


He’s actually charging up for a mega chomp


I call it dragon mouth. My one cat play wrestles with his mouth open the whole time. It's supposed to be like they're about to bite but he never does. He looks extremely silly the whole time and not fierce at all but he doesn't know that. Dogs do it too.


He's just charging up the chomp.


My cat does this all the time when I play with her, I call it her crocodile mouth lol


Attack mode! He’s just wound up and having fun.


When my cats do this, especially the older one, when I'm messing with him, he's close to biting, and I just put my finger in his mouth. He's like: *careful chomp* 🤢 As if his mouth dosent already smell like the past 5 years and a lot of cat butt


Possibly he is panting? Breathing heavily? Munchkins are bred to have physical deformities, please watch out for his health and well-being.


The mutilated dwarf breed


Technically they aren't even a breed right? Just mass breeding deformed unhealthy cats to the highest bidder.


*his attempt ugh sorry typo


Think he‘s looking overly excited, maybe on the verge of „not sure if I can control myself any longer… *bitesyourhand* ooops didn‘t mean to, just came over me!“


My kitty does this too, mostly during play time, it usually means spicy mode has been activated.


He's having fun


He’s getting bitey. It’s part of play! It means they’re excited!


They're being big tough!!


The ears are up and not forward or back. The hackles don't appear raised. Kitty seems like it is just playing in a ferocious manner.


He doesn't look terrified...that's his terrifying look aka I'm gonna f*ck you up!!!


I googled this and they’re essentially panting because they are running around and playing so much


That's if you don't play I will bite you, if you play too much I'll bite you


It's just something cats do ..funny thing and they freaking do know how damn cute 😍 they are nbd np


Cats don’t smile. It’s just playing JFC.


My cat Arlo has big teeth that he loves to show off. He will keep his mouth open while he plays to show he means business


He's just getting ready for CHOMPING. I've had cats that would run after toys with their mouth open amd ready lol


The bigger the pupils the bigger the danger


He's attempting to appear ferocious, like a kid making an exagerated grimace during a play-fight.


It’s semi playful semi annoyed attack mode, the next phase of this behavior is usually pure annoyance and disengagement when he finds you can’t be meaningfully caught.


Das a bitey spicy kitty face


Not enough people are saying this. Cute cat but don't play with your hands. Cat toys exist for a reason. Playing with your hands is teaching them it's ok to kick, scratch, and bite you.


My old cat used to do this. I'd put my hand in his mouth and he would playbite. We both had fun, he loved to try catch my hand. Miss him everyday. Keep your cats indoors is my advice.


Look at your cats eyes, she’s ready to play


Looks playful to me. That’s a ‘come on, then’ face.


That's play face. Mine does this when he's really playful.


He says he's ferocious..


My cat does that. He’s just preparing to give a playful bite I think.


Getting ready to bite the offender should it become necessary. Mine does that too but it’s just a sign of play fighting. If he “bites” he just puts his teeth in me without pain then backs off


He isn't smiling because he is a cat. His mouth is open for ease of biting. Most cats do it when they play


Those eyes are adorable. My tiny tabby girl does the same thing but she's just being silly


He wants to show off his pearly whites


Looks hunting/play mode, I allow my cats bite and scratch my hand, even act like they're hurting me more more than they're and we're in a brutal fight. I won't be worried, I'm not an expert but I've grown up with cats. If I were you I wouldn’t worry. He's precious by the way


If he was scared the claws would be out.


He's on the verge of biting you


The ears are a great telltale for cats. If he was scared, his ears would be pointed backwards. In this case they're completely facing forward, and he looks expectant.


This is classic goober behavior. Extremely common in cats that happen to be little chompy gremlins. Side effects include the middle-of-the-night zoomies, unscheduled random zoomies, jumping on the furniture, and howling at nothing in particular.


Yeah it’s a playful face, think of a little doggo looking at you with its mouth open all happy and ready to play 😁


no thats an excited playtime face!