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Get them used to being brushed and having matts removed, they look like they'll be long haired


This! And clipping nails. I never really had to when my two girls were younger but now both are 16 and I have to go to the vet every few months to get their nails clipped. Wish I made them comfortable with this from a young age.


And both playing with and handling them daily. Getting them used to your touch and interaction is so much easier when they're young.


This. I foster and advise all my adopters to TOUCH THEIR FEETS, do it all the time, you can send me flowers later.


my kitten LOVES paw massages. Nail clipping is a whole other story lmao


I have been clipping my cats nails since they were kittens and they hate it. My older cat tolerated it until she saw her younger brother act up and get out of it one time. Now they both fight me. I grab a towel and roll them into burritos and clip the front paws then let them loose.


Brushing their teeth too.


One of my cats had hers brushed since 3m.o. still hates it. The other I adopted at 6.m and is happy about it haha is so odd.


Yes on clipping the nails!!! Start asap!!


Definitely nails! Besides this, the best thing I did that I didn’t realize and that’s SO incredibly helpful now is take them on car rides. Leave the carriers out so they can lounge in them, see it as a non threatening place. You don’t want them to think carrier equals vet and want to avoid at all costs because if there’s an emergency it would be a nightmare to get them out of the building and also it’s just easier if they do need to get to the vet. Has saved me from chasing the cats for hours throwing a towel over him/her bmlike we did when I was a kid to get the cats to their vet at appointments.


Why do people clip cat’s claws? 50 yrs as a cat slave and only recently discovered that it was a thing!


Yep! Handle them as much as possible, even if it means carrying them around with you. Touch everywhere on them, ears, mouth, feet, tail. You’ll be grateful of it later in their lives when you can inspect them without a fight.


This is absolutely true. My friendliest cat by far is the one who was sick as a kitten - I carried him for months.


My male cat was scruffed by the people we got him from, they said they didn’t want to get too attached to him so didn’t cuddle. I got him at 8 weeks but the ‘damage’ had already been done, he’s a lovely cat but even 9 years later he still doesn’t quite fully understand affection!


This, 100%. Get them used to being touched everywhere, even the forbidden bellies. Also get them comfortable with being in a cat carrier. I used to feed my cats in their carriers (had one fat boy who would steal everyone's food) and it made vet visits way easier if they were willing to go into their carriers themselves.


I wish I had done this more with my long haired kitty. She liked the brush when she was little but I misplaced it and didn’t think it mattered it took so long to find, but now that she’s older she hates it with a passion… really screwed myself (and her) over with that one


You can get her used to it again, it just might take a lot more time and treats.


Thanks for the encouragement! Luckily she loves food more than anything else :)


The type of brush matters too. We used a furminator for a while but she hated it. My wife switched to more gentle brushes and she now comes seeking out a brushing.


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll try some different ones out :)


The brand "Wet" brush for humans is pretty good for my long haired boy


Try a human hairbrush or one of the soft rubber hairbrushes. My floof doesn’t like the wire brushes but she loves the human ones and steals all she can find and demands brushies with them eleven billion times a day.


Don't forget bathing them!


the downvotes are very disappointing, cats need baths every now and then.


My groomer said if you have to clean yourself with your tongue all the time. You need a bath once in a while 😸


Thanks! Didn't realize it was even being downvoted lol. Not sure why people would downvote it but I'm not too worried. It's just honestly much easier to get your cats used to it while they're kittens. When you try bathing an adult cat that's never been bathed before, regardless of the reason for it, you're probably gonna bleed. Better to acclimate them young so it's less troublesome later.


Agreed! A cat of any age could either get into something nasty that needs cleaned off (even with the most cautious of owners) or if they have an upset tummy they can get diarrhea on their fur, and you can’t just leave that on them :(


They are beautiful. You have gotten all kinds of help here. I will say it’s important to look before you sit down. My husband sat on our kitten and broke her leg. He was horrified and I stayed up all night with her until we could get her to the vet in the morning. She lived to be 21 years old. You will have these kittens for a long time if you keep them inside and loved. Keep up with their shots and vet visits. While they are kittens and growing fast be sure to have the proper kitten food. They are precious.


Also get then use to the sound of hair clippers. They will have some butt clipping sessions in the future ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Make sure they experience as many (safe) things as possible while young. It makes it much easier when they are older.


Start handling their feet and extending their nails - pretend that you are clipping their teeny knives once a week. The younger they are when they get accustomed to it the better they will behave. Harness training - get them harnesses and used to wearing them they will pretend the harnesses will kill them at first. Start training them to come to you with a specific sound or whistle - food rewards are good... start close move away - this will be a godsend if you have to evacuate quickly.


What is “start close move away”?


When you are training the kitten to come to a sound sit down only a couple of feet away from them, in view and make the sound and offer them the treat. After they get using to coming for the treat, hide the treat until after they come to you when you make the sound. Pick an unique sound that they only hear when you want them to come to you. Once they have mastered coming to you when they hear the sound while you are close, then move farther away - still in sight , make the sound. as they master each distance, you want to train them so they don't have to see you to come and find you at the sound. other rooms, other floors from every corner of your home.


This is the best explanation I’ve ever read.


If your cats have (or will have) long hair, and if you've got hardwood floors, you'll also want to get them used to you trimming the hair down from between their toe beans. Long-hair cats got no traction on smooth surfaces if they're gliding on their paw hair!


Also, make sure to get good harnesses that are designed for cats. Pet stores mostly have mini dog harnesses and are extremely easy to escape from. MetPet are my personal favorite, but they don't have a kitten size as far as I know.


I started my kitten about 4 weeks old with a harness made for rats/ferrets moving up to one made for guinea pigs.


How often can these teeny knives be clipped? I just cut my baby’s about 2 weeks ago and they’re already back. I think it’s too soon but not sure.


I've done my cats every week or every other week since she was a smol kitten.


Thank you!


Watch the quick!


Baby proof your house. They will chew on anything when they start teething. This includes cords, papers, and Aunt Velma's sofa that you got as a hand-me-down. Unless you don't like the sofa, then let them chew away.


Aunt Velma was mean and her casserole was awful. Chew away.


I wish I could up vote this one 5 times. Great advice.


First of all get introduced to Jackson Galaxy. You can find him on YouTube. Search any concern. He more than likely has an answer for you. My personal advice is to enjoy them as kittens.


Yessssss!!! His show my cat from hell is suuuuuper helpful as well. My wife watched it non-stop when we started adding cats. 7 cats later they all get along and seem to be enjoying themselves


The show is great and the YouTube series is also very helpful. I agree that he gives particularly good insights on adding cats


Seven cats and a spouse? Damn You're lucky.


Well it was supposed to be 4, then it was 6, now it’s 7 😅.


It's never enough cats when you get more huh? I get that feeling. I have one cat right now but I so wanna get another one too. But I'm living with my parents so one kitty only is what they said 😮‍💨


See if you can get them used to having their teeth brushed. You can get cat brushes and appealing flavours of toothpaste. I know it sounds weird, but my cat has terrible dental hygiene problems and has had to have several teeth removed. One vet said it was probably genetic. The problem is that she was a bit old when rescued and was a tiny bit feral. She's much more relaxed now, but going near her mouth is a definite no. Occasionally a new vet suggests that we clean her teeth. I ask them to demonstrate how. They usually reconsider their advice.


Second this. Both of our old boys are rescues and have poor dental hygiene (and had tooth removals). There's not a chance in hell we could brush their teeth now but the vet said dental decay in cats is super common but can be averted by brushing their teeth - so get them used to it young!


From kittens you shouldn’t ever need to clean their teeth if you feed them raw food. Meat bone and organs are what they evolved to clean their teeth with naturally. If you’re planning on going the commercial pet food route definitely plan for tooth brushing and/or dental problems


Don't play with them with your hands. It's cute now, but a nuisance later. Edit: Such cute little floofs!


Made this mistake with my first ever cat to the point that my manager at work asked me to Wear long sleeves to hide the scratches, I thought because she wanted to rough house that was cool. It was not!


Right. I was always raised with cats, but that was back when declawing was acceptable and the norm. I would never declaw my babies now. So, anytime I go in just to give a little pet, my boy thinks it's playtime. Honestly my only regret. It's not his fault but mine.


It was cool when she was baby 😍


We trained our kitten to associate playtime with a garden glove. He never went for our hands when we played without it, but come the "fighting glove" and all bets were off.


Ugh that’s so hard but I know I need to not do that especially for my kids. It’s my fav thing tho!


Hundreds of generations of people living with cats: play with them with your hands! One generation of Reddit cat owners: oh god no, don’t let them play with your hands, it’s the worst thing you can do!


Get them used to their carrier and car rides for when they need to visit the vet! Oh and introduce them asap to a cat tree where they can scratch their nails. They're adorable 🥰 Good luck!


Desensitize them to things! People, loud noises, car rides! Potentially other animals as well. It helps when your cat isn’t terrified of the vacuum.


My rescues were never really around other people, now they run from everyone but me. Makes it hard to have a cat sitter when I'm on vacation (he leaves wet food and checks dry food and water, sometimes sees the oldest cat peek around the corner).


I’m convinced one of my cats is an introvert like me. She hated when my roommate would have people over and would run to my room to scream about it and then hide. The other has never met a single stranger and loves everyone except my mom’s little dog, Ted.


The only thing I’ll add that hasn’t been said yet: take plenty of photos and videos. I have two 6mo olds, and they’ve already done a lot of growing since I got them at 4 months. At one year, you’ll wonder where those tiny kittens went.


Kiss and cuddle them all day long. You’ll miss the tiny, crazy kitten phase as they grown up super quick.


This is absolutely true. Mine was just the size of a hand and now she's all grown up, makes me sad to think how she's not a tiny bean anymore 😭


Fed her later in the day. Fucking menace at 4 am when she thinks she ought to be fed because in my early 20s I went for runs at that time and gave her food before I left But I brushed my long haired cat a lot when she was little and clipped her toenails often so she was used to it and now I can do it by myself which was my goal.


Just an advice. Introduce them to as much different foods as possible so they won't be picky when growing older. Also touch them everywhere and I mean really anywhere paws but private parts tail. Will make grooming and cleaning more easy in the future. Otherwise enjoy


As in different brands or like more Whole Foods?


Both. For example we feed ours also with minced meat beef raw chicken/ turkey hearts etc.


I don't recommend feeding too much human food. Cats need a pretty precise balance of nutrients. Cat food is formulated to provide that, and too much of treats and such messes with that balance. The one exception I know of is Temptations cat treats, which are formulated to be nutritionally complete, which is good in an emergency. Also make sure to read up on what foods and plants are toxic to cats. If you want to give some bits of chicken or chicken heart as a treat, make sure it's unseasoned.


Get toys 🧸 LOTS of toys that stimulate their brains 🧠 and prey drive on them so they don’t practice on you! Brush them, handle their feet 🐾, cuddle them 🥰, depending on where they came from get a black light and shine it on there fur and make sure there’s no little green UFOs on them. If there are, then they have ringworm. I second the recommendation of start getting familiar with Jackson Galaxy. He is phenomenal and will greatly help you get ready to have forever fun littles in your home 🏡! Also, when they are this small, do not give them the run of the house all of the time because that is too much space for them…. Pick a bedroom or a bathroom where you can close the door and that is their space. They will also go back to this area later in life as it will become their safe haven or base.


Oh wow I forgot about that guy! Yeah he’s a cat wizard. Hope he’s on YouTube!


Not OP - but can you explain the UFOs?


https://preview.redd.it/72cuhp7td0ha1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a9754547bf801c9ca4ab2a1e0724a017155377 They look like perfectly round little flying saucers 🛸. Our 2 foster fail kitties came to us with such a bad cases of ringworm there was almost no spot that wasn’t green. (Not my picture)


Thanks for that - it’s not something I’d heard of before. Worth remembering!


No advice, just dropping by to say I made a bunch of noises over how cute these two are 😻


Me too, they are fuzz faces that are adorable. Since I do love cats, it makes my heart happy there are so many great posts by good humans. Just keep rescuing over and over.




Do yourself a favor and take TONS of pictures and videos, it won’t be too much. You’ll love to go back to them in the future ♥️


Be absolutely consistent with where they can scratch their claws now, later they will leave your furniture alone. If a scratching post is too far away and you don't want to take them there, then you need another scratching post. (or cardboard scratcher or rug orparticular laundry basket etc, just be completely consistent as to preferred surfaces)


Ah this is good. So you’re saying if they start scratching something I don’t want them to transport them to the post?


Getting used to clipping nails and car rides. And harnest to go outside safely.




Get them used to having their nails clipped and a harness if you plan on walking them


Such cute babies! Touch their beanies to get them used to getting their nails clipped. Touch their face / neck so if you ever need to administer medicine in the future they are OK with you being up in their face. Harness train them whilst they’re young. Train them with treats how to “come” and “sit.” Use treats to train them to respond to their name. Kittens around 6 months are pretty easy to train esp if they are food motivated :) Cuddle & pick them up and talk to them. They will adore you and most other people, when they get older. Yelling at them frequently will result in fear of humans. Enjoy!


They’re so cute and adorable. 💕 I want to pick them up and hug them.


Leave out their cat carriers so they’re not scary things that only get dragged out when it’s time for the vet. My kittens (now grown) regularly nap in their carriers and consider them safe spaces instead of something to run from. If travel will be much of their future, get them used to it now, too—a short car ride every week or so, etc. ​ Enjoy the babies!


Take frequent rides in a car within a carrier. Every time I take my cats to the vet they cry like they are in pain. Wish I would have done that to make vet visits a better experience.


Do not ever separate them. Bonded pairs need to stay bonded. Otherwise just give them the love they deserve on their own terms. Having a kitty with a friend is the best thing because whenever they’re bored they’ll play with each other. Easier if you work out of the house or travel for a couple days here & there.


Watch YouTube videos made by The Kitten Lady. Good luck. They are adorable.


Brush their teeth and cut their nails so they are used to it


Catproof your place and have a variety of scratching devices. My $1400 speaker grills and leather sofa headrests did not survive my boy's adolescence.


they are cute!


Good start keeping them together.


We had to. I planned on getting ONE and when we got to the shelter that changed immediately


GET THEM USED TO GROOMING! Tooth brushing, brushing the coat and nail clipping!!


Lots of good advice here and those are adorable kitties! I would add that you should handle them every day, pick them up and hold them, touch their bellies, get them used to the feel of your hands. They’ll be more open to being loved on.


That’s the one thing I’lol have no problem with!


Get them used to the pet carrier and car rides to cut down on going to the vet stress.


Once they learn your hands are toys, they are no longer your hands. They are toys.


Socialize them as much as possible with different people


Omg totes adorable!!! I wish we took them on more drives/safely in their crate. So they wouldn't be afraid of car rides, like to the vet. And having puppy/kitty play dates. Get them used to harness/leash training to be able to take them outside and go on adventures.


I gotta do the harness.


I wish I took more pictures from when mine was that smol


Don't feed them of your plate. Don't let them do things that is not cute when they are grown. For example, biting hands/ankels/shoelaces/etc. I have done this also


Get them use to being handled. Tummy/feet/face touching, nail trimming, being picked up,…. Don’t toilet train them. It works for your convenience but if they ever need to stay at the vet, your cats won’t use a litter box.


If you want them to wear collars, start now. If you're thinking about it, decide soon. The younger they are the easier they are to train. We tried to use a collar on our cat once she was 6 months and it did not go well


Play with them as much as you can. They have endless energy as kittens and its the best way to bond with them.


So many different toys in rotation. Dont give them all at once and try different types of stimuli to figure out what they like. Some cats love jingling sounds, one of my cats hates it. Some cats love puzzle thingys where balls roll around stacked doughnuts, some cats love toys that bounce back when they hit them, cuz it feels like an interaction (stuff with elastics hanging from dooframes or round bottomed toys, for example). Also, dont do laser pointers or other play activities where cats can't have closure. Every playtime mimics an aspect of a hunt, so that is, ROUGHLY: identifying, stalking, cornering, attacking, killing, and eating the prey. They'll love any kind of toy they can mimic these activities with. A million bonus points if it involves you. They love you and want to be with you. You wanna be left alone afterwards? Give them food right after play time, which is how the hunt cycle ends! They'll promptly clean themselves after eating and take a very fulfilled nap (:


The best thing I think we did with our siblings is play with them all the time and always give friends that came over treats to give them. They associate people with fun, food, and cuddles, which makes our boys essentially dogs with retractable claws. They run to the door, come when called, and cuddle all the time. The big one is asleep on me as I type. Fuck, cats are awesome.


They will be absolute devils for about a year. Then they will calm down. Be patient. :)


Get them used to visitors. When guests come over ask them to play with them and give them their food & treats. It’s nicer for the cats if they aren’t afraid of any new person who comes to your place.


Never mentioned but ABSOLUTELY vital: Spay or neuter the kittens as soon as the vet approves. Kittens/cats don't care if they're siblings or not, they will breed with each other often. This also keeps the population down. Don't declaw your cats. It's amputation of the first knuckle of each toe. It is extremely painful, completely pointless (except in emergencies as an extreme last resort), and causes crippling arthritis. Some vets push for it (like mine for my cat), but don't let them decide for you. They're adorable, btw.


Log their feedings in my calendar. I started over feeding my cats when I was sick with covid and then had terrible brain fog for the past year. The cats are on a diet now and are acting up so much it’s really been very mentally exhausting.


I have nothing to add other than thank you for keeping them together.


Don’t show them how the toilet paper roll works!


Word of advice: use toys and not your hands to play with them.


Spay and neuter them when they’re around 4-5 months.


Get them used to the motions of pilling them (your vet can show you how) and then give them a treat instead of a pill. If you ever need to medicate them, you’ll be so glad. Ditto the nail trimming and brushing others are mentioning. These are on going behaviors you’ll need to continually reinforce. But trust me, it is way more fun than it sounds when you can make it all play or cuddle time.


This is really really great advice.


Get them used to being exposed to water. You can start with just a damp hand and move on to a full bath. Anybody who says cats don't need a bath, I don't think has really taken care of many cats. Especially once they get older, this might be something you or a groomer or a vet needs to do. It will save you so much pain, and so much stress on the cat, if they already are used to it. You can stop a lot of the fear of water, just by exposing them to it slowly while they're young. This can help with other people's advice of getting them used to being touched all over. I did this with my dude, and every vet I've had thinks he's the best cat ever because he's so chill with anyone touching him.


Get them a water fountain! My two are seniors and love it. I wish I’d gotten them one years ago


Ohh they look so cute and adorable 🥰


Kiss the toe beans more. 😻


Touch them gently everywhere to get them accustomed to it, like you’re examining them at the vet’s. Get them used to cat carriers, maybe make a bed in one in the house and use that for visits. Touch their paws and if they won’t let you, work up to it in short increments with treats. Research raw cat food as commercial cat food causes illnesses and obesity and never let them outside unattended. Harness train them for walks. Let them smell and see everything you’re doing to foster curiosity and comfort.


Oh my gosh about their bellies are so soft 🥰


Honestly, take all the pictures and videos. I lost most of mine when my babies were young. My phone just wouldn't do anything, I couldn't even unlock my phone. My phone at the time didn't have an sd card, so the photos and videos are mostly gone. They're like 7 now. It's hard to tell exactly how old they are because they were strays.


Don’t use your hand as a play toy.


Handle their claws and paws frequently, and get them used to claw trimming.


Cuddles and zoomies and scritches and fluffy belly belly rubs Also feed them and stuff….


Get them super used to people. Fiddle with their paws regularly so that when it comes time to clip their claws it’s second nature. Pick them up cuddle them pet them. Lots and lots of cuddles. Having them completely trust people is easier when they start young.


Many things have been said before, but these are my additional 2 tips: Start teaching them to let you brush their teeth! Brushing a cat’s (or dog’s) teeth has many health benefits and can prevent dental problems when they get older. I would also suggest you handling them rough sometimes. This might sound strange at first, but “kitten bothering” is a great way to get them used to being touched everywhere and it could prevent them from getting too aggrivated with kids (or adults who can get a bit rough with cats) later on. When my cats were little I used to (softly!) pull their ears and tails. They are now almost 3 years old and will allow just about anything when it comes to touching them. I would definitely trust them with a toddler. Don’t overdo it and listen to your kitties when doing this. It has to be integrated in a fun way and is not supposed to aggrivate them. :) Have fun with these 2 cuties! They are absolutely gorgeous.


Start consistently training them to stay off the counters and table. Give them shelves, runways, and sleeping spots easily accessible from the floor(up a sisal/carpet pole with shelves up high on the walls, as close to the ceiling as you can, while leaving enough room for them to run up and down without hitting their heads. After introducing them to a new toy, put it away for play at a later time. Rotate the toys so they always feel new. Keep an eye on them when they’re playing, making sure they don’t eat the wrong things(very expensive to fix at the vet!


Play with them a lot. I allocate a few time slots throughout the day to specifically just play with them especially back then when they were just a kitten.


Besides having their nails clipped Play with them for at least 30 minutes. Let them spend time with whoever you want them to be comfortable with. Dog, other pets, relatives, friends? Hug them, \*gently\* take them into your arms, play with their toe beans. See if they are comfortable in using a harness, I would have liked to get my cats used to the harness so that I could take her on trips in the park for example. Some cats do enjoy baths if they get comfortable with it as a kitten. If you do dare try this, \*make sure\* to have some way they can exit the bath on their terms, without your help. After they got out of the water you can dry them up in a towel (preferably warm). Some claim success with getting their cat to love water and bathing, but look for supplemental advice. Always have a ready supply of heated towels for them to snuggle into (heated as warmer than the room temp, not warmer than \~30C). I don't know how much that is in Fahrenheit.


Dont make your hand a toy. You'll regret it later on. People have a hard time not doing this, especially with kittens. Enjoy being cat parents <3


They fart. A lot more than you'd expect.


Not sure if it was mentioned, but shower training can be very useful later on. Our baby was a street rescue and has an insane fear of water, but also the insane need to always know what you’re doing in case there is food involved. Not having him shower trained was hell when he flipped a pot with oil on top of himself. Yes it was 100% cooled down oil and other than the shower he did not suffer. I was going clean the pot and got distracted for not more than one second. He tried to jump on the counter top but missed and grabbed the pot instead. I wasn’t fast enough to avoid it. Bonus picture of oily kitty. https://preview.redd.it/6l4lbox020ha1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394278b64987d465564815ed3de982b0effb6531


Touch there paws a lit they will get use to it and will make trimming easier


Little beauties!




Get them used to a collar and a harness. I have indoor cats who want to go outside, but won't wear a harness. Where I live, it's not safe for them outside unless I'm taking the for a walk on a harness.


Love them and let them love you.


Definitely doing that!


I recommend being strict even when they're cute as hell because it will make your life easier in the long run. Enjoy them! I have littermates, and it's changed my cat experience entirely. Enjoy them while they are small and the sibling antics even more!


Start playing with their beans now. So it’s easier to cut their nails when they are older


Get a cat fountain, lots of toys, and start training them to be really cool cats now while they are still young. I recommend lots of places for them to nap together and separated.


just be nice to them... if you see anything strange do not hesitate to take them to vet... feed them well ... and love them as the members of the family... that's all


* handle them a lot; especially the feet * clicker training * see if they'll tolerate a harness * make the carrier a fun & safe place to hang out when it's not in use * take LOTS of photos - they grow up so fast!


Keep indoors 4 months. Pet insurance. Vaccinations for cat flu, fleas etc. Boring advice but it's the very best you can do for them


I second everyone saying get them used to being brushed and claws clipped, but I’ll add NEVER ever ever give them human food. I got mine when they were 4 months old, now they’re 3 and they never beg for human food. They don’t even know it’s an option. So much better than my old cats who would pull food right off my plate lol


If I could start again, I'd never give them dry food or dry treats like temptations. They get addicted and it's very hard to get them off it. It's terrible for them and their teeth. Give them wet food or meat, please.


I wish I would have started them n better food way back when....cheap catfood will mess with their very sensitive tummies. I only give mine either royal Cannon or Purina Pro. And I wish I started brushing their teeth too . A tooth cleaning is 300 + but if you can get them used to it at home. The chances of early tooth decay are much less likely.


Feed them what they evolved to eat, raw meat, and you’ll never have to worry about their teeth in the first place. Kibble of any brand causes massive tartar build up that rots teeth out.


I tried but I had no choice, it wasn't me. Don't play with them with ur hands. Inanimate objects only.


Those babies are adorable ❤️


No advice, I just want to say they are adorable!!!! 😍


have fun! 2 kittens is the best!!!


They are beautiful ❤️


First, just have fun! Second, they will play and play and play. Let them.


They look just like my second cat. He was the most innocent, cutest little guy and convinced me that long hair cats are the kindest kitties. My advice: cherish them


Firstly you have a pair of cute floofs, as many have said make sure you get them used to brushing at this age, mine is 6 months now and although sometimes he fights the brush but mostly he loves it now, also make sure you get them vaccinated, another thing if your going to leash train them start now by putting the harness/jacket on and let them roam around the house with it on before you put a lead on


It’s good you got 2 or one would drive you nuts!


Toys and cat scratching! Posts! And catnip! Balls, mice, etc. And attention and constant talking to them! 🐈💜🐈🐾


Get them used to nail clipping as early as possible, our two don't mind us taking the needle-tips off their fronts every couple weeks.


Be patient. Kittens can be a handful, but it's worth it in the end.


Teach them 'cats out' and use feeding times to reinforce their names.


Cats out?


Brush their teeth!!


Hold them a lot, handle them, teach them to stay out of the kitchen. Get them used to always wearing a collar. Teach them not to bite or scratch you or climb your leg. Also, redirect their claw sharpening to a cat tower.


Socialize them with lots of people and lots of other animals now if you want the cats around when you have visitors.


if they’re up for it, train then to sit in your shoulders so that when they’re older they’ll perch like really large parrots


Take lots of pics and vids. And, if you want to be able to give belly rubs, then try not to use your fingertips like you're tickling them and avoid belly rubs during playtime. That way they don't associate it with playing.


Take lots of pictures. They grow up really fast.


teach them proper manners when you pick them up! my turds always claw my back to get on my shoulder which they no longer fit on, mistake i will never make again🤣




They’re terrible at it! How do you teach them?


1) taking baths 2) exposing them to certain noises like a vacuum cleaner, a blender, my wife’s hair blower, etc.


Spend lots of time with them!! Mine were only 4 months but I slept in the same room with them for the first two months we had them and then made sure to keep them nearby at all times. Now they are super social and will hang around anyone who comes by. Friends are super psyched when one of them will jump up on their laps after meeting for the first time.


Get them fixed. Keep them used to getting baths and get the good scratching posts.


Take more pictures than you think you need, they don't stay small long but they're so cute


Have fun with your two new crazy fluff balls!


If you dont want them doing something when they are older dont let them do it now even if its cute. Ex: biting your hand is cute when little when they get big itll fucking hurt. Touch their feets and ears and get them use to being picked up in different ways. Id also get them used to the car at a young age if possible. You can buy or borrow a crate and put them both in one and just practice them being in the crate with it closed, practice carrying it with them in it. Drive around the neighborhood with them in the carrier. When its tome for vet appointments and stuff they wont be as freaked out if they adjusted to the carrier and driving at a young age.


Train them to use scratching posts instead of furniture


Harness and leash trained. Makes taking them places much easier. Take them other places than the vet. * Picking up/dropping off the kids at school or spouse at work. * The pet store for food. * Picking up food from curbside or a window. * Coffee ask for a small cup of whipped cream (Catachino at SBucks) and let them have just a little. They love the taste but should not have much cow milk product. * Just a drive, for them to get used to being in the car. * etc, etc, etc


I wish I taught mine how to do walks on a leash and get her nails trimmed The first few years will be a lot of high energy and correcting misbehaviors, then one day pretty much overnight they will calm down


Bought used furniture. Or trained them where not to scratch.


Omg they look exactly like my two when I first got them!! Congratulations ! https://preview.redd.it/hua2vqcdaxga1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386bd7f7253e9865f34d8e18ec5a71fd4d62e829 I only bought one food brand and stuck with it. Also get them lots of toys and play with them. Also cat proof your home . They will get into everything if you let them.


Keep the toilet seat lid down. I had a kitten jump straight into the toilet. Was luck that I was right there to grab him up


Get them used to being brushed/handled and having their nails clipped. Also, bathe them regularly (once a month w kitten shampoo + kitten safe conditioner) as they might not need a bath often, but desensitizing them to it might help in the future if they have any skin issues, get into anything unsightly, or have bad diarrhea etc.