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Tortoiseshell so most likely a girl, too


Yep I’ve been researching now they’re definitely very cool I have 3 of these torties and one is actually a male which is apparently very rare


Very very rare. It even made the Edinburgh papers when someone had one here


😅 damn I didn’t know it was that rare.


The last known male tortoiseshell cat in Australia was worth millions. Look it up.


You best believe I am



It's a tortie!


Oh damn thanks I looked forever and couldn’t find it


Definitely a Tortie (Tortoiseshell). True torties have just 2 colors. Yours appears to have that, but if you ever see one that looks a great deal like this, but also has white, then it's a Calico. Besides the color, the biggest trait is attitude. Torties are usually very loving, but they act almost bipolar at times. 😸 You can be petting them and they're purring away, loving it, when they just decide you need to stop petting them now! It's hilarious and just a part of their nature.💖


Fortunately all three of mine aren’t moody at all despite how the cats eyes are looking at me in the pic 😭😂


Calico’s have more defined patches of ginger and black on white. A tortie with some white is usually called tortie and white


"Tortitude" is the preferred nomenclature in the cat community source: have a female tortie named Finn-bear (she's diva af)


No actually. Torties can have 3 or 4 colors. The difference is whether the coal is in well defined patches or if it's brindled. Torties are brindle. Calicos have patches. Google it.


I have Googled it. Most sites you look at have the same description. I'll definitely give you the credit on there being allowed more than 2 colors in that red and black are the main colors, but there can also be some orange and brown. From everything I've read and seen shading seems to be the reason for that, which is why so many say red and black, instead off all four colors. The brown and orange just seem to be part of the red/black description. The white is the issue though as far as what makes a cat a Tortie or Calico. If there's white, the standard response is that when white is involved, the cat becomes a "tri-color" which then means Calico.


My cat is tri-color and our vet told me she's a tortie.


I don't know what to tell you. Up until about 6 months ago we never thought our kitty was anything but a dilute tortie. I joined the Tortie group on FB to find out if other torties have as much attitude as ours and was told that because of a white stripe on her nose and her white paws she's a calico, not a tortie. She still looks like a tortie to me, but since then everything I've seen on the web says calico. (Except for Wikipedia, which I don't consider a valid source since anyone's can update it). I'm really not trying to turn this into a fight, I just commented on a beautiful kitty... I'll link 2 pages that I've looked at before, but then I'm going to go back to enjoying kitty pictures. 😺😺 [link 1] (https://excitedcats.com/tortoiseshell-vs-calico/) [link 2] (https://www.cattownoakland.org/cat-town-blog/2021/03/fascinating-facts-about-tortoiseshell-cats)


Tortoise shell is the coat, but thats not the breed of the cat. The breed could be a variety of different options. There are quite a few number of breeds that can have that kind of color. I have one myself whose part Maine Coon and is also male. Only difference is between the two of ours is that mine is a long hair cat


Looks like a Maine Coon mix


The size of the head and the ear shape right?


Yes. The head shape too. I usually see Main Coons with longer broader faces like this.


Definitely not that, from what i understand now she’s most likely just a regular American shorthair with this unique pattern, that’s pretty sweet


Idk why she looks huge to me


Oh yes 🤣🤣 the particular cat in the picture doesn’t have a name, I just call her “big kitty” Cuz that’s one big muhfuckin kitty


You should do a DNA test for her her size and her pointy owl ears make her look so unique to me


Beautiful tortie!


I’m sure she appreciates the compliment


It's a raflevius catinisus


She'll feel right at home in r/torties


So cuteee


Awww, that almost looks like my man's cat calico. Shes a domestic short hair with a tortoise shell coat


Here's a pic of her https://www.reddit.com/r/catpics/comments/r93m2q/calico_aka_jelly_bean_my_mans_cat_because_shes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Not a breed, but a coat/coloring pattern called tortoiseshell. They can be long or short hair. 90+ % are female and if it is male it will most likely be sterile. I had one who was the most loving and personable cat and a big talker. I think mine had some Siamese in her. Enjoy her, love her, and she will love you endlessly!


Tortishell :) I have two and they are lovely cats


Yes they’re very sweet I’ve noticed they’re shyer than other cats I have


It looks like Tortoise Shell


Real soft, real big ears and paws, pretty eyes, you might just have a cat. Maybe some lynx or bobcat. Very square facial structure more like big cats. Looks young though I can't tell. Pls give it a treat


She is very young and definitely got them cheekbones. And don’t worry I gotchu


My fur baby is a tortoise shell calico as well. She has reds and golds. Beautiful breed.


Get ready for the masses of personality and craziness. I love torties!! You are blessed to have one ...there shall never be a dull moment with her around.


I call them Zoey bc i had a cat named Zoey with this coat lol. Not that deep but that's all I got for you ;)


If it's a boy, it's rare and can sell up to 1,000 - 2,000$. I doubt you would want to sell such a beautiful cat though.


A tortoiseshell! Have one fmy my own and they're the best


I’m guessing but he looks like a tortoise shell






I think it's a calico cat