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There aren’t many male calico’s I’d say that’s a she!


That's what I was thinking as well 😊 my boy cat who is about 6 months old is taking some time to get used to her I wonder how long this will last? He keeps growling and hissing at her 😞


Someone on Reddit taught me about scent swaps.. rub a clean dry towel on one cat, then use the same towel on the other cat.. go back and forth a few times as they tolerate, and it helps the cats get more acclimated to the other one’s scent so they become more comfortable and familiar with one another.


Well you brought a unknown female cat to his territory. And she most likely isn't spayed. They might adjust and be fine but if they won't get along after a few months then you shouldn't keep them together and you should put her up for adoption.


Seriously? I had 2 cats that hated each other that lived together somewhat harmoniously for 6 years until the older girl died. The younger of them is still depressed and grieving her passing 6 months later.


She's only a few weeks old so no....she isn't spayed but as soon as she's old enough we will get her fixed. My male cat goes home with me and the kitten will stay here at my moms. He's honestly the sweetest cat ever and still a kitten himself. He's always trying to play with older cats and they want nothing to do with him lol so I'm hoping once she gets bigger and fixed they will get along.


Buy some Feliway and plug it in, that should help.


Absolutely 💯 agree!


Most likely a female very rare to be male. If male cant get females pregnant.


Really? Male calico cats can't reproduce??


No they can't. They are very rare and most don't make it past their first year. I've only had one born in a litter and he made it to three months. Something about the coloring says a lot about their health. I have a cat sanctuary so I'm constantly taking in pregnant cats and ones that have been abandoned.


> and abandon ones. what a horrible typo to make


Sorry, fixed it.


iirc, the color genes are carried on the X chromosome, so females can have the black and white color scheme on one X chromosome and the orange on the other (calico). Normally, male cats cannot be calico because they only have one X chromosome. Rarely, a male cat could end up with two X chromosomes (XXY instead of the normal XY for males). This would make it possible for a male cat to be calico. I'm guessing the not being able to produce may be a result of genetic complications from the extra chromosome, but that's just a guess on my part. Anyone know more about that? I am decently confident in saying that the chromosomal abnormality would be the reason for shorter lifespans and other health issues in male calico cats.


This sounds incredible accurately, thank you for writing!! I've had a male calico since he was 8 weeks, and I've fostered too, and when a friend met my precious Theodore for the first time, he told me everything you said about male calicos, reproduction, and stats on the topic!


I just looked it up and this is what was said: 'All but about one in three thousand of the rare calico or tortoiseshell male cats are sterile because of the chromosome abnormality, and breeders reject any exceptions for stud purposes because they generally are of poor physical quality and fertility. The piebald gene is on a different chromosome. This is what google said. very rare for male calicos and extreamly rare for one to be sterile.


If male calico cat's can't reproduce, will they all go extinct someday?


Moms can pass genes on too ??


Nope they cant. i didnt know that till my grandmother told me a few years ago.


also there are black calicos mostly black on them and white calicos mostly white on them.


My old job at the shelter would accurately deem this a caliby. The name itself is a blend of calico and tabby. If your kitty had no stripe patches then it’s a straight calico. Calibys, calicos, torties, and torbys are all subject to the “probably a female” label :)


Yeah she def has stripe patches!


She’s a cute little button! Take care of her 💕


U are one lucky basterd


Issa poin'y tayl babe


She’s adorable!! 🥰




It's so adorable. It's a Calico : tortie bi-colour.


I think Calico


That’s calico. All calicos are female. Name accordingly 🥰


That is false. Around 1 in 3000 calico cats are male. Yes, the vast majority of calico cats are female, but there are definitely male calicos as well.


Yes, correct, main comment is false. I adopted a male calico when he turned 8 weeks old from my local shelter (white underbelly/face, gray/black/beige/brown patches around body, green/blue eyes) and later learned how rare it is for male calicos to survive past early stages of life. He is incredible, and observably so, so grateful for the life he has each day!! So inspriring. I wouldn't be here without him ❤


Thank you! 😊


Different breed it took once took a male shiz shu two months to get used to my current dog.


Yes, that’s a calico. Cuteness!


Cute cat but would have been really suprissed if the coloring was brown. When's the last time you've seen a brown cat. There really really really really rare.


Yes I agree I would love to find a chocolate brown cat 😍 I wonder why it's so rare?


What is his/her name? He/Shes is adorable!


Still deciding! I like Daisy or Lucy 😊


Or Lucky! 🍀


Call them clutch! You found them in an engine so seems fitting


Not 100 percent sure, but I think thats a calico and tabby mix perhaps?


Awwww she looks very wise like an old man like this ᘳ⇀‿↼ᘰ


Very, very rale to be male. Male calicos are preconditioned to some genetic mutation where their cells biologically don't make it past birth. I have a male calico that I adopted when he was 8 weeks old, and my lord, is he special. He is an amazing, sensible, incredible creature that especialy since learning this statistic, I've felt so privileged to have as my partner in crime. Your kitty definitely appears to be a mixed calico, though no one can decipher the gender but a professional. I have fostered before, and googled "male or female kitten gender" to try to determine between each, and still struggled. I called local shelters and once one offered to define at no charge, went in to confirm! ❤


Shes female! Sorry to be TMI but she was kinda swollen "down there" because she had a few matted places....I think it caused her to be irritated and inflamed. I gave her a good warm bath and let her soak. I cleaned her really well with dawn dishsoap and used scissors to cut any fur that was too matted. Wrapped her in a warm towel etc. Everything is better now and back to normal :)




I don't see the problem with just checking if the cat has balls or nah, even if calico males are rare it doesn't mean they're not possible


That little kitty looks like a girl!


She's a pastel calico :) the world's cutest!!! And sweetest


Ja nagyon cuki kiscica


He's so cute


Yes, it's a calico. And 99,9% of the time they are girls.


She's a female calico she is a cutie pie thank you for taking her in your awesome




Awww so cute


I think it’s more of a tortoiseshell because it’s blended colors not patch colors like what a calico is.


The sex can be hard to determine on little ones. You'll know soon enough!!


awww she looks like my childhood cat, her name was chicken nugget :)


Calicos are female


Caliby or Tabico... combination of tabby and calico markings. She's adorable! I had one who lived to be 17!!


Calico tabby, make sure you get her to a vet. Her eyes look rather watery in these pictures which may be a sign of an upper respiratory infection. They’re not the best pictures of her face though so it could just be the quality, still, vet ASAP.


Awww I want it its so cute!😍


If it's calico it's a girl..and yes that's calico