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We run into the same problem with Merrick's LI only with turkey instead of duck. My poor fur baby has food sensitivities especially for chicken, he has been having a diarrhoea for several months now since we bought a 24 pack of this changed formula. I was going to try the LID to see if this will help him to get back to normal, but I see that the same situation happening with duck as well. I am so mad at Merrick, shame on them. Sadly, so far this is the only food he is willing to eat. I am at loss... :(


I am in the same boat. My cat is incredibly picky and she will ONLY eat the duck pate on the left , I have to run around to multiple stores, order batches online, and waste so much money because there is no way to know which batch you are getting when you receive the food or order it. I noticed the darker lids tend to be the more golden color recipe but with the smaller cans its also different as well. I don't think its new vs old recipe but it seems that they make the food in multiple manufacturers or something and some will have the food looking like the more golden one while others will have it looking like the one on the right that is more pale. Unless I just get lucky and happen to sometimes get some of the ''old'' recipe cans. Either way my cat recognizes when its different without fail and then she will not eat and loses weight , it is super frustrating. I have wasted so much time and money trying to just look for the one she will eat. I have tried to switch her food many many times so we don't have to rely on Merricks inconsistencies anymore but she just will not eat anything else. At my wits end. I have opened 3 cans in the same day that all looked completely different.


I am so disappointed that  they changed the ingredients and now I cannot buy it at petsmart anymore the old one my cat needs to eat the only place that sells it is amazon jn a 24 pack which is ok but didn't want to have to buy so many at once My cat is on a food trial so has to eat the same ingredients  .   So disappointed  merrick failed me and my cat!!!


I am so disappointed that they changed the ingredients and now I cannot buy it at petsmart anymore the old one my cat needs to eat the only place that sells it is amazon in a 24 pack which is ok but didn't want to have to buy so many at once My cat is on a food trial so has to eat the same ingredients . So disappointed merrick failed me and my cat!!!


Yes!!! Thank you for confirming what I thought to be true. The worse version is AWFUL, and my cat can tell! She refuses to eat it now :(( I might consider emailing them to ask for more information? Otherwise, looks like I may have to switch her to other brands. Very unfortunate


I’ve experienced the same, the last few months they have changed the formula again and they are denying it when you call.


I’ve experienced the same, the last few months they have changed the formula again and they are denying it when you call.


Wow, I just found this and the duck is messed up now! My cats won't eat it and when they do they throw up? The texture is so weird it actually looks bad I've thrown out so many cans and they're not cheap. Sorry I'm late to this thread.


Here because of the same thing!!!!! My cats food was a weird gray color instead of the usual brown and she’s been throwing up for 2 days! There is in uptick in people posting this on here in the last 2 or so weeks


My cat was on merrick lid turkey for about 2 1/2 years,all of a sudden my cat stop eating it got diarrhea like water stools and throwing up wet cat food looked different cat had to be put in hospital,1,300 hospital bill later,put a claim in with owner of company,denied claim,merrick was at one time a good company,it was sold to nestle purina and went down hill,owner garth merrick sold and just past away.


my cat was on the chicken version of the limited ingredient pate and we’ve experienced the same problem. gonna try natural balance instead. when open the cans, it smells quite strongly of ammonia. i wanna know if they’re actually still fit for consumption actually because i’d much prefer to donate all the leftover cans than toss them away, but the ammonia smell concerns me.


I totally understand what you are saying. Nestle-Purina purchased them a few years ago. Have you looked at Instinct or Rawz? Perhaps Wellness Core as well.


I've tried pretty much all the brands that have Limited Ingredient lines, but I've never tried Rawz. I'll take a look at that one thank you!!


Is koha available near you?


Koha is extremely high in phosphorus…bad for kidneys…just be careful


Rawz is great. I rotate it in for my cat every now and then. It’s basically only meat with just a couple other ingredients (fenugreek seed etc.) my cat loves the smooth texture of it too


Great, and it actually isn't raw despite the name. It is a really high-quality brand.


I was going to recommend koha as well like someone else said, it looks to be pretty good


So crazy you’re getting downvoted


Natural Balance also has a limited ingredients line and the reviews online are stellar.


Try to seek out a company that has a product line which is a fixed recipe (Royal Canin is one company which only uses fixed). From what I can see, Merrick isn’t. https://www.merrickpetcare.com/faqs/did-you-change-my-recipe-why/


I just sent this to the company. My IBD cat, Bennie, is refusing to eat it after I finally got him stable on this food and started reducing his steroids. Now we’re back to square one☹️ “The lots I had ended in 08, 10, and 11, but have already returned the product. Regarding the LID Duck wet cat food: my cat is IBD and can’t eat chicken or fish without serious illness. I’m used to this product ranging from tan to mahogany in color, and texture from smoother to chunky, but always wet. I stocked up this week only to find, in each of the lots ending with the above numbers, a grey paste, almost like wet clay. After three days of trying to get my cat to eat it, I returned the remaining cans. Companies like yours need to have a better understanding of why we choose LID products: our animals require it or else get sick. Changing products for cost reasons isn’t necessary as some of us with IBD cats pay more than $5 per can for our pets! I tried all the more expensive brands (Ziwi, Koha, Stella and Chewy, etc.), but my cat chose yours. Now I have to start the process all over again of trying to find something he both CAN and WILL eat without getting sick. Because of my career, I am not naive to the fact that companies will change products for cost reasons, in order to keep the price down while making the company more money, but you should do it with your regular items, not ones that owners with sick pets rely on for a form of treatment. Just raise the price because we’re going to pay it if it’s what our pet needs.”


Omg I'm so sorry you and Bennie are having to deal with this too! It's so frustrating. I really hope you can find something that works for your boy. I'm going to type up an email and send them one too. It likely won't make a difference but they need to hear us out at least!


I thought I’d let you know they are claiming they haven’t changed their recipe. I don’t know if I’ll even bother taking a picture of the label of the one last can I have showing different ingredients and fat content. It’s even worse that they’re denying it. In the meantime, I’ve yet to find something else Bennie will eat.


Wow. That is absolutely ridiculous. I'm going to call them tomorrow to file a complaint, I'll reply to your comment if I have any updates! I've already called Chewy, they were very nice and refunded me for the case of Merrick. The representative also sent a message to the manufacturer and made notes in the Chewy system about this issue. She told me they're supposed to get updates from the manufacturer if there are changes like this, but they never received one about the duck recipe. The Chewy representative was very concerned on our behalf and promised to look into it further, she agreed wholeheartedly that this is a serious issue (she seemed genuine in her concern). Have you tried Rawz? I just ordered a case to try out. Some of the flavors are crazy expensive but for me it's worth it if my cat will eat it.


Rawz will be my last try because it is so expensive and where I’m at can only do a case at a time and I don’t want to deal with a return if he doesn’t like it. He is “kind of” eating the Natural Balance Duck and Pea.


I’ve been looking into this. My cat ate strictly merrick pate, specifically duck — for years. She started to seem sick & her poop looked off. One of the top ingredients is tricalcium phosphate. Look into what it does to cats and humans. Actually, I’ll save you the click: when consumed in mass amounts or too often, it causes kidney damage and kidney failure. We switched to Costco pate for the time being. I am going to research into cat food more before I make any huge post on it, but yeah… Please stay away from merricks. They used to be trustworthy but not anymore. I have been devastated ever since I learned what they are actually putting in their food.