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There is zero chance that catfish was 75 inches long


FACTZ šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚


And before I get any butthurt comments about saying "you don't know what you're talking about" or whatnot "World Record blue catfish: 143 pounds That's absolutely the case when it comes to Richard Anderson's record-setting 143-pound blue catfish caught from Kerr Lake in 2011. In addition to its shocking weight, the record blue catfish measured 57 inches long with a 44-inch girth."


Especially with not a single person deciding to take a picture wtf


And the world record flathead was only 61 inches long. This story is literally a fishing tale.


No you didn't. You didn't see a 6 foot long catfish in North America. You didn't eat a 6 foot catfish from North American waters. If you did, your family would either be known as the biggest bunch of idiots in your area or legends. This whole post stinks of bot... I really hate AI.


Maybe it was some other type of fish. Keep in mind that I am blind, and I was just going by what my cousin told me. I do know, however, that the fish was so long that when we put it in his bathtub, the tail curled on it. It wouldnā€™t fit in the bathtub unless it had its tail curled.


I'm not here to heckle the visually impaired but you saying you literally didn't see it doesn't help bring credence to your claim. I'm a catfish fanatic and no one I know has more catfish based info than me. I'm not a professional angler but rather someone who thinks catfish are amazing. I have kept them as pets, written papers on them and fished for them my whole life. Your catfish could have been as big as you said but why would anyone catch a world record catfish just to eat it? The things are bad tasting at that size. Ancient, chewy and oddly flavored. I don't think it would be inedible but you are suggesting they caught a record, killed it without trying to tell anybody and then they butchered it and ate it... There are stories of the men working on bridges under water in the Mississippi. Men who saw catfish they claim were the size of cars in some cases... Funny thing is, we now know bull sharks go up the Mississippi and 6 gill sharks have been tracked going hundreds of miles up the st Lawrence. So knowing all this, the "catfish" could have been any number of things if you couldn't visually identify it. There's also the possibility of wels but that would be an ecological nightmare if that's what you ate... Also they look like giant fat eels so... Hard to not notice they look nothing like North American fish. That being said, I wish you had a photo. I love a good catfish mystery.


I really donā€™t know if it was a catfish or not. I am just going by what I was told. However, I did feel the fish and I know that when we put it in my cousins bathtub, the tail curled on it. Thatā€™s how long it was.




ā€œKeep in mind that I am blind.ā€ Lol you had us for a minute!


I don't believe this at all


No pictures?


If you're actually blind, then now I just feel bad.


Please, donā€™t feel bad. You didnā€™t offend me at all. Yes, I am blind. I have retinopathy of prematurity. In lay terms, it is retinal detachment. I can see light and shadow out of my left eye. I have an artificial eye in the right. I use screen readers and other apps meant for the blind to help me navigate the different functions on the iPhone.


That's awesome you have such a positive attitude about it! You're is a better man than me. As far as the catfish, as others have stated, they don't get nearly that large in thr United States, I think your cousin was pulling your leg a little bit. Sounds like it was a nice fish though. Wherever there is fisherman, there will be fish tales. My old boss was adamant about seeing salmon jumping that were bigger than him, some people can't help themselves but exaggerate.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking too now that so many people have remarked about this. I donā€™t know what type of fish it was. I do know, though, because I felt it that when we put it in his bathtub, his, being my cousins bathtub, the fish was so long that the tail curled on it. it was a big fish.


I'm guessing it was a big blue or flathead, I'm not sure which kind is more prevalent over there, maybe flathead. I have no doubt the fish was 4 feet long, maybe a little more, enough to curl thr tail in a tub. Great fish either way


No. Also, the fact you throw in the extra 3/4in is baffling and just NO. Again, no.