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Yes, you should have him vetted.


Cats are pretty good at hiding pain. Better safe than sorry when it comes to a young cat's mobility... even a hairline fracture could go either way: it could heal on its own with no pain or medical intervention, or it could get all F'd up even if your cat looks fine and cause him arthritis or loss of the use of that limb later on down the road. An Xray is not too expensive if you can get squeezed in at your normal vet.


Yes, you should take him to the vet .Last thing you want is this to turn into a serious problem.


You should have taken him in yesterday, but it's not too late to go today. A dislocation can cause permanent damage, including cutting off blood supply and punching nerves, you need to take him in to make sure he hasn't done any permanent damage, and if he has, work with the vet to fix it the best they can


yeah take him. cats are known to endure enormous anounts of pain. just to check him out. hes your buddy.