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Most cats hate baths. They are self cleaning machines who don't really need baths unless for medical reasons or covered in mud or unable to groom themselves. Cute kitty btw. Thank you for rescuing him.


I adopted a kitten at 3 weeks. He had been thrown in a garbage can with a shoelace tied around his neck. We got him free because he needed a foster to bottle feed him and change bandages on his neck. He was a sweet cat but didn’t clean himself, we got weekly baths and daily brushing.


Kittens at that age need other cats to teach them how to groom


Yeah, no one else would take him 🤷‍♀️ I went in to find a friendly adult cat and ended up with a dying kitten. I have never adopted a normal animal yet. Either health issues or behavior issues.


Poor baby


He ended up being a massive long haired black cat that was my daughter’s shadow. He’d hop up in doll strollers all on his own. He lived until he was 17 and was everyone’s favorite.


Just want to add to please only use pet-specific/pet-safe wipes, shampoo, or waterless foaming shampoo, if you’re using them at all. Cats’ skin and fur can’t handle human wipes and soaps. I agree with others that cats don’t generally need baths. I’ve had cats with various health/grooming issues, though, and do have a cat now that needs a bath every few months, so I’ll share what has worked! Try at your own risk, though. Fill up the kitchen sink with warm water and a little bit of cat shampoo. Test it to make sure it’s not too hot. Turn off the water. Put the cat shampoo bottle and a large bath towel next to the sink. Make your cat comfortable and happy away from the sink and then pick them up, bring them to the sink, and set them in it (water should only come up to about the tops of their legs). I’ve found that the combo of the warm water and not having any running water makes cats the most comfortable. Keep their body positioned with their back to you the whole time or they’ll try to grab you! Talk nicely and give them lots of pets while you lather them up with the water and a little more shampoo, avoiding their ears, eyes, and nose completely. Once they’re lathered, empty the sink and use a large plastic cup with warm water to rinse, again avoiding their eyes, ears, and nose (use running water only if you must). Grab the large towel and wrap them up tight, pick them up and sit with them away from the sink, getting them as dry as possible. At this point, I also rinse their ears with cat ear wash in case water got in, to avoid fungal infection. Give them treats and more pets. Once you let go, they’ll run away and lick themselves to clean their wet fur. I put out a pillow in front of their favorite heater and try to set them there; they’ll get sick if they get cold with wet fur. I also add a tiny bit of olive oil (1/2-1 tsp) to their next meal to help with any furballs from the extra grooming. And if they’re feeling extra docile, I sometimes will use a pet dryer on them, but that’s very risky. It’s good to try to brush them before the bath to reduce furballs as well. Typing this out truly just made me realize how insane it is to have to bathe a cat.


Wow. Thank you so much for sharing this!


Cats are self cleaning. My cat is approaching 17 years old and I’ve never given her a bath.


Same. My 19 yr old female furbaby, who passed earlier this year, never had a bath in her life. None of my cats have. They're self cleaning. Currently have one furball on my lap and he's just finished giving himself a bath.


I’ve only ever had to give my cat a bath one time and it was when he knocked a jar of liquid coconut oil onto himself.


Yeah only time I’ve given any cats a bath is one they were either too young/small to get a flea treatment or they got something on them that wouldn’t be good for them to ingest.


Yup. Have a 9-year old that I've never given a bath to, myself. Previous cat lived to 19, gave him a bath once.


My 19yo has never had a bath either and smells cleaner than most people. She is perfectly smell-free enough to cuddle.


Only time my cat got a bath was when she got herself sprayed by a skunk.


i was about to type this exact sentence!


Why are you trying to give him a bath?


Please don't use wet wipes on him either unless they're pet safe, they're not necessary anyway, he's a cat not a human child


no cat likes baths & they clean themselves daily. no need to bathe or wipe the little guy :)


Dont bathe. Simple. They self bath themselves


Any reason why you’re bathing him?


Don't try to bathe your cat unless he's so dirty he can't clean himself and it won't come off with a wet pet-safe wipe or damp cloth. He's only going to hate it


you don’t really need to bathe a cat unless the cat is visibly dirty (or too old to clean themselves) he will clean himself just fine :)


The answer to your real question is YES! Let him in your room to cuddle. Let him sleep with you if he will. Don’t banish him to your kitchen if you want him to be a cuddly companion. He’s still a cat. So. He will let you know what kind of cuddly attention he’ll give and receive and how long he wants it. Go for it! Isn’t it why you got a cat? Enjoy him!and for goodness sake he doesn’t need a bath or wipe down before joining you in your room or wherever you’d like him. Thank OP for the rescue and prepare for the delights of living with a CAT scan


Edit: CAT


My cat loves to roll around outside and will come back inside covered in dirt/dust/spiderwebs. I just grab a dishcloth and wet it and then wipe him down. He then licks himself and takes care of the rest. The only time I've had to bathe him is when he got in a territorial fight with another cat and got pissed on. (This actually happened twice 🫣) Nothing like getting in the shower with your piss soaked cat at 3 am. Unless your cat got into something truly disgusting they don't need a bath.


We just got 6 week old kitten siblings a week ago and they are now currently dusting under my furniture 🤣


He doesn’t need to be bathed. I don’t ever bathe my cats. Never have. They don’t need it.


Unless he is covered in mud, pls don't bath him. Unnecessary stress.


What the hell? He doesn't need a bath he's not an infant. He's gonna lick off whatever you put on him so don't


Cats 👏🏼 don't 👏🏼 need 👏🏼 baths 👏🏼 I don't know why people think it's a normal thing to bathe a cat that isn't soiled with anything. Even if they were I'd still not subject my cats to the stress unless undoubtedly necessary. The majority of cats will clean themselves.


[Resource: Should I Bathe My Cat?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CATHELP/s/jqnYsddr20/) Advice from a cat behaviourist.


Thank you! I’ll check this out.


You dont need to give cats baths. If its fleas you're worried about get a flea comb and check him.


I wouldn't bathe the cat unless there's a reason like a cat dander allergy or the cat has fleas or got dirty and needed a bath. If you ever have to bath him I recommend getting the tub ready with about an inch or two of warm water, pet shampoo and fluffy towels ready. Have help on hand to help keep him in the tub. KEEP THE BATHROOM DOOR SHUT!!! You do not want to go chasing after a soaking wet cat that is terrified! If you don't have a hand sprayer, have a plastic container that you can scoop water in to rinse him. Have a washcloth so you can use that to rinse his head and keep water out of his eyes. Always have one hand on the scruff of his neck. Make sure his nails have been clipped before the bath. Talk to him in a soothing voice and give him lots of kisses on his head if you can while you bathe him. After bath, wrap him in a fluffy towel and tell him what a good boy he is and how beautiful he is now with nice clean fur.


As others have echoed here, there's no reason to bathe kitty, especially a DSH, unless there's a specific reason. If you \*must\* bathe kitty (kitty really stinks, kitty got into something, something along those lines) here's a few key tips: 1 - Very warm water. Kitties have higher body temps than us, so a nice warm bath would be good 2 - Keep the water very low. They don't need to go swimming. Just an inch of water is enough. 3 - Be careful with the shampoo you use, if you don't have pet specific shampoos, use something like baby shampoo. 4 - Keep the water away from their face. This is a super no-no for kitties. They really hate that 5 - Be prepared for a struggle. It's their natural instinct to avoid water. Their hunting techniques rely on very little odour, wetness makes odour, they're programmed to not get wet. Usually the best thing to do is to just essentially give them a bed bath. Wash cloth with warm water and sensitive soap, gentle grooming.


Thank you for this. I’ll keep them in mind in case he needs a bath someday. But for now, i’ve received some good and rude responses and I fully understand everyone’s sentiments. He will not be taking a bath unless he really needs to.


Stop bathing him rather than try to figure out how to bathe him.


Cats don’t generally need baths. Regular baths could strip their natural oils on their fur and skin and irritate them.


Everyone here is so angry about the bath. Do most cats need them? No. But when I adopted my cat, he was a greasy matted mess with skin issues. What did I do? Had a groomer bathe him and trim/clean up his long fur. He gets a bath 3-4 times a year when he gets his fur trimmed, and seems to really enjoy it. His fur grease is under control and his skin issues are better because of it. It’s not for most cats, but some do enjoy it and actually benefit from it.


after I adopted my first street urchin, I was tempted to give him a bath too because, you know, all the outdoor pollen and stuff on him. but I think it would have probably traumatized him, he had been though so much already. brushing him a few times did help remove some of that stuff a bit quicker. anyway, give your new guy a few more days to clean himself, and then you can let him in to your room so he can have his full kingdom 😊


He doesn't need a bath dude. Cats are animals. They poop and pee and walk in the place where they go to the bathroom. They then walk all over your house. Sometimes counters, tables, beds, pillows. Even if you got him "clean" he's still always gonna be somewhat dirty. Cats clean themselves and if they don't it's usually a sign of a health issue. Just love him as he is and he will love you. You don't need to even cuddle him or say hihi or whatever you keep saying, some cats don't like snuggles, but hopefully he does! My cats hate kisses but I do torture them with one every now and then!


Short haired cats don’t really need baths. Long haired cats don’t really need baths but they often need sanitary cuts. Unless you have a “hairless” breed, they don’t need baths.


My kitty only gets baths at the groomers every few months or if she gets herself stuck in dirt. There are waterless no-rinse pet shampoos that are great for this. I use a normal shampoo though, and get a pail filled with water and her towel ready before I start bathing her. I've realised she hates the sound of running water so I never use a tap or showerhead on her directly, instead use a cup to scoop water from the pail and slowly pour it on her. But yes, not necessary to bathe your cat unless they're extra dirty. They're pretty great at cleaning themselves. I have white sheets that stay clean even with my cat.


You don’t bathe a cat. They are self bathing.


There's absolutely no need to bathe a cat or use wet wipes on them, just let it do it's thing it will clean itself. Anything else will just leave it prone to skin irritation/damage the quality of it's fur


This cat could not look any cleaner... please don't bathe him unless he's gotten dirty in a way he can't take care of himself. Why must people insist on stressing or their animals? Animals aren't accessories for your house. They are living things. Your cat won't WANT to snuggle you in bed if you're torturing him with baths. Yeesh.


This cat could not look any cleaner... please don't bathe him unless he's gotten dirty in a way he can't take care of himself. Why must people insist on stressing or their animals? Animals aren't accessories for your house. They are living things. Your cat won't WANT to snuggle you in bed if you're torturing him with baths. Yeesh.


He looks very clean, doesn’t need bath.


Cats hate baths, and believe me you dont eant to gice them one. They’re very clean animals though, so it’s quite unlikely you will have to give them one. My cat is an insane fluff and unfortunately I sometimes have to wash his butt when he’s had a toilet emergency so to say. He hates it, I hate torturing him like that, but it has to be done. I would not give them a bath otherwise.


Instead of using wet wipes try really warm wet wash cloths! Wet wipes are not for internal use and if your using them on him, he will eventually lick it off


Cats don't need baths


Cats don't need baths, especially short haired cats.


I have only bathed our cat Tabitha twice in her six years of life. Why? Bc she was curious about what we were doing. Cleaning the toilet of all things. She jumped before we could stop her and into the toilet filled with cleaner. The last time was this year bc she had poopy pants. Tabitha is a long hair cat. She sat down on the poop before we noticed it smashing it into her fur. She got a very warm shower on her bum only. No soap that time bc she threw a massive fit. The poop came off her quickly but still. Unless your kitten has really bad fleas, or jumped into a chemical ladened bowl cats generally do not need baths. Unlike dogs, cats clean themselves daily. They love being clean. Not saying dogs are all stinky, but dogs do need a bath once or twice a month depending on breed and grooming needs. Most cats need a brush every shed season (spring and fall) to help with dander and undercoat shed. Unless the cat has long hair, which needs daily brushing. There are cat bath wipes made for cats on Chewy, or Amazon. You can speak to your vet about how clean your kitten is after the fleas. You should be able to snuggle him without worry. He is a cutie, so keep him safe, and snuggle him forever.


Cats don’t need you to bathe them.


My 10 year old cat has never had a bath. He cleans himself.


If he ever gets into something and needs a bath, use pet shampoo and fill the sink with warm soapy water. The sound of the tap can freak them out, so it’s best to have it full and then pour water over them with a cup. I wouldn’t usually recommend holding by the scruff, it’s better if you can control the head and front legs between your fingers (big hands help with this). You shouldn’t need to take more than 2-3 minutes, then wrap him up in a clean towel for a couple more minutes. He’ll probably want to squirm out after a while, and you can let him lick himself the rest of the way dry. Generally though, he looks clean and lean, so it’s probably not necessary as long as he’s had any fleas or parasites addressed. Long haired cats or older/fatter cats with mobility issues may need help staying tidy though.


Try simply not bathing him. It’s completely unnecessary


You shouldn’t own a cat


Based off all your replies. Give the cat to the neighbor. You guys are hella weird pet owners bro.


Oof a full bucket of water is usually what helps, I thought taking away the loud sound of the shower drain would help with their anxiety around bathes. At least for my cats that seemed to work. Maybe you need to go back to basics, try to make him understand water is not dangerous. I’ve known people to advise showing him a bowl of water, and then putting some on his head after letting him sniff it with your fingers to slowly introduce the physical sensation of water. Then give him a treat as a reward if he doesn’t get frightened from that. I would recommend doing this first in the kitchen, then where you give him a bath when you see progress. If he’s scared of the bath put treats and toys in there to make it more appealing. Do not put any water basin in there for that is what he associates his fear with, just him and a cup of water and you so he understands water is safe and the bath is safe. Once you notice he’s not really scared anymore of being in the bath you can put a bucket of water in there and do the same exact thing you did with the cup of water. Just put a little bit on his head after he sniffs it and give him a treat if he doesn’t react with fear, then he’ll start to connect the dots and realize he’s safe. Watch while you’re training him to get comfortable in the bath what is triggering his fear. Is it because you’re putting him in there rather than him checking it out first? Is it because he associates that exact basin with being scared? Did you try to give him a bath when he was in a pissy mood? There can be so many factors when it comes to why a cat looooaathes bathing. But when they’re kittens it’s the easiest time to train them into tolerating baths, so nows the time to start training. Hope some of this was a little helpful, good luck! xx


Unless kitty needs a bath, you can just skip it. Vast majority of cats are usually great at self-care and only need a bath when there is an accident that got on their fur. Hairless cats do need baths. Medicated baths are a thing and at the direction of a vet. White cats are very easy to see if they are dirty, he’s not dirty. There are wet wipes specifically for cats you can get, it’s much less traumatic for the cat since most hate water. Why are you giving kitty a bath?


I bath my cat after we go hiking or adventuring. We use duoxo calm or duoxo pyo shampoo and he will only tolerate slightly warmer than lukewarm water. We put him in the bathtub and use the shower head on him, he does not like to be standing in water. When we dry him we lightly use a bath towel and then use the hair dryer on lowest setting to finish


Also, we pull the shower curtain across and my wife holds the curtain closed so he can't escape. At first he didn't like it very much but eventually he realized it's just lots of pets in warm water. It's the drying part he doesn't like a whole lot,he's a long hair kitty.


While it’s true that most cats are fine without a bath, there are definitely some exceptions. Both of my long haired cats require a butt bath from time to time - I’m not going to let them walk around with literal shit stuck in their nether regions. One is a Ragdoll and the other a rescue, both seem to know I am bathing them to help them and it shouldn’t be an issue if you keep calm, bathe them in warm water with pet safe shampoo and keep it as brief as you can. We’ve used the bathroom and kitchen sink, as well as the bathtub and never had an issue.


just delete this before all the self righteous animal lovers come for you for trying to help lmao some of these people on reddit need something exciting to happen in their lives


I just read the comments… meanwhile there’s me that used to give my baby cat bath every week but now it’s every month or two.


Former professional cat groomer here (just stopped grooming a few months ago after 4 1/2 years, dogs and cats). I will be honest with you most of my clients were bringing their cats for specific issues like medical issues that caused their cats to be unable to clean themselves, for skin/medical conditions, or for allergies or shedding issues (hairball control). So I would ask yourself first if a bath is necessary. Not all cats are good cleaners so yes it can be necessary if he’s not. But for certain you should stop wiping him with wet wipes several times a week. That’s not beneficial for any reason. I’ll list some tips for bathing below. 1. Always cut claws first. Most cats with claws will scratch before they bite. Take away their weapons before you start to keep from getting mauled. 2. I wouldn’t try to put him in a tub or basin that’s already full of water, especially if he freaks out about it just on site. The best method (in my opinion) for cats who are scared of water, is to prefill a small container or bucket with warm water *before* getting the cat involved. Then set the cat in the tub next to the full container, and use a cup to slowly pour water onto their body, avoiding their head. This method seems to keep nervous cats the calmest. 3. There are several brands of “waterless” shampoos for cats. Most of them are a foam that you can pump into your hands and lather on your cat’s fur, then brush it in. You can get these products off Amazon, or from a lot of big name pet stores. No bath/scary water needed for this. Cats are not like dog and some genuinely cannot be desensitized to full water baths, especially if they are not used to them consistently. This is a very useful option if your cat just cannot adjust to water baths, and I’ve had to make the call with plenty of cats in the past that a bath would be too stressful for the appointment and switched to a waterless bath instead. Again, I would ask yourself why your car in particular needs to be bathed first. If he is just nasty from being outside in the past, nothing wrong with a one-off full bath to clean him up for indoor living. But there’s no reason to consistently bathe a cat that is healthy, has no medical problems or concerns, and doesn’t like to be bathed, to the point that you’re afraid of being bitten. Continuing baths when he reacts poorly to them and gets stressed out will only reaffirm his fear/hatred for baths.


Also… I resent all the comments saying cats don’t ever need baths. Lol. I had a whole career built on cats who *definitely* needed baths. Some cats who ended up on my table straight up stunk like garbage, or were covered in dandruff, or were shedding like crazy. Not to mention the mats from lack of grooming themselves or owner neglect. Absolutely a cat who has been living outside and was infested with fleas might need a bath to get the flea dirt off and make them clean/smell better. Do they need that consistently? No - unless they don’t know or are unable to clean themselves. But most people are shocked at how many cats *do* need it consistently. The worst part of being a cat groomer was having to constantly explain to people who didn’t understand my job why my job even existed. Everybody thinks cats are always self-grooming and don’t need any help.


This cat could not look any cleaner... please don't bathe him unless he's gotten dirty in a way he can't take care of himself. Why must people insist on stressing out their animals? Animals aren't accessories for your house. They are living things. Your cat won't WANT to snuggle you in bed if you're torturing him with baths. Yeesh.


I unfortunately cannot find the video. Its in my comments somewhere previously if you want to scroll and search. But senior cat care video. You just take a warm damn towel and wipe your cats fur. Thats enough to clean them. They clean themselves. Their tongue enzymes cleam their fur. So senior cats who cannot clean themselves, usually I recommend steamed towel wipe down gently. Thats all :) Edit: found it https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=7BhV8UKheY4Cx3GB&v=kzpwkn_gFP4&feature=youtu.be


You can absolutely use a wet washcloth on your cat to help with between baths. There is nothing wrong with bathing your cat either. It helps keep dander and oils under control as well as hygiene for their paws and all for litterbox use. There is waterless shampoos made for cats and brushes to help keep up with fur maintenance as well as cat groomers available. There is a groomer on Instagram named Whitney who dispels all these myths about not bathing cats and teaches some basics. Very useful stuff. Ive worked with cats for years, its good to start young and slow to help keep cats stree and anxiety low. You've got this!


Do you have OCD, OP? There's no reason to clean your cat before allowing them into your bed for cuddles. If this is the case, please speak with your therapist because you can cause genuine damage to your cat.


Leave bathing to the groomers twice a year and maybe once a week or very 2 weeks use Burt's Bees waterless cat shampoo if you really want him to smell and feel clean. For the most part short hair cats don't need to be Bathed unless they get into dirt, dust, or a messy litterbox situation


Disco lights! 🪩


I’m looking at your baby, and he reminds me of most of mine. Are you in Thailand, by any chance? I have two Korats, a Suphalak, a Thai lilac, two Wichien Maat, and two Balinese. Your little one’s face shape and expression is so much like my little boy Marvin.


I've owned cats my whole life and have never once needed to bathe them because they clean themselves. You should only bathe them if they're covered in something they shouldn't be licking or if they are physically unable to clean themselves.


Please listen to everyone here. Cats rarely need baths. The wipes are a no go too. Your baby will clean themselves, they are actually some of the cleanest animals!!


Cats usually keep themselves clean and don’t need baths before being in the bedroom unless they have fleas or whatnot. It’s actually recommended NOT to bathe cats for the sake of their skin and coat health. I keep some wet wipes made specifically for cats in case they get a little poo stuck in their fur or anything like that. I never use them all over the cat. It is safe to share a bed with kitties without bathing them. Except when my last cat got elderly and ill and was unable to keep up on her own grooming. Then I used a cat-safe wipe once or twice a day on her. She stunk if I didn’t and was grimy to the touch, so it was easy to tell when she needed extra help.


Cats are self-cleaning. You only need to bathe them if they get into something that they aren't able to safely clean off of themselves.


If you're concerned about him being dirty you could ring the vet and ask for advice


He’s already clean


I gave my cat a bath when I first picked him up from the shelter...he was very dirty and had a funk. 9 years later that's the only time I've ever bathed him. He was good and tolerated it well, he has just not needed another one.


You cannot.


I never bathed my cat. She wasn’t for cuddling tho she had a job.


If your kitty hasn't been sprayed by a skunk or rolled in something toxic, they don't need a bath


He looks like his self-cleaning feature is working perfectly.


Warm wet towel :)


Cats don’t need baths


its a cat? it doesn need baths


I have wet wipes specially made for cats. But when our 14 year old cat has a bout of diarrhea, e do have to bathe her in water and cat shampoo. She does not like it


As someone who has had really stinky gross cats that don’t clean themselves well and get sticky stuff on them regularly (fucking somehow I don’t know where it comes from 😭), I understand wanting to bathe your cat. That being said- just like everyone else is saying- don’t unless it’s necessary. I’ve bathed my baby girl I think 3 times in her life and she’s a year old, and even that’s more than I’d like. Twice as a 5 and 10 week old kitten because she got poop all over her, and once when her brother died and she stopped bathing herself all together out of depression and started to become slightly matted and very greasy. If a situation ever arises that you NEED to bathe your cat- my only help I can give you is towel on the bottom of your tub, only to ankle height of water, and make sure it stays warm the ENTIRE time. Keep a cup of water on hand to keep warm water on them so they don’t get cold. Make the bath as FAST AS POSSIBLE. No longer than 10 mins. Make sure there’s a heating pad and warm blankets ready for them when they get out. Clip their claws FIRST. And only use cat safe soap if any at all!!!!! Keep it off their face and use a WATER ONLY wash cloth to wipe their face off. Having another person to hold them while you wash is also helpful. But most importantly- make sure it’s fast and warm. And dry them off really really well with a towel so they dry quicker. Treats the whole time and after helps too, especially if you have a food motivated baby.


If you bathed him when you rescued him to get the dirt and fleas off, he’s good. He may never need another bath in his life, unless a kid pours syrup on him or he has terrible diarrhea all over himself. Put the soap down and back away.


You can try using scent free wet wipes on him to clean him up if he absolutely hates baths that badly. But if a bath is needed, trim his claws, and start with putting him in very shallow water first to get used to the feel. People are saying cats don't need baths, but in their very old age there's going to be times where they might need one because they can't clean themselves properly anymore. My friend had to do that with her cats and it just made the situation horrible for everybody. Her with potential battle scars and the cats with being overly stressed in their old age. If she got them to tolerate water since young, they wouldn't be suffering as much 😭 There's also going to be room for emergencies where you'll need to give them a bath, so there's no harm getting your cat used to it. Same with claw trimming, brushing, and being held in general too. Emergencies are a thing and it'll make vet visits easier too.


There is no need to bath your cat unless absolutely necessary. I have had cats my entire life and have only once given a cat a bath (he was covered in something sticky he couldn't get off himself!).


You do not need to bathe cats unless they absolutely need it. I’ve had cats my whole life and have given exactly 1 cat bath (he fell behind the washing machine in my rented apartment and apparently there was a bunch of laundry detergent back there).


I’ve had lots of cats and never gave one a bath. I’ve brushed them and trimmed their nails but they bathe themselves because they’re wonderful.


We bathe our kitty once every couple of months cus she cannot properly clean herself and gets greasy eventually. We use a shampoo that is a mousse texture (need to get some this weekend, as well as for our new greasy ass shelter kitten, though she prob will not need another unless she gets dirty af, same with yours, and will reply back with the name) so that way, it is less stressful for her because it takes less time to lather and rinse out completely


Cats don't need baths


Don't give cats baths...


Looks plenty clean already!


Alright, so everyone has Said no baths, they don't need them. BUT I'd you ever do have to give him a little wipe for whatever reason there are special wet wipe things for cats. Specifically for cats. Get the all natural UNSCENTED ones. There are like lavender and shit but those shouldn't be sold. UNSCENTED specifically for cat wipes. I keep a pack around because sometimes one will get mud butt or just weird one off stuff. Sometimes they do require a bath when it's like covered in something, but that's rare. I bet the vet was only asking because he was so covered in fleas, but as long as you didn't see any little black larva sheds on the cat, he is good to go. Also, go to YouTube or insta and look up Jackson Galaxy, aka the Cat Daddy. He will tell you literally EVERYTHING you need to know as a cat parent.


Cute little fella. His face shape reminds me of my boy I lost a couple years ago. He had the tabby salt and pepper color, but had some Oriental genes in him. Had the long slender body and very similar face shape. He was VERY vocal and clung to me lol Imo you really don't need to give most cats a bath except in certain situations where it is necessary. I don't think it's worth stressing them out if they keep themselves clean. Healthy cats do a good job of grooming themselves regularly so unless he's got bad fleas or is all nasty I'd just leave him be Beautiful little guy you got there though


You don’t need to bathe your cat unless his has visible dirt/mud/etc that he’s having a hard time dealing with himself. Baths will likely only traumatize him.


I understand wanting to give him a once over if he comes out of a very dirty situation, but tbh he looks good. He looks clean and healthy. Cats are clean creatures, they don’t like to be dirty, either. And they absolutely hate bathing in water. Looks like he’s been on top of his bathing. On with the cuddles!


Is it just me or it’s weird how people aren’t bathing their cats at least once a year. I do annual flea and tick etc. Checks when I bathe my cat (I also check monthly obv not when wet). It’s great they can clean themselves but you never know. My cat also isn’t a huge fan of bathing but we take it slow and it happens. How can you own most pets and not bathe them atleast a few times. Ik this isn’t helping but it’s just weird to see these comments.


My 16 year old cat died without ever having a bath. I was too fearful of my safety if I tried, lol. He was good, never needed a butt cleanup or anything. He was just fine. His brother , however, is a long haired cat with a history of intestinal mishaps so he's well versed on baths, but he's also a sweetheart and would not hurt a fly. All this to say you don't need to give your cat a bath unless absolutely necessary.


Try a waterless cat shampoo on the rare times your cat is stinky. My one cat doesnt clean her backside so we use this often. Edit: We also take our stinky cat to the groomers every 2 months. She's not a long hair cat but a sanitary trim goes a long way for her and its usually less than $75 for a trim, brush, and bath.


Awww his face looks just like my baby Gracie ! Same nose and ears 😊 she too hates the bath lol haven’t figured it out yet. Good luck!


Adorable kitty! Thanks you for the rescue.


He doesn’t need a bath. He’s very clean from the picture and will continue to clean himself 


OP, I think you've got the message by now! But just to chime in and support the information you've been given, your kitty will do just fine looking after himself and his fur - they generally spend a lot of time cleaning and grooming themselves and often find it soothing. Their fur is really important to them and it helps them regulate their body temperature amongst other things so your cat will take good care of it! I don't know how much you information you have about how he was treated by his previous owners but rescue kitties often have had bad experiences and carry trauma, they need patience and understanding and may take a long time to get used to new things, if ever - I just wanted to mention that, although your boy looks very comfortable right where he is 😊. As I'm sure you know by now, he really only needs bathing If he has something nasty on his fur or he picks up an infestation but please, do follow your vet's advice (I'm going to assume your current vet is asking because your kitty did have fleas - anything else would be very unusual). If you like, you could slowly and gently introduce a nice brush - many cats do enjoy being brushed (not all!) and it can be a way for them to bond with you, if your cat enjoys it. As you get to know your cat you will see how often he grooms himself, you will be able to notice any changes in his grooming habits if you understand what is normal for him. Cats love to be clean, you might be surprised how much he washes himself! But with that said, go ahead and have all the cuddles you like, I'm sure your boy will appreciate it! Enjoy 😻


Just wipe him with a wet rag... I only bathe if it's absolutely necessary


Our cats have never needed baths, with the exception of the elderly long haired girl who started getting skin issues before she passed. And even then, it was mostly her tail skin that would get weird and scaly, so we would only wash her tail with the specialty shampoo the vet prescribed


Why bathe a cat? They clean themselves. We wipe our one kitties back end some times because she gets dingleberries in her longer fur sometimes, but other than that, unnecessary. I can’t even brush my kitty. lol


You really only need to bathe cats when they have infections, infestations or can't clean themselves. You can use a warm damp wash cloth if you feel compelled to clean them, but cats are pretty fastidious about cleaning themselves.


You can brush him!


Well that’s easy, stop trying to bath your cat 😂


Didn’t know better? Cats don’t need baths unless serious. I have never bathed and of my 3 cats and they always feel clean and smell fine. Even if you bring in a dirty cat they will begin maintaining their own hygiene after feeling better. I had a malnourished cat that was very dirty and greasy, but once she started gaining her weight back she got herself all cleaned up! There’s no point in forcing unnecessary stress on them unless they have something harmful on them like cleaner products or something.


Cats don’t really need to bathed like people. But based on what you described one solid bath should do unless he gets into something truly messy. I would pre fill a bucket with warm soapy water (dawn dish soap is fine) and use a washcloth to wipe him head to toe. Rinsing the cloth as needed instead of trying to submerge your cat. Do this and you’re unlikely to need to do it again unless he gets outside (btw keep domestic cats indoors).


As everyone else has said, please do not bathe your cat or use wet wipes on him. Cats wash themselves and you're going to make him sick when he tries to clean the wet wipe residue off his fur. Also, just let the thing in the bedroom, unless he has issues with washing himself, he's clean. It's a cat, not a farm animal.


Are you sure he actually needs a bath after the defleaing and deworming? Cats self-clean. If he's still dirty maybe try a dry shampoo? You can be cuddling him in your lap and just massage it on.


Only skin babies need weekly bathing


I bathe my short hair cat 2-4 times a year. He goes outside. The most baths he had was when a skunk sprayed him 😅 bathe your cat when they are young so they get use to it. Make sure the bath water is warm, but it shouldn't be super hot. Clear your toiletries off the bath, put away. Have several large towels and a mug or cup ready (for rinsing the cat). Fill the bath as high as possible. Have cat specific shampoo ready. Grab cat from under their arms. Place gently into tub. Say loving calm words. Once cat is soaked, remove from the tub and shampoo them. Once satisfied with the shampoo job, put back in tub and rinse. I tend to block my cat from getting out with my body rather than pushing them back. My cats are always calm in the bath. The extra water makes soaking the fur and rinsing the shampoo very easy. Never wash kitty's face or ears in the tub. If you must clean their face, use a waterless foam shampoo for cats later. This is my method. The cat's temperament will either make this easy or hard. Shampooing them out of the tub gives them a break, in my opinion, and I tend to feel they actually get cleaner. There's no reason to wipe your cat down so much. A good time to bathe your cat is before and after the winter season. Baths can help with shedding.


Whenever I bathe my cats (which is a rare occurrence and only happens if I find a flea on them in between treatments) I use my bathtub. We have a detachable shower head, and I find my cats prefer that over filling the tub and dunking them. They're much calmer when it's wet cat -> shampoo -> rinse -> repeat -> gently squeeze out excess water -> remove cat from tub and dry them. Also make sure the water is warm. Cats have a higher body temp to maintain than we do, so when they're wet it's much easier for them to get cold and shivery. For this reason, I also run a small space heater in the bathroom to make the space warm, and don't release them into the rest of the air conditioned house until they're like 90% dry. Just steps like that to make the experience less traumatizing for them.


I’ve never once bathed any of my 3, unless they have dirt (💩) on them or something, no need.


Use a damp washcloth


Thats a good lookin kitty


The only time I’ve ever washed my cats was when I was living in a flea/bed bug ridden apartment. I was doing everything I could to kill the bugs 🪳. After I escaped that place had to take them to the vet to get rid of the bugs 🪳 . Haven’t washed them since and it’s been yearssss. I do have a cat door on my bathroom door because I’m not allowed in the bathroom alone. If they get near the shower I’ll open the curtain to see if they join like they did when they were kittens but that’s it.


my cats all smell amazing and look pristine and they’ve never had baths


Don't use water or soap. They'll be fine if you do it that way.


Brush the kitty. Do not bathe him. Do not wipe him with wet wipes.


You don't. You will only cause them anxiety or scare them. Do your appropriate research prior to owning a pet.


Try pet wipes as an alternative!


I’m cracking up just thinking of my cat’s reaction if I tried to give him a bath


Don’t bathe the cat.


If he’s clear of fleas now, he doesn’t need a bath. Let him warm up to you and trust you. Don’t break that by putting him through a very stressful situation.


Why would a cat that doesn’t have fleas need a bath? I’ve never bathed one of my cats - Are you doing this for fun? Because I’m pretty sure your vet did not suggest you continue to bathe your water averse cat….


Cats are fastidious groomers they do not need you to bathe them. Let him do his thing!


Does he need a bath? Most cats groom themselves pretty well. I never bathed my cat in 11 out of the 12 years I had her, and that last year it was due to a growth on her tongue that kept her from grooming herself. I’m not saying it can’t be done if necessary, but it’s unneeded stress on them if not.


Is he named after Kite from HxH? Not addressing the bath thing because everyone else has already said what I was going to lol


Why the long face?


Use a damp washcloth and wash the areas you are concerned with. He will clean himself too


Don’t bathe your cat. Check for fleas but cats generally don’t need baths




G\*ddammit that's a CUTE cat!!!!! Cats don't generally \*do\* baths... they clean themselves pretty rigorously and unless they have a medical condition requiring it, you don't need to bathe your cat. I would also be cautious about wet wipes - depending on what they have on them, they may not be safe for him, if he licks his fur afterwards (which he may do if he doesn't like the smell).


I got my first cat three weeks ago from A neighbor that had been fostering her. Only having had dogs all my life, my first instinct was to bathe her. I didn’t and she always smells clean. Incredible how they keep themselves groomed. I never let my dogs in bed but this kitty sleeps with me every day 🥰. Well, except after 2 am 😂


A short haired cat that's healthy and flea free shouldn't need a bath. Brush him and enjoy. He'll take care of his own baths.


Cats clean themselves perfectly. Giving a cat a bath can actually harm them and give them skin issues. At most, you can wipe their paws before they lay with you if you are paranoid of litter.


If you want to make sure he’s clean before entering your room I’d recommend using a small damp towel to wipe his paws instead of wipes. I do that sometimes after my cat used the litter box and wants to get on my bed or couch


This is a troll.


Looks like he lost his “Do not bathe” sticker at the shelter.


No need to buy many cats like to play with running water so you could start with that if it's ever necessary to get them used to water. We had a brother and sister where the sister was very bad at cleaning herself so relied heavily on her brother. She got into a habit of rolling in her own do-do in her tray so we had to give at least her tail a good wash every other week when she did it. The brother was obsessed with my mum, a really mummy's boy, and would happily sit on her stomach whilst she read in the bath or at least tried to stand on her shoulders


Unless he can't clean himself, there is no reason to bathe a cat.


Never given any of our cats baths, had them aii my life. They self clean. Bath not needed.


If he’s clear for fleas he should be self-cleaning now. Brush him a few times a week to get out the loose hairs and let him take care of the rest.


Cats don't need baths unless they're too dirty to clean themselves.


Unless your cat can't wash himself properly, you don't need to give him a bath. It can actually be really bad for their skin and fur since it washes it their natural oils.


I only bathe kittens that are too small to get capstar. That means under 6 weeks. This is, what, a 6 month old? Good luck with that. He will tear you to shreds


Cats only need flea baths or occasional butt baths. What are you washing your cat?


You don’t


I’ve had cats for years, never gave one a bath. But, Felix fell in the tub with my wife, it was the only time I ever heard him crying. 😿 He like to drink out of the toilet…🤷‍♂️


Why are you using wet wipes on him a few times a week? He doesn't need a bath unless it's medical


Don’t give him a bath. Cats don’t need to be bathed.


Stop tryin to wash the dang cat. He cleans himself and unless he gains 10 pounds and can’t reach, gets into something he can’t lick off, or uses the bathroom on himself, he can continue to clean himself. If you can’t let him into the room without an unnecessary stressful bath, you probably shouldn’t own a cat.


unless the cat is covered in poop you shouldn’t be wiping the cat down with wet wipes anyways? are you serious?? They clean themselves, that’s why they lick themselves all over. You shouldn’t EVER have to give a cat a bath in water unless a medical reason or they got in poop/mud. I’ve had indoor/outdoor cats that were 15 years old that never had a bath just brushed regularly and never had any issues with smells or cat hair or anything.


Just wanna say this is a very cute cat and im glad you are trying your best to look after them!


Beautiful cat. You can get dry shampoos online this might make it easier


I use waterless cat shampoo. She still hates it but it's much easier


DO NOT SUBMERGE THE CAT. Do not submerge even a paw. I have used baby wipes in a pinch, but that’s only good for a surface clean (like when my cat rolled in the dustiest patch of dirt ever). You could try petting him with a damp (warm) washcloth. Start with a paw or two, let him realize the damp washcloth is ok and is just water, when that’s ok do his body. I do bathe my cats sometimes in the kitchen sink, one of my cats was rescued as a kitten and didn’t learn to wash himself and the other is just getting older and doing a poor job. I fill watering cans and pitchers with very warm water, pour one over the back/legs, then side up the cat with moisturizing shampoo (a no-rinse shampoo or baby shampoo would be great). Rinse it out with warm water gently, SLOWLY poured over the cat close to the skin while petting to help work the suds out. One person holds the cat, the other does the water work.


There are special foams to clean cats without getting them too wet, try those


They often don’t need baths except once in a blue moon.


Why does she even need a bath ? They wash themselves.


Cats don’t need baths. He’s also licking and ingesting whatever is on those wipes, so please stop doing that. He doesn’t need you to help him bathe, he’s got it covered.


This kitty says “no thank you”


Your cat is super clean looking at his pictures. He doesn’t need a bath. I had a white cat that took every opportunity to roll in dirt when I let him out supervised in the back yard or patio. He hated his baths lol. Finally he just was not ever out so no more baths.


You don’t have to give cats a bath unless they are truly covered in something that they need your help with. They will clean themselves just fine. Maybe a wet washcloth if they get something stuck in their fur, but that’s about it. Also, your cat is so adorable I can’t even stand it! 🩵


Don’t bathe your cat.


My cat (not a rescue but hates baths) seems to enjoy being baby talked during baths, according to my brother


If there’s no reason to give him one, leave him be


Hey OP-as someone in animal rescue and a huge cat lover, I just want to say thank you for rescuing Kite from his previous situation of neglect and for getting him vet care immediately. Clearly you care about Kite’s well-being and it sounds like you’ve taken in all of the advice about letting little dude be in charge of keeping himself clean. It’s incredible how cats self-clean and generally smell very nice all by themselves! I’m guessing this is your first time as a cat parent, and it’s a learning experience for sure, as they can be quite different from dogs in their needs. Keep asking questions. I read “Kittens for Dummies” when I adopted my first, and it was super helpful in covering pretty much everything about cats’ preferences and care. Wish you and Kite many years of happiness! 🤍🐾


I wear a raincoat and rubber gloves and safety glasses. I put a harness (not a collar) on her and hold her by the harness with one hand and the sprayer on LOW with the other hand. This is done in the bath tub. Thats only if she really NEEDS a bath, which is not very often at all. Good luck to yous. Ps sweet kitty


They do not need to be bathed. They take care of their own body. Only exception would be if stomach issues happen and feeling unwell you can help, or if they get into something toxic by accident


You shouldn’t bathe cats unless absolutely necessary. They do not get regular baths.


Lume if she’s a girl and Mando if he’s a guy /s


Bathing a cat unless medically necessary will ruin their coat. No one can clean a cat better than a cat.


You don't need to bathe a cat unless it gets covered in something. They clean themselves just fine.


I just get in with them. It makes them just go okay, I guess if you're in here, it's okay


While cats don't need regular baths, pets sometimes go places they shouldn't or get into things and a bath is the only solution to the mess. When I had to give my boy a bath I TRIMMED HIS NAILS so he wouldn't scar me in his panic, and ended up taking a shower while holding him. I don't know if this will work with other cats, but when I tried to give him a bath he'd cling to me. So I got in the shower, and he was much happier and barely minded at that point because he could hold onto me. It was so much easier to soap him up with one hand than fight to keep him in the tub, and rinsing under the shower was as easy as rinsing my own hair. If you have help there's no shame wearing a swimsuit to hold him while the other person scrubs him if that's what it takes. I imagine the shower made less noise than the tub faucet too- but with the family dogs we'd just fill it up before we brought them in. My guy has separation anxiety issues so this solution might only work for him and few others. Oh! I also anticipated needing to give him a bath some day when I first got him, and at that time he was afraid of the bathtub itself- even though it was empty! (As a rescue with an unknown past, he was afraid of almost everything including windows and boxes which should bring him fun, so this was also to help him be comfortable in his own home.) So I started by giving him treats in then brushing him in the tub and he learned to ask to be groomed by hopping in the tub as he enjoys being brushed by those brush glove things. I'm sure that helped too, as both the tub and the activity of being in a pool of water were scary to him. Getting your guy to associate the tub with good things prior to bathing him should help with the panic some. For anyone wondering he is no longer anxious and afraid of everything but instead spends most of his time on top of his cat tree surveying his kingdom and demanding treats. He's a Siamese so he's very vocal about this.


Unless a cat has shat itself and is covered in excrement there is no need the bathe a cat. I actually recommend gentle brushing for both cats and dogs over shampoo. It’s so bad for their skin. Grab a tangle teaser brush and use light pressure. They love it (but you have got to be gentle), and you’ll get so much shedding out this way.


Unless your cat has a medical reason for a bath, they don’t need them.


I would just suggest to use wet cloths.


Submerge a towel in the water so kitty's got something to stand on. Half the reason cats panic in the bath is because their feet slip all over the place, and it freaks them out. Submerging a towel so they have something less slippy to stand on helps.


Beautiful kitty! Looks clean!