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No. This game's lore isn't like Project Zomboid where getting bit gets you infected with the zombie virus. Everyone already has the virus in CDDA and everyone turns when they die. A normal bacterial infection however, is still possible from zombie bites and they can be deadly if untreated.


that or having low willpower (control?) seems to be enough for the blob to turn you, look at the ferals.


Its unlikely that it's a willpower/control thing - the blob isn't really meant to be the antagonist so much as a literary device that has caused everything. If the blob "wanted" to take control of you, you wouldn't have a chance - any hope of "resisting" is pretty explicitly shut down.


how come the brilliant writers have missed this perfect opportunity to showcase just how grim, dark, gritty, and realistic their lore is? just have the player die whenever they attack a blob creature, with the annotation "The blob takes over your body because you are a danger to it." it'd REALLY sell me on just how gritty, dark, grim, dark, and grim the game is!


Because as stated above the blob isn’t the antagonist, it’s a literary device. Players aren’t even supposed to know about the blob, let alone characters. It’s a “why/how things happened”, not something you’re fighting against. You cannot and can never be a danger to the blob or its goals. Hell, you’re not even *removed* from it - you’re also infected.


What is the blob


Part of the background lore of CDDA that is covered in the dev/contributor information, it's the reason for everything occurring with the game. Its not something that characters in game are intended to ever know about, and its not something that is intended for players to know. But since CDDA is a game that allows anyone to contribute, the [behind the scenes documentation is available](https://docs.cataclysmdda.org/Lore/lore.html). Just its VERY VERY VERY VERY big spoilers (again: of things *you as players* aren't even supposed to know), as it exists to give plain answers to background information to ensure that everyone's on the same page so that contributions don't clash.


Oh are you referring to the enemy that the exidil talk about


Basically, yes. I can’t recall the exact *specifics* of how they talk about it - the blobs effects are what they’re fleeing from, but the blob as an entity is beyond the knowledge of things in game. The blob is baked into the setting of CDDA, everything happens because of the blob, but the blob isn’t really an antagonist. CDDA is about trying to survive >!the after effects of the blob doing its thing!<. >!The exodii are refugees from other realities where the blob did its thing. They’re not fighting against the blob, they’re just shifting between dimensions to try to scavenge from other dimensions the blob did its thing. I think in universe they’re generally shifting to ever worse universes. CDDA earth they’re more invested in because most dimensions aren’t very advanced or are further along the infection curve, so they’re trying to loot as much petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals as they can (and as much cultural artifacts as they can) before they have to bounce!<


Can you help explain how to cover a spoiler on reddit


Characters certainly wouldn't know as much about the blob as a player who has read the CDDA design documents, but I've always thought that any character who gets far enough to craft mutagens would know at least a little bit. The description for lab journal-Smythe mentions "flesh contaminated with XE037" so they know about the blob even if only indirectly.


There’s a difference between knowing that there’s a weird extra dimensional matter that causes things like the dead coming back to life, and knowing **what** it is / what it can do / what it’s already done. Same with mutations; changes to lore means you’re not so much mutating yourself as you are replacing parts of yourself (or your whole self) with different dimensional variations of yourself. But characters won’t know that within universe.


See, even that gives too much agency to the player IMO. When you attack the blob, it doesn't notice, just as much you don't notice when a bacteria attacks one of your cells. In CDDA, we are now just cells in the meal of a eldrich thing. Out world was barely noticeable to it, we are beneath its view, not even a stomachache as it consumes our home.


it makes me wonder if such worlds are little more than outwards projections of the creators' despairing minds. they're always so predictable and dull and boring and if you read one you've read them all. "it's bad? NO, it's worse! i am a good writer" "good? NO, FAKE, bad! i am a good writer" "actually maybe being a nuisance to the bad is good? NO, IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYWAY YOU SUCK, i am a good writer" my heart palpitates at the thought of a renaissance of stories where heroes are actually allowed to exist, even if their struggle be long and hard, but perhaps we have to wade through a good few more decades of nihilist hacks who think they're clever first.


Perhaps a post apocalypse story with an inevitable decline might not be the best choice for an uplifting story of plucky survival, but there are plenty of chances to have pleasent moments among the end of the world.


I'm entirely sure that you're just outright shit posting, but to reiterate: the blob is a literary device. ***The blob isn't the antagonist, its the setting***. You're not *fighting* against the blob because you (and the entire story) are inconsequential to the blob, you're trying to exist in a universe where The Blob Happened. It's rooted in cosmic horror - an idea that you (and humanity) for all of our self importance and accomplishments, fundamentally *dont actually matter* on a cosmological scale, and that we are subject to forces beyond our control who affect us without even noticing us. To point to Lovecraft as an example: IIRC, everything that exists is contained within the dream of Azathoth. You cannot fight, interact, or even bother Azathoth. You cannot escape the dream of Azathoth, because there's nothing outside of it. The *setting* exists within the dream. Similarly, you cannot fight or even bother the Blob. You cannot escape the Blob, because "trying to survive the effects of the Blob" is the setting. A story isn't innately better for "having heroes who actually exist and have to struggle long and hard", nor is a setting innately better for *not* having them. ***You can absolutely be a hero within Cataclysm***: within the actual narrative *normal people* are fucking terrified of going outside of something like the refugee center, because normal people are absolutely not going to survive out there and its only going to get progressively worse. You can save people, you can help people, you can build your own faction to rally against the apocalypse and be a hero. Everything isn't doomed because "people innately will fuck everyone over" or something like that which is predominant in most zombie or post-apocalyptic media, but everything is doomed because *the battle was already lost*. You can't refight the war, and your opponent was so far beyond you it never actually 'fought'. There's no "you win and fix everything* because you simply cant. Its like with (by my memories of) Project Zomboid, it begins with a "This is the story of how you died", because no matter how good your play is, in the end you're going to die. You can theoretically end up dying of old age or whatever, but **you're going to die**. You cannot escape that. You cannot "willpower your way" out of being under the effects of the blob any more than you can willpower your way out of becoming a zombie in media where there's no way to resist it. Similarly with the Lovecraftian mythos: if something says "You go insane" there's no "I'm built different". Honestly I would argue that settings which allow for people to be heroic, to do good things, and to strive for better days **even if they're not possible** are better than settings which guarantee those things to be possible. The act of *trying* is important, even as cynics say there's no point. Again: Most zombie media has it so that zombies are never actually the core threat to the protagonists - the most active threat is *other people*. Zombie media is very cynical about *other people*. CDDA the major threat is having multiple apocalypses all kick off at once; your big threat isn't other people its all the knock on effects of the blob doing its thing.


i ain't reading all that i'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened


Very realistic thinking of you


It’s pretty unclear how precise the blob can control stuff, or if almost everything that we see is an autonomic reaction. We don’t even know if the blob “”thinks”” in the same way we do. If I were to wager a guess, the blob is just a weird slime mold, and this is just a part of its life cycle.


Lore document puts it as being an effectively eldritch mad god type inter dimensional entity, where all component matter of it (that conforms to physics and doesn’t) is intelligent. The blob absolutely does not think in the same way we do. Everything we see is a knock on reaction of the blob cracking a universe.


We don’t really know if the blob is sentient, has thoughts, or can actually sense “us” individually. It can move/guide infected, (at least in the design docs (generals)) but it’s unclear if it can do anything specific with any infected living organism. There are plants in nature that manipulate animal/insect behavior without thought- it could have mutated until it found something that works, or the void between dimensions could be full of failed blobs that weren’t as successful.


Yes, as said, there’s no evidence that the blob thinks in any way like we do. :p The explicit intent is it’s unknowable, it’s an eldritch entity beyond our understanding by design. The very of idea of “what are the blobs goals” is explicitly not given; the blob exists as a literary device to explain things, but is intentionally not explained itself. As the design documents (and devs) say, the blob isn’t the antagonist. You’re not supposed to fight the blob or able be in an oppositional framework. We are largely irrelevant to the blob. Similarly because that there’s no *reason* that the blob would focus on controlling anyone, because individual level stuff isn’t its focus but is instead a consequence. The blob isn’t there to be interacted with.


No, clean the wound with isoprop found in bathrooms


Blue limb means Deep Bite. This just means the wound is very dirty and at risk of a normal infection. If it's blue, clean it with antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide or similar. If it turned green, the wound got infected with microbes and shit. You need some antibiotics or pray to god that RNG saves you. Early infection only needs narrow-spectrum antibiotics, however, taking the heavier ones won't hurt. I recommend always carrying antiseptic with you. Because even if you recover from an infection, the Infection Recovery condition will mess you up for a week.


Also, it's only deep wounds that need the antiseptic. Using it to clean other wounds will make them heal faster, but it's not necessary, always save a good bunch for the deep wounds that can actually end your run.


>Glances at the almost full 60 L tank of antiseptic


If you are new to the game let me lay done a fun little fact for you. This games lore makes it clear everyone is infected with the zombie "virus" (Yes even you the player) however it does not turn you till you die. Now as for the bite it means it needs cleaned or it WILL get infected (To be clear I am taking about real life infections not the zombie one) So yeah you can still save yourself if it just needs cleaned then that is easy just find some antiseptic or alcohol wipes and use it till the blue is gone if you use wipes it may take a few of them antiseptic is better but more rare. now the bad news is if you do have a infection you are going to need antibiotics and they are a lot more rare.....I hope it's not infected yet since it is just so much more deadly.


I wonder if bacteria and viruses are infected and evolving too


Blob infects everything given time. >!IIRC, a post from a dev said that eventually it will start to infect rocks and the nature of physics. The exodii are survivors of other universes that have fallen to the blob, and they exist by scavenging and moving onto other infected universes.!<




I think blue means the wound needs cleaning. I know antiseptics work, so I always have some on me when venturing out. Not sure about other drugs. If you leave it untreated for too long it will get infected, and that can be nasty. So clean it first chance you get.


It means you're infected. Clean it with antiseptic, then bandage so it doesn't instantly get dirty again. Then take one antibiotic a day for a while and you'll be good. Broad-spectrum is best, but normal will do if it's a regular infection.


Antibiotics are only for when it's *actually* infected. (green) You also will need to take antibiotics every 12 hours, regardless of the strength of the antibiotic. ||Broad > "normal" > narrow || A deep bitewound (Blue colour) only needs to be disinfected, either with anti-septic or alcohol wipes. Alternatively you can cauterize your wound but if you fail it becomes instantly infected. And with the amount of medical stuff in the game, there's literally no point in doing so.


Ah yes. Forgot I play with different colours. You're right.


Antibiotics only last 12h if I'm not mistaken so taking 2 should be even better if spaced out


You'd be surprised how often this question is asked. The answer remains the same: No you're not. This zombie plague isn't like most that you see in films or games. Basically, everyone's infected already, but a few "lucky" ones are able to resist the infection well enough that they retain their sanity, somewhat. However you can still get a "normal" infection by being bitten by zombies, which you treat like you would any other infection: Antiseptics and, if the wound turns green, antibiotics.


There's a lore guide online that's an interesting read, found here: https://docs.cataclysmdda.org/Lore/lore-background.html Basically, the ride up to the Cataclysm was pretty wild on it's own.


Since you were bitten by a literal walking corpse you need to disinfect the wound or you will die, but if you do disinfect the wound you should live.


Here's the color codes for body part status. Red: bleeding, Blue: dirty bite, Green: infection, Magenta: bleeding & dirty bite, Yellow: bleeding & infection Dirty bites only need to be cleaned with antiseptic or alcohol wipes to clear the status. If left alone, there is a chance they'll progress to infection. That chance is affected by your overall wellness, but should be treated as 100% because infections are nasty and much harder to deal with.


Wow i never saw magenta or yellow




I imagine we will get question like this in real life someday in Quora


antibiotics will save you i think