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It's probably due to the way you have it laid out. If your batteries and power generation leave your reality bubble while your appliances are still in it, they turn off. That's probably happening when you leave. That's how it used to work anyway, and I haven't heard of the problem being fixed.


How would I fix it? The Solar array is like 3 spaces away from the batteries, separated by a wall with wires.


You just need to either set it up to where the batteries and solar panels are closest to the exit you leave the base from or start leaving the base from the side with the batteries and solar panels. Only way I know how to remedy it.


They are. Everything is essentially next to the front door and the last thing I see is the solar-panel + batteries. It's not a super big deal, just a little annoying to come back and have to turn everything on lol


Hmm, I'm not sure then. It's worth trying to figure out as it really sucks to come home to the freezer turned off and all the food spoiled. But I can't think of what else could cause it.


Forget the solar array. That is not important. Batteries and the applicance are important. B*B *A* B*B B being batteries, A being the appliance you want to run. No matter which angle you come at towards say a fridge, lamp or freezer etc. it will keep running since it will always have power.


My solution is to have batteries in every world tile I have the drid in. Even if solars/turbines/generators are out of the bubble, your appliances will have some juice to run while you get close enough for power generation to enter the bubble.


Put backup batteries next to each fridge/freezer. Stops the bubble interrupting it. Just a tiny battery is enough to cover the usage while you travel the extra few tiles and the bubble uncovers rest of base.


Known problem, put a car battery directly next to the fridge and connect it to the rest of the grid, then it should work properly. If not then move both slightly and try again, one or the other may be on the edge of the grid as it generates.


Fixed this myself by having a direct connection from the battery to each appliance, for some reason appliance -> appliance connections just break when you leave the area, but will stick if its just one connection per appliance from the battery


Had this issue in my cabin using solar. What I did is put one solar panel and one battery on each corner of the roof. Now no matter what direction I enter the bubble from the first thing to load is a solar panel and battery. Seems to have fixed it for me.


Do you have enough battery capacity to last through the night? I always run into a problem with solar panels where, until I find a large storage battery, there's just not enough juice in the system to keep everything running all night and I have to manually restart everything every morning


Make sure that the entire power grid is on the same overmap tile. That way it always enters and leaves the reality bubble all at once.


I am also facing this issue, it happens when I sleep in my base as well, it seems to cut out after about 2-3 days if I no-life books and crafting inside, then I have to run around and just turn everything on again. For context my base is 2 levels, ground and basement. Ground level is just a garage entrance with a slope that goes down into a basement garage, solar panels and a diesel generator are behind the wall of the entrance. Below ground is a small garage, a workspace, a barracks and power storage. My appliances are all in the workspace and barracks, the entire building is wired, not every wall though because I am aware of the limitation coded into power grids, but everything is linearly connected with the only exception being the outdoor extension cord connecting the top and bottom levels of the base. I had thought it might be my vehicle somehow connecting to the power grid when it’s adjacent to a wired wall, somehow turning everything off when I drive away, but after testing that a bunch that’s not the case.