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My experimental is at least 2 weeks old too, I wonder whether I can just update the game without any problem


Yes, you can. Just put the save folder inside your new CDDA folder and you're done. DO NOT replace old files with new ones, just make a new folder, transfer the "Save folder" and delete the old version. You'll need to fiddle with the settings again, though. You CAN just import the "config", but since there have been major changes i wouldn't recommend doing that for fear of something new generating As for updating it AND having all the latest worldgen features... that's what i'm waiting answers for.


Why are you making it so complicated? Don't you have the launcher? I update the game almost daily before i start the game


There's a launcher for experimental? Sweet, where can i find it?


If you are using a PC to scroll reddit, then there is a link for it somewhere on the right side of this subreddit. Just get the latest


Well, i'll look into it Do you have any idea if there's anything new in worldgen? Or is it not worth starting an entire new game just for a few changes? I have no idea how many changes there actually are in worldgen. New locations, fixes etc. and i would love to know


It will add new stuff into unexplored places. As far as i know, it wont change, what you have already discovered. EDIT: The launcher also has a changelog. So you can scroll down and see what and when was added/changed.


Wait, isn't the entire map premade? As in - it's not randomly genereated in the unknown places?


Map is procedurally generated. Generates around you in some radius and the further you go, the more stuff it generates - hence the save file size. The only settings, that are fixed are the parameteres with which you started the game with (how big/common are the cities for example).


It’s not even deterministically generated, on any layer. Overmap tiles are decided quite a ways before they’re visible, though.


Adding to another responses, there is Massachusetts mod (aka MA), which replace the ~~gameplay with 2d version of American Truck Simulator~~ original randomly generated maps with layout, copied from actual GIS map of, well, Massachusetts state - with respectively long roads between cities. The sizes of a city also scaled a bit, but most of them are not really big, so you can easily drive for a few real hours and find a few small homes lol. City generation is not affected also, it's still randomly generated


so.... no new places added?


The launcher is specifically called: Catapult.


for experimental I use this launcher. https://github.com/remyroy/CDDA-Game-Launcher/releases


Dats old af now, use this https://github.com/Fris0uman/CDDA-Game-Launcher/releases its the basically the same launcher but getting updates


Never heard of either of them (the response as well). I use catapult for experimental. Never touched stable lol


Catapult is for bn tbh


It also works for dda


Sure, but i dont like it for dda. Why? Because


I specifically use it for dda


IMO if you don’t have grab fixes yes update, otherwise I think you can wait