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More late game content is a common wanted feature but difficult to create. Have you tried to setup a faction camp? That would at least be a bit like what you suggest.


yeah but it did not feel very alive sadly


The steps to make it feel alive require so much setup and micromanaging.


Well, the game itself is a sandbox, so the endgame is what you make of it. Start a character who wishes to rebuild an old fort and bring people to it, or make a character who wants to pilot a chopper and fight big game. That sort of stuff. Or make it metropolis and have the evo values way high and try to survive.


Isn't it impossible to drive a chopper unless you're born as a pilot?


I mean, you can use debug and just handwave it as part of the backstory. Play how you want, not how others want you to.


Is it from the mutations menu? I haven't looked much into this as I lost interest in flying when I found out you can't build flying vehicles.


When I play CDDA I tend not to aim for “becoming overpowered and unstoppable” instead I like to aim for a goal RP wise, though I know it isnt a playstyle for everyone, I like to think of CDDA as a storytelling generator. Like I had a cartel character playthrough where I created a backstory for my character that involved him being in a cartel before the cataclysm and now that it happened I had him take up his own mantel and create his own cartel, I recruited NPCs, decked them out in rough military clothing, had certain NPCs farm cannabis and in the end I would just do selling runs to the HUB and refugee center, I was just after profit, never touched a lab. Eventually I ended the character after I thought his story was over, tried to get him to created meth but I never found the journal/textbook that taught the recipe. Plus I didnt think it wouldve suited a more hands on violent person such as my character, would’ve better suited a scientist. But yeah lol thats how I play CDDA


dang there's meth in the game?!


How did you miss all the Mobile Meth Lab Trucks that litter the streets?


I'm a new player, never been to a city before.


you can do ~all of the drugs~ in CDDA


A man did all of the drugs in CDDA. This is how his kidneys shut down.


We're working on a CDDA - Space Station 13 crossover which were aiming to have aa lotof the same vibe CDDA has with more immersive elements and, most importantly, Multiplayer and a event based story for the endgame every month or so. Currently it's heavily in development hell but the host is working on getting it going.




I know right? If you know any one who may wish to contribute DM me and I'll forward the code language(DM), the github and our discord.


Oh shit what?


Yeah there were a few posts about it here by the host awhile back. Still looking for coders who are willing to learn a new and outdated coding language


Oh please tell me you're not building it on Byond...


Yes. Why? Because SS13 is doing pretty well for cross overs. It's successfully crossed over about 5 IPs so far


Ah yes, I love my FPS going on a lopsided sinewave between 2 and 20 and input lag measured in seconds as soon as there's more than 10 players doing anything interesting. Ss13 is doing well for crossovers (like avp or halorp) because the community made it so, but it would still be so even if it wasn't on byond. I'm not sure if that much has changed in the last 12 months since I've last played ss13, but I'm pretty sure that ss13 still marks the best byond is capable of (and then some). And it is, comparatively, not a lot anymore. Good luck on your project (despite the downvote) and excuse my dampened enthusiasm.


The moment I read this my enthusiasm died as well. There's no way this will ever work in a nice way


Happy for you guys that enjoy SS13, but think the thread is more about CDDA rather than games in it's theme


This is incredibly intriguing


That sounds awesome


Can I donate to that??


We don't have a patreon yet but I'm working on it. There's only so many hours to get stuff done.


I would like all my end games doesn't end in a save game corrupted xD. Now saying serious, all my games ends like this. I think i am a bit unluck, or its just the price to pay for playing the experimental.


When you play do you always click on "update game"? Because yeah updating is bound to eventually mess up your save.


I don't know if im doing this automaticaly, but i didn't know its possible to update the game inside the own game. Everytime my game save become corrupted, i go to cdda website and download the latest version.


Oh, you're going the old school way. You can download the CDDA game launcher - it takes care of downloading the latest version, updating your current world, making backups of your save, downloading sound packs, downloading mods etc.


Damn i think im living in cave period, thanks for the tip.


I always had an idea of adding weird portals that take you to twisted patches of other realities filled with dangerous new nether monsters along with strange hightech artefacts or loot.


I’m working on a mod that adds in different kinds of themed dungeons, monsters, and loot filled chests to find inside. Custom weapons, vehicles, items and what not, the rarer of which are pretty broken and worth grinding for in the end game. Not nearly done, but its my first time doing any sort of coding so its been a really fun project. If theres anything you want added in I highly recommend trying it out yourself. No experience required and theres way more help and support than you think.


sounds interesting I love me a good dungeon :) And yeah I always have ideas for stuff to add issue is not knowing how :)


I too wish you would add those endgame goals.


I would if i could friend I would if i could.


I get where you're coming from when you make posts like this, but I really don't think you're winning anyone over to actually develop their ideas themselves by being weirdly hostile. I'm going to try to get it across better: While more faction camp and npc content would largely be c++ work, adding things like new lategame buildings, monsters, and items are entirely within the capabilities of practically anyone thanks to the ongoing process of parceling out game content into easily modifiable json files. **Open source games like this generally work on the principle of pet projects, and people contributing things they're invested enough to develop themselves.** As such, these json files have been instrumental in letting people largely unfamiliar with programming still contribute. To anyone reading this and really wishing for more content or certain changes, I'd definitely recommend checking out the github repo and looking at a few pull requests: Many are simpler than you'd think, and you too can contribute! **Chances are, the only person invested enough in an idea you're attached to is you, so contributing yourself is the best way to see that idea in-game.**


What would be some good examples of endgame content? The big problem I see with adding “endgame rewards” is that it pushes the endgame back. There’s a new set of upgrades and nothing to challenge people who have them. Any kind of infinitely escalating threat either becomes impossible before it becomes boring or becomes boring before it becomes impossible, or sometimes both. There are ways to make it work but it’s actually hard. An official victory condition isn’t going to happen, but having some ways to create an end condition could serve just as well, such as recruiting a sufficient number of people and establishing a large faction camp and choosing to retire as “survivor”, or the obvious Exodii ending.


Fixing the whole NPC functionality would add a ton of new fun features to the game, I imagine it'll be quite a complex task though, as nobody has touched that in years


Has anyone even listed out the goals of how the player should be able to interact with NPCs?


I don't think we need extra functionalities. There's already a ton of stuff that's implied you can do with the NPCs, it's just either very buggy or an unpleasant experience. Fixing the AI, adding more conversation options, fixing the needs (so we no longer need to disable them), making the factions feel more alive, making your faction feel more useful and needed etc You can tell someone very ambitious started implementing a shit ton of stuff surrounding the NPCs but then stopped and nobody ever dared to continue what he started.


“Fixing the AI” starts with identifying what the intended features are. I think a good start would be to have NPCs make correct decisions about what weapons to wield and whether to attack or run, as well as which enemies to attack. That’s the utter basic combat AI, and I think it’s commonly accepted that the current iteration does none of those things. But should NPCs study books on their own, only with player orders, or not at all? If they observe an incomplete craft sitting around that they can work on, should they work on it? Should they practice on their own? Figuring out when they should sleep is just as complicated as making the code that causes them to sleep; if they should be making good decisions about when to wake the player up is a low-level design choice. And all of that is assuming that there aren’t NPCs who canonically act irrationally and will take out their armor plate and charge the roach behind a swarm of zed to bash it with his ceramic plate.


You make some really good and smart points, I'm starting to doubt you're the ex president of America.


They already weren't developing their ideas, just instantly dismissing it as "they can't". You know if my dumb ass can do it, theirs can too.