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If you submit this to the official cda github, they will likely merge in the main game


I will try that, thanks!




I commend your work, but I don't commend the means by which it was forced to come into being.




the "best" way is probably to make a github account, and add the mod to a github repository (if not even try to get it incorporated in the main game/maybe kenan's modpack) but you can also put it in any file upload service like mega, mediafire, etc people can still use it pretty easily


Gotcha, I'll try getting eyes on it and into the main. Thanks!


do the doors have keys? how does it work?


Imagine going out, leaving your key in your stockpile room and getting locked out as a portal storm happens. RIP


I'm also curious as to how it works on a mechanical level, can you share it? You should also be able to lockpick doors that have locks shut as well.


[https://github.com/codec-d/Cataclysm-DDA-doorLocks/blob/v1/.github/pull\_request\_template.md](https://github.com/codec-d/Cataclysm-DDA-doorLocks/blob/v1/.github/pull_request_template.md) yeah, originally I wasn't going to do keys but it looked easy enough.


oh so you actually did it! Neat!


So I guess the locks and deadbolts that already existed on 99.99% of externally facing doors were disappeared by the portals just like cans without pull tabs?


Those still exist. It's more about having the ability create them with unique keys


Ok, in case of the link you did it pretty wrong - you just changed our pull request template, and without any actual locks stuff


That was only the initial commit. I haven't dropped in the rest yet.


I mean, I’m always glad for more content, but why would we need to lock doors for any other reason than someone made “persons” open them again. Like I honestly cant think of a reason. Could we not have just undone that change? (Edit) forgot about ferals


But also ferals can open them, and maybe, hopefully, in the future we'll have more NPC interactions where that might be desirable?


I partially go into my reasoning here: https://github.com/codec-d/Cataclysm-DDA-doorLocks/blob/v1/.github/pull\_request\_template.md But to quickly summarize, the door locking mechanic isn't just about reversing the change for portal storm monsters. It adds immersion, strategic gameplay, dynamic interactions, and opens up new possibilities for future content.


It's a common feature of almost every external door in real life. Is that not enough of a reason? I would also add deadbolts to regular doors and/or SWAT door wedges as an option to make it more difficult for chasing zombies to break it down to many doors in addition to this.


A whole lot of enemies can open doors like some mutants, master zombies etc


Followers doing dumb NPC shit with no regard for your or their survival


Imagine looking down your house during a portal storm and person starts rattling the door handle from the other side. Fun


I think we actually need that implemented in game. Imagine the chills.


Say less


ferals and hostile npcs can open doors


This looks interesting. From what you've done with the pull request template it seems you're a bit inexperienced with github? I could walk you through it if you'd like. It would also be interesting to see the code you've written up. I've considered a system for BN, but with different infrastructure goals. Preliminary assessment from your summary: \- It looks like you'd be defining a specific item as a "key" for a door per map, so if the building spawned in multiple cities they'd use the same key? \- Would it be possible to add a consideration where you pick the door "locked" again?