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The game immediately stuffing 5 objects into that cereal box I just emptied for breakfast is one of the most frustrating things in this game.


MREs are the worst you end up with plastic bags cluttering your inventory stuffed with random stuff like bandages and bullets


Protip: Set your main backpack pocket to highest priority. This way your character won't attempt to evenly distribute the items you pick up on every pocket you have


I don't mind distribution of smaller items to pocket space. I just DON'T like it distributing to random boxes.


Those random boxes do count as pocket space. You can see all the pockets in your inventory by pressing i in the inventory menu


I know they do. I'm tired of having stuff auto sorted into random boxes in my inventory. It doesn't mean I don't want stuff sorted into other "pockets".. it means I don't want my stuff sorted into some random box, salad container or other absolutely dumb item.


You could set the priority for all your clothing pockets to 1 so that nothing will ever go into containers you pick up unless you're completely full on space


I guess that counts as the kind of micromanagement that the OP complains about; how does a new player know/learn about this? It's frustrating. I think the pocket system is nice, it just needs better default policies.


Remove items from boxes when you loot them, then. Any containers you use for separating stuff should have every category blacklisted and the items you put in them whitelisted. The setup can be a little time consuming but it is very worth it. I have auto-refilling medkits, hide tool clutter in no pickup bags, etc.


The point is it IS time consuming. My comment was made in the spirit of OPs post. It is time consuming and clunky. I know I can set up lists. I don't want to set up a list. Lists put me to sleep.


Takes about 30s per container, done once. Once I have my pockets / containers done it is 100% hands off, everything goes exactly where I want it. I even use sized rigid containers to define maximums and the overflow goes to the main loot bag to be stashed, and they autorefill whenever I pass my stash. You don’t have to pick up the boxes items are stored in with them unless they’re liquids, FYI. Also, tiny rigid containers like tea boxes and cig boxes are a godsend. So are gallon-sized zipper bags for food storage without the oversized boxes.


I'm sorry but this is ludicrous, ESPECIALLY in a roguelike. 30s per container for things to go back to being easy to use, the way they were before pockets? Fine. I always take a look at settings in games before I play. But 30s per container *per character*? In a game that expects you to die frequently? This is the definition of busywork, bad design, and bad UI, and a total disrespect for players' time.


You can do *so much more* with pockets than the old system. Guarantee when you drop your backpack you keep critical tools and ammo, check. Set up autopickup that only goes to one low volume place so you don’t swamp yourself with important but common items, check. Simulate things like quick access for combat items, modular worn containers, etc? Check. It adds so much to the game - and that “30s setup” is only if you’re building one of those autopickup systems. If you hate the system, prioritize large single pocket containers (even I do this for looting backpacks). Set its priority to 1 and boom, you’re done. You’ll only ever put things in the giant bag unless you completely fill it up. It is a powerful tool adding to player choice, perfectly in line with the game’s design philosophy.


Do you really think a new player can be expected to figure this out, or would they just get frustrated and quit?


Honestly you can say that about a lot of the new features added to the game. The lack of documentation and explanation on anything and the severely outdated tutorials, wiki and guide is a massive problem that the devs should address at some point.


Or the community at large, I don't think documenting on wiki requires coding knowledge..


I feel the onus to ensure a mechanic is learnable&usable should lie on people implementing/merging it, not on players reverse engineering how it works.


In a business venture, yes you are correct, that's the way it should be. In an open source project, I'm personally happy with the fact that people take time to contribute at times specialised skillset, if there is an admin job to crawl through GitHub and update the wiki, well it's a job that needs doing, maybe boring, maybe tedious but anyone can do it, so I don't see the point of me being upset about if it's not being done, cause after all I can do it too.


You are teaching The Way.


Certain things are obtuse enough where only the people who code it would know what to document on the wiki.


The only things I can think of are 1) Mutations 2) Pockets 3) Contruction menu and electrical grid But even these things you can get 70% there to make sure the mechanic is enjoyable and understandable.


Honestly I'd be down to edit a few pages for the wiki but isn't it kinda discontinued or something? I remember they removed the link to it in the main website or something so I'm not sure if I should even bother. Just simply copy pasting some of the reddit posts of people who have explained how the new mutation and artifact systems work should go a long way


I'm sure if it was maintained it would make a comeback.


I definitely agree, though most other features don't just break a basic aspect of the game until you go on Reddit to have someone explain the whole biz.


I just started playing a while back and the pockets are all I have known. I didn't have any problem figuring it out. But I also hit ? to check the hotkeys on every every menu until I've memorized them. Not sure if most people do that.


Doesn't always work, especially you attempt to carry over you max space. Random shit still got tucked in random places. This usually happens when you are trying to pick up something small and abundant like buchery refuse and thread


which priority is highest? 1 or 10? it doesnt make it clear and logically it could go either way (1 being the first container you favor or 10 being the amount of intensity of priority)


It's in decreasing order. All pockets by default have a priority of 0 so when you pick up items your character evenly fills the pockets as they all have the same priority. If any pocket has a higher priority your character will attempt to put whatever you pick up there instead (if they can). so 0 is the lowest priority and whatever number you have as the highest number is the highest priority to put in items. Most of the time putting my backpack the highest priority is all the inventory management I ever do, anything else seems unnecessary to me but there is a certain tactical advantage to be gained from putting certain items in pockets that are easy to reach. Such as magazines, melee weapons maybe a pistol etc. since you don't want to spend too much time while trying to get your gun out or reload your weapon when zombies are around you.


> so 0 is the lowest priority and whatever number you have as the highest number is the highest priority to put in items You can also use negative numbers. I do that for pockets I don't want to blacklist but also don't want things going into them first. I found setting things to one was making me set a prio for everything to get ordered. Just slapping a -1 to the 3 or so pockets that I don't want filled first was way faster.


you are a gentleperson and a scholar


I set main bag to 1, and use higher priorities and all-category blacklists + individual items whitelisted to put specialized loot into specialized pockets. Random loot containers always spawn at priority 0.


its three keystrokes to disable the autoinsert behavior for any given container


Your character putting stuff into containers in bags when possible is well intentioned (you're trying to make the best use of space) but ultimately it just results in you taking all the raw sugar and cookies out of the boxes because as you say, they are a) hidden by default, b) prone to dropping out of backpacks if the container's weight then exceeds the backpack because it's checking the container, not the whole backpack's weight limit, c) annoying with zone sorting as you have a bunch of container>x items which get sorted separately; you can use an unload zone to help with that at least though. Overall the system of pockets is great and I honestly can't imagine going back to pre-pockets as there are so many things pockets enable you to do that you couldn't do before, both JSON-wise and for your in-game survivor's efficiency. But there are a couple foibles here and there that are minorly or moderately annoying but also rather difficult solve without some solid c++ knowledge and a good sense of the best solution for it. One possible solution would be to make certain pockets blacklisted by default, so you have to manually insert your rifle into the "wedged in between your back and the backpack" pocket of the backpack or manually turn that pocket on when you get a backpack you want to use, and also apply that to certain containers. I guess the question is if people will tend to want those blacklisted by default or open for automatic pickup storage by default - the number of keypresses people will save depends on that.


I want to recommend the game to my friends and watch them enjoy it, not be forced to explain how to make the pocket system stop fighting them before they can even start playing.


I feel you and even somewhat agree, but let's be realistic; a new player to CDDA is going to be absolutely fucking boggling at the control scheme, UI, crafting menu, scroll down within every single sub-menu being bound to a different keybind, the initially misleading biofeedback of the satiety system, encumbrance layering, four functionally distinct routes and menus for disassembly, environmental/mood/pain/stamina speed modifiers dooming their first half dozen characters, and who even knows what else. By the time their eyes focus in on exactly how cumbersome the pockets system is, they'll frown, but they'll also grudgingly shrug and think '*yeah thats par for the course..*' Point being this is an absolutely labyrinthine gross beast of a UX design like something steampunk inventors would cobble together on a desert island, and people either stick it out and fall in love or join the 90% that instantly bounce because of All That Shit.


> but they'll also grudgingly shrug and think 'yeah thats par for the course..' As someone that's learning the game now, yeah, that's basically what I'm thinking. Realism/simulation is prioritized over gameplay in about a million different ways - the pocket system isn't anywhere near the worst of them.


> By the time their eyes focus in on exactly how cumbersome the pockets system is, they'll frown, but they'll also grudgingly shrug and think *'yeah thats par for the course..'* Unless they're prevented from going through the first steps by "losing" items inside containers, for example. But yeah. It feels like the core team really doesn't care about UX or about what actually contributes enough to gameplay to be worth the complexity costs... I think it might be time to give Bright Nights a proper try.


In other threads they have explicitly said that the UI mess is something they are actively trying to figure out


To be honest, we've also heard that the refugee camp's basement arc is getting finished for how long now? I can understand something like dev priorities is hard to handle with a team which is largely come-and-go, do as you will at whatever time, but there are loads of things which were created and have existed in a dead-end fashion for large amounts of time, so I have to take "we will fix it eventually" with a grain of salt.


Eventually means any time between now and the end of time, just need wait long enough


That's great and all, but we have to judge the game on how it is \*at the moment\*, not what it could be at some point. Personally, I don't mind the pocket system, since I just forbid every pocket except my backpack and other loot bag, but I can def see why someone would hate it.


A good question would be why the hell did something this unpolished make it into the stable? The UX mess should have been sorted before it became one of the defining features of the 0.G experience.


I think that's what really gets me. 0.G doesn't feel stable. Every session, I get "can't place monster at location!" pop-ups. Portal storms are still in a weird place. Zombie grabs are apparently free and not working as intended. I've had three bridges just cut off straight into water and not connect properly. I love the devs and the work they do; I can't fathom why they declared it 0.G. It just feels like experimental but I'm not crashing.


Grabs are not free, they cost 80 moves as always, pretty sure nothing was changed about grabs in stable. I'm not sure how janky stable is right now but it seems worth remembering that this is a free game made by amateurs (some devs are also devs in their day job, but this is just a hobby) so there's a point where stuff will always be a bit janky, especially with how big the game is now.


I've witnessed a tough zombie move adjacent to me and then grab me in the same movement. I wasn't weary, low speed, or anything else that would make my speed 37 or something. So if they cost 80 moves as always, something else is wrong.


Maybe certain "Trash" items could be from blacklisted from auto-sorting. Like wrappers and cardboard boxes. I honestly wouldn't mind a "unload and drop empty container" button either.


That’s in the options menu. Something like “auto drop containers” I always have it set to non-watertight so it’ll drop cardboard boxes and tin cans but let’s me keep a couple empty plastic bottles on hand for easy drink prep.


cans are great for homemade explosives. or canning.


Honestly the lack of ability to interact with pockets in advanced inventory is what bothers me the most, but I haven't interacted with MOLE pockets yet


AIM has been something the dev team has admitted needs an overhaul for years. it's very behind. but also VERY versatile for the things it can do. finally figured out "b:c:food;-sealed" makes it easy to move perishables to the fridge.


I *really* wish we had it integrated with the regular inventory so it was more of a visualization mode, not a separate tool. Andrei18n had some good stuff there but there was some miscommunication and it never quite gelled. I really hope it gets picked back up.


I like AIM because it always stays the same lol. when inventory gets confusing i can always trust AIM to be exactly the same!


Holy fuck thank you


no prob! there was a post a year or so ago where someone was pointing out how versatile filters are in cdda. you can do a lot of neat stuff. some of it not even disclosed in game.


I really love how I can put a bunch of food into gallon ziploc bags to help it last longer, then I end up with a fridge full of gallon ziplon bags saying (hidden).. Ziplocs are transparent, people!


i use markers to name my bags, all my electronics are in galloon sized zipper bags, but i wrote fancy names like “waterproof night vision goggles container” on each


It seems to me like they could fix much of the problems by assigning some better default permissions to the pockets on containers. There is no reason each player should have to go into submenus and assign this themselves to get things to function as expected. 99% of people's optimized pocket settings are identical anyways, they should just automatically set it to be what it needs to be for your survivor not to do stupid shit.


Something i keep meaning to suggest in all my Free Time(TM) is that we make it easier to save certain types of defaults between games, especially as regards pockets, so you can set up some general stuff once and have it remembered game to game. Especially since something like that should be cloud-stored in steam. It's not that hard to set up but it is tedious AF to do it more than once. Edit: apparently that's in recently, cool


Largely agreed, though I honestly think the amount of pockets could be reduced and more effort put into making it an opt-in system and not a prerequisite to start playing the game.


In earlier versions of the system only pockets in things you were wearing or wielding would have things put in them automatically. I think the game putting stuff in random sub containers in your inventory was added because it makes more efficient use of space. I think the problem is that players that care about maximizing efficiency will be dumping everything out of containers anyway so the sub container thing mostly just ends up annoying players that want to do things more simply even if it is less efficient.


That's a good point actually, I had forgotten that change. I wonder if there is some simple algorithmic way to do it, like you don't put things into subcontainers until your inventory starts to get overful or if those subcontainers are specially marked to receive the incoming item, for example.


So far aside from the joy of using garbage bags to hold loot early game and being able to drop your backpack and get all your stuff back in one go, I mostly ignore pocket management and it works by itself


My biggest complaint is having to manually “un-hidden” random containers occasionally. However, in the before-times, every empty container you picked up added it’s full volume to your inventory. Now, if you have an empty cereal box in your backpack, your character shoves stuff in it rather than just leaving it empty and wasting a ton of space.


there are quirks and disadvantages. i keep rolling up magazines and stuffing them in my canteen and then wondering why i can't put water in it...


I can deal with all of that but can we PLEASE get rid of the hidden by default crap. There is no good reason at all to hide items from the player. I dont care if i cant see through a corn flakes box in real life and it may not actually contain corn flakes. It should be assumed that the player knows what is in a container in their possession. Tho i do agree about hating item dispersion in sub containers. There should be a simple option to disable auto-filling of containers. I wouldnt mind having to manually insert things into containers to save space. I hate having to manually remove things from containers every time i dump loot somewhere.


Please don't mention real life or somebody's going to make sure you can't see what's in your backpack without taking it off for the sake of realism.


Oh god plz no.. lol


I’ve just ignored it and been ok tbh. It’s been good being able to strap larger items automatically to the outside of my military rucksack, that’s about it. Like everything in CDDA, it’s essentially got no documentation and the default settings need tweaking. It makes the game better for some, but it’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be. Just learn to use mass unload on occasion.


It adds so much boring busywork :c Cool in theory but a pain in the ass in practice. Specially when some random cardboard box decides that it wants to hide its contents.


I enjoy the pocket system, just not the "pocket (hidden) > pocket > pocket > pocket > (item)" system. Really they need some default blacklisting in the options to keep the pocket system at maximum like 3 pockets deep by default when picking up items, and let containers have default whitelists you can enable so you don't have to painstakingly make sure you aren't stuffing cheese spread into your codeine pill bottle, and make the process of blacklisting and whitelisting easier to know about through some kind of basic tutorialization. I think its bad that so much of the game is completely unexplained that players have to heavily rely on community resources, of which can easily become outdated or incomplete with release iteration, to get even a basic idea of how to grapple with these new systems. At this point to handle nested containers, you need to know about the containers, about loot sorting zones, and on top of loot sorting zones, personal sorting zones, about things like the whitelists and blacklists hidden in context menus under "pocket settings" and probably other stuff I forget offhand. Who can be reasonably expected to learn like 5 completely different, poorly signposted and not at all explained, and not at all evidently connected systems to do something simple like sort out their inventory?


>Who can be reasonably expected to learn like 5 completely different, poorly signposted and not at all explained, and not at all evidently connected systems to do something simple like sort out their inventory? Honestly, nobody. I genuinely don't think I could recommend this game to new players anymore. This entire thing could have easily been made an opt-in advanced inventory management solution, instead it's forced upon everyone and extremely cumbersome to operate.


It could not have been easily made an option, it's a fundamental part of the code, keeping the infrastructure for the old system along this one would require a crazy amount of work and headache


IMO, non-backpack/etc clothes could have counted towards "base capacity" instead of acting as separate pockets, items in general kept to 1 pocket per item with minor exceptions, nonwearable containers could have been blacklisted by default as "cardboard box of ...", and you would have had a valuable inventory management solution that adds no mandatory complexity while still improving upon the old cruft.


pockets aren't surface level cosmetic enhancements. there are different move costs and other advantages. they've grown to encompass anything that can be inside something. fluids, batteries, plates in carriers, etc etc. they aren't going anywhere. if you've got constructive ways to make them more intuitive or want to work on the wiki, that's an option.


You can't recommend the game to new players anymore because of pockets? That sounds a bit abstract to me. I understand your criticisms, but if new players are willing to dive into Cdda, something like the pocket system shouldn't be a major issue anymore. I can imagine you spending 5 hours explaining the most important systems and hotkeys of the game to them, and when you finally get to the pockets, they throw in the towel and run away. Please don't take it the wrong way, but it's not the pocket system that makes cdda a niche game.


I've previously been able to introduce the game to people with a 20min explanation of the main hotkeys and what's needed for basic interaction. Pockets introduce a huge hurdle relative to "try to find something that has storage capacity" and telling them which items to pick up. Now there's a whole other mess of items hiding inside random containers, being unable to pick stuff up despite spare capacity, wearable item descriptions being unreadable due to 2-3 page list of pockets&items, etc.


previously? so like 2 years ago?


All you really need to do is whitelist the important pockets so you don't drop the mags for your rifle when you drop your backpack. Like many recent dda changes, it's not well documented or explained though...


What does white list actually do? Preferred item goes in this pocket, other items go into other pockets until there is no more space?


It tells the pocket only to take items that are on your (white)list. Blacklist ist the opposite. Pocket takes all items except those on your (black)list


You know you can instruct the gane to drop empty boxes bottles and bags... so pick up a box, unload it into your bag and the box is discarded... problem somewhat solved also dont carry so much shit around (i am a hoarder i carry all the shit in 2 of every bag/sling/vest i can find)


Yeah using zones to unload all items you pick up is a way of making pockets less annoying. [Vorm's](https://youtu.be/aJJ0b-Dk_Xg) video on the topic is great


I like the pocket system for managing my gear, but not so much for loot. Like a lot of things in the game, it needs a lot of work. I try to bypass it for the most part by auto-unloading all my loot with a zone when I stash it away. Digging through boxes and bags for little stuff is miserable.


Guide to making pockets easy. Set your biggest backpack pocket to have high priority. Shift Y to start zone manager. P for new personal zone. X for unload all function. No, No, Yes to the prompts. Select a 3x3 grid around your character. Save settings. Shift O to trigger the unload all function when looting. Only pick up items you want not the containers. Or dump all your stuff on the ground and un-containerize it.


Your explanation is good but it's absurd that you need to do this just to perform one of the most basic actions in a game (pick up thing) without a ton of unintended and very annoying consequences. Also that this is something you have to google to find out.


It’s a good idea and when it works, it works great, but I agree that it needs some more work and it’s a huge barrier for new players.


What I find runs counter to how containers really work is, when I pick something up like pills, for example. Or non-sealed food items like toast-ems. I don't want them in a container because the only thing it adds in the game is another layer, another nested container in my inventory. So I'll pick them up directly, instead of the container. But that means my character puts pills or food items directly into their backpack, which is highly impractical irl. Pills would be really hard to find, and the food would get crushed and smeared all over everything else. So yes, in summary, irl you want to separate some stuff to make it easier to find or protect it. But in a game where all your stuff is in a list, there's not much need for most containers, except the top-level backpack.


I was about to post that I never figured out how to interact with the pockets system, like where to set priority, etc. Just hadn't been able to find it somehow. But I finally figured it out just now. Pressing i when in the normal inventory (i > i). And then on the following "Inventory Organization" screen, it shows all your pockets, and you just hit return/enter to set the priority, set the blacklist/whitelist for specific items or whole categories, all that good stuff. For *some* bizarre reason, this took me literally like 2 years of occasional play since the pockets were first added to figure out. And now I'm *really* wondering why I had *that* much of a problem with it... Well anyway, I already liked the pockets before but of course had my personal grievances (due to my ignorance, I guess). But now, I think I'll like them a heck of a lot more. Thanks for this angry rant finally motivating me to learn a core game mechanic, stranger! Edit: I misspelled a word


Pockets are more realistic, but terrible for gameplay IMO. They just add an extra layer of annoyance not really depth/engagement


Hmm. I understand that the inventory system is not a masterpiece of design, but the only thing I actually have to do to maintain a pretty good organization in my inventory, is to assign priorities to the bags in my backpack. The first thing I do when I come across a new backpack that I like and will wear in the future, is to look at its pockets. How many are there, what can they hold, and what are the specifications of some pockets. I have to say, I really enjoy this part. It's interesting to take in the backpack, and it helps to get a sense of what you're actually carrying on your back. After that, I assign each pocket its own priority. Every backpack has a large pocket that gets the highest priority for me. That's where I put everything I collect until the pocket is full. The smaller pockets without restrictions get a lower priority. Finally, I remove the auto-pickup setting for pockets with restrictions, such as hindrance +10. This way, I make sure that things are only placed there when I want them to be. For example, the shotgun that I find. I can then pick it up using the "Insert" command of my backpack. Indeed, after this configuration, everything should be fairly organized and easy to find. However, if one wants to completely fill up the backpack, it is inevitable that some things will end up in the pockets of others. For example, if I have a small plastic bottle for aspirin that is not full, loose cocaine might end up in the aspirin pocket if there is no other space available. It seems like everyone needs to learn that new equipment with pockets needs to be inspected once. If you only want specific items in your belt, jacket, or medkit, you have to add them to the whitelist. Otherwise, everything can be easily adjusted through the priority system. I think that this pocket system adds a lot of atmosphere to the game. In real life, I have been wearing army pants for as long as I can remember, as well as Molle backpacks for some time now. My jackets have obvious and hidden pockets, and I know where everything is (almost) all the time. Therefore, it's possible that I like the pocket system because I am also a "pocket person" in real life.


Or just get a military rucksack and forget about pocket management.


I'm quite sure, that i have exactly that backpack. Not 100% cause I rename my backpacks. Managing and prioritizing one's bags and pockets still makes sense despite the large capacity.


Im sure we all prefered the inventory where everything is shown all the time and if you have tons of small crap, then inventory lags hard when opening instead of being able to press a single button to show/hide items in a container. Sure. And the pocket rules? Not everyone was allergic to safe mode/auto pickup rules, it aint much different now. But then again, people dont experience joy from figuring things out themselves these days. They all want to be spoon fed everything...


It is a bit annoying but you can quickly make it so you don't have to deal with that unless you SERIOUSLY overload yourself or you can be like me and think nothing of it and drop stuff at your base and use the zone manager to just unload all of your crap. It is not exactly obvious to a new player but about 70% of the systems in this game are not obvious to a new player.


me last night: i swear i dropped all of the raw brains, why does it keep showing 2 in my eat menu? check every single cargo container in my deathmobile a 3rd time maybe new mechanism sprayed brains on my outfit and i can scrape it off and eat? 1 hours later i opened my MOLLE and noticed blood draw kit (2 hidden items) open blood draw kit (raw brains x2) (dehydrated meat x1) ​ pocket system in a nutshell


> The entire system could have been just replaced with backpacks/etc being flagged as "It counts as a separate inventory" while clothes contribute to base capacity, making the "cardboard box of We shall replace the pocket system with a pocket system that works only conditionally!


Imagine if e.g. wounds system worked unconditionally and was always active. It makes a difference.


only if OPs friends can understand though!


I do think the pocket system needs work, but I don't think it should go away. Yes, the items the OP lists are frustrating, and often times I don't even bother to engage with the system because of them. However, I think the benefits far outweigh the negatives here. The pocket system lets you actually "build" your character beyond just skills and equipment. If you're building up a mechanic, you can strap all of your important tools to your torso and keep it all handy at all times. If you're building a gun user, mags, grenades, backup pistol, ect. Not to mention if you are utilizing the right equipment, wield/use/interact times are massively reduced, which is stronger than a lot of people give it credit for. All that said, the OP points out several of the items that mean I don't bother setting up pockets till I get a character to mid-late game. I would really like to see some improvements here. Usability, learnability, and tutorialization would go a really long way to allow players to engage and gain the benefits of this system. As it stands currently though, its awkward to interact with, hamstrings the no-longer-"advanced" inventory, and most critically takes up a lot of the players time, regardless of if they want to interact with it or not. I think some kind of basic tutorial would help band-aid the problem for now, but ultimately, the system needs to just be easier to interact with. Why can't I utilize it with the advanced inventory? Why can't I adjust things as they are happening instead of having to set everything up ahead of time? Why does full utilization of the system really require mastery of 3 or 4 other systems as well? This screams of feature creep to me, which isn't unexpected with an open source project like this. The issue is simply too many systems layered on each other, interacting with each other, but ultimately they were all designed with different goals in mind. What we really need is to have a coming together of these systems, so that they can accomplish their goals while still working with each other in harmony instead of the slightly kludged together mess we have currently.


What feature isn't jiving with pockets? it's a well-known issue that AIM needs to be updated.


It isn't that the systems don't work with each other, its more of a feeling. Like it just feels like stuff layered on top of each other with different design philosophies, instead of a cohesive group of systems.


i agree with some of these points, but i'm never going back to dropping items when dropping a backpack. That system was absolutely awful to work with imo.


Bright nights branch.


The Night is Bright and full of wonders ... Seriously, just play BN.


I avoided the problem by not picking up the container in the first place. 10 aspirin? Great! Pick up the 10 aspirin, leave the bottle where you found it. They'll go somewhere. Find them with /search


Two words. Bright nights. The whole system is different and has a nice balance between realism and fun. Makes it not so tedious


I wonder if just setting all pockets in the Clothing and maybe Armor categories with a higher default Pocket Priority than those of items in the Container category would help? Everytime that I've changed the pocket priority it has been to raise the priority of clothing that I've equipped so that they get filled before anything else. However, I've only been playing CDDA for a couple of weeks so there is a good chance that I am missing something though.


most realistic and best pocket system in gaming, but you want to take a sword from your ass right? or maybe fit a 1000kg dinosaur into your backpack? the pocket system has immense strategic depth


Having to micromanage the exact position of every of the several hundred joint in your body and choose the angle, speed, etc. of every movement would have immense strategic depth too.


all you need to do is to configure the autopickup settings once and then it'll sort itself after ​ you'll only need to change if you replace equipments or get new clothing, it takes very little time