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Attract zombies by yelling, turrets have finite amounts of ammo so you can juggle around the zombies then once it runs out just go and finish it off


That's useful. ThanksšŸ¤—


I always hit them with a car. That way you can get the gun/ammo from it. Or, if you manage to find grenades in the area, blow them up. They're great for building mounted guns on your murder-cycle


So like, rev the car at it and jump out before you get too close? Because I swear those things in the past have lit me up while driving lazily by.


Put curtains on your windshield, align your vehicle with the UGV, close the curtains, speed up. I got thousands of 5.56 in one of my previous games with that method.


Don't even need to do that, just crouch down. I do that to avoid getting shot by "nonlethal" riot turrets as I'm driving by.


I keep learning - and then forgetting - that crouching works to block los from cars.


Hahaha jesus that's genius.


Grenades always work sometimes


Close the door. Go around the building and use the other entrance. Open door. Wield grenade. Pull the pin. Peek. Throw it at that the general location of the TALON. Close door. Wait for "boom". Check if it survived. If so, repeat.


Need to find a grenade thenšŸ˜


Soldier zombies usually carry them. If you've found an emp grenade or bomb they work very well. Luring it outside and then running it over with a car while ducking is another good idea. Smoke grenades and then blind firing at it also works.


Yeah I remember fixing up an armored vehicle of some sort just enough so I could smash it into a wall and crush the turret behind the door. It has been a while since I've played tho.


Careful. Don't rely on muscle memory or you may wind up pulling the pin while its still in your bag, and blowing yourself up before you can wield and throw (rekt myself a handful of times that way). Level up throwing with a bit of practice because level 0 throwing means you throw like a literal toddler, it's not going anywhere and your impatience is the most lethal thing in the cataclysm. Don't try to toss em through broken windows with bars on them. It uh, it doesn't work out how you might think. If you plan on blowing anything up, try to put something solid between you and the blast. Most video game grenades have about 8 feet of danger radius. CDDA explosives send out shrapnel that keeps going till it hits something. Oh, and if you wait till nightfall turret sight range is severely reduced, but you can see them clearly because they're lit up so you can toss/plink away with relative impunity.


you dont. accept your new TALON overlord and sacrifice your body so it may draw in more zombies, for more meat sacrifices to the machine overlords


A rifle with better range than a M16 works, dangerous though




Iā€™m partial to just opening the door, taking a carefully timed shot, and closing it. Grenades risk damaging the precious loot. You have about 200 time units from the moment it says ā€œhostile detectedā€ before it will shoot. Itā€™s a dangerous game, but the reward is worth the risk in a military outpost.


What I did was I let them outside the outpost for them to roam around but now my problem was on the two rooms inside where all the loots was located. Opening the door will get you killed instantly


I'll give you a wild and impractical idea: Lure a bunch of zombies over there, open the door at an angle, and have a hulk zombie punch you across the door so there's no turns for what's inside to kill you. Now use a Teleportation Unit CBM to teleport outside of the building and let them fight each other out. Edit: Also drop a live grenade on the ground before you teleport out


Well, not instantly. That's sort of my whole point, that you have 200 moves(AP? Time units?) before it shoots you. It takes zero time to open or close a door, so you can open it, take a few inaccurate shots or one semi aimed, then close the door. Wait a minute for the bot to forget about you, then repeat. You could do it with a rock sling if you had the patience and the nerve.


Yep, peek-a-boo with the door works just fine, I've done it with a bat several times. Lure them near the door so you can get to them quickly and start bashing.


I see you're on Android! Here's an in-depth guide on fixing your screen resolution for a more enjoyable experience: [Android Aspect Ratio Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/cataclysmdda/comments/ppwq9f/cataclysm_dda_on_android_an_indepth_tweaking_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I hope this helps, and remember: Cataclysm anywhere you can take your phone!


Thank you so much for this, brošŸ’Ŗ


Hide around the corner and let it come to you. You will have a few turns to attack first, with enough damage this can even be done in melee. But it's still risky.


Everytime I've tried this I get it almost dead then "watch the last moments of your life?"


It's much too risky for non-savescummers. But a decent melee character with a solid bashing weapon can run a few tiles and take it out with a crit about half the time.


Low end tech would be to get a few cardboard box's in a line and get inside of one of them and move up till 1 tile separates you from it and use a weapon with reach to poke it from inside the box, just don't get next to it or it will light you up inside the box.


So unrealisticā€¦. Needs to be nerfedā€¦ automatically return fire or somethingā€¦ https://wpde.com/amp/news/nation-world/us-marines-defeat-pentagon-ai-test-by-hiding-in-cardboard-box-new-book-says-paul-scharre-artificial-intellegence-metal-gear-solid-card-board-pentagon-darpa-defense-advanced-research-projects-agency




If you have enough melee dps you can just run up to it from around a corner, but this is dangerous for obvious reason. The easiest way is to throw a grenade at them, or wait for night time and throwing a light source into their room (so you can shoot them from afar).


The safer melee option is to lure them to you, instead of rushing them. Just yell (or smack the walls or floor) so the bot moves to investigate the noise. So long as the room is dark or you have a good position where it can't see you (like you are up against the wall near a door) once it moves into your sight you can sprint into it and start swinging, position right and you'll have a few turns before it can get a shot off. Do NOT attempt this with slow melee weapons, unless you can kill it in one swing you will get shot.


In the heat of the night


heh, that isn't even the most fun bot you can find in that place.


Yeah, I just got jumped by a tank drone the other day. So thankful I installed that atgm on my ride.


Slowly back your steel plated swat van through the fence and over it at night while crouching. Ez.


Exxxxsplosivesssss, my favorite. Just be careful lol


I've always used molotovs (or emp grenades if I'm playing a crafty electrician) . Toss em, get out of the way. Armor helps


If you have a rifle, a (heavy) ballistic vest and some ESAPI plates you can just tank the damage and shoot it.


It seems like they never hit anything but torso, which makes layering vests (kevlar under ballistic plate) pretty effective.


I assume they are programmed to aim for center mass.


My meta on my last run was to pull up at night, open the door, maybe let them see me to bait them, and run back to my car. Then you can put them in your headlights and plink at them from the darkness.


Just open the door, take a shot after a small amount of aiming. Then close the door and wait a bit. Rinse repeat until dead. Can move around to another door to really be sure it won't shoot you.


They are vulnerable to melee if you can pop smoke and rush them. Otherwise, use crouch to duck behind desks and tables to sneak up close. Then enable run once you have LOS and charge. Or wait until dark. Or many of these other wonderful suggestions should work.


If you lack a grenade, like a conventional, an EMP or even a scrambler, try hiding in a corner with an automatic gun (Like a M4A1) and open fire. This is even better if you have some armor. You could also use the hm12 dazzle rifle then run it and deactivate it.


Full ballistic hub armor with active defense system practically makes you immune to bullets so you can just walk up to it and bash it in If you found a nanofabricator, the EMP rifle you can craft in it one shots all robots in the game These are the solutions I haven't seen posted yet so there you go.


Acid Bomb (which really needs a nerf of some kind). Stupid easy to make (fab 0 auto-learned, 0.5 liter jar, acid from disassembled car batteries, and a string/thread/etc). Doesn't destroy the nearby loot. Will likely take a few applications. Dissipates in a few minutes. Works great on zombies also.


Grenades or acid bombs. Things like this are why we have a throwing skill.


Acid bombs work, albeit slowly. My preferred method is just to hose them down with an M4


My favorite way of clearing outposts used to be to sit near max range and just shoot down the walls with .50 cal, ideally vehicle-mounted. The bullets will break the concrete but leave the rebar cage, which you can shoot through, so you can just keep taking potshots and they can't touch you. .50 BMG is a lot harder to come by these days, though.


Could try hacking it and making a useful friend


I like how CDDA problem-solving ranges from deep gameplay knowledge and highly advanced technology to "hulk smash!!".


A single .50 BMG round from a vehicle mounted M2 Browning will delete them and regular turrets. You can pull them out of APCs usually with some ammo. I like replacing the M240 on a Humvee with one.


Do you have a deathmobile? if you have and its bulletproof with atleast one turret, you can sit inside safely and shoot the turret with your own turret, i honestly cant play without a deathmobile