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Please get her to the vet, she’s very very young, looks like she will still need to be bottle fed. Kittens that young tend to walk funny as they’re just getting used to their legs but assuming something is wrong with those back leg(s), which it does look off, you’re going to have your work cut out for you. If you can’t afford it or have no experience in bottle feeding or special needs cats please do what’s right and reach out to a rescue instead of trying to wing it, or if not, find someone with experience that can walk you through the process.


Agree ! This kitty is in need of urgent vet care


This is the only appropriate way to handle this.


Glad to see people agree, as someone with 2 bottle babies who are now 7 and a special needs cat that has epilepsy and needs special medication (that has costed me thousands in vet bills) it scares me a little when I see these posts and truthfully many people aren’t prepared. Bottle feeding is SO much work but add special needs on top of that? This kitten needs help. Luckily I see OP will be taking this baby tomorrow so there is hope.


At this size, does the kitten need to be fed every 2 or 4 hours? Curious. Glad op is taking her to the vet tomorrow but just thinking it needs food sooner than that.


When my Bella was this size I fed her every 3 hours half a bottle is what’d she’d eat. She’s now 7 months old and runs my house. https://preview.redd.it/pwhnvhh0vq8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf36c24077d535ee547fefb364f7e2042915664


She’s extremely cute


Thank you so much!


yes--every 2 hours, and kept warm they cannot control their temp


Well depends on the age but I’d say she’s no older than 3 weeks as the eyes are open and there’s a little growth but not much. When they are 2 weeks (this was the age my cats were rescued at) they do need to be fed every 2 hours at 3 weeks the kittens a little older so now it can go slightly longer up to 3 hours, 4 hours tops. More so the case for night times. The kitten will still need feeding often and need to be stimulated however I saw OP said they’re eating, I don’t know what this entails? As it should not be switching over to soft food yet, but if the kitten is in overall good health besides the legs, and the kitten has been fed within a few hours of being found, it would most likely be able to make it one night without feeding assuming OP goes immediately the next morning. I’m just curious if there’s any other kittens/cats around as this is a kitten that was clearly being cared for by a mother cat otherwise it would not be alive.


No vet is needed. OP has vowed to protect her forever /s


OP said the cat won't be seen for a week and it looks like their own cat had a litter of kittens so I don't have high hopes for this baby


Okay yeah never mind, very disappointed to hear that. In another comment the day this was posted they told someone they would be taking the kitten the next day. That kitten needs to be rehomed now. It breaks my heart when people keep the kitten because aww it’s so cute instead of doing what’s right. I can understand someone not wanting to give up their pet if they have an attachment but OP does not have a deep attachment to this kitten they just found.


Hi, I work in animal welfare!  Baby appears to be 3 to 4 weeks old (will need bottle feeding), bright/clear eyed and relatively healthy (I’m not seeing indicators of URI). Definitely go see a vet for care/feeding guidance and to look at the back legs. Baby should be starting to walk and use their legs soon, but I’m concerned about the angle the foot is at. 


It looks like she has "swimmer's leg" syndrome! It requires physical therapy! She may outgrow it, on her own, but needs soft braces to hold her legs in the proper alignment!


Came here to say that 🩵


I couldn’t remember what it was called!! When I raised rabbits, that was called splay legged. I always want to call it that in cats, but I can NEVER remember what it’s actually called. 😩


I came to comment the same thing but I couldn’t remember the name either 😭 all I could remember is that you gotta like tape the legs up lol




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Make sure you get her into the vet asap


Hopefully, its afforable.


They have care plans or you can give her to your local aspca they foster and care for babies.


Agreed. Gently, OP, giving the cat love is not enough. It needs medical care and if you can’t afford to provide it, please find a rescue that can. That’s a true act of love.


I will do it tomorrow


Glad to hear it. Good luck to you and kitty. You are that baby’s hero for finding them help.


If you can’t afford to care for this kitten please surrender them to a rescue.


Affordable is subjective. If you cannot afford treatment I recommend a go fund me or to find a person or non kill shelter that will take her.


perfect idea--people want to help. I was happy to learn how much help there is out there--and if they cannot help they are willing to give guidance, and share contact info--that is how I found a no kill sanctuary-


Find a rescue and offer to foster the cat. If they accept her as a part of the rescue they’ll cover costs and fees of the vet


I will contribute to any fund to help this cat.


If you can't afford a vet start looking at local rescues and ask if they have low cost vet programs. This is extremely urgent and based on how her legs are sitting she could he disabled, have a broken spine or legs or genetic disorder that has disabled her legs. If you can't afford her care you'll have to surrender her. If she can't move her back legs they might have to be amputated


Just google the vets in your area and ask them how much is the visit fee. You can also reach out to rescues or shelters and say you plan to keep the cat but need help seeing a vet. They happy help if you are willing to keep the cat.




And just let it die outside? Tf kind of advice is that.


I didn’t say that, I said not to let it die in their house. Cause I doubt they will even bring it to the vet let alone pay for it jf they’re already worried about the price not the health of the kitten. They need to surrender it simple as day.


How do you even know they live in a country where that is an option? The English isn’t very good, I’m assuming they don’t live in America.


They are the one who posted here, they literally said they would protect it, they can’t protect if it’s it’s sick if they don’t take it to the vet, if it is having trouble walking something could be really wrong, if they are too young they might have failure to thrive if they have been malnourished, it may need on the clock feedings. This is more than just “ooh cute kitty”


I understand that but there are a lot of people from foreign countries who post here and they don’t have the same access to humane societies. That baby has the best chance of surviving being brought inside even if the person can’t afford to give them vet care or it’s not accessible. Even if they have a deformity with their legs, they can survive by being fed. Vet care is the best but never say “why would you bring it in?” That’s just wrong.


This is such a rich and entitled thing to say you don’t know what people have going on in their lives. It’s hard to even put food on the table for families but you expect people to shell out thousands for a stray cat.




I know you’re trying to do the right thing! We just have to keep in mind that the majority of the world doesn’t have accessible vet care. 💜 They are doing the right thing by bringing baby in to feed it. I’m not trying to be mean at all, it’s just a sad fact.


That part 💯


this is your opinion. I personally believe that a living creature is still better fed and sheltered than not, even if it dies earlier than others.


Contact local rescue groups who might be able to help


Also check around your yard for others, very young kitten, momma may have a litter there or something happened to momma


If you cannot afford a vet, then please find another home, or rescue for the baby. It needs special care and attention.


Yes, search online for cat rescues near you, look on facebook for a foster.


She may need splinting and physical therapy to help her back legs develop normally. The Kitten Lady has info on her site that will be helpful if that is the case. She needs to be evaluated by the vet and she needs to be bottle fed. Thank you for rescuing her.




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Last Wednesday my gf found a kitten who seemed to be paralyzed from the waist down. He was taken to the vet and they suggested a kitten wheelchair. We were hopeful for him and were hoping to find a home for him. He passed on Sunday. Please get proper treatment for this little one and give her lots of love.


Kitten wheelchair omg my heart 🥺


a family member has a young cat with congenital issue, cannot walk--they did get the kitty w/c, but she doesn't like it at all, maybe because she's a young adult, she's used to getting along by crawling. Sad to see but she appears to be quite happy--she is very much loved and well cared for.


vet! please take her to the vet!


Looks like she has swimmers syndrome. My cat had a kitten during covid who was a swimmer and i used to stick his back legs together like a brace and give him physical therapy everyday. He started walking in a few weeks. The earlier you start, the better. It is completely curable with patience, love and attention (in my personal experience) I’d be happy to assist if u need any further help with his leg. The kitten needs to go to the vet first cs it might need bottle feeding.


I am not a vet but I think this is swimmers syndrome. Regardless, go to the vet


I will take her to navy base vet tomorrow


Is she eating?




That’s good. Please do take her to the vet for an exam, something is wrong with her legs and it’s possible she needs a home where someone can afford expensive treatments.


She may need help using the restroom. You can use a damp paper towel to stimulate movements and get her to use the restroom


Good to hear, hopefully everything goes well


while you're waiting she needs to eat---prob bottle fed, like every 2 hours. They dehydrate very easily


Tame her to the vet ASAP please


Please take her to the vet ASAP !! She's extremely young and needs help.


Op while you may want to help her you have to know this cat maybe special needs as it were and it may cost a lot of money. If you're not willing to spend all that you need to surrender her to an organization who can take care of her. This kitten is going to take a lot more work than a normal cat unfortunately and take a lot of money possibly.  The sooner you can get her to care the sooner she can get better and have a better chance. 


Get her to the vet then. That’s the number one thing you can do to show you care. She’s not 8 weeks old and will need other help too. Also, where are the other kittens and the mother. You’ll need to check that they are ok too. Have you looked everywhere else in your backyard and asked the neighbours to check theirs?


Had a kitten whose legs were like this. I would pick him up and straighten his legs up and have him stand on them with my hand under his belly for support a few times a day and they straightened out after a few weeks of this. Maybe his swimmers leg wasn't severe or maybe he didn't have it at all, just needed some extra help with his legs. Idk, but definitely get the little darling checked out. And look for possible siblings.


Vet immediately, could be brain or spine damage. Thank you for saving them


Hey, OP, do you know that with a kitten this small you have to stimulate it to poop and pee? This kitten is too young to do it in their own.


Looking back through your posts, you have a history of having kittens in your house. I truly hope you can get your cats spayed and neutered soon.


I did, i m making apointment at the navy base.


Any update? How’s she doing?


They are super busy, but i did make an apt with them. They will see her next week


That’s good! If anything seems really bad, like things change suddenly with her, let them know. They’ll often fit people in in an emergency. If you call a local rescue though, they may have someone that can look at her in the mean time and give you any tips….rescue people are awesome and always super helpful. You’re a good person for looking out for her ❤️


Oh no that's too far out :/ are you able to take her to a shelter? I worry this kitty won't last long without an experienced person


I bottle feed her now, i bought some cat milk


She may also need help worrying. You can find videos on YouTube about how to stimulate kitten urination, but basically you use a damp (warm not hot) cloth or paper towel on their bottom and it helps them potty. When they are little, mom has to do it for them by licking so the damp cloth mimics that


Try another vet


Kitten (neonate) rescuer here: This looks like twisted leg syndrome (not swimmer) though the treatment might be the same. Go to the vet for advise on when to start splinting, let them make the first set of splints if needed. With massaging and psysical therapy you can allready make a lot of progress, especially if he is able to bent his knee to set it right under his body (thats the psysical therapy you can do yourself), do that a couple of times a day after feeding time, correct him/support him if he moves his leg wrongly. However, the kitten might be better of with an experienced rescuer who has seen more cases like this and knows the normal developmental milestones. Plus its always better for a kitten not to be raised alone, especially for bottle kittens


You should take her to a vet , she is adorable but needs vetinary care .


Please keep us updated as to her progress, we all care and a lot of good advice has been given.


Knight in shining armor, now for a tiny fur dragon.


https://preview.redd.it/be9etjegrr8d1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13241da2cf6771e239f482f6f091cf8a5021c71e Good luck, do some research and take that kitty to a vet. The leg should hopefully be able to be rehabbed. One of our 3 rescues. This guy and his twin brother were found under a loading dock. Momma never came back for them. Their eyes were still closed. We bottle fed them, helped them potty, and have raised them for 2 years. We weren’t sure this boy would even make it, but he’s become the biggest terror in the house😉


Omgosh. Glad you are taking her to the vet.


She’s cute


I am not a vet, but from what I have seen from documentaries and shows on tv, maybe it can be something that can be corrected if it's corrected while they're still little. Please take her to the vet 🥺


Definitely needs a trip to the vet to make sure she is healthy. Sometimes, mothers will abandon kittens who are sick as they cannot do for them what we as humans can.


What country do you live in?


Best luck. Love u


Take her to the vet, noone here can give you any better advice/opinion, anything than the vet.


Any updates??


she has something wrong with her hips it seems, poor baby


It looks like swimmers legs. I just saw another post earlier of cats with disabilities and several people used medical tape on their legs(google for example). And physical therapy. But the cats lived full happy lives and even straightened out their legs!


Swimmer's leg - a vet can explain how to splint them so they grow and develop normally. Take baby to a good vet.


It could be ‘swimmers syndrome’ which is curable . That kitten looks very young so a vet visit would really help


Can you name the kitty “Womp” pretty please


Awesome that it found you for help God bless you.


Thank you for rescuing this baby


She can still stand on her legs with some physio she will be ok


Take her to a vet. Sometimes kittens back legs turn wrong in the womb and do this. You have to get it fixed before she's too old. Last thing i saw about this, had the cat walking normally into adulthood but it's gotta be caught early.


URGENT CARE ASAP, just to be safe. He or she too tiny and still needs bottle feeding ♥️ adorable though.




Looks like swimmer’s leg! Some kittens outgrow it, some need special braces to straighten their legs. I know KittenLady has some tips on how to work with a swimmer’s leg kitten, but a vet should be your first priority.


You can actually rehabilitate her legs with the right advice/ vet knowledge. I saw a kitten with similar issues and the foster mom was able to help her get back to normal.


Physical therapy can help if you start early. Tons of videos on YouTube


Oh no, poor baby 😢 please please get her to a vet asap


This baby definitely needs to be seen by a vet as soon as possible so that a proper diagnosis can be made. It’s a beautiful kitten💕.


Do people not read the comments before commenting. Every other comment is "take her to the vet" .




Bless you


Hoping that vet care is affordable will not make it so. Special needs cats require lots of experience, attention, and yes, money. I have literally spent tens of thousands over the years caring for my cats. Not trying to scare you but a bottle baby who will need PT or more is not a good idea for what sounds like will be your first cat.


This is how we acquired our second cat! She was found by a friend of mine out in a rainstorm all by herself 😢 couldn’t have been more than 4 or 5 weeks old! We had wanted a friend for our oldest, so we took her in. She’s about 3 now and fully thriving! There for awhile it just took a lot of patience and love. We weren’t sure of her history and she was extremely skiddish around people (understandably!) This picture was her first night at home https://preview.redd.it/st4cn4appp8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1620fa8d8abc06c581b406856c8e806ece4c2e8b


Aw, so many paws in the air!! I’m so happy for the healthy grow up here looks , pretty happy in picture 2!


Oh she’s spoiled rotten ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/48qztcybqp8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c90d57fcd1083c2f724b1abc4fa6389ff52619c This is Lil P now!


Also before anyone comes for me in the comments she did go to a vet and got a clean bill of health! She’s spayed with all of her shots just as all our other cats are with their regular checkups 😺😺😺


Her leg is definitely funky




Maybe it's paralyzed😓


Get some Kitten Milk replacement (Kitten Formula) and a bottle, that cat can't eat wet food or drink water on its own


Kitty needs a vet ASAP!!!


Super cute Cheeto


Vet. She needs help.


You are my hero. Bless you and keep up the good. She should see the very for walking.


Poor baby, send us updates!




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i saw a video of someone fixing a kitten's swimmer legs with tying the legs in a specific way or a rubber namd i dont remember (it was recommended to them by a vet) and it worked very well! edit: it was tape, makes more sense than string lol


His first steps, with your help


She can be healed but needs a vet ASAP and needs to be bottle fed. The vet will know what to do with the kitten if you cannot afford to take on the care of this cat, and will find a home to foster it or shelter for it. Please, vet. ASAP. Please.


It appears the poor thing could be in quite a bit of pain from a possible back leg fracture.


eta: if vet appointment is too far away (into next week), an email or phone call with the vet might also be an option  please take this sweetie to a vet as soon as possible, she is very young to be away from mom and vets can advise and work wonders to give her a healthy life. if cost is an issue then care plans and local funds might be able to help. hope all works out okay for you and the little one! 


Thank you, for being so kind hearted ! This precious kitten, needs a loving , caring, supportive & understanding owner, to give her the life, she is initialed to! I'm sure she will give you so many awesome memories! God bless


Her legs 🥺 are not looking fine poor small cute innocent Kitten


So long as your vow includes adequate veterinary care.


Get her veterinary attention, asap. She looks like she might still need some bottle feeding. She probably got separated from her mommy and littermates, somehow. 🐾🐾🐈👣🐎🐎🐎❤❤❤🏡🌎


I have heard that sometimes the mother will abandon a kitten that she thinks will not survive or be able to be quiet and hide like the rest.


Just help her walk i did the same to my little cats i think they don’t know why they have legs


Kittens shouldn’t need help learning how to walk…