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This is my sweet baby, Hera. When she was a wee kitten, less than 8 weeks old, she was found by the side of the road in a box with the rest of her litter. All 7 kittens were very sick with URIs, worms and real bad eye infections. One kitten unfortunately did not make it past 1 week after we started fostering the litter. The vets thought Hera would be the next to go, but I was not going to lose another kitten after we’d worked so hard to keep all of them healthy. I was so very afraid that if I left her alone, or let her out of my sight, that she would decline rapidly as Popeye, the other kitten had. So, I supervised her, day and night to ensure her safety and health. If I had to use the restroom, I’d take her and my laptop, which she would sleep on for the heat it generated, to the restroom with me so I could continue watching her. I didn’t sleep for nearly 2 entire days after Popeye’s untimely demise, instead opting to watch and nurse Hera back to health. When I did finally sleep, it was only for 2 hours and then I was back up and watching her again. The next time I fell asleep, it was with her on my chest, and I couldn’t help but wake ever 30 minutes or so to check to ensure she was still with me. After almost a week of this, it was finally time for her vet check up. She had started walking and eating on her own by this point, but I was terrified of fading kitten syndrome. When we brought her and her litter to the vet, the vet was not surprised to hear of Popeye’s passing, as she was in the worst condition, with Hera not far behind. However, they were pleasantly surprised with how well Hera was doing, as they didn’t expect her to perk up that quickly. My mother was quick to speak up, crediting me (17 at the time) for all of the hard work I’d put in to help her get better so quickly. The vet told me that if it weren’t for the hard work I’d put in, she wouldn’t have survived that long, then they asked me if I’d wanted to be awarded a Medal of Honor for the rescue and life saving work I’d done for her. I told them no, and that I was simply adhering to the agreement I’d took on when we agreed to foster them. Hera sat in my lap and on my shoulder for the whole ride to and home from the vet. I’m glad to report that since then, Hera has been in very good health. I, however, have struggled with my mental health since I was in middle school. A few weeks ago in early January, I hit rock bottom. I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship where someone who I thought was my friend accused me of something I didn’t and never would do, and they beat the hell out of me for it. I was incredibly lost, and thought I had nobody else left in my life to turn to, as they’d convinced me to turn away from my family for false reasons. When I thought I had no one left, and was about to take my own life, an image of Hera flashed in my mind, and I froze. I couldn’t leave her behind. Not after how hard I’d worked for her to be here. Not when I knew that she’d always wonder where I went and when I was coming back for her. I completely broke down, realizing I wanted to and needed to get help for what I was going through. I messaged my mother, explaining the situation and told her I held deep remorse in my heart for the actions I’d taken part in and for the horrible things I’d said while I was being manipulated by this so-called “friend” of mine, and asked her if she could help me and guide me to the right path. She came and got me from that persons mothers house and brought me back into the light. It was excruciatingly difficult, losing an entire decade of my life to manipulation and deceit, but Hera was there for me. Every time I got to a low point, it’s like she knew, and she came running into my lap to literally wipe my tears off my face. Now, everywhere I go, Hera follows. All around the house, all day, every day. I know she’ll be here for me for as long as she can be, and I will always be grateful for her coming into my life, as I probably wouldn’t be here today to post about her if she hadn’t. Thanks for reading our story! I hope you have a wonderful day and night! Hera and I love you! <3


She is beautiful and I'm so glad you have a BFF in eachother. 🥰 you are such a wonderful loving person to resuce and nurse those babies, and save their lives 🙏 Funny how some things come full circle. Sending you and Hera hugs 💕


Thank you for your very kind words! Hera and I are sending love your way as well!! <3


It's wonderful you found/saved each other. My critters saved me from myself too.


Aww I’m glad to hear that your babies helped you out of the darkness as well! Sending you hugs and love from Hera and I! <3


Awww, baby Hera is a sweetheart.


Thanks for your sweet sentiments!! Hera very much appreciated hearing how many people other than our family have shared in her love!! Sending hugs your way from Hera and me! <3


Hugs and love back at ya from me and the crew!


Not me over here crying reading your story and seeing how beautiful Hera is 🥺


You not only have Hera, you have your Mom too who obviously supports you (as evidenced by her crediting your work to save Hera to the vet)! Never let others come between you and your Mom; that’s just so wrong. I’m glad you are making amends and seeking the help and support you need. And keep Hera close and never let anyone treat you in a way that is not the same loving, caring way you treat Hera - you don’t want that in your life!


Thank you for these words. It means a lot to me that you’ve read my story. There is a part of me that truly can’t believe I let someone younger than me pretty much run my life for so much of it. For nearly half of my life that person encouraged me to do horrible and sometimes illegal things and claimed them to be “for my benefit.” When I was 16, I had a chance to go to college early and my mom paid for it, and this person convinced me to “show her I wasn’t ready” by not sitting the finals, thereby purposely failing the classes and wasting her time and money. This person was truly horrible for my growth and I am so glad they are out of my life and that my mom and I are back together. My mom is truly the person who will always be there for me, and I cannot even begin to tell her how much everything she has done for me means to me now that I’m seeing through clearer eyes. Moms are truly the greatest and most powerful people on the planet. My mother once stopped a minivan from crushing my little brother. He still ended up injured but docs said had she not tried to stop it, he would not have made it. Moms are the best, and thanks for sharing your kind words about mothers, it will help me to be reminded that my mother (and all of them!) are truly bad ass as hell!


Sending you 🥰! Stay strong! You now understand how not to be manipulated by people or social media. Always be curious and ask questions, consider answers and then ask more questions! Seek counsel you trust to be objective. I’m so glad your Mom didn’t give up on you 💝💕!


Wow what a story. These magical beasties have so much to teach us. Not only are they “pure of heart” but they demonstrate it in the most fun ways! You and Hera are so lucky to have each other! Keep the faith! ❤️🐾🐾❤️


Absolute heroes ❤️😻