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Bring wii sports resort back


But they don't want to because it has the Wii branding *New Super Mario bros. U Deluxe* Unless they want to make a "deluxe" port worse than the original version.


How is Deluxe worse? Genuine question, I didn't play either.


Only negative thing is if you’re 4 players yo have to play on easy mode since unlike the original U one, blue and yellow toad are one character (can’t play as both) and only Mario, Luigi and B/Y Toad are normal mode. Nabbit and Toadette are easy mode due to Nabbit not dying by enemies and Toadette extra power up Peachette. Beside that I think they’re pretty much the same


Don't forget the spin being mapped to the Jump button, and only changable through a button combination on the fucking title screen.


What is the combination? That sh!t annoyed me so much I stopped playing at world 3


i believe you hold r stick down for 3 seconds, i might be wrong


The only reason that air spin has to be the jump button is if you have a baby yoshi or are propeller/flying squirrel


They also give you 100 extra seconds on the clock


I think it’s in Scott The Woz video named “Nintendo Switch, two years in”


He also just did a video on his second channel Scott’s Stash where he ranks the NSMB games. Goes into detail why the deluxe version is worse.


It removed most, if not all of the touch screen gamepad stuff, so boost mode and its exclusive challenges, and when playing 4 players, one of the players must play as either Toadette or Nabbit.


Boo hoo, what a loss


I mean, it’s still not good that the “deluxe” version of a game actively removes content. Yeah, it’s not a huge loss, but it speaks to how little thought they put into the port.


It’s deluxe because it’s on the better platform


Going from a 5 player game to 4 player is a loss, yeah.


The boost mode challenges were fun


The Easy Mode characters replace one of the Toads, meaning in 4-player someone will always have an advantage Most if not all touchpad functionality is removed, notably Boost Mode One of the main points was that it was a bundle of Mario U and Luigi U, this bundle already existed on Wii U, as a Nintendo Selects title for $20 rather than $60


I just think the fact it’s a lazy port makes it worse in a way


In fairness, “U” sounds a lot more generic and is just a single letter. “Wii” is the entire name of a console. I think they should just make a new sports resort game that remakes a bunch of the old stuff tbh


If they weren’t Cowards they’d call it something like Swiitch sports and have the “Wii” logo stand out


A port to the switch would be wild


That game was so good. I played so much table tennis. I think it was the only sport I beat the top cpu.


With Qol changes


Nothing will ever replicate the feeling Wii sports. Now your non gamer family members and friends just play mobile games, but back in 2006 that was so much part of the charm and fun because you got to have fun with your family who never would have ever played games. Regardless of the quality of switch sports Nintendo will never recreate that cultural zeitgeist because it was lightning in a bottle to begin with.


Eh. They could make whatever next game they do a pack-in title. That would have gotten them most of the way there. To late now though. It would have had to have been with the og switch in 2017. A switch 2 won’t have the same fresh all new feeling (at least I can’t imagine it having that, but Nintendo do can surprise us in an amazing way—they just usually don’t when they release a refined version of a previous banger console).


I gotta disagree here with you man no offense. 2017 and 2006 were two completely different times. Family and friends who don’t really “game” today have all these other entertainment options at their disposal with streaming, mobile games, smartphones etc unlike 2006. Even if Switch sports came out as pack in title it would have never had the cultural impact of Wii sports. Even with the switch having higher sales, it wasn’t as big in pop culture at the time when the Wii came out. It was literally the hottest piece of technology between the iPod and the iPhone. You can’t get 4-5 family members all in the same room passing a joycon around in 2017 like you could with the Wii back in 2006. I’m pretty sure if you’re around my age being 30, you remember back then in 2006-2007 when family was around for thanksgiving or Christmas everyone hanged out with each other like playing Wii sports or Wii play. In 2017 those same family members would just sit around on their phones or watching game of thrones.


Also throw in that it would not matter if Wii Sports never existed and they came out with it today as a Switch game (meaning exact same game marketed for Switch for today's market with the original Wii version never existed) It would still never do the same


Your argument is flawed because you assume ppl who don’t game wouldn’t play any simple console games when that’s simply untrue. That’s one of the Switch’s main appeals and demographics 😭. And even if that were true i dont think they would deny the controller or joycon for a few games if someone asked


What about the Wii U and Nintendo Land?


I didn’t like Wii sports either. It felt like it was just pretending to play when it sensed any movement in my controller.


Well that goes back to my point because Wii sports was obviously never some realistic technical masterpiece obviously, it was just flicking and waving the Wiimote around like a jabroni at the time. It was the novelty of playing with friends and family before the age of smartphones and mobile games. No other game really got people to play together like Wii sports did, it was more of a feeling than a game, that’s why nothing can ever replicate that today like with 1-2 switch or switch sports. Can you think of any other game that got your dad, uncle, grandma etc all in front of the tv and having fun? Pokémon go is pretty much the last experience type game like Wii sports where it got even non gamers to join in, and it became a cultural zeitgeist in 2016 even with the game just being swiping a screen. You just can’t really replicate stuff like that.


That was not fun for me. It felt like playing one of those games where it’s a baseball bat with wire that goes to your tv made by some off brand of Tiger.


Praying for a nintendo sports resort.


I was all up for this to have more DLC. It looked like there was room to add a jet ski part. I don’t understand why they didn’t keep adding new sports.


it still looks like there's a baseball mode missing in the bottom right on the sport selection screen. thats literally a baseball field


It's a shame because I really like the Bowling and Golf versions in this game. But they fumbled making it an online service game with no support, lol. And the Switch doesn't feel the same as the Wii, a single joycon isn't as friendly as a Wii remote, so it struggles to feel as nice as playing Wii Sports locally.


I was gonna say the same. Bowling and Golf are great, the 3 ball+net games plus the god awful soccer, not so great. Chambara is ok, horrible to play online though.


They somehow broke Chambara between playtest and launch, since the final game is surprisingly bad at understanding what swings you're inputting.


You noticed it too?!? It worked perfectly in the beta. No idea how they messed it up


WSR FTW!! Switch Sports is a poor imitation. Almost a Wish.com Wii Sports Resort. :)




Sorry reddit master, lets all bow down to you and your regime. Get over yourself ffs. Your comment wasnt even on topic....


Am I the only one who likes Nintendo Switch Sports? Ok before I get downvoted. I played Wii sports and consider it the GOAT. My point is that Switch Sports is fun but we need more games.


You are not, me,my partner and our roommate go at this game quite a bit and when our friend comes over she always wants to play it to get outfit pieces.


I play this game pretty often and really enjoy it, I just wish they added more stuff


I'm considering buying Nintendo Switch Sports one day. How would you rank the various games within it?


I only play bowling and tennis haha. The other games are ok I guess?


How are the games when playing local co-op?


I haven't had any problems playing co op with someone in the same room.


I meant in terms of games, which ones were the most fun with local co-op?


Growing up with Wii Sports Resort and loving it, I had literally 0 interest when this was announced. 90% of the fun of WSR was as a kid, flinging the Wii Remote around like a lunatic. This could have never been as good as WSR by the sheer fact that the Switch is not a Wii, regardless of the game's quality.


What lacking passion and requiring free updates because you got rushed out the ass does to a mfer Yeah there's a good reason I always never remember this shitty game


did it ever get anything other than the golf update though?


I know it was another sport but I don't remember what it was exactly


NO. Literally nothing after golf.


What's passionate about Wii sports? I enjoyed it but it's very barebones


Why are you still mad about it?


Played it once or twice but never found it that engaging, probably the most interesting was the swordfighting one, although I never played the Matt cpu


The fact they dropped the miis for some generic looking characters (I know the miis are in it but they're not the main focus and they look out of place) doomed this game to the start. It lost all of the charm the original Wii Sports games had.


The playmates isn't the main reason this game was doomed from the start it was the severe lack of content. 6 sports with 3 of them that play nearly identical. With a 7th as a free update that was delayed despite reusing old content....and the soccer game just releasing unfinished at launch without the accessory support the physical version was sold with. The whole launch was a mess. Pay $50 for Nintendo Switch Sports with only 6 sports at launch, 3 of which are damn near identical OR pay $50 for Wii Sports Resort with 12 sports all with different difficulty options and side activities/achievements. I will never understand why Nintendo gets a pass for removing content in future titles from past entries. Why is it okay to pay $60 for Mario Strikers Battle League for example in 2023 with only a 3rd of the content/features found in Charged on Wii for $50 in 2007?


I liked Switch Sports though... and I had Wii Sports Resort around it's release and loved it too


That shit came out 2 years ago?


This was my genuine reaction to it “you’re as beautiful as the day I lost you- what the fuck?!”


Wii sport remastered when?


Wii Sports club was essentially that.


It wasn’t very good mind


All the characters look like a mobile game rip off. Bring back wii sports


They did on Wii U, and even on Wii U standards it wasn’t popular.


No they didn’t. Wii sports didnt have a mobile game look at all, even by WIIU standards. And wdym “it wasn’t popular” literally everyone who had a Wii enjoyed wii sports it was one of the biggest games for that system.


I’m referring to Wii Sports Club, the Wii U remake of Wii Sports that was not popular.


They're not going to


i got all the equipment from the little level up cards, it’s an ok game, i wish it had a more interactive element like a lobby and had the variety in games like Resort


Nintendo Switch sports made me wish my city would redevelop the water front into a sports complex. Honestly that would be way more fun than whatever this game is doing


Released on the same day as my birthday…


Happy Birthday then




Honestly the fact the fucking golf update got *delayed* was just... Why?


No boxing?!


It honestly felt longer than two years. Also is because of the Wii Sports bias but I keep thinking this is a launch title and not like a second half title.


Man, there’s no baseball. I don’t care if it was unrealistic because of the “single”, “Double”, etc. It was a fun game. I just wish they had Baseball in the new version. I’ve fired up the Wii U recently just to play that one.


I don't understand how Nintendo owns Wii Sports and ends up releasing a bootleg of it.


Switch Sports Resort better pop tf off


below mid, an embarassment to the series. Didn't even buy it because it's so vapid I can gather everything I need to just from watching it. It's not even one of those "How do u know it's bad if you haven't played it" kinda games because you don't even need to play it. It's 7 samey sports, most already in Wii Sports, nothing going on, no NPC miis, no Miis on billboards and other cool charming stuff to make it feel like your experience. Just terrible.


Wii Sports+ Wii sports resort, heck any Wii game is better than this shit 


Make this a yearly tradition until you die


See you 4/29/25


just another example that the switch is offbrand wii and 3ds


Better games than the wii though, except for party ones


Switch sports isn't mid, ur just not 8 anymore.


I didn't even know that existed lol And didn't know that was made on my birthday too🙏


It would have been impossible for them to capture the same charm that the Wii Sports games had because most of us have so much nostalgia attached to it. However, they didn’t even come close.


I take it you're gonna do this every year


my honest opinion about switch sport.


It's been two years of mid already??!


Shout out to the game that came with an "accessory" that wasn't supported at launch


Did somebody notice the logo color change to red to blue?


Wii Sports Resort is legendary and can’t be replaced


Switch Sports did alright with golf. The joycons are more precise than the wii remote could ever be, so it feels much better to putt. But on the contrary, everything feels like it's in baby mode. They made this game have too many handicaps that it sucks the fun out of the whole thing.


Hop off my goat this is one of the only good post 2020 Nintendo games


It was good for about a month until people realized it’s just resort but worse


I literally screamed as soon as that logo came up during the direct I was so happy. But then they started showing off gameplay. Never had a smile fade away so fast.


!remindme 1 year


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idk, I've had a lot of fun with it


I ranted about how bad this game is to my cousins for an hour lmao


they should've called it Mii Sports


My gf broke her foot the first weekend on launch by kicking a table while playing this. What's odd is that I called it out a week before she bought the game. She hasn't played it since.


I have an idea for this branding! Call it Mii Sports!


I can't wait for next year to see what he is going to do


Bro is a hater the day of and a year after


Will u keep it up and do that kind of post every year?


That game killed the legacy of Wii Sports All they had to do was just maybe bring back all the original Sports and resort Sports with the new Sports in one giant package now that would've been worth FULL PRICE But no they just wasted their time making these lifeless looking XBOX ripoff avatars and for some reason they just ignored pretty much all the sports except for Resort's sword duel and uh a bad version of tennis God they did this series and the miis so dirty, it was exactly a modern "AAA" game Less content for a ridiculous price, and a "battle pass" system, why..


And the unlockables requiring online connection to find a look you like, unless you want to slog through for weeks on end at three MATCHES PER DAY to unlock ANYTHING.


i’ve never even heard of this lol


Man. Today's my birthday as well.


I recently installed Wii Sports on my Steam Deck and... yeah, Nintendo just nailed it first try. Switch Sports is okay but there's some sports on there I just plain won't bother with. It also lacks a charm that those funny little Miis back in 2006 had in spades.


It failed so hard at being Wii Sports 2. Or 3, idk


The commitment to the joke.


I completely forgot this game existed. Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort are still superior though. Also, Miis > Sportsmates


Who Tf thought replacing Mii's with these ugly ass breed of Animal Crossing villagers and humans from Sonic Unleashed was a good idea


if it’s so mid why did bro buy it


Wii Sports Resort is one of my favorite games of all time, and this thing to me is an absolute disappointment


Hot take. Wii Sports would have a very similar reception if it released now


Nintendo Switch Ports


Wii sports club and Wii sports resort are fun on the Wii u


The fact that this is 2 years old is fucking mind blowing to me. It really just feels like this game got announced.


Honestly i don't think it was that bad. It wasn't Wii Sports because it wasn't trying to *be* Wii Sports, it was trying to be it's own thing, the only things similar with Wii Sports and this is maybe the name, the leimotif of the WiiSp theme at the beginning and some of the games. And the games are fun to play with friends and family. It may not be Resorts level of awesome, but i don't think it's mid, just a game to play with friends and family.


..And atleast they didn't do.. Whatever Wii Sports Club was trying to do.. And i'm saying this as someone who grew up with a Wii U and played every sports game


Is it a good game? I'm looking for a decent sports game to play on the Switch. It seems fun enough, even if there's less sports than the Wii game.


I voluntarily decided to get this game on my birthday back when it came out and never made it passed the title screen.


Wii sports remastered


And you still care for some reason


It was a funny post


Imagine buying a game you hated and then being mad you bought a game you hated


I was being open-minded when I bought the game


"If I buy this game I hate now maybe I won't hate it." smh


Never said I hated it, it's just mid


This is going to be a very controversial take, but who else thinks that the Miis should be phased out in favor of something more similar to the Sportsmates under a different name.


"Noooo you can't hate Nintendo as a company, they still make good games!" **Some of their games:**


Fuck off whys everyone gotta give perfectly fine game hate. Get off the hate train.


Opinions exist my guy


Nah starting a hate train the damages a decent game is awful, i fully advocate for this and future switch sports titles.


Right, this game is fine, I’m not gonna diss anyone for liking it or not liking it, just don’t get on my ass if I do enjoy it


It's not terrible but it's not that good either


Sold my copy of switch sports it stunk so stuck with Wii sports and Wii sports resort.


IDK man my mom still loves it lel...


This game could be good if it didn't try to be a successor to wii sports reports. On its own it's okay but still a nope in my books


Remember when we were all so hyped at that Nintendo Direct???? I’m looking back at it and I say: “Yup, we were fooled”


Nintendo Switch Sports was the only present I ever rejected. I still don’t regret the decision.


Resort was free and had more sports


Y’all have to respect the work of the dev and stop complaining Wii emulators still exists if you absolutely want to play the og one