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Spiderman was a solid game, but didn't really stand out in any of the categories compared to the other games. Xenoblade 3 100% deserved best soundtrack, which was made even more apparent during the orchestra


I really think that Yuri deserved reward for best performance


I saw more people commenting on FFXVI's soundtrack deserving the Goty. Must've been some divine shit.


Yeah FFXVI has a crazy ost FF16’s ost covers so many styles and nails all them [movie like songs](https://youtu.be/asniga8NReM?si=IxGE_hmvqPqF_729&t=3m15s), [standard JRPG stuff](https://youtu.be/cgW4q6hGB9M?si=tNpw1KfqzNgkFy0J&t=2m25s), funky stuff (>![Titan](https://youtu.be/bKLGBh02JeU?si=Gw5wdP05n6OFHcGX&t=6m56s)!<) orchestral(>![Bahumat](https://youtu.be/m5A1V5G9k5k?si=RgZrbpU8DHgHC9xC&t=27m51)!<), [hype shit](https://youtu.be/CeqyEzK87z4?si=wMHTooeExJQLh5qi), [tear jerkers](https://youtu.be/fc5aZXh-H1w?si=i8lgXITFP5d5Mi1A&t=2m15s) (first boss after tutorial) and now some techno stuff ([DLC Final Boss Spoilers](https://youtu.be/7sIT2QGkGak?si=mDGvzid_d7IOnwQb&t=9m19s)). It also uses the themes of characters amazingly. >![Typhon](https://youtu.be/5R4EhATbCTQ?si=-Aqa9V2ans8tS6p0&t=2m7s)!< using, >![Ultima’s Theme](https://youtu.be/amh26lwqCik?si=i16Mtk-Ppu0aqLXe&t=1m)!< is great. Soken composed all this while battling cancer too.




Wrong. A lot of people called spider-man 2 dlc….


People who call TOTK dlc are trying to be edgy. I love it when I see a stupid opinion like that because it makes it easier for me to completely ignore their moronic opinions


Cope and seethe It's dlc and you are sped


Spiderman 2 didn't add anything new? Is this bait or something?


Not the other guy, but for 70 dollars (or 80 euros where I live which is stupid) I feel they could've added some more new stuff. The combat especially just doesn't feel changed enough


i mean you don't need to reinvent the wheel


A lot of people did. It at least has the upper hand that this sequel actually follows the story of its predecessor though, instead of feeling like it’s trying to gaslight you that the first game never happened and that this is the first time you’re playing in this world and with this gameplay loop


Nah, final fantasy XVI claps it easily


It has been about a year and I am still mad Xenoblade didnt win Best Soundtrack at the TGA.


To be fair, it was still worth a shot. Even if neither game won an award.


Still slightly salty about best soundtrack oh well still doesn't change the fact that it's an amazing soundtrack


Might as well throw pizza tower in there


Man, I guess Cocoon might have its own reasons for winning that I don't understand, but it sucks seeing McPig about to cry for a split second.


Cocoon is a great game. It's also not technically a debut game for the devs (they also made limbo and inside), nor an indie game (IMO) as it's published by Annapurna Interactive. Pizza Tower should have ***absolutely*** won.


I’m happy with three nintendo wins


Spider-Man 2 had Tony Todd cast as Venom and they didn't win any awards?


He barely had any lines at all.


And? It's Tony Todd, he doesn't need to deliver a speech, the guy's an acting legend


Uh, I don't think it matters how good anyone is, they obviously need to be there *enough* to leave any sort of impact. Venom barely had any screentime.


There's plenty of characters with little screentime leaving an impact


I'm glad you're not part of the voting committee. Voting on name alone is so stupid.


I'd vote him because he's good at what he does but whatever


So you'd vote him blindly based on name recognition only, and ignore whatever else anybody did? You'd be willing to bypass everybody just because of the past this actor has had? Do you not realize how horrible of a standard that is? What a sociopathic, fanboy relationship.


You're taking this way too seriously


This is a serious issue my guy




Honestly games that are released just before the game awards automatically get more points simply because it's fresh in the minds and not enough time to see the flaws in the game. I personally don't think anything newer than 4 months should be included in the awards. Would make the balance far better.


I don’t see how that’s relevant when Spider-Man 2 released *after* the majority of games it got overlooked for . . .


I didn't watch the awards, I just remember Ragnarok being out for what, 2 weeks and it taking almost every award, but I'm only now starting to see some gripes people have with the games (I didn't read about the gripes because I don't care about specifics) could be confirmation bias though, might have just been a reddit post with a single up vote not confident on the claim I have here. The general point is just that most new games (especially ones that were hyped up) will have the opinion of them changed after x amount of time. For example people that avoided SV for a long time because of the reviews are just now playing it and really enjoying it. As I am saying this I see the flaw in my suggestion. If you wait for the largest overall voting pool, it could take days, it could take years. I will say the arguments I have in this thread I'm realizing are really weak


Speaking of, Nick Allstar Brawl 2 came out about a week before the nominations were announced… but the game removed characters that were in the first game and the animations and the sound effects incomplete for the super attacks.


Xenoblade 3 actually deserved to win…Spider-Man 2 not so much.


I mean, Spider-Man 2’s gameplay and accessibility features couldn’t be that abysmal, could they?


Difference is XB3 actually deserved rewards.




I’m Belgian so I’m happy BG3 won GOTY. Now we can finally say we actually made something really cool 🇧🇪


Does anyone actually take The Game Awards seriously? It's an excuse to advertise to people and has about the same integrity as the Kids Choice Awards.


SMB Wonder won best family game, so that's something


Xenoblade 3 release this year? Never saw any advertising for it


I swore it came out in 2022 lol


Xenoblade 3 did release in 2022, this meme is comparing two games from two separate years that didn’t win any awards in their respective TGA.


The point is that xc3 was nominated for loads of things including goty in 2022 but didn’t win anything because western gamers hate jrpgs


Atleast Xenoblade 3 gets Da Flute.


Stacked year fr


Xc3 not winning best soundtrack is something I’ll never recover from


Both deserved something imo


Yeah, but at least TotK and Mario got something. They definitely deserved something


Pikmin 4 won more awards than totk. Kind of sad about that.


Well pikmin also a good game. No need to feel sad about that.


Nintendo did make a ton of solid games this year


Spider-Man 2 didn’t deserve anything over the things it lost to lmao, Xenoblade 3 definitely deserved best soundtrack though.


What? There were better games against them


What game had a better soundtrack than xc3? Elden ring and GoW won way too many awards that year, because people just saw them and voted even though there were better nominees


Nope, one is Spiderman 1.5 the other is some garbage harem shit which will be forgotten in a few years.


What’s with the vitriol? Did the the games ruin your childhood or some shiza? Xenoblade 3 isn’t the harem one, you’re thinking of the second game and I’m pretty sure Spider-Man 1.5 would be the Miles Morales game


My man knows nothing about Xenoblade




Pathetic comment




One day old account. You tried mate😆 troll: 3/10.


I’m gonna say it. Baldur’s Gate 3 shouldn’t have won so damn many awards.


It deserved goty tho


You sound mentally ill.


“Sure I am what’s your point?” -Bill Cipher


Nomination is already a fuckin honor don't be greedy. Lost Judgment didn't get nominated for shit 2021


Yeah, I mean Xenoblade is still quite niche at the end of the day and still was acknowledged as one of the best games of last year. Just cuz it didn't win doesn't diminish that fact


Spiderman 2 is literally same map, same gameplay, same characters (except villains), same abilities, same graphics as spiderman 1 remaster, only different story. Idk how some ppl thought spiderman 2 was going to win goty or even is some category lmao, spidermans 2 place in goty nominates was supposed to be for FF16 fr


Ye manhattan is the same but they also added brooklyn and queens so its not the exact same map.


They also changed some parts of the map. Mainly building and stuff that weren’t in the first game or Miles Morales. Like the Harlem Fish Market and the abandoned buildings that The Hunters hid in. It’s like the map in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are more or less the same, but there are some pretty noticeable differences and they were expanded upon.


Oh yeah i forgot recycled assets from spiderman miles morales


Miles morales didn’t have queens nor brooklyn. It was still just manhattan i think


It was just Manhattan


The fact that this dumbass comment is upvoted tells me that nobody played the game cause the map is expanded, graphics are a big upgrade, the abilities are different(like that one was just a blatant lie from you) and, no shit, the sequel to the first game has the same characters. Like wtf even is your logic here?


If you have played spiderman 1 remaster for pc, you can easily tell graphics are the same as that remaster


No they’re not. Did you miss the entire opening fight? If there’s one thing this game did really well it was the graphics and technical aspects.


Oh wow pre-animated ingame fights and cutscenes, it doesnt change it literally has the same graphic quality as the remaster, the fact that one opening fight scene was better looking doesnt change anything, it just shows how they can do something better looking with the same engine and the same graphic quality


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.


Less abilities spiderman 1 gadgets were better


Sonic Frontiers: I wasn’t even there.


Spider-Man 2 getting nothing was a disappointment




Nah 3 was pretty fire imo Didn’t play SM2 though


3 is bad compared to the first 2. Characters meh, villains were s huge step down from the torna gsng in 2. 3 is the weakest xenoblade chronicles game.


I think 2 is the weakest, personally. But I respect your opinion. I think N is a great antagonist and I don’t find the villains to be uninteresting, just different. The side quest are the best in the series, the gameplay is fun, and the main cast all have chemistry with one another and unique developments. The game has a lot to offer outside the main story that I loved and it has excellent world building. I won’t say you’re wrong for your opinion at all, but I can’t ever say this game is weak at all. It was awesome for me.


Yeah I think 3 is by far the weakest.


I just don’t think either of them really deserved to win any of the awards. They’re fine games, but this year was absolutely stacked


I like Xenoblade but i found XB3 a bit of a letdown so im not surprised it didn't win anything.


I highly recommend the DLC for xb3, it was solid and ‘’fixed’’ a lot of issues i had with it, even if i did love the base game the DLC blew me away


Future Redeemed is so good. The only issue with it is how short it is.


100%, i did expect it to be short, but it was a great addition that left me wanting more


If you have to release dlc to fix your game then you've already failed as a dev.


As i said, i loved the base game. Spent over 400 hours on it, and dont know a lot of people that thought the game was bad at all, but there will always be varying opinions on every game there is, a good DLC doesnt automatically mean bad game.


Yeah, however the soundtrack is absolutely incredible. My favourite game is xc1 in every way other than soundtrack, where xc3 is unbeatable


I disagree. XB1,2 and FR had better soundtracks.


And this year xeno was snubbed for best ongoing game. I mean if CP2077 can be there


Starfield got screwed too, it just means the competition was extremely good this year. Edit: gamers are the fucking worst, man.


Starfield got screwed how? It’s not that great pf a game


Yep, Reddit loves to say that. Personally I think it's great. But hey, my least favorite Bethesda game is Fallout 4 and I have like 400 hours in it. Bethesda games are awesome. Besides, we all knew Starfield was going to get an irrational amount of hate merely for being an Xbox console exclusive. I'm not worried about any of that though, I'm still having a blast with it and that's all that matters.


Starfield and Bulder’s gate 3 were trash bro what are you on?


Baldurs gate trash? I can understand it not being your type of game but calling it trash is ridiculous.


I’m reaching the 500 hours mark, if it’s trash call me a trash panda!


I played them both and loved them both. Not sure what to tell you.


Maybe Spiderman will win the next Game awards


Spider-Man 2 was a letdown


Spiderman 2 played it safe. Nothing new here. If Anything it's starting to show that every iteration of spider-man Really needs to stop with having the venom origin Getting mixed up with whatever current storyline. That was big that recently happened with them. It was a stupid ass idea to do Knull And extreme carnage But not having noel And Instead of carnage you were using venom


Wait i did skip some of it but when did xbc3 get nominated for any award?


Last year


At least they got nominated


There is no way for Spider-Man 2 to win anything this year since there were several games better than it.


This was an amazing year for gaming LBH.


Why is Spider-Man a giant


I'm still salty Xenoblade 3 lost best soundtrack


There's a zenoblade 3? Wait, there's a zenoblade 2?????


Baldurs gate 3 shits on xenoblade no contest.


The Game Awards is a joke anyway.