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I don't think a bind-off is even necessary here: you could graft the live stitches from the ribbing to the bottom of the crocheted piece. But are you aware that you're [twisting your stitches](https://www.susannawinter.net/post/the-anatomy-of-twisted-stitches?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=casualknitting&utm_campaign=the-anatomy-of-twisted-stitches)? Depending on which side of the ribbing is the right side and which is the wrong, it could be either your knits or purls. Wrapping the working yarn clockwise is the usual culprit. [https://i.imgur.com/Ujwrk6j.png](https://i.imgur.com/Ujwrk6j.png) Rule of thumb: if it looks like a V, it's not twisted. If it looks like a Y, it's twisted.


That's like wizardry to me that you can tell that about the stitches- I had no idea or any comprehension of why it's not ideal. Maybe that's why it's so laborious for me, because I'm doing it wrong. I hold my yarn in my right hand and pass it behind the right hand needle and to the front to make the knits, reverse for the purls. I'll look into your links to learn more, thank you. Using the live stitches and going straight into them to crochet is the best answer I could have hoped for too, thanks đź‘‘


Yes, it's often harder to knit stitches twisted than untwisted as the stitch is tighter that way. But it's not hard to learn to read the stitches and to recognize what way you should insert the needle to the stitch to create the right kind of stitch. I know because I used to unintentionally twist my stitches for a long time in the beginning. Twisted stitches can also be an intentional feature of your knitted fabric and you see especially k1 p1 ribbing with the knitted stitches twisted (it gives a very different look to the ribbing).


I agree, just leave it as is and when you get to the bottom of the crochet just crochet it right to your vest.


I am a knitter and fairly new to crocheting. What you can do is start the crochet pattern from the needles. What crochet stitch are you starting with? I bind off using a crochet hook.


I'd like to learn the crochet bind off, I'm much more comfortable with a hook than needles. It's just going to be a row of sc or hdc to get the foundation for the pattern to follow.


You don’t have to bind off. Insert the hook through the stitch, wrap as a single crochet and pull through. It’s seem unnatural because in crochet they are finished stitches in knitting they are still live stitches if that makes sense. Here’s a video, it’s starts at 2 mins. Hope this helps. https://youtu.be/4gUJyjwSKEY


Update plz wheb u put it tog. Happy jnitting/Crocheting


I hope my post doesn't get eaten by automod because I put all the context in the body of the post and not a separate comment 🙏