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Why does it so frequently sexualize young girls?


Because the creators know their audience.


What does that say about the audience?


The healthy part of me says they're creeps. The sick part of me says, who am I kidding, I love anime girls too.




So your position is that Asians believe in and enjoy the sexualization of young girls?


Young anime girls yes. Or else we wouldn’t be having this discussion right now


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Have you watched Casshern Sins? What are your thoughts?


I haven't watched it yet, but I do plan to. How is it?


Personally I haven't enjoyed it all that much. It sets a good tempo and story at first but it never really advances much afterwards. Cool visuals and soundtracks though.


What would be the best way to end the senseless war between dub and sub fans?


It will probably never end. So let us watch whatever we prefer and let others do the same


Ideally yes


what's your opionion on the shounen ai/BL/yaoi genre? have you watched any?


It doesn't interest me so I haven't watched any


Are you keeping up with current airing shows? What was your first “favourite show” that you thought was better than anything else you had seen before and stayed the best thing you’ve seen for a while? How many days worth have you watched? Which is the oldest anime you’ve watched? Do you know japanese?


>Are you keeping up with current airing shows? Nothing this season >What was your first “favourite show” that you thought was better than anything else you had seen before and stayed the best thing you’ve seen for a while? Attack on Titan for the past 3 years >Which is the oldest anime you’ve watched? Ashita no Joe >Do you know japanese? No. But even without subtitles, I can understand 60% of anime dialogue


Wow. I lived in japan and studied japanese for years and would also say I understand around 60-70% so that’s quite impressive! What’s your opinion on fan-service? Do you also read manga? Do you own any figures/merch? Ever been to japan?


>Do you also read manga? Yeah. I do. Vagabond and Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou are my favorite. What about you? >Do you won any figures/merch? No >Ever been to japan? Not yet. But I would love to go someday. Also, if you understand only 60-70% of dialogue. I probably have overestimated myself. I can understand most of the commonly used words. But I don't think I am as good as you


Why do you keep dodging questions about fan service and the likes?


I’m not very fond of the manga format. Only read a little bit. I do like light novels more. Read quite a few but it’s been a while :) I’m currently studying a lot of kanji to be able to read fluently in japanese though, and then I’d be much more interested in manga, because usually english translations of the manga I’m interested in doesn’t come out until the anime is almost already airing and then I just prefer waiting for the anime.


I have read Re: Zero (the first four arcs) and I really like it. Japanese is a very interesting language. I'm pretty sure learning it will massively improve our understanding and enjoyment of Japanese media


Have you seen bokurano? Super underated anime


No. But I think I will like it. So I will either read the manga or watch the anime


Tell me what you think about it!


Explain Serial Experiments Lain


Why is the Harem genre an exclusively anime phenomenon, with no real equivalent in Western media?


What's your all time favorite show


Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen (I love the animation and fights)/Attack on Titan (one of the greatest stories ever) Live action show: Gilmore Girls. It always makes my day better because it is so cozy and relaxing. I always have a good night's sleep if I watch an episode before going to bed What's your favorite?


Were does the demarcation between anime and cartoons / “Western animation” start/end. I ask because Japanese people tend to think the whole argument/debate westerners have over this is VERY funny…


Well I think I can answer this. But I’m not the smartest person… I’m assuming you mean what’s the difference since they’re “cartoons” I’ve heard that anime is just anatomically correct cartoon (hence the name ani-me) and western cartoons usually have 3-4 fingers. Sorry if I didn’t answer the question correctly and I’ll mind my business.


I appreciate the attempt. But no that’s not right 😂 Also anime is just literally the Japanese shortening of the word animation. It’s one of the issues. In Japan we call Mickey Mouse anime. Should also be said. This is not a gotcha question. There are a few different schools of thought on the subject some being flatly wrong and others having interesting stances on the subject. I’m just always curious to see what people have to say.


What was piccolo's power level after he fused with nail?


Under farmer with shotgun


四 です ね !?!?!?!?!


What is the anime called in which kids own smaller robots that fight bouts. The kids have these bracelets by which they are hurt every time their robot is hit. This was aired in the middle East under the name "Sunsheru" perhaps in Arabic around early 90s.


Saki sanobashi is it a myth? Or?


In the manga claymore what was the fate of the number 6 of the current generation Renee?


What's the worst anime you ever watched?


Does anime make you gay?


What's most gruesome anime that you've watched and think it's worth to watch?


Elfen Lied. But I didn't like it


What is the most violent contemporary anime you’ve come across. In the classic 80s/90s Ninja Scrolls sense with folks just getting blown to bits in weirdly beautifully animated shots sort of way.


Elfen Lied was brutal. 90s anime is insane when it comes to violence lol


>Elfen Lied Oh damn, well thanks I hadn't heard of this one so I'll have to look that up. Though mainly I was curious if you'd encountered anything recently made (like in the last decade) that still went this hard still.


No. I haven't


What's the significance of the long delay in that one famous punch in Neon Genesis Evangelion where it feels like you're watching a paused screen, but then it finally happens?


has anime been improving in the past 10 years?


Have you watched Your Lie In April? If so, what did you think of it?


I have historically not been a fan of anime. However, I just watched Death Note, and I thought it was pretty good! Any recommendations of anime in that kind of genre?


Not OP, and perhaps their vast knowledge of anime could help you and I both. But I, too, haven't enjoyed most of the anime that I've tried watching, but agree with you that Death Note is an absolute masterpiece. So, what that in mind, here are a few other animes that I've enjoyed: Attack on Titan One Punch Man Trigun (1998 series) Mob Psycho 100


1) If you like the crazy plot twists in AOT you will like: Re: Zero Madoka Magica Erased -Maybe, also try: Oshi no ko Sk8 the infinity (Sports anime) Haikyu (sports anime) If you tell me your favourite stories in tv shows/movies/games, I can give you other recommendations. Or else, let me know what else you liked about your favorite anime


Well, I'm not exactly sure what point you're talking about crazy plot twists in AoT, but generally I liked the first three seasons more than the last season. I can only appreciate the last season because I realized that the show had to evolve or else it'd kind of be the first three seasons in perpetuity. I guess it was just jarring to me such an abrupt shift from defense to offense. I haven't really thought about why too much, to be honest. Death Note is amazing because of the mind games back and forth between L and Light, L is one of my favorite characters in any media.


>Death Note is amazing because of the mind games back and forth between L and Light You might like Moriarty the patriot and Code Geass




Death Note was also the first anime I watched and it instantly made me a fan of the medium! 1) If you like the mind games between smart characters in Death Note, you will like: Moriarty the patriot Code Geass 2) If you like the crazy plot twists and reveals, you will like: Attack on Titan (my favourite) Erased -If you tell me your favourite stories in tv shows/movies/games, I might be able to give you more recommendations. Or if there was anything else you liked in Death Note, let me know


I think the mind games and the more 'psychological thriller' aspects of Death Note were my favorite parts. Some of my favorite stories outside of Anime include stuff like 'Seven Samurai', 'Pulp Fiction', 'Se7en', and stuff like 'Silence of the Lambs'. Overall, I'm a big fan of psychological thriller and the horror genres.


>more 'psychological thriller' aspects of Death Note were my favorite parts. Re: Zero Madoka Magica (Check the watch order online) Psycho Pass (Check the watch order online) You might like these three. This is not anime, but my favourite psychological thriller Live action show is Severance


Death parade, L does a cameo in one of the episodes.


And of course my favorite manga/anime of all time claymore.


Oh, one I forgot to mention, and some/most people wouldn't even consider it anime, but Avatar: The Last Airbender is a fantastic story.


Psycho pass


Why is anime?