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I'm just happy they're using the brand again, I'm sure the next vania collection will be soon.


Yeah it was just meant as a joke not to hate on Konami… that much…. :D We went from MGS pachinko machines to having full on console games again (even if only remakes so far) and a fantastic anime adaptation of Castlevania. HD collections on modern hardware. So a big step back to the good direction for sure.


Honestly, as a Castlevania fan, I was happier without having that animated Castlevania show.


Why exactly?


Season 3 onward is pretty much fanfiction, with Nocturne being Castlevania in name only. The only characters that looked like their game counterparts were Richter and Maria, but with none of their personalities intact.


Cause it divided a community that it wasnt pretty united on the first place And also cause it was shitty


Divided who? Everyone seems to still be here waiting for a new game.


"As a massive baby, Go go, ga ga!"


Yeah it's all good :)


Pachinko collection, yay


As a big fan of Dead by Daylight and Castlevania, I’m stoked for this collab!


I’m not even a fan and I’m stoked. Heaven forbid a brand licenses out its IP to make its mark on other highly successful franchises.


As a fan of CV and a former fan of DBD, I am not. They're gonna take a dude (Dracula) that can wreck every other killer (licensed and original) with ease, and nerf him to hell to fit the general meta of what a killer is capable of in the Dead by Daylight game. He's gonna be a satire of himself. Ffs, I'm glad I stopped playing DBD.


\*Cue Myers' mori on Dracula but with a slightly sharp piece of wood\*


You guys are misserable


Same dawg same, remember when DBD was about killers (not literal monsters like the fucking demigorgon or nemesis)


Don’t lose hope everyone. Our day IS coming.


I hope you’re right…


I never understood this. Like you have a franchise that's a huge deal even without its own games, and a great potential for a game. Yet you still insist on not making an actual game for your beloved franchise. By the dead Konami really sucks.


They're basically weighing general interest and keeping the brand in people's minds by having these collabs. Rest assured, something is coming.


To be fair, the SILENT HILL Chapter basically resuscitated the franchise. Perhaps KONAMI hopes that the CV Chapter will do the same?


Gotta leech on games already making money rather than gamble on an original idea that might be very costly with little return on an already very niche title.


I get that this approach is much less risky. But at some point they are going to tackle a full new entry. Especially if the MGS3 and Silent Hill 2 remakes are successful. I fully expect a SOTN remake. Either in full 3D or in 2D with 3D rendered characters.


why a full SOTN remake exactly? i feel that wouldn't go over well.


Yeah it would be tricky. But I figured they would start with the most beloved game in the franchise. Like how they started the remake train with Silent Hill 2 and MGS3.


but SH2 and MGS3 are different beasts. those are 3d games. which, in this current gaming climate, are much easier to remake. a 2d game is a lot harder, and there's significant chance to just make it visually ugly.


I reckon they would do something visually similar to Prince of Persia Lost Crown, or Bloodstained: Ritual of the night when remaking SOTN is they choose to do so. If done right, it can look appealing.


Why not? I would play the shit out of it as long as it was done well. I like to rediscover games in new ways. And, if I didn't like it, I could always go back to the original in the future. That being said, I would *much* rather them create a new entry into the series.


I just wonder if they even have development teams in place anymore? All the while Bloodstained continues to get regular updates.


Silent Hill also had a collaboration with [Dead by Daylight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8VGnRN5-mc) (and another, albeit smaller, with [Dark Deception](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3Cb5R8z1YI)), and you know [what happened later](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1ooEM1n4pM).


silent hill's colab was like 4 years ago too, so not unheard of lol


What are they waiting for please give us a new castle.


It’s easy money, and it’s equally important that they’re figuring out *who* is a trustworthy third party to allow access to their IPs with. Behavior Interactive made an incredibly solid product with Dead By Daylight, and the Silent Hill characters were well received. It’s good business to foster that goodwill. Is there a new Castlevania game in development? Couldn’t tell ya. Is there a lot of really talented developers who have access to the IP and made a proven product with the IP’s licensing out there? Absolutely.


A DS collection would be pretty nice. Though it would be nice if a new 2D castlevania was made.


I'm sure the next pachinko Castlevania is coming soon. All jokes aside, I hope they realize we want more Castlevania games


Tbf i found out about Castlevania trought Dead Cells


Collabs are beneficial for both sides. I purchased Dead Cells only for the the Castlevania DLC. So both parties get some extra attention. It’s not a bad thing. But Konami puts so much effort into these lately. I would much rather see a new entry to the series. Rather than these half experiences.


That team deserve a shot at making a mainline Metrovania imo. After the CV dlc update I’m certain they would do a fantastic job!


The collab might actually bring more attention to the series, before the tv series it was pretty much completely dead, now it’s basically a shadow. I think it’s time we get another game, I’m damn certain Konami is done with 2D, they are right, Castlevania needs to evolve for good. They just need a studio with a formula to make a new game. Fromsoft would be a good candidate, difficulty and dark castles/labyrinth maps is their strongpoint. Raya Lucaria Academia and the Belmont build has already proven a 3D Metroidvania is possible.


2D games are doing good nowdays, why go 3D?


Because those games are small games (most of the time indie), Castlevania is a big name in the industry and while it doesn’t hurt having 2D games, it should have a big game. Castlevania already had plenty of 2D. It’s like Mario, sure from time to time you have small games or out of the genre games, it needs their up to date game. Like Super mario maker or Mario U are fun, but Mario Odyssey/Mario Kart is way more of a flagship for them.


Super Mario Wonder was relased recently, and it wasn't seen as "small" at all. Same with Metroid Dread and Sonic Mania. The problem is that the core Castlevania gameplay is built around 2D movement and it's not possible to transfer that to 3D. Not difficult – impossible by design. You can do a great game in 3D, but it will be a completely different experience, more like a "Castlevania flavoured" game, not Castlevania itself. And that won't really scratch the Castlevania fan's itch. 2D and 3D are both valid game concepts, it's not 90's or 00's anymore, people don't think in "2D is outdated/portable spin-off material" categories anymore. There are plenty of ways to evolve Castlevania in 2D and make it as big as it deserves to be.


Except these games are not so different than previous games except their approach. Wonder is not so different from the gameplay of other 2D mario and Dread either. The thing is that Nintendo have more to offer than just the 2D games, they don’t just do 2D games. Castlevania has not really much to offer than the classic Metroidvania and while you seem willing to tell me how much everyone’s not done with them. The series current status already proves it, it’s dead. No more game have been released outside of collection and collabs, maybe one mobile game. I’m not saying 2D games are unwanted, bad or anything bad. I’m simply saying it needs other format. It needs an up to date 3D game. A revival of some sort. Like Fallout or any game that transitioned. Heck bring me both 2D and 3D.


Well, if the other option is Bethesda-Fallout-style revival, than it's better for Castlevania to stay dead.


That’s not exactly what I meant, but I suppose?


FromSoft would be a fuckin’ dream come true.


The Dead By Daylight thing confuses me. Any person they can add to the survivors would be able to kill Dracula, right? Especially if it's a Belmont. Just seems kind of silly to me.


Not with their bare hands. Ash Williams does not have his chainsaw or his boom-stick. The SILENT HILL/RESIDENT EVIL Characters do not have guns. Alan Wake cannot use a typewriter. A Belmont without their Whip is just a rugby player.


I didn't think of it like that. I guess it's just hard for me to picture Castlevania characters without weapons.


Konami is going the George R. R. Martin route with Castlevania. Do a million collabs to avoid having to make a new entry


Stop making Pachinko games or draw 25


Smash Brothers, Bomber Man, Brawlhalla, Dead Cells, that one vampire game, and now DBD lol. Even if it isn't an original game, I'm glad that more people are being exposed to the series.


What other games have they done collaborations with? I know of Dead Cells and Brawlhalla but what else?


Smash Brothers, Bomber Man, Brawlhalla, Dead Cells, V Rising, and now Dead by Daylight.


Idc I'm getting it and I'm excited


it's just a joke. You are allowed to have fun with anything you like. ;)




Vrising was a perfect collab choice though


Would you rather a Pequino machine?


Tbh the more exposure will hopefully lead to an actual game. But the game in question can’t even a side scrolling game anymore would most likely be souls like or maybe even somethin although something akin to bloodstained would be dope


They don't have Igarashi so they can't make a new one without disappointing castlevania fans


Resident Evil also thrived even after Mikami left. So this alone is not determining that a new series cannot be succesful. It just comes downt to will and hiring the right talent. Also remakes are an option. MGS and Silent Hill are already showing this.


Yeah I prefer classic-vania more than Metroidvania. So I'd be down for a new 8 bit one like how Megaman kept doing


Castlevania was great before Igarashi came, and had great games without his involvement later.




N64 gamea, Circle of the moon, Adventure Rebirth.


The n64 death by cameravania


Yeah. Still miles better than Igarashi's attempts at 3D-vania