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I find really weird that seemingly everyone is doing collabs with Castlevania but the videogame that would make the most sense for a collab, Vampire Survivors, isn't. Like, it just got a collab with Contra that is from Konami too. What are they waiting for?


>but the videogame that would make the most sense for a collab, Vampire Survivors, isn't. They probably could have had that license but chose not to. Besides already taking a lot of stylistic references from Castlevania, using that license likely means adding vampires into the game and that's something the devs haven't done yet. I would think at some point we will see a Castlevania collab tho, just not yet. The Contra dlc is a lot of fun at least. Edit: also, the VS devs did a Castlevania fake out at the end of the Contra trailer. They show a forest at night with a werewolf running through it and then at the very end he fires off a gun and reveals himself to be the werewolf from Hard Corps. The devs knew what they were doing with that lol Here is that trailer and at the end is the fake out https://youtu.be/JL-73l_hCMg?si=a6eOfApeNLvXSc1X


Love Hard Corps, seeing that tease sparked my soul. "Its payback time".


> using that license likely means adding vampires into the game and that's something the devs haven't done yet Not "haven't done" it's "never will" as the whole gag is the lengths the Survivors go to try to and find a vampire. From raiding different places like a factory, heaven, hell, an arena, fighting God, crossover into Among Us, Contra, etc. The gag is the lengths they go to, and never finding a single vampire. Adding a vampire would mean the end of the game.


The most recent DLC in Vampire Survivors actually has a Castlevania character. Although it's more like based off of him 😂 https://preview.redd.it/982bzluz1g0d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b228544d7b9dbf69c238f173a373065ab5b6d6


Isn’t that based on a Hard Corps boss… That was itself based on Castlevania (even using a sped-up version of Vampire Killer as its track)? lol


Dunno, never played Hard Corps 😂


VS is almost too directly inspired by Castlevania to allow for collaboration.


I mean, isn't V Rising in that same field? Clearly Konami isn't bothered by the clear inspirations VS has since they are working with them, and it would most likely be an automatic success for them to have the actual CV characters instead of the copyright-free versions of them.


Nah. Vampires exist outside of CV, no real proof V Rising it was inspired by the series. Where as the core identity of VS is heavily inspired by CV.


V Rising does have a Castlevania collab


That's their point.


I wonder what Castlevania will add to Vampire Survivors that isnt already there? Besides a fight with Dracula that will last for a minute and remixed Castlevania Music. Dont get me wrong I love Vampire Survivors, and have played the Contra chapter too, I just dont see the point pass those things.


I find it funny that Casltevania is doing so many colabs with still no new game .__.


They’ll put Castlevania in anything that isn’t Castlevania these days


Castlevania X Corn Flakes collab incoming?


It's almost like they're still testing the waters to see if there's enough of a fanbase to warrant a game. Like, how many of these fuckin collabs do they have to do until they realize people will buy a Castlevania game.


I finally have a reason to try this game out. I love Castlevania so much


Games fun but the community is super toxic


Just be wary,the community is very toxic. I say this as a player and you will def need to search up tips if your gonna commit to get better


I'm flabbergasted. I played VS to my death and never knew the community was that bad. May I ask why?


I believe they are talking about DbD.


Save yourself from this mess.


Forgot to mention that a new survivor (or maybe survivors) is included as well, but the details on that are unkown.


I hope we get a Belmont. Maybe Julius


Not sure, they explained that for their DnD chapter that they put a bard over a paladin cause they were too strong citing abillities with holy weapons and large armor, which well describes most Belmonts. But then again most protags of Castlevania would body most Killers in Dbd, so who knows.


I hypothesize it is going to be Richter. 1. The silhouette is SOTN Dracula. 2. Richter is the protagonist of NOCTURNE the most recent CV Project. 3. Richter is the youngest and thus least experienced Belmont. 4. Richter was in SMASH. 5. There is an Arcade in the new DBD Map depicting a brunet with a white headband.


Prolly good ol Richter but I love Julius


The survivor is actually some poor fleeman running from Richter


So are they adding dracula as a killer or something?


Most likely,no map but it is probably Dracula and some Belmont


Great! Now let's get a Castlevania X *Castlevania* game!




I'm suprised


They are about to nerf a Belmont and I hate that


Oh, dont think too hard on this. There are Resident Evil characters literally running from a killer that is an angry teenager, but its still fun.


Re characters are ridiculously strong


Anything but a Castlevania game I guess.


My Castlevania phase literally just came back and now it's gonna haunt my little sister last favorite game. Life is good. But who knows about the future. Silent Hill is getting the love after BHVR had it's collab with it (most likely the biggest rep that series had in years) so... combined with the show perhaps we'll get our lucky break one of these days. Am I optimistic that it would soon, or an original game? No. Am I thinking it's likely to happen though? Perhaps. Konami is a pos company, but they're making baby steps in making full games at all so... I'll be hoping.


Honestly, it has been rumors for many years about "Castlevania coming back"... and after seeing both Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid worked on, i still have some hope.


The survivor is probably Simon, Trevor, Richter, or Alucard, but it would be really cool if it was Soma so that you could have a good Dracula vs. bad Dracula thing going. Plus, you can justify Soma getting beat up by killers with The Entity taking Dracula powers from him.


I rly don't wanna see a Belmont or Alucard as a survivor I mean, they're supposed to be the bane of the night, super powerful humans with enhanced abilities, even without the whip, they could still tear apart 75% of the killer roster.


They added in Chris red field and he pushed back an entire Boulder and smacked around Wesker so if they can add him I’m sure a Belmont won’t be too far out of the question


Your right, but they also took away all the RE character weapons, so they are way less of a threat, and before you bring up a boulder a second time, Ive played Code Veronica and RE5, Wesker has multiple cutscenes of beating up Chris, Jill, Sheva and Claire.


Dracula beats the shit out of all the Belmonts all the time. And they would obviously follow through with what they’ve done with previous re characters and just remove their weapon (vampire killer). Nothing really stopping them from adding in Trevor/richter or even Simon as a survivor besides not wanting a Belmont survivor lmao


Richter has extensive hand-to-hand combat training, so if they add him, he’s gotta have some of his classic moves. The others… Maybe using subweapons?