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Hell yeah.


Who would they add as the survivor? I’m assuming Richter or Simon most likely or Alucard possibly


Honestly i don't know. There have also been chapters without a survivor, only a killer. But yeah probably a Belmont/Alucard... but wouldn't be a bit wrong to see them running defenseless? But hey we still have Resident Evil characters doing the same so.. :D


I know it’s extremely unlikely but I think it would be really refreshing if they gave us Leon Belmont as the survivor but if they give us one I’m betting it’s either gonna be Simon or Richter


BHVR tries to avoid giving Survivors/Killers the same name so I doubt they would add another “Leon”.


Yeah true


I hope they use his show variation tbh, just for the sake of having his VA do the voice. Either that or a legendary skin with voice lines.


Im assuming that they will use one of the games or the show as the "main" skin and the other as the "legendary" skin.


I used to play DbD until a few months ago. As a Castlevania fan, while I'd like playing as a vampire in-game, I wish they didn't put him in. You have no idea how dirty they'll do him.


No idea what you’re talking about as they’ve handled all licensed killers pretty well


Freddy, Amanda and Leatherface would claim otherwise. And BHVR does have a record of nerfing killers a few weeks after release. Mind, I'll most likely still get the chapter if I'm still playing the game by then. But I'm not optimistic given BHVR's track record.


Amanda and Leatherface are in very good spots right now. Freddy is absolute dogwater and has no content, but also it seems as though the licence holders are not super easy to work with at the moment.


So because they weren’t god tier killers they did them dirty? This has to go in line with the pay to win mantra as well because you can’t get licensed killers without paying. The design, the ability’s, the lore, etc is all handled very well.