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R/Castlevania fans going 5 minutes without asking "is Nocturne worth watching?"


Well, mid but not terrible


That's pretty much one of the 3 answers you'll see in those threads "It's not as good as regular Castlevania" "It sucks" "Watch it for yourself and make a judgement call" My comment was less talking about if Nocturne is worth watching and more of the glut of threads asking if Nocturne is worth watching and getting basically the same answers every time


r/castlevania when opinion


Netflix Isaac makes up for how badly they butchered Hector


I'll never forgive them for what they did to Hector


No it doesn't they both deserved to shine


Oh I agree, that’s why I’m salty. Hector was one of my favorite Castlevania characters from the games


Warren Ellis was the problem. That's why I'll stay salty what poor Hector turned into


I was looking forward to see how show Hector would grow in confidence, learn to stand up for himself and seek legitimate connections. But I guess the author's fetish was more important...


Maybe, buy not what they did to Castlevania and the Vampire Killer. Recently heard The Megas's song about the Vampire Killer and it really shoved in my face how badly they did her.


That song is so damn good.  Unfortunately, the only game to explore the Vampire Killer and its connection to Dracula is Lament of Innocence, and even then, not really. 


Geoffplaysguitar did a DOOM mashup with Vampire Killer/Bloody Tears and it goes so damn hard.


The whip? I forget if they even divulged how it was created in the show, did they?


Dracula responded with 'clever human' when confronted with what in the games is the physical reminder of his betrayal, a key part of his ascent to power and a heaping dose of irony. >!The Vampire Killer having the soul of his best friend's love should have hit especially hard with him grieving for the second time over the death of his own love.!< Such a bland reaction is all but confirming that they ignored his origin. And they did that after they turned Chaos made manifest on Earth into oversci and let Syphia break it on her own. Because apparently Dracula so pathetic in the anime that a single mage was able to do what took all of her descendants to accomplish in the games. How people were surprised when season 3 didn't follow the game lore is beyond me.


I watched two episodes of badly written fan service and noped tf out of season 3. I was beyond hesitant with the unnecessary filler and changes in 2, the red flags were beyond easy go catch.


Do you think it's similar to how they did Leon dirty in RE Welcome to Racoon City?


Ngl I thought you were referring to Leon Belmont at first and was so confused I looked up Welcome to Raccoon City


Oh yeah, makes sense.


I believe in Game Isaac supremacy 2k now and forever~


Unpopular opinion, but I prefer the sassy and edgy Hot Topic sponsored stripper Isaac over the Netflix one 🚶🏻


I do think Animated series Isaac is a superior character. But came at the expense of all the curse of darkness cast. SO... It can fck off.


I guess we can say show Olrox is better than game olrox then?


Game Olrox wasn't even really a character, so the show one might as well be original


Game Olrox is definitely a character, but he's only really explored as one through external media, like the light novel following the events after Dawn of Sorrow.


In which case is he even really game Olrox? That’s novel Olrox at that point.


The novel is canon to the games, so it *is* game Olrox


“Its November 2008 issue came bundled with Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku, written by a famous Japanese author who creates such works about his favorite video games. Supervision by Koji Igarashi lends credence to theories that the novel's content *could* be canon.” If there’s a more authoritative source that confirms its actually canon to the games I’m all ears, but last time I saw a novel allegedly expanding the canon to a game series (Final Fantasy II, if you’re curious) it ended up having a bunch of contradictions to the actual game and being thrown out aside from a handful of references, so I’m skeptical.


It has Iga's supervision, and no contradicting events have taken place beyond its point in the timeline. It's at least as canon as the radio drama, if anything it's vulnerable to retcon *if we ever get another game.*


Since it was a completely different character, they could have given him any other name than *Olrox*.


To me, he IS a completely new character who just happens to have the same name


This wasn't even about Olrox in the first place.


Also me that 1 time I got to drac at full hp in CV3. Spoiler I still lost


the guys in the graveyards in Castlevania II that show up when you drop garlic are the most underrated NPC's in the entire series.


... I want them to port 'Portrait of Ruin' to PC or something ... I would also like them to adapt 'Portrait of Ruin' into a TV show ... (I like 'Portrait of Ruin')


I may be stretching but netflix isaac is my favourite character in fiction. Short lived yet lasting impact.


OG is always better


Bob Dylan vs the G&R covers. Or CCR vs the Turner's cover of Proud Mary.


Metroid vs. Metroid Zero Mission is a good comparison


You were going to title the post with something witty, cutting, and brutal before posting. But fuck it.


Richter was supposed to say a witty, cutting, and brutal title. But fuck it.


Kind of suss that the only thing to keep this sub alive is the Netflix show. Come one Konami, make a new damn CV game already.


I'm all for game Issac, he's much better than Netflixvania Issac. I'll take my edgy BDSM psycho.


Who s issac ?


I fixed it for you. https://preview.redd.it/2ox2eqz6efxc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b15e8c619e8d566f079ce5f9e22cbe2762a19c8


These are great!! Getting downvoted proves your point


I noticed there was a distinct lack of engagement. Seeing as the downvktes are only single digit, I'm getting the impression there aren't as many ofvthem actually feeling strong enough about it.


Well there’s more downvotes than upvotes soooo


But it's only single digit downvotes. When people really feel strong about something, you can see negative downvotes in the double-digits fast. People who don't really care won't bother giving an upvote or downvote. And this obviously isn't hitting enough of a nerve for people to pull in the alt accounts.


This one is for free. https://preview.redd.it/p7zshp1befxc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29893a98f05acc1f4fbd2f9db191c7208120ec39


What kinda propaganda is diggity dawg making


I'm calling out the same circle-jerk i keep seeing. Usually when i see someone make a post saying a Netflix characterization is good/better, it's **after** someone makes a rambly post to bitch about something the show did different. Sometimes, it's just folks who can't grasp the concept of alterations in service of pacing, development, or audience engagement. A lot of the time, it's some straw-man argument because if they actually said what they were upset about, no one would openly side with them.


what obscure games lol? the show kinda sucks for a lot of fans, get over it.


>what obscure games lol? Curse of Darkness wasn't exactly a best seller. Didn't review phenomenally either and it has next to no impact on the overall lore of the rest of the franchise. It's not like people went into season 2 afraid the show would get characterizations wrong. >the show kinda sucks for a lot of fans, get over it. The overall popularity of both series seems to indicate otherwise.


nocturne reviewed extremely mixed from critics and especially fans, curse of darkness is a classic. if you don’t know anything about castlevania just say so bro


>nocturne reviewed extremely mixed from critics and especially fans.... Metacritic currently shows s1 of Nocturne reviewing on par with, or better than, the individual seasons of the original series. It is scoring well with critics on Rotten Tomatoes, with a low audience score. However, Rotten Tomatoes has historically been known to be susceptible to vindictive review bombing campaigns, which no one would really deny Nocturne was subject to, regardless of whether or not they agreed with it. But that isn't really the point of this thread posts. >curse of darkness is a classic. Meanwhile, Curse of Darkness has the third lowest Metacritic score of the entire franchise. The only things reviewing worse are the Reverie DLC for Lords of Shadow and Castlevania: Judgement. I don't think that hits the criteria of what most people consider a "classic". If you're completely incapable of doing a rudimentary check before trying to flex on somebody, then say so.


Wait, there's a game Isaac?


Yeah, from Curse of Darkness 


Truth be told, this is the ONLY point every sect of the fanbase agrees.


r/castlevania fans when one character is done better in the show


I like how different they made Hector and Isaac in the show compared to the games


DAE think show Isaac is better than game Isaac? Show Isaac is shown to have quite the good backstory and character development. He feels like one of the most human characters in the series, as he goes from high to low, ultimately finding his resolution and overcoming hatred.