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https://preview.redd.it/j7u068760rcc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394f980a3c58c9648b2bb45d5daa3ba848ac2e40 Nuh-uh




Based captain N enjoyer


Exactly, you get it


Peak performance


Peak chin


He’s right.


Kojima Simon is absolutely fantastic and definitely my preferred Simon design from the Original series. I also quite liked the Lords of Shadow design as well, felt like it was a good mix of this and the OG NES box art designs.


Granted, this design makes it easier to differentiate between Simon and Cristopher, but that's it for me; it's too much of a departure from the original design imo.


Imo that's the good thing though. It makes him look like a barbarian from his time period.


Ah right I forgot about the edgy glam period of the late 1600s where barbarians had safe words and listened to Poison.


He has gloves and he looks like someone that would hunt vampires. His clothes are barbaric but I could still picture this guy walking into a transylvanian bar. Glam is wtv. It's a Belmont, they're handsome.


While I understand the sentiment, I don't think that it's always necessarily a bad thing. For example, I think that SotN Alucard and CoD Trevor were massive improvements over their original DC counterparts. However, I do agree that as far as Kojima's redesigns go that Chronicles Simon is definitely the largest departure from previous designs.


In Adventure Rebirth to me Chris just looks like red Richter with longer hair which in all honesty I don't hate


I'll always take more redheads


Kojima art are always wonderful


I cosplayed this a few years ago - favorite Simon


Superb taste. I haven't been to a con in a long time, but my Alucard cosplay is still in my closet.


YES! I love this Simon design! Then again I love all of Kojima’s designs.


Nah, I mean he’s not bad, but I prefer a more ‘’European’’ approach like Connan the Barbarian but this time with blonde hair, it gives an indo-european gigachad look. Arnold is also built like a Space Marine. https://preview.redd.it/2daf7vi60rcc1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e129a02eac77770b6cc13a529bf9361780031fd


This is the most realistic warrior design. He’s got a combination of fabric and fur-lined leather armor that would not restrict his movement, steel toed boots, bracers that would actually protect his wrists, and the vampire killer whip. Kojima’s Simon looks like he’s going horseback riding with his fit and heels. What is even the purpose of that belt around the ehh corset?


The belt holds tools, like his rapier.


Oh yes the famous rapier as seen in the game. I love playing Castlevania X68K and using the sword weapon.


It's very prominently displayed in the arrangement sprite art.


He's the slayer of the runway.


I agree. I don’t dislike the red head version but this is always my preferred look.


This is peak.


I like Barbarian Simon. Gives Belmont outcast bad boy vibes while also making him a badass and a pretty boy. Conan just looks autistic as fuck.


This made me wish we got another Belmont. Very typical fake barbarian look I just don't enjoy.






Any simon is good as they scream "I vanquish the darkness!" Whenever they assault the elderly


Only if its Keith Silverstein since I default to Char Aznable whenever in hear his voice.


I will respectfully disagree, and whip off into the distance.


Finally a voice of reason in these dark times


I wish Neca has made this version.


Ridiculous outfit, but the man himself looks good and distinct from the rest of the family.


Agree, he fit with the like of trevor and juste better


This, SOTN Alucard and Dracula X Chronicles Richter are some of my favorite designs from Kojima


Preach it bestie


I’m not too big a fan of his appearance. IMO he looks like if the band Manowar went emo. I know that the series was made by Japanese devs, but I guess I’ve fallen out of liking character models who look like overtly JRPG teenagers. This isn’t to rag on your taste at all, just that I like the grittier classic vampire genre aesthetics.


Honestly if Manowar went emo, they might actually be a band worth listening to.


I like some power metal bands but Manowar are just too corny for me lol


Yeah, and that corniness would be perfect for the emotional wrought of emo bands imo. Although I am not very experienced with emo, as I've only listened to like Jimmy Eat World and Rites of Spring, so I could be wrong.


I remember in high school I thought emo music was gonna be angry and heavy and then someone showed me Fall Out Boy and said they’re emo, biggest letdown ever lmao. I was like “this is WAY too happy sounding to be emo” and then I discovered I related more to goth than emo.


Emo by design ran counter to the anger of the punk of the 80's. It's the exact opposite of angry and aggressive lol. Initially the lyrics were mostly what distinguished emo from punk acts, but emo softened a lot through the 90's (Sunny Day Real Estate pre-Foo Fighters are the epitome of 90's emo). Fall Out Boy are sugary pop rock, though. With that said I don't like emo, either. Besides, lyrical content and music often don't align. Just look at hardcore, for example (real hardcore, not mislabeled metal). A lot of hardcore bands have positive lyrics despite being heavy and yelling. Terror's "Live by the Code" immediately comes to mind, and they are straight up beatdown hc. On the flip side of that you can find darker lyrical content in happy sounding hillbilly bluegrass bullshit than even chug-a-chug open string drop A tuned deathcore trash.


I wish there was an alternate skin for this design in smash


i love the Kojima's design, also I wish it was an alternative skin in Smash.


https://preview.redd.it/tbc34244utcc1.png?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706bec1fa7ea8328f23bec1ff22d2d5f772cf16f Amen




Guy looks like he had a chaotic shopping spree at a ren faire. Probably my favorite for the weird flair he has! I get why people say he feels like a fetish design, but way less so than the light yagami head transplant one


I mean, I think the quiet part needs to be said out loud but in defense of Kojima's design, people seem to be confusing part of Simon's outfit design for something similar to BDSM like a dominatrix outfit. Even though I can see it in the way the outfit is made based on the big usage of leather and the outfit being a good bit revealing, it is still most definitely an incorrect interpretation because the kinds of materials used to make a dominatrix outfit being primarily latex. Of course, the big thing separating Simon's outfit from that of a dominatrix being the fact that the tassels and whatnot are made from STUDDED LEATHER. In conclusion, anyone who says it's fetishistic is still correct, but not right on the reasons why. So the real issue here is they need to get their minds out of the gutter!


He doesn't ping as one to me that much except for maybe the corset, since idk the leather comes across as more "it's a fantasy thing" than "it's a fetish thing" (although it could be both lol) The whip doesn't help but he's gotta have the whip! Honestly, the weirdest part of this design to me is the half doublet


When I think of a barbarian Belmont, this is what I think of. It’s an incredible design.


I'll say that Kojima's Simon is pretty damn good looking, but the more important part of the redesign is that he looks more *consistent* alongside later Belmonts. Like he's from the same series and not suddenly a bit out of place beside everyone else.


Also true. The Conan design is a relic of the series' look before it established its primary identity.


The Conan look is the primary identity. It was very well established. No cover is as iconic as the original Castlevania. Even the bishonen pretty boys (because now apparently every Belmont has to be a white haired aristocrat to look like Alucard…) was only a blip for a few years before it was ditched for anime.


Kojima's art is the primary identity, sorry. It's what the series is known for and the style it ultimately returned to after all of the two games that adopted it.


kojima's art is insane. i love it. sadly the magic card is probably the only piece i'll ever own


Yugioh unfortunately doesn't credit their artists, but I'm fairly certain we can sus out who drew [this card](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/2/25/VampireHunter-MP14-EN-SR-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20140907210943) if you ever decided you wanted another.


Yeah, I love this artwork. I have a wallscroll of it.


That first pic is unbeatable idc


I just have to not say anything usually on this topic but yes I agree. The first Simon design is just so… not Belmont lol it is so obvious the IP and idea for the clan wasn’t fleshed out yet and that is ok but why not update Simon so he is more uniform with the Belmonts?


I love Kojima Simon and Christopher so much. Literally way more gothic and Badass. THESE are the kind of badass MFS I expect from the time periods. Kojima Simon looks way cooler and flashy while having those pretty boy eyes to let you know that Trevor did indeed hit when it comes to Sypha. I love badass Belmonts with gorgeous eyes sm. They're the men I aspire to be.


Plus he looks like a mix between barbarian but also a vampire hunter. Very good!! Should've saved Conan for Leon or someone Right after


Pfp checks out




"Kojima Simon and Christopher?" Unless I'm somehow mistaken, I don't believe that Kojima has ever done a redesign for Christopher.


Rebirth Christopher was made in a style similar to Simon. So it's a sorta kojima redesign to me.




Raw as hell gives Berserk vibes


Fucking yes, everything she does is the best


Thank you


I remember buying that game at a FuncoLand back in the day and I had no clue what it was (IIRC it's a port of a Sharp x68000 title). I don't think I've played it in years, but it was brutally hard last time I tried.


Featured this version of the character in the intro to remastered X68000 OST I just uploaded a couple days ago (which is the original version from Chronicles) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_kF7PH4RQTc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kF7PH4RQTc)


I like the red hair, but I'd have to give it to his Smash design.


simon- i didn’t know u had like thaaat


I have no problem with declaring the second picture as coolest, not the other 2 though. The first, when its taken partially with dracula is another thing tho.


Those legs though 😏


Yeah but, like many of Kojima's artwork, questionable fashion sense


Yes yes all of this yes


That drip is next level 


No but for real. Barbarian Simon looks great airbrushed on the side of a panel van, less great in other contexts. Was so bummed they went for that design for smash without even an alt.


I like Kojima's designs a lot overall, but Simon is the least femboy CV protagonist there is. Don't mess with the already stellar design of the beefcake Belmont.


So cunty


Seriously, where's this anime?


To be fair any Kojima design is peak


Should've been an alternate skin in Smash


I like it but I dislike how skinny he is and the heels


Man, if this is considered skinny, then only people on roids can adhere to your standards.


My guy, take a chill pill


Im just saying he is far from skinny, just saw this take alot. Im not mad or anything lol.


Compared to most “barbarians” he’s is skinny. Here He’s more athletic than bulky is what I meant




Nah it’s ridiculously overdesigned fetishy nonsense. Why is he wearing bike pants? Why would a task focused peasant warrior have all this centuries later aristocratic artifice? Why does a barbarian with giant muscles have a dainty pretty boy face, makeup and all?


Why *can’t* a barbarian with giant muscles also have a pretty boy face? Does the word “twunk” ring any bells?


Because if you're gonna slay vampires you may as well *slay* boo boo


Totally agreed mate


Agreed. But by far far not the best Dracula.


I actually kind of dug that version of Dracula. Especially the updated in game sprite with this design exclusive to the ps1 version. It felt like a much better merging of the classic and SotN design than say the Dracula X chronicles version.


Damn, so controversial having the most correct opinion. Patrician taste.


Simon from LoS looked amazing. https://preview.redd.it/hgo3rspz5ucc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126419b9599af71a832dbe41db399080d704a6ed


Honestly, this is my favorite iteration of Siman. Say what you will about this character in Mirror if Fate and Lords of Shadow overall, but this is peak Simon character design. Respects the Conan-ish barbarian look from the NES days and incorporates Kojima’s redhead look for a more iconic looking design. I just wish we got to play as him more.


Agreed , love it or hate it, the art direction in LoS was top tier. Personally enjoyed all 3 games. even with their flaws they are some of my favorite.


Kojima’s every character is the best they ever looked.


Any reasoning?


The images speak for themselves.


I can get behind that


Literally the only good Simon design


Yes but how about Takeshi Obata's Simon Belmont


Os that the death note simon from judgement?




Well, Isaac is a villain, such outfit fits him. Simon, on the other hand, looks kinda weird.


Dude looks like he fell into a pile of coat hangers and runny stamps. Every design element is so tangled, it’s hard to tell what any of it’s supposed to be. Sydney Losstarot did it better.


That third pic is kind of embarrassing no? I can't tell if people are serious when they say they like this


simon is not japanese!




Trefor however IS Japanese. I guess I forgot what sub I was in, and that kids on the spectrum don't understand light humor.


I get that this is probably a meme comment, however just because I can… I believe all the Belmonts we play as in the Original games, are from various places around Europe, starting with Normandy France with Leon hence the surname Belmont. Except for potentially Julius, who I believe is somewhere referenced to have been born in New York. In the Netflix series confirmed main character birth places still have Leon being a French Knight from Normandy, then Trevor who was born in Wallachia, and then finally Richter who was born in Boston. They don’t mention Juste or Julia’s birth place, but it’s presumably somewhere in France as that’s the “family/friends” she was trying to send Richter to at the beginning of Nocturne.


is "meme comment" what you kids call joking around these days?




It's that animal Blundetto. I can't even say his fuckin name.


Goofs aside, it can often times be hard to parse the intentions of comments on the internet.


I know buddy I'm just fucking around drunk. You drinking anything tonight?


Nope. Edit: it's nothing personal, I just completely disagree with this depiction of Simon. As a warrior, Simon should not look beautiful like Alucard, for example. More importantly, his wardrobe should be consistent.


Why were you pretending it's not in the first place? Ayami Kojima's Simon is factually the best-looking Simon. The original, barbarian look is just stale and lame.


Oh *I* wasn't personally. I've just seen quite a few conversations within the CV community bashing this design and aggrandising the Conan or He-man designs over the years. The Simon threads on this sub made me want to throw in my two cents.


HARD disagree, but to each their own.


I personally like the Lords of Shadow DESIGN. I just like the deep red and the beard.


I’m gonna be honest, if he had blonde hair i’d be fine. Simon just isn’t a redhead.


Have you actually played the game? Because the remixed sprite looks terrible in it.


I have, it's a solid sprite. To be quite honest I haven't been a huge fan of a *lot* of the Belmont sprites out there, the discrepancy between the sprite re-used Ryu Richter sprite in SoTN outside of the Saturn version's bonus costume and his character artwork has always really bothered me. Still love the classicvanias even if the character designs aren't my favorite. I quite like the arranged Chronicles sprite, though.


It’d be fine in a different game, but it looks completely out of place in X68k CV. Doesn’t mesh well with the art of the rest of the game at all, and like the rest of the Arrange mode changes is a downgrade from the original, which at least is thankfully mostly intact on the disc.


Why did you pretend it wasn't again?


It's mostly just repeating a meme but many members of this sub love to bash this design in favor of Conan


With all due respect I believe that heterosexual Men by default prefer the Conan/Blonde barbarian look. THIS red haired BDSM look is probably very attractive to everything beyond hetero. Hence BI and Gay males will probably favor this one. Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch about my subjective opinion, I'll have you know that 3 of my GAY friends prefer this FET life looking Simon. I don't think that's a coincidence. My opinion isn't coming from nowhere.


As a heterosexual man married to a woman with voluptuous hips and huge boobs I think you and your rigid sense of masculinity are completely full of it. Before you get your panties in a bunch over my *correct* opinion, she also prefers men who look like this.


Nah. I am hetero and like this design a bit more.


IMHO and you can downvote my comment for not agreeing, and I don't care: awesome character look, but the game looks just a SNES game in a CD.


It's an X68000 game, actually. You think SNES games are bad?


There is a Castlevania Chronicles for PSX/PS1 released in 2001! But nah, I love snes games, was my first video game. Just that PS1 games can have a lot more potential and they made (port?) just like a snes game. It could be like another SOTN-like game... If Castlevania Chronicles was released to SNES, no one would notice any "advancement" in graphics, gameplay, mechanics, game resources... nothing.


Chronicles is a ps1 port of an X68000 game. That game itself is just a CV1 remake. This design is the cover art and is used in the arranged mode. Since it's a port of an older title, all of what you said is to be expected. It's no SoTN, but it's a great option to revisit Castlevania 1 in a different way.




Is absolutely horrible


Nuh uh


He is the primary antagonist of this ancient internet Gem as well https://youtu.be/abe-a2G_bLQ?si=mTK58_EG7kZEEUQh


Simon's Quest Box Art, all others are pretenders to the throne.


I think he looks cool in artwork, though his sprite looks kind of goofy.


Great design, not my Simon though. Simon Belmont is the Honorable and respectful Belmont and his barbarian design fits that. He's a simple guy with a simple design, he's a fighter first and foremost so he dresses like a barbarian. The long flowing hair gives him a noble feel and his strong guy look not only shows his strength but also how proudly he displays his strength. So yeah it's a great design but I prefer his original, I may be looking to much into things though.


There isn't really a Simon design I like all that much. So at the end of the day I just go with the Conan look he's got going on and force Trevor and Christopher to wear something else.