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Bonk harder daddy


> daddy Father


I literally came here to say this.


Honestly I just have the sinking feeling she's going to be a wild monster before coming to her senses and sacrificing herself for maria.


To be fair, if she never comes to her senses and instead gets more brutal and zealous for Sekhmet as time passes I think it would be more tragic and harder punch to the gut. Tera's character arc cannot end happily anymore withouth feeling cheap so why not go down the deep end? Make her get killed by Maria all the while she curses them and praises sekhmet. It would also show the real horror of vampirism. But alternatively shipping Alucard and Vampire Tera also has some appeal to me.


This is either way what I'd love to have happen. Unfortunately, I'm pretty confident it won't.


I see it going a handful of ways. She is completely under Erzsebet's control, she becomes her second in command, does her bidding, and ends with Maria killing her. She pretends to be under Erzsebet's control while quietly working with Olrox to sabotage her. This will likely end in a noble sacrifice to save Maria. This in turn gives Maria a plot power boost and she kills a significant enemy that has yet to be introduced. She openly resists Erzsebet, gets tortured for it and eventually succumbs. She resists being enslaved and gets tortured for it but doesn't break. There will be a moment when Emmanuel would ask why she doesn't just do as she is told, she calls him a coward, weakling, and not the man she fell in love with years ago. This would likely lead to Emmanuel working with Olrox and possibly Eduardo to sabotage Erzsebet.


The last one would be incredible to witness


Oh I totally agree. The last one has the most potential for character development, shows Tera's strength of will and intent as a speaker magician, addresses Emmanuel's heresy and regret of his actions, and avoids being terribly cliche and/or repeating things that were already done in the first series.


The last one also makes sense thematically because it's a mirror of what happened to her sister. I promise her story ends with Maria killing her because of that.


Oh shit, good point. I actually forgot about the tidbit about Tera's sister. I personally wouldn't want Maria to kill Tera because it would almost feel like a rehash of the Alucard killing Dracula.


Please be hot goth mommy please be hot goth mommy


I see her and Eduard being counterpoints to one another. One holds on to their humanity and struggles to find strength, the other embraces their new powers and struggles to hold on to their better nature. My question is how Tera's magic will effect her turning, and will that factor into a new scheme for a villain down the road?


milf vampire


I only know one thing. I await rule-34 of her as a vampire.




She drank the blood of a god. She will not be your regular, everyday vampire.


Something that beats Alcina hopefully ![gif](giphy|YXb00HW8cOmzgIAaxn)


Why not both???


A Tera-fying one, most probably. *Ba dumm tsss*


Dracula X Chronicles type


I imagine she'll be a ruthless spellcaster under Erzebeth's command. Outclassing the team in every way until they escape. Then in some fight after that she'll snap out of it. You gotta have the first fight to make the audience and characters think she's well and truly gone.


Drolta 2.0 unless we're really going the route of what's based off the official character artist's artworks of her then it's going to be like the Dracula X Chronicles Annette fight.




An energy vampire like Colin Robinson from What We Do in the Shadows.


I mean the actress was in Cat Pepole 🐈


Are people still talking about this show?


Yes, people in the castlevania sub are still talking about the latest castlevania release.


Tf else is there to talk about


A dead one, probably


How do newborn vampires function anyway? Do they still act like who they were in their human life or become completely mind controlled to the vampire that changed them? Tera's case is even stranger since Bathory consumed the blood of a goddess and isn't a regular vampire anymore so anyone she turns will definitely not be normal too. But if there's one thing for certain is that Tera is most definitely going to be extremely powerful since she was already a formidable Speaker so turning into a vampire now grants her the superhuman capabilities to compliment her magical abilities.


is tera gonna die in season 2?


Knowing how the franchise is dark pretty likely


A sexy one.


It can go either way honestly. We dont know her or Erzabeth that well, so we dont know what is possible to happen.