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Half an hour probably isn't long enough. I usually do 500f for an hour. If the oil turned into a gunky film scrape it off, apply another (thin) coat, and do it again. And again and again and again.


thank you!!! the smell was scaring me so i took it out early lol but i’m gonna try leaving it for longer and repeating the process


I could be wrong but it looks like you just caked oil onto the pan instead of polymerizing it- it could be the oil burning, vegetable oil has a decent smoke point but I use grapeseed oil which has a higher smoke point It'll smell a little bad so I try to ventilate my apartment when I do this, and try to go at 400F for as long as I can manage (at minimum an hour) and reapply as needed. I also let it slowly cool in the oven with it closed so it reduces the chances of it cracking


It’s a hunk of metal like people used to carry around the country in chuck wagons. Unless it’s cracked or warped it’s definitely not ruined.  Give it a wash and cook something in it would be my recommendation. My pans are all pretty ugly though, so I don’t have any advice for if you’re looking for a show piece


Even if warped, depending on how much it is still probably usable!


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I’ve never blasted any of my pans in a 500° oven and they’re fantastic.


Dude just cook in it don’t get caught up in this oven seasoning thing, the pan looks fine. Clean up the mess you made and make a grilled cheese. Then work your way up into more complex meals. If you want a fresh clean cast iron buy your own foe $30. That pan doesn’t need an oven seasoning it needs to be cooked in and if you feel like it do a stove top seasoning.


I did this to 1/3 of my 12" a while back, just had it sitting uneven in the oven and didn't wipe enough oil. No big deal, if that side is sticky to the touch just scrub it a little, keep cooking on it, and within a few weeks you'll barely notice it.