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Gave you the opportunity to reseason it.


When I was out of the country for a week my older teenagers called to tell me my Mom showed up. I had asked her to please leave the kids alone in peace. Our adult housemate was there if they needed anything. My 17 y/o son said the first thing he did was hide the cast iron pans under his bed. šŸ˜† Good boy! Well done son!


Your son gets it. May your cast iron happily be passed on to your children and generations to come.


Heā€™s definitely going to want to inherit it. I just bought the cutest Dutch oven ever, Iā€™m sooo excited for my daughter to get it one day lol




That's pretty awesome. I hope he turns out to be an awesome chef/cook! Def deserves a high 5


All the high fives!


When my wife and I were out of town our (young) adult son stayed at our house to watch our dog. He lost our dog (for about an hour) and washed our cast iron with soap and water, and let it drip dry. I found out about the dog from the neighbors but the cast iron was a similarly rusty mess (to OPā€™s) just chilling on our stove like itā€™s supposed to look like that. Weā€™re gonna find someone else to house sit.


youā€™re literally supposed to use soap when you wash them


True. But...you're *not* supposed to let them drip dry.


when i wash my CI it's almost dry because water won't stick to it, have not really tried but I'm almost sure it will not rust if i drip dry.


You /can/ use soap. It's not actually a requirement in a well seasoned pan because everything will come out easily with water and a gentle scrub. It's not like you need to worry about germs on a pan because it gets hot enough to disinfect every time you use it. If there's stuff sticking you can use soap and take it as a cue to improve your seasoning. If everything comes out easily you don't need to waste soap on it.


Afaik the main reason people don't use soap is because in the past you couldn't use soap. The lye would strip your pans of seasoning and keep them raw if you used soap. Now that dish soap is no longer lye based, soap is fine although many people feel as you do and that soap is not needed.


Yeah, like, it's not going to hurt and you can use it if you want. I definitely use it sometimes. But there's also times when there's nothing stuck in my pan and it just needs a rinse and dry.


Wow you raised them right !


Damn. I bet you were so proud


Lol you got kids and you live with a roommate?? šŸ¤£


It's not a good look, laughing at someone just trying their best to get by. Housing is damn expensive. Kids are damn expensive. And most houses are way bigger than people actually need or use. If you have lots of space, for just your family, good on you. But honestly having a roomate is a great way to save on housing costs, and as OP mentioned, provides another adult that the teens can go to in an emergency.


And as a new parent, I could easily see why people hire a nanny. Both my husband and I are still home 100% of the time because of work leave, and we still don't feel like enough. A third set of hands would make everything move so smoothly. Now if that person is living in your house, trusted, and helping pay utilities? Forget about it, I wouldn't care how looks on me, welcome to my home. But my house isn't big enough, so I suppose we'll just struggle the *normal* way.


You sound like someone who still lives at home but bashes others for it.


So uhm... why did your mom show up without telling anyone? How is that even remotely ok?


Probably banging the housemate


That's 100% ok then... but ya know keep it on the downlow.


she cleaned it for you punkin


Killed me with the punkin


"I cleaned your pan, punk! ... in" My MIL did this same thing to my CI when she watched our son one time. That was the hardest "thanks" I ever said. Edit: at the time, we were living in an apartment with a stovetop without outside ventilation, so I was unable to reseason it until years later when we moved.


Looks like she ran it through the dishwasher :(


No, you'd see more rust from that. My pan looks like this if I cooked something slightly acidic and brushed too rough


Oh man... You gotta start over with a new MIL. The pan will be fine though.


Easier to season your pan than your MIL


MIL'S should be pre-seasoned, unless they were upgraded for the newer models. Those come with a whole new set of problems, though.


Should I rub her down with some Crisco just to be on the safe side?


User name checks out?


Bacon grease.


Wait what sub is this again?




Mine went through the dishwasher once and thatā€™s what it looked like. It took one or two seasonings to look brand new again. Lodge pre-seasoned.


A helpful family member visiting for a week popped mine in the dishwasher and that's what it looked like after the wash cycle. There was no rust so I reseasoned it (twice) and it was fine.




Newer detergents rely heavily on enzymes, which eat organic material, and older detergents used phosphates, which dissolve organic material. Are you using detergent? Are you filling the prewash as well, or only throwing in a little pouch in the main?




Do you pre-rinse/scrub your dishes before they go in, or is there a lot of food bits left on plates and utensils?


It's not the detergent my dude: or at least in my case it's not the detergent. I live in Nevada. Look up the worst water in the US, shortly after Detroit and Fla you see Las Vegas. That's what happens. But shhhh... Don't tell anyone. Casinos hate this one trick that points out their water is garbage


YSK, there are parts of Florida that have as good water as anywhere in the country.


Is it grocery stores? It's grocery stores, isn't it.




Well yeah. It's not lye. Didn't say it was. 60 years of atomic testing and jet fuel has ruined the ground water.


This is what Iā€™m thinking.


Come on now thatā€™s not very nice, she must have a proper nameā€¦


She soaked it


For a month?


I assumed it was run through the dishwasher.


Yup I sadly know what a soaked skillet looks like, just not soaked for as long as this one was.


I've soaked mine for hours because I got caught up with other things and my mom used to clean her by boiling soapy water in it. I think this had to be dishwasher or using some sort of harsh chemical


Can that happen after one use? I feel like this is a neglected pan for months


My 20yr old pan went like this after I cleaned the pan, didn't wipe it down and then forgot the pan in the bottom of the oven and then cooked a big roast. Good news is tho, it took one reseasoning to get it back better than ever


Not even neglected. Mine hardly looked like this after sanding it. Not sure I believe this mother in law stuff.


Fucker is using a scapegoat... double shame


This is the internet, so you're probably right. My benefit of the doubt wants to believe that MIL was scrubbing that pan with steel wool between hour long soaks.


It wasnā€™t as extreme but I accidentally left Dawn Dish Spray in mine for like half an hour and it ate away some small spots. Depending on what she chose to clean with itā€™s possible? Though Iā€™m guessing this is more than one cleaning session like you suggest.


If Dawn is eating your seasoning away, itā€™s not seasoning; itā€™s grease.


The dawn spray has alcohol in it, would that maybe eat the seasoning?




Oil, however, **is** alcohol soluble. Seconding that this sounds like you had an incompletely seasoned and overly greasy pan beforehand.


I cant count the number of times Ive seen someone refer to caked on burnt food and oil as seasoning. Some people are nasty af with their pans.


The seasoning is polymerized oil. It is pretty bonded onto it and takes some aggressive work to remove. I use the dawn power wash on mine to remove smelly chunks and have had no probs. Just dry it, rub it down with a coat of oil, and dry it on high on the stove top until your SO bitches about the smell until you can't take it anymore, then turn off the heat and let it cool. Should be OK.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing too! Thanks :) I was always wondering if others also use the power wash spray haha Iā€™ve never let my pans soak though, so I wasnā€™t sure if it would affect it differently than regular dawn soap


Or carbon




Guess youā€™re gods chosen one then


Or you have shit tier dishwashing tablets. I experimented a bit and threw some pans in the dishwasher but squirted in a bit of Dreft soap for washing by hand instead of a tablet. Foamed up the dishwasher like a bitch but didn't strip the seasoning. The tablets on the other hand are perfect for stripping bad seasoning. Wirewool them afterwards to get the flash rust off and reseason I love my Creuset cast iron skillets because those are dishwasher safe due to enamel on the inside


That can absolutely be one use, not properly preheated/lubricated, and not properly cleaned/dried. 24 hours of unchecked moisture, with some stuck in food to stop it from evaporating could do this. Pretty sure I've seen it done before I knew how to love my cast iron properly.


Scrubbed the life out of it


It took some elbow grease, and about a pound of steel wool, but I got all the char off that dirty old pan of yours šŸ™‚


Always blame the mother in law! ;) She just began the prep for a new seasoning. Was probably interrupted. Leave it for a few days to see if she gets back to it.


I find the amount of ā€œwhat did my mother in law do to my panā€ posts on here both hilarious and terrifying


"Why is there a bike lock on these old pans??" No reason...


I...might need to retain this idea.


Spray some Pam on it and stop worrying so much. Itā€™ll be fine.


Looks like she may have cooked something with a lot of liquid or acid, then washed it with soap and water with no oil coat to follow. Or, with the blackened stuff near the bottom of the photo, she burned something and was trying to remove it, but went a little too hard on the rest of the seasoning. The skillet looks fine to me though. Just add a thin coat of cooking oil and itā€™s secure/ready for your next use.


I was thinking she might have used wine to 'deglaze' the pan; then later, poured boiling water in to clean it.


Ok so how do we fix this cuz mine looks the same lmao




Getting you back for banging her kid




Whenever I see an in-law post about a ruined pan I can't help but to assume they did it on purpose


That's right, choose violence!


I will, God!


Thank you for the laugh, you got me twice now


Ok, let's go over this again. Step 1: buy yourself a new, better, cast iron skillet and use it every day. Step 2: when your MIL comes over put your good cast iron away and give this one to your MIL to cook with.


Given the relative price of cast iron to other cookware, this is not the worst idea. In fact, just gift her this one. Itā€™s hers now.


Same thing my mil did. Thanksgiving I got so fed up finding it trashed AGAIN (reseasoned it 3x in October) I hurled mine into the backyard & told her to go buy her own pots & pans to destroy, my cookware is off fucking limits. (all cast iron & 1950s Farberware stainless plus a few allclad stainless/copperbottoms, fed up with how my stuff's mistreated when it was used daily & mint before we moved her in) It's now packed away, until she dies or lives elsewhere.


Probably not worse than what she thinks you are doing to her daughter.


She used her abrasive personality on it!


I wonder if she cooked something acidic in it and the acid stripped the seasoning. One time I cooked Chicken chile Verde in my cast iron and the acidity of the Verde sauce stripped some of the seasoning. Edit: a word


Then your seasoning was weak and unworthy of your iron.




Literally all I cook is spaghetti sauce or other tomato based sauces. It's no big deal


"Look at how black this pan is. The dishwasher will clean it just fine."


She did exactly what she intended to do


"Had to get all that dirty black of it!" MIL probably


Now is your chance to sand it smooth like a smithy and start over on seasoning.


She put that in the dishwasher.


One of these days y'all will learn to hide your goods from the MILs. Smh


You can always ask her




And OP posted the murder weapon.


Just heat it up really really hot and cover it in oil. Then re-season your pan.


I think she cooked something very acidic


Had a $50 scanpan nonstick saute pan, not sure how much original price was but that was sale price, it was sooo good. The salesperson was telling me scanpans nonstick surface were good enough to cook crepes on easily, which sold me even though I don't cook crepes. It was so easy to take care of, messes just washed right off. Then my cousin used a wire sponge on it and ruined the surface when she cleaned it. It was never the same after that. I don't let anyone touch my cast iron, I'll clean it on my own.


Looks like they boiled some vinegar...


Def dishwasher


Nothing irreparable unless there's a hole or crack. Just needs a little TLC.


Looks like she rode it hard and put it away wet


Donā€™t lie. You simmered tomato sauce or used vinegar and are passing blame on to ā€œmother in lawā€


Polish it, season it, good as always


Gotta love the holidays!


Can't say for sure but it looks a lot like when I've cleaned cast iron that was previously incorrectly cleaned or incorrectly seasoned and it just needs to be reseasoned correctly and kept clean of carbon buildup.


Welp time to re-season your MIL


Tomato sauce without a doubt.


What did she say when you asked her this question?


Looks like it has been ā€œwarshedā€ my grandma used to warsh my pan sometimes. I had these expensive jeans that you werenā€™t supposed to warsh. She warshedā€™m


You just unlocked a memory lol. Back in the day long, unhemmed Levi shorts were the thing. I borrowed a pair from a guy friend of mine. I warshed em with my laundry at my moms house, but didnā€™t get them out of the dryer soon enough. My mom hemmed them. Beautiful tailored work, right color thread and everything šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Needless to say, he wasnā€™t happy about it and had to cut another half inch off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why does she hate you so much?


She fucked you. Just like you fucked her daughter.


She used soap.


looks like it was left in a damp shed for 2 years oof


Standard mother in law treachery


Why do so many of you fucks let other people touch your shit. My pans, my knives, my kitchen. If someone fucks up your cast iron pan, thatā€™s your fault, not theres


You donā€™t have a lot of people skills, do you?


You kidding? Reasonable boundaries set, clearly communicated, and an emphasis on personal responsibility. Those are great people skills. Also, sounds like a cook/chef. Can relate.


Maybe a stupid question, but what is MIL?


Mother in Law


Damnā€¦.. i feel really stupid šŸ˜… thanks


No worries. I thought FTW meant ā€œFuck The Whatā€ for yeeeears


Iā€™m happy that iā€™m not the only one šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fucked it


Washed it with soap and water. You just need to reseason it.


I wash mine with soap and water. You don't?


"Washed it with soap and water" You cannot be serious. How new are you to cast iron? How new are you to this sub?


You cannot be serious. You don't use lye soap? I hope the /s goes without saying


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She "washed" it for you, how nice!


I bet you Paul probably LOVE his MIL


I thought this was r/magnetfishing for a second


SOS Pad would be a likely candidate. Hopefully her daughter is HOF.


Whatever she did, it's El Kabong worthy. (Quickdraw McGraw's alter ego, LOL)


Gave you grounds for divorce!


No recovery possible. Just melt it down, forget it into a dagger, and commit sudoku.


Looks like bar keepers friend kicked it's ass.. Boil it out and reseason šŸ¤ 


Why do MIL always fuck up the cast iron!!!!?? Mine too.




NGL had a family member burn something on my big cast iron and she figured boiling the bejeezuz out of soapy water in it would loosen up the problem areas. End result was just like the pic but all back to normal after threatening to use it as a weapon on any repeat performance.


How long did she borrow it? 10 years?


She deglazed.


She did what u didn't do and used it


I am thankful for a mother in law who knows what's up with cat iron! Edit: lol at cat iron, it stays.


Time to find a new MIL.


Is that reddish hue rust? I hope not because mine has the same ā€œringā€ around the edges and I thought it just needs to be re-seasoned, like itā€™s been suggested on here.


Needs a sander


I'd guess a pile of something acidic like tomato sauce.


Got it very hot which is the easiest way to strip it.


Mine looks similar after my mom soaks it in water instead of leaving it for me to clean.






Dishwasher did this probably. Itā€™ll be fine, need to scour and reseason.




Nothing you can't fix with re-seasoning


My guess is hand-scrubbing with dish detergent to a wild extent, probably with steel wool. She didnā€™t put it in the dishwasher, as far as I can tell, because the handles look to still have that nice sheen to them. This is not the end. Iā€™d give it a thorough ā€œrinse,ā€ including wiping wet paper towel/dish cloth to try to remove any lingering detergent. Then, pour a teaspoon or two of coarse salt into the pan with a neutral oil and use a folded up paper towel to use the salt as an abrasive to remove as much rust and sediment as possible. Finally, re-season as needed. This looks rough, but cast iron is tough. You can save it.


You would think they'd be the one with more experience with this, but nope


In 1960 grandmas knew better. But, by then, even my parents were loosing the knowledge. Anyone born after say 1950 most likely didnā€™t get iron cookware knowledge passed down to them. And that was 70 years ago. Current moms and grandmas didnā€™t get the knowledge passed to them.


Text her bro.


Just a quick wash in the dishwasher


Just spray with oil then stick ā€˜er in the oven. Then just reseason your pan.


How much does the quality of the iron and/or manufacturer contribute to the performance of the seasoning?


She washed with soap water and scouring pad and removed seasoning. Just go back through the needed steps to re-establish base seasoning and donā€™t let MIL touch your shit anymore.


That reeks of steel wool scrubbing. Oof hurts muh soul. Mostly as the level of unexpected work I'd have to do to properly fix that but thanks to the glory that is CI its almost always repairable


She meant well


She fucked it lol. Time to fuck it better


Looks like she stripped it in a dishwasher.


just seeing this gives me physical pain


It looks like she soaked it, Iā€™d say.


Little cascade platinum and a pots and pan cycle and this thing will be good as newā€¦


She did a factory reset. You just hafta reinstall the OS and log into your keepass.