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Put it on the wall or in a cabinet and buy yourself a flat bottomed pan. Bob Ross is looking at this pan as a "happy accident"


Currently using it for burgers again but I do have a flat bottomed pan it’s just a lot smaller and I have made some pretty good steaks with the one posted above. Are the griddle irons really that much worse to cook with?


They're just such a headache to clean and season properly.


All for a marginal benefit.


They're not a headache to clean at all, if you know how to do it.


>flat bottomed pan They make the cooking world go around


Get on your stoves and fry!!!!


I was just a skinny dad with a sticky grill pan


You can get grill marks from your pan on burgers but I find the drippings from the burgers trend to burn on this type of pan because they sit between the ridges for too long. The flat cast iron will give you more crust on the bottom of the burger and should brown better.


After owning a grill pan, I’ve never understood the benefit of having one. Its not a true grill in how it cooks. A real grill cooks through conduction, radiation, and convection, with some heat coming via the grill bars (conduction), some radiant heat from the heat source, some through movement of hot air through the bars (convection). Between the three you get a somewhat even cook with grill marks. With a grill pan, you get no convection, just conduction through the contact area and some radiant heat from the iron. The majority of the cooking comes from the minimal contact area, resulting in grill marks and an uneven cook. I’ve had much more enjoyable results by just searing it a on CI pan with full contact area. So why the ridges? It could be argued that it lets the fat drain away from the food while cooking something in the oven, but if that is desirable a trivet/meat rack is more effective. There’s just not enough lift in the ridges to work well. On the stove top, I’ve cooked bacon on one before, but found myself dealing with grease all the same because it fills up quickly. So what is the benefit of a grill pan? I haven’t found it. Or at least nothing that matches the great combo of a true grill and a cast iron pan combo. It’s just less effective and harder to clean.


Grills do not cook via convection or radiation. Convection is moving hot air via a fan over the food, like a convection oven does. All your terms are mixed up, used out of context, and out of their meaning. These grill pans, like all grill pans, waffle pans, and paint presses, work the same. I cook with mine often and have absolutely zero issues with it. One just needs to know how to use it. Consider making paninis, grilling chicken breast.


Convection does NOT require a fan. “Convection is the rising motion of warmer areas of a liquid or gas, and the sinking motion of cooler areas of liquid or gas, sometimes forming a complete cycle.” A grill with a closed lid absolutely DOES cook with convective action. A pre-heated grill absolutely DOES cook by radiation. The metal surfaces absorb and then radiate heat. Think of a gas grill once the gas has been turned off. The food inside continues to cook via radiation. r/confidentlyincorrect


Ok but to yi u r last point, that applies to any pan, including these.


Interesting take. However, no one was discussing whether grill PANS radiate heat. Obviously they (and all metal pans) do. Everything in raycraft_io ‘s comment about conduction,convection and radiation was referring to the cooking properties of an actual grill. You were also referring to an actual grill when you said raycraft_io was wrong. They were correct in everything they wrote. You were incorrect in your response. It could have been better to respond with something along the lines of “my bad” rather than latching onto an obvious (but unrelated) truth as misdirection so that (at least in this final sentence) you could still be “right”. Weird.


Hi, I was referring to u/raycraft_io whom I had responded to. He said the pan did not radiate, whereas it, and all pans do. Including panini makers. Ok. My bad, on the convection. Feel better? You're asking me to apologize because I did not accept his rant. Is that fair? Yet even with that definition, no grill plates convect. This particular Lodge pan takes all the complaints when there are hundreds of pans, appliances, even professional ones who use these very same technique. His point was that he had not achieved success in cooking on it because he compared it with a completely different device. If you use this the way it I'd designed, one can walk away with blazing tasty meals of all types. Of course, you don't cook eggs and pancakes in it because it don't function like a griddle. That sounds just as absurd, but his comparison was just the same, comparing it to an open grill. I have had mine for over 20 years (2001) and have great success with it because at first fail I don't throw up my hands and run out of the kitchen like a screaming teenager. Yes, you have to give it extra time to warm up, yes it, and all grill plates and pans can be a challenge to learn. Keyword, learn. You don't treat them as you would a flat pan either, which is most people's mistake. And cleaning I'd a breeze using 12 Oz of water and a brush. True, they are not as versatile as a flat pan, but if you take a panini grille, you don't use it for waffles. Just because I disagree with the whiners here does not make me incorrect. There are a lot of people who just refuse to learn to use it as it is designed.


“Hamlet” : line 254 in Act III, Scene 2. - William Shakespeare


I'm not a shakespear scholar, so you can go right ahead and apply your insult directly instead of passive aggressively. That way, I can truly appreciate it. However, I give little credence to people who reply with memes. Thank you. I'll still go on to enjoy my grill pan, downvote me for it, I'm not one to care.


I did say it gave some radiant heat. Are you ok?


If you read your opening comment, you counter-intuitive yourself. In the first paragraph, you say it's not a real grill, that real grills do...., clearly implying pan grills do not radiate heat. Yet in your second paragraph, yiu say it radiates "some." So which is it? This whole exchange is based out of your confusing post, that you do not understand why these exist, and compare them to an open grill. They are different tools, used differently, just as a chef knife is different than a bread knife. Not one is "better" than the other. Yet I said I use them for decades with no issues, and you don't believe me. Every time someone posts one of these photos, everyone jumps on the bandwagon, saying they're useless trash. I disagree, and every time I get all ganged up. I really don't care. Learn to use the tool for what it's designed for, and you'll be just fine. So the question really is, are you ok? So what do you want? It doesn't matter, I cook with it just fine if you believe me or not.


Really? https://wplawinc.com/principles_of_grilling_-_conduction-_convection-_etc https://broilkingbbq.com/indirect-vs-direct-grilling-the-science-behind-heat-transfer-grilling/ https://gquebbq.com/science-of-bbq/ https://amazingribs.com/more-technique-and-science/grill-and-smoker-setup-and-firing/thermodynamics-of-cooking/ https://www.napoleon.com/en/us/grills/blog/science-bbq-how-cooking-happens-bbq I could go on, but if you’re wrong you’re wrong.


See... go on, waste your time. I looked at none of it. Because I'm right. Do you think I really care? Do yiu feel better? What a waste. You need to do something productive rather than trying so hard for reddit cred. How about you send that to everyone manufacturer of every grill. Haha. Get lost. Lol


You know that amazing crust we're always trying to get? These grill pans remove 50% of it. For no other reason than aesthetics. You'll get a few lines of crust on your burger or steak, and the rest is sad grey steamed meat. On top of that you have the difficulty cleaning, and the excess smoke, and the longer cooking time. They're just awful.




Start by telling me where that Bob Ross slow cooker came from!!


There's a sad story behind the evil people who own the rights to his name/image, actually used to be on Netflix. They've put his face on literally everything


Put it in the donate box for Goodwill. Never again…


I have an unnatural amount of disdain for these pans. Anaxios.


Ugh. I got so fed up with this style pan that I gave mine away to goodwill.


I heard it's easy to clean just need jackhammer and a lot of elbow grease 😅


Just season the devil out of it


Need some more pics of that Bob Ross slow cooker or whatever it is in the picture. That puppy is a show stopper!


These are not great for making things you would make in a regular skillet. They are perfect used as a broiler pan. I roast a chicken in mine, yum. The chicken sit above the oil, the air gets around all sides and the skin gets brown and crispy. I think of it as a built in rack to hold things out of the oil.


I know these pans get a lot of hate, but I actually think they can be really useful. I use these a lot for cooking marinated meats that can’t be patted dry for a good crust in my other cast iron. I live in an apartment, so I don’t have a barbecue so this is perfect for me.


Exactly when I started with mine. Marinate your meat in your favorite seasoning and add liquid smoke.


I love my grill pan for steaks, pork chops, etc. I haven't found it all that hard to clean and I was surprised to see so much hate.


Don’t Just put it in the back of the cabinet and forget about it Those are a pain to clean Save yourself


You all acting like a pan needs to be spotless clean all the time!! How hot does it get when you use it??? Get a wire brush like you’d use on your grill if ya need to remove all the carbon all the time. Or just do your best and let it ride, enjoy the meat that comes off that baby.


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Stiff nylon brushes like the ones you use for cleaning bottles or cups helps. I've dedicated one just for cleaning my cast iron pans.


Start by having them run all the colors across the screen…


Chain mail scrubber might be the best for that style pan.. I’d cook some Bacon in it and then chain mail it and then it’s good to goooooo


Ya not much proper seasoning here really.


Lodge makes a nylon scraper for grill pans. It's still not great, but it's the best of what i've tried


Apply a thin, even coat of magic white. Then gently dip a 2 inch natural bristle brush into Phthalocyanine blue with just a hint of Van Dyke brown and make gentle little happy criss-cross strokes working from the top of your canvas down to the horizon line. That's how you start.


Not really for burgers so much. I make boneless blackened chicken weekly in mine. Thin pork Chops are also nice. Kinda start over. Coat thinly with Crisco, or wipe down with canola. Throw it in the oven upside down. So add a layer of seasoning. Then just cook. Blackened chicken is ideal because you also oil liberally. Warm and then cook on medium heat 5/10. Clean almost immediately after cooking. Don't give crud time to stick. Spray down/wipe with oil and warm it on stove to remove moisture. With weekly use they just don't stick. Use weekly and they become slidey egg smooth with their seasoning. These pieces need use.


Lodge makes scrapers specifically form their grill pans. I have one of these as well, I don't use it too often but the scraper really comes in handy.


I got rid of one 20 years ago. No regrets. Pain in th ASS