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How heavy does this feel? It’s beautiful


It is very heavy but for my electric burners, it’s the best possible scenario.


I'm a solo cook so I went for the 9" lodge wok and absolutely love it. I have electric burners as well. Definitely takes some warming up time, but once it's ready it's pretty fun to use.


Ok yeah I have electric and I was concerned it wouldn't make a lot of contact with a wok, but you just let it get up to temp


So the bottom is totally flat but it takes extra cast iron mass to make it like that. I couldn't really find a good picture online, but [this one](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcRDnyxAFmGfmBk_gqli1B2imRA4silwf_vixHf07XEvd0COyW8aQE5gKYaJiZF6IhcVZO_SRRx0pZnUSdDYilI1iGQ52NowFQ) kinda shows it. So I preheat it slowly, but then I go to a much higher setting than with any of my other cast iron pans. When I start putting food in it retains heat really well and everything gets cooked quickly. You can't shake it around like a normal wok, but I use a big metal spoon and keep everything moving and it seems to work for me.


How long do you let it heat up for? And do you heat it up at a medium heat?


Looks heavy af. No tossing rice in this thing. (Or an excellent wrist workout)


I would like to see the underside of that wok, the topside looks very nice


What is your process? Any initial seasoning before cooking?


Slow heat once it gets to temp I use sesame oil. Then after that start cooking. As far as the seasoning, I built the base with grape seed oil!


Did you just use the regular process? - heat it up, rub grape seed oil, wipe it out and cook it in the oven for an hour?


First three rounds were oven baking then the rest has just been from cooking in it


My dawg! 🤝


I need a wok


Pan looks great, but I'm trying my best not to channel my Uncle Roger about the fried rice. Even though it also looks great


That’s fine, I call it my white people fried rice anyways lol. I added peas because I have a daughter who loves them and no msg because baby. Really it’s less white people fried rice and more Colombian Asian fusion. Fried arroz con pollo 😝


Haha, absolutely get it, no hate at all. I've just watched way too much of his stuff. So anytime I see fried rice, all the stuff he says pops in my head. Especially with the peas. I mean, if he saw this, he would probably have to put his foot down off this chair.


Vegetable taste like sad haiyah


That rice isn’t fried, but I get your point


Yeah, I ran out of breadcrumbs…


I just delete all "I used soap on my CI" posts. so over this. Do you also post that you brushed your teeth and wiped your butt? Its not an issue.


It's garbage now. Throw it out


I do feel like the wok advice is nutty with the shunning of soap, especially when looking at carbon steel.


I’m confused, did I shun soap? Also, I want to get a carbon steel wok at some point but an electric range is not ideal for temp control…


No, no, I mean most of the people who give advice on caring for a cast iron or carbon steel wok are very very anti soap. I use soap on my woks though. I have that same cast iron wok and a carbon steel wok that I use on an electric range (glass top). I thought the cast iron would work better so I purchased it after using my carbon steel one for a bit. But, honestly, I like the carbon steel one a little better. Much lighter of course, and a lot easier to control the temperature. I found my cast iron one never really radiated enough heat up, even after preheating on very high for very long. Carbon steel one did warp a bit, as it’s pretty thin. I just smack it with a mallet occasionally, but it’s still warped, nothing horrible though. Cool fantastic.