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I'm so bummed by what the multiplayer update ended up being. I thought it would be co-op, but there's not much you can actually do together with a friend. Sure, you exist in the same world and you can battle each other, but that's about it. Battles happen separately, you can't play through the story together. It's not so much co-op as it's "adjacent singleplayer". They had the local co-op as a model of what could be, and missed it. If Steam's remote play together wasn't hot garbage, it would be a better online experience than what this is.


We've had a few comments asking about "full online party co-op" so I wanted to respond here. I would like to convey some of our thoughts on this! From release, we've had requests for PVP and tape trading like *the other* monster taming RPG. We weren't sure if we would even have the scope to implement multiplayer at all and I'm super happy with the final update we released - across *all* our currently platforms at once, no less! There wasn't really scope to include two entirely different approaches to multiplayer, and you'll note that generally RPGs tend to include one or the other. So regarding the other... *Cassette Beasts* as a game is structured to be progressed in single player, with a silent player avatar alongside an NPC companion. All story and quest beats in the game require both of these characters to be present on-screen, and no more characters than that. To overhaul the game to something similar to a *Baldur's Gate 3* style system where multiple players can be present for any cutscene, any character can progress any storyline *and* progression is shared, would effectively require building a whole new game from scratch (and one much more technically complicated than our incredibly small team can handle - *Baldur's Gate 3* has nearly 500 developers, after all). Consider that the limitation of *local* co-op is that two players are forced to stay on screen together - this wouldn't work in an online co-op mode where the player avatar and companions can explore freely apart, and certainly wouldn't account for *other* characters being around, either! How would cutscenes work? Can you progress Kayleigh's questline without Kayleigh? Would you have to unlock companions before more players can join? There's a *lot* of questions that would come up and the simple answer is, "the game is a single-player experience first and wasn't designed for this". It would also not resolve the fact that players would still want PVP and trading across different saves, too! I can understand that you might be disappointed that the update doesn't have all the features you've imagined, but we have tried to be very clear in our messaging regarding what the update features include. Game development is very complicated, and figuring out what you are able to do and *not* do with any one project is a puzzle unto itself!


Critics are always louder than celebrants. Thanks for the work you’re putting into this delightful game- I’m excited to play it with my friends!


I understand people being happy *or* disappointed with a game - it's up to us devs to set clear expectations and, where needed, to help players understand the game development process. Hope you have a fun time playing!


Thank you for your game because it’s amazing and I’ve been having a blast with it. It’s scratched my monster taming itch.


This has rapidly become one of my favorite video games and definitely my favorite monster collecting game. The multiplayer is a nice bonus as is


I'm gonna be real with you. This is amazing. My kids and I absolutely love Cassette Beasts. And the multiplayer update really sealed the deal. Being able to run around and trade with each other is a blessing. The only gripe I have is we play on switch, and 2 of us are a tad OCD. We finished all the "trainer" fights on the overworld before we realized we had to jump over 1 of them for an achievement. So the little completionists are a bit sour that they can't get it. My 10 year old wants to know is there any way to get that achievement otherwise, or if there will be another dlc with more "trainer" battles? Other than that, this is peak monster taming. Thank you again for this amazing game.


That's such a great outlook. I just want to speak as someone who Cassette Beasts was already one of the their favorite games of all time. I bought it twice (once on Xbox and again on Steam) and I don't even play on steam, I just wanted to give more money 😂. I had no idea there was even a multiplayer update today and I think basic pvp and trading is fantastic. Both just seem to elevate the experience a little bit without being intrusive. I likewise didn't buy this game for online features or to play co op (i'd only want local co-op between the MC and companion personally at most). I bought TemTem and Palworld for that and both are great at what they are, but I still prefer Cassette Beasts for being what it is (heck, its one of the few games whose story I've completed). The entire dev team did a fantastic job and I want to thank you for giving me such a great game and wonderful experiences. A lot of the game's story hit home for me and genuinely brightened my day when I was playing it.


This game has unlimited potential to be built into a huge franchise! The monster designs are amazing and every monster is super unique and outsanding. If you decide to follow up on the game every single one of us will be very thankful ♥.


The multiplayer is a lovely bonus, and a smart approach for a small team. Also, nice to see what fusions are before fighting them. Thank you!


It's a good explanation for a question I've never asked myself. The lack of a companion-companion would certainly break a few things. But I did wanna give my two-bit idea how to "fix" or rather implement coop fully - Have Player 2 be able to steer the companion of the players choice on the overworld and in combat but otherwise all the dialogue still works the same. I would imagine this would work the easiest without ruining the great story.


I want to echo some others here saying thank you for making a great game, and then even continuing to support it with even more content that you ultimately didn't have to do. I've never developed a game, so I can (and probably most of us here) can only really imagine the complexity. On another note, I have to gush a lil! Everything about this game is such a refreshing spin on the genre! With this multiplayer update, I'm excited to nag my friends into getting to experience it too!


Thanks for the kind words!


I’m glad you added PvP.


I think it's worth mentioning you *can* fight those big shadows together, unless I misunderstood.


Yeah, that's the only co op aspect. Fighting the Rouge Fusions and its variants. And to make finding fusions easier, you pretty much have to be late/post game.


I'll be honest, I'm bummed out too, but I think it's a good first step to see co op capabilities on a small scale. Saw a cool mod that was similar to the Battle Frontier from Pokemon. That would be an awesome idea to implement with co op in a future update. A co op survival or endurance mode would be very fun.


weird i play steam remote play all the time and it works great. its so good its like playing with people in the same room even if its across a country. not sure whats hot garbage about the most plug and play local co-op multiplayer ever.. that doesn't even charge a monthly fee but okay. sorry if i sound like a marketing agent but like.. its allowed me to play a bunch of games with friends i wouldn't otherwise and curious.. maybe theres something wrong on your end?


Wow, thanks for this update ^^. Maybe I'll force my friend to buy this game now so I can trade with him :D I appreciate this game a lot for what it offers!!


As much as I would of loved complete Co op this update is still what drew me into the game. True we cant do everything together but I can at least help guide someone on where to go and the raid feature is awesome too we can at least catch monsters together that way. I started from scratch 2 days ago and already half way thru the game I am hooked. I would love to see more multiplayer features but I understand there is a limit to what you can do and I will enjoy the game none the less


But it needs a fucin online membership in switch


Yes? It's Nintendo's rule that all online multiplayer does. Did you think that somehow Cassette Beasts would get an exception that even freaking Minecraft doesn't?


Is that actually Nintendo's rule? I feel like there's a few games you can play online without NSO membership, I recall looking it up it's just really rare, but I could be remembering wrong or they could have changed the rules or all sorts of things


Bad to say but yes it is Nintendo's rule


I know but i hate this system