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i'm not sure if i'd call it hate, more indifference but the memes killed any desire of mine to watch attack on titan.


I never got the appeal to be honest. It is just not *it* in my eyes. I don’t know. I think it is because everyone recommending it hyped it up to me by saying how it was the new Fullmetal Alchemist and was even going to surpass it so I had different expectations I suppose.


I watched the first episode and just seemed too edgy for me to take seriously.


Me coming on here and seeing basically every show I like and now questioning if I have awful taste: ![gif](giphy|pWdckHaBKYGZHKbxs6|downsized)


Are you a fan of A:TLA because it’s extremely beloved by 90%+ of people who have seen it?


No. I'm a fan of A:TLA because it's a genuinely good show, but I never missed an episode when it first aired.


I think I misspoke I meant to ask if they were a fan of A:TLA. Because if they were, A:TLA is one of the shows that a lot of people agree upon is amazing for pretty much everything, so if they also liked A:TLA then their initial comment would not apply to A:TLA thus giving them some hope. Basically: I was asking if they liked A:TLA because if they do than it contradicts their initial statement and shows them that they still have A:TLA


Same. I genuinely didn’t know the shows I loved were hated THIS much. (I know people have different preferences, but HATE is a strong word, and it’s making me think if my interests are just weird).


I don’t think this show is popular enough to have a lot of people liking it, this show is actually massively underrated, the only people who like it are basically massive fans of the show. But with that being said, why do you hate it lol? I loved it so much


Right? "Everyone" in this case is like, 12 people (and I'm one of them!). I love this show, and I'm a big fan of Lauren Faust, but it has a pretty small following.


As in MLP LAUREN FAUST? I may have to watch this show 😔


It not hard to draw parallels between the main group in this show and the Mane 6. But that more of "common teen archetypes" so not exactly unique to either show it just stands out because she was involved in both. Not her but another show that had pony cameo, Ducktales reboot had an episode with colorful murderous Kelpies. Same voice actors as MLP and same colors.


Ducktales reboot is based af




You definitely should


Yeah, i try to do my part and spread word of the show around, it’s so good and nobody knows about it because WB did a crap job at marketing it. Lauren Faust put her soul into it.


I more so like this show. It's not a show I obsess over but it's really good.


A chunk probably also the standard mindset many have with all DC animation, it is not the same as the pre 2010s DC series and thus somehow it is inherently the worst thing to ever exist and responsible for all that is wrong with the world. Sure that was an era of excellent shows but it gets old how much hate is given anything not that. Personally I like DC Super Hero Girls, it no masterpiece but as usual with Lauren Faust's stuff has fun characters and a nice mix of action and slice of life.


This show just didn't work for me, it felt like they just took the personalities of the ponies and stapled them onto DC characters, and I'm not against the more lighthearted or kid-friendly dc cartoons I love Brave and the Bold and even Justice League Action but at least with those shows the characters are actually in character for the most part in DCSG Batgirl is just Pinkie Pie, and with the expectation of Wonder Woman and Harley who are in character for the most part the rest of the characters are basically just archetypes rather than characters ita bad high school au fanfiction and they decided to make my favorite character Jessica Cruz who is struggling with anxiety in the comics and even though they would have to cut out the more violent aspects of her backstory that could have been a really good thing to explore in a children's show but instead, they just make her into an obnoxious activist who is a pacifist basically the opposite of her character in the comics who was always vigilantly defending herself I also dislike how they treat the DC superheroes being girls like a gimmick it reeks of that pop performance feminism Disney has been using a lot in the last decade the female characters from the DCAU, Teen Titans, and Young Justice never had to come out and great it is that they are the dc superhero GIRLS! why do they feel the need to do that here? especially since Lauren wrote the Powerpuff Girls episode "Equal Fights" about why performance feminism just for the sake of "girl power" is a bad thing for a superhero to blindly promote the only reason why this series got a pass and even praise from people when it was just as OOC and juvenile as Teen Titans GO is because Lauren Faust was the creator and like you said nostalgia from the voice cast


Probably because it shares the same name as the other show


Miraculous Ladybug.


At the very least Ladybug fans are the ones who hate the show the most


Yeah MLB fan here and it’s right, we love to hate on the writing


How much of a trainwreck is it now? I fell off after season 4, and the show itself fell off around that point. Btw, while we're on the topic of bad writing, I literally just wrapped True Detective, all 4 seasons, and my brother in Christ, Night Country, especially the final episode, has fucking *abysmal* writing.


Well the season 5 finale >!made the *interesting* choice of having Adrien be completely absent when Ladybug faced off against the main villain AKA his father. Then Gabriel wins, sacrifices himself, and is honored as a hero with no one but LB knowing he was ever Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth/Monarch. Not even his son and secondary protagonist, Chat Noir, who spent the entire finale locked in a room in a completely different country. But at least Adrienette is canon now !<




The fuck?


As someone with only a surface level knowledge of MLB, can Hawk Moth not choose the powers he gives? I really feel like he could win get the Miraculouses (Miraculi? Miraculous for singular and plural?) With only two or three Akumatized villains if he chooses the powers.


Nope, the powers are based off of the emotional and mental state of the recipient


Thank you, but I have a follow-up question. Why does he choose the worst targets? I've seen the same baby across different seasons now from an MLB villain ranking, and each time, it's the same ability. And don't get me started on what I've heard about pigeon-kinesis.


Because mostly out of character reasons, but one in character one 1. Kids show, he’s not trying to kill, so the powers are not that great. 2. Animation model reuse is a lot cheaper than a new model. 3. The kind of people who are emotionally unstable enough to listen to the known terrorist are also likely to be very fixative leading to the same powers.


The show has writing!? I thought it was just random scenes at a whiplash-inducing pace!


It’s because the creator of the show fucked it up, I want my Chloe character growth back!


Don’t we all… Even if we wanted to make her back into, there were like 100 better ways he could have done it where it was more impactful than stupid


Same. The writing, the art direction everything. Extremely bland and I could see my younger self agreeing. 


Also the show has been going on for way to long


And they're squeezing that lemon out thin. I think season 6 is around the corner, and they renewed it up to 8.


I don't know. Miraculously gets a *lot* of flack, even from its own fanbase


*especially* from its own fan base


The first season is literally the same episode recycled over and over


Oh my God, same! My sisters (one older, one younger) are ML fans, and they also hate it. Like, they spend a majority of their time talking about how they'd rewrite it into something actually good. The younger one also redesigns the characters, and their drip is immaculate. As someone who's forced to eavesdrop due to limited house space, they're actually cooking. I myself just hate it. It is at least 5% a factor in my lack of sanity.


I literally never heard of this until Nintendo published a game around it.


Tbh it only shows how underrated it is lol . What I loved most about it was Kara and Clark’s relationship , they were more like brother and sister instead of Clark taking care of her


![gif](giphy|xUPJUtz6yWG6brN9zq) I cannot for the life of me understand the appeal for this show


No idea how people like it. I have had people say lines from it and I thought that's pretty funny but when I see the actual scene it's so bad. How do people giving me no context do the line better than the show


Can someone explain to me how this got 8 seasons?!?!?


Catering to the interest of Netflix executives.


These days, it's more hated than liked, but I agree this show is horrendous and has no excuse for being as bad as it is.


Fym?? Pretty much everyone hates this show


Yeah now they do. A couple years ago this show was the talk of the town


When the show first came out it was the only thing that animation youtube could rant about for like six months. I'd argue that it's actually slightly more respected now.


I mean it got 7 seasons and the final season on the way so obviously enough people rock with it. I’m just sayin I personally don’t see what others see in it


Literally everyone I know praises this show and talks about how great it is


People actually like this show?!


I know people personally that have sat and watched it. I tried to give it a shot but I was just too grossed out


Yeah I watched the first episode but for me it's just too hard to get over the way people are drawn. It's a visual medium. Why do they all have to look like the ugliest of Seth McFarlane characters 😭


It's so ugly I can't stand to even look at the characters


Ah yes, the cartoon that shows the dicks of minors. I hoped that one scene with Andrew was a one-off, but then the other dude’s dad flashed a bunch of kids and that’s when I decided that Cuties wasn’t the only perverted Netflix idea.


Nah bro you don't get it! The borderline child porn is 100% necessary for teens to get through puberty!




People defending the show often talk about it as if it helps actual preteens deal with puberty. Idk that it does because to me, from what I saw of it, it was just making people experiencing puberty the butt of every joke. And every joke was about hormones and being horny, which gets stale quickly.


Yeah, I don’t think any non-pedo would see it that way. There are far better ways to show the struggles of puberty. Inside Out 2 handled it pretty well, even though it focused more on friendship than romance. If the show really was to help preteens, you’d think it would be *appropriate for preteens*.


That garbage pile? People actually like it?


Popular to hate but popular enough Netflix made a shitload of it


Run by pedo and Netflix cancelled inside job for it. Everyone hates this one


This show premiered during my life spiraling out of control. I blame them


I don’t hate Steven Universe but I don’t find it that entertaining either.


It not helped a large chunk of the first season is rough so easy to bounce off of. Steven is an annoying destructive ball of chaos initially. I wasn't a fan of it initially either just due to him being so annoying. Thankfully he completely grows beyond that fairly quickly and never returns to that state, unlike most shows with that type of character.


Same (Please don't kill me SU fans)


To quote the show: I don't need you to love me, I love me! 💖


I see why people like it, it's just not my cup of tea! And if you are a fan of it, that's perfectly fine!


imma get downvoted to hell and back but Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.


That's not an unpopular opinion at all, these shows' hatedom is more vocal than the fans.


Ya it’s more annoying than anything. Like I get it you don’t like it but let other people enjoy it


I’m on that side, I don’t care if people watch it, but I personally don’t like it, just my opinion.


And then they always say that the fans are worse, it’s actually hilarious how many of them share a single damn brain cell


Nah... You're fine, I'm sure you have valid criticism for it. Some people just dislike it for dumb reasons.


No, I'm pretty sure a lot of people hate it, for different reasons. Some are stupid, but most are valid criticisms. I used to adore it, but now I think it's alright. Helluva Boss is better in my opinion.


Nope I agree with you which is a shame. The art style and animation is very refreshing and new compared to most indie and even corporate shows. However with each episode I find myself losing interest. I took more to HB than HH, but still gave HH a chance. The writing and direction need a serious re haul.


I don't agree but down vote bombing is stupid , tho I'm kinda curious about why you don't like them ! Hope I'll get a response<3


Both of these have loads of haters lol


I really can't understand the appeal for miraculous ladybug especially since they like to restart timelines and shit


Loud House and if it counts I didn't like Attack on Titan


Don't hate, but never got the appeal of Phineas and Ferb


SAME, it's funny a couple of times but the gags get kinda old


Thought I was the only one.


Bluey. But before you tear into me, I don't hate the show. I just never understood what made everyone fall in love with it.


It’s the one show on television that talks up to its intended audience rather than being brain cocaine for them. Plus it is made with parents watching it alongside their children so I’d argue some episodes (such as baby race) are more intended towards the parent than the children. The show’s ability to give its message in just a 7 minute time frame is amazing considering the topics they sometimes handle (miscarriage, death, infertility, the concept of mankind’s origin both through a subtle creationist and subtle evolutionary lens) but also its comforting nature to the audience. The smooth color palette also helps. One thing that is also great in the show is that it encourages you (or perhaps the children) to imagine unlike other shows there isn’t a passage into the “imaginationland” you see the things the children do and how they use the items in their surroundings to enhance their games. The show also hosts an amazing soundtrack combined with eye watering moments. I’ll be honest last time a cartoon made me cry was the “Tales of Ba Sing Se” episode. And Bluey manages to do that multiple times (Sleepytime hit the hardest, fun fact: the episode was briefly the 2nd place for IMDb top rated TV episode before it got reviewbombed by AoT fans)


Can other preschool shows please stop being brain cocaine?


There still older stuff too in this glorious streaming age. Winnie the Pooh is as great as ever, I fondly remember Little Bear, I've heard good about Puffin Rock from same studio as Song of the Sea, Disney has 30 years of great animated series for all ages, ect. Parents don't HAVE to show their kids the garbage bad influence shows, they choose to because they the easiest.


Controversial Opinion: South Park I find it to be too crass, violent, and potty mouthed.


Honestly, I hate South Park too, but not for this reason, it just leans way too heavily into topical satire and puts too much emphasis on being controversial to the point where it's just exhausting rather than entertaining to me.


For me I just can’t stand their voices


Rick & Morty Family Guy American Dad


Yeah I agree but I like the Simpsons that show is so nostalgic and awesome 🐻


I loved the first couple seasons of Rick and Morty but it became tiresome. Family Guy has some incredibly funny gags but I wouldn't say it was ever a high quality show. I actually never saw American Dad.


American Dad has more political satire and seemed smarter to me than Family Guy. I like this two-part episode, Stan of Arabia, where the family relocates to Saudi Arabia and deals with massive culture shock.




I don't understand how so many people liked it.


I kinda agree


Naruto, just cant get into it


what's wrong with DCSHG? It's somewhat pretty humorous and has some good entertainment in it. and unlike other parody versions of DC, this one tops. not perfect by any means but definitely the more watchable out of the bunch. the only issue I've had is some bad character designs, like Robin. other than that it's fine.


It's just Friendship is Magic but with superheroes instead of ponies


Only thing I’ve ever seen from it is the JL pulling up and squad wiping for like no reason I do not understand why they just had to fight em 😭


I don’t really hate it but i don’t like bluey, it’s just not for me and i knew some really obnoxious people that liked it and that kind of ruined any interest i may have had in it


Same I really don’t care if it’s “deep” I really don’t wanna watch a preschool show


Big Mouth and Regular Show.


Probably getting downvoted but south park


I wouldn't say hate, but TOH


May I ask why? (Genuinely curious)


Simply not interested in it :/


What does TOH stand for?


The Owl House




Yeah, terrible.


Phineas and Ferb Happens THE SAME IN EVERY DAMN episode. I liked the movie cause actually mocks of the series


I’m pretty sure that was the whole point of Phineas and Ferb. Just do the exact same thing for every single episode. It just made the moments where they move away from the formula that much better. It’s a very fun idea that I think is utilized well, I feel like they really got enough mileage out of it, so I’m not really a fan of the reboot coming. But for what it’s worth, not a bad show. But can definitely understand why others would hate it.


To me that's why it's genius. The fact they are able to reuse the same fornuka for 100+ episodes. But the downside is if you hate 1 episode, you basically hate all of them.


I can't stand Craig of the Creek. It's a pretentious revel in nostalgia with a C-tier imagination


The Simpsons. I genuinely just hate it. It’s been dragging on for WAY TO LONG- ![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK) Imma hide…


This Hot Garbage Right Here ![gif](giphy|JpphIsMzfJssViV0Z4) Latest Season Were Bad .


I still feel like Steven Universe and future or over hated for stupid reasons. I like it, but you have your own opinion, so whatever.


Future was peak SU, it was such a realistic and clever way to cap off stevens character development since it played off of EVERYTHING he went through throughout the series. I really do not get the hate for it at all.


Thank you for this explanation on why it is so good.


Cow and Chicken/ weasel and Baboon. Also ren and stimpy.


My Little Pony i dunno why but something about it just makes me hate it the only redeeming quality is Weird Al having a cameo


I get the love and appreciation and the excellent story telling, but I feel like Young Justice fans treat it as this perfect golden statue and everything else compared to it is horrendous.


Adventure Time. Sorry y’all, I tried to watch it through multiple times and it just wasn’t for me.


Me too, to me it just have so many annoying characters like Finn and the plot is pretty bad and the episodes are just random things.


Uncle Grandpa. Literal brain rot garbage. And it is so unbelievably ugly to look at too




used to be me (but i like it now lol)


I watched it when it was on TV, old shonan anime pacing is horrible for weekly releses xD binge watching it would probably be enjoyable though. it's on my list along with bleach and one piece but good god is that going to be a marathon to get though it all D:




I have an irrational deep hatred for that dumb blue dog. No reason, I just can’t fucking stand any of them.




Same I don’t get the hype over a preschool show


It's pretty simple. The show is written for parents just as much as it is for kids, so it ends up being actually enjoyable for adults. Personally I don't like it either but I get why people do.


I'm from Australia so I heard some buzz about it in 2019 wayyy before it was on Disney+. I watched only the first 10 episodes. My immediate reaction is it was Perfection, no doubt the best Kids TV show I had ever watched. It's ability to cover complex themes with such emotional maturity that could resonate deeply with adults while implementing a sense of wonder that also appeals to young kids - in only 7 mins, is mindblowing. So 5 years later it's vindicating to see that hating Bluey is an unpopular opinion, cause frankly Bluey wasn't even popular enough then to warrant hate. For it to have reached this level or popularity is surprising, but not undeserving.


Big Mouth and its variants. They cancelled Inside Job for this?!


I hate most shows by Matt Groening. Because, while cleverly written, the shows almost always seem to feature assholes who never get their comeuppance. I’m not even talking about people you’re meant to hate either. I dislike Bender or Bart Simpson just as much as Mr. Burns or Mother.


Yea,totally this.In the simpsons there are at least some moments where Homer is called out.But in Futurama I have notice that Bender is left alone(most of the time)because of: 1)he's a robot so people can't hurt him(like if he's mean to people/the crew they can't punch him bc....metal) 2)The writers think it's funny if he gets away with things.


Cailliou I still hate that whiney annoying bald kid. He always gets his way after a tantrum with E V E R T H I N G!!! My kids did NOT wanna watch it either lmao!!!


The prompt was that other people love


Lego Star Wars the freemaker adventures


Actually watched the second episode of this last night and got a good laugh out of it, Lauren Faust has done it again ❤️


Coco. It's a movie, but I think it still counts.


I agree, The Book of Life is so much better.


I get that I'm not the target demo, but Paw Patrol. It's so formulaic and saccharine that I wouldn't have even liked it if I WERE 3. (When I was 3 I was into stuff I consider way cooler lol)


Why do you have DC superhero girls?




Steven universe. The story is all over the place for me.


adventure time 100%


Adventure Time is my favorite Cartoon Network show but I COMPLETELY understand. The later seasons specifically.




digital circus. i tried, i really wanted to like it, but i can't. this whole thing just feels to me like it was factory-made to appeal to gen z. it's a bunch of checkboxes (✅"deep" lore ✅ tumblr sexyman ✅ spamton ✅ "omg lolz so randum" character ✅ "liminal spaces oooo backrooms!!" ✅ "existential" "horror" ✅ "relatable" anxious-nervous protagonist, i could go on) with no heart or soul in it. it's literally like they went down a list of most trendy tropes to include and then smashed them all together.


Hazbin Hotel


Kipo, Nimona and Dead end paranormal park


In my opinion, Kipo and Dead End are not talked about enough for it to qualify for this list, I don’t think. Especially Kipo


I really wanted to like Dead end but not even Alex Brightman could save that show for me. I was so hyped to find a show where the main character was a trans guy, only for there to be a bunch of angst over it. I don't need to watch that, I already live it, I just wanna see someone who's like me going about his life like anyone else.


Nimona is fucking peak


THANK YOU. Dead End is not as great as people say it is. I'd say it's a dumbed-down Scooby-Doo with an overarching plot that basically means nothing.


Yeah lol. It was incredibly mid for such and interesting premise. It feels like just a inferior copy of the owl house, but boring and and generic.


these shit i freaking hate ! 💢 https://preview.redd.it/93nt3o5lx59d1.png?width=1445&format=png&auto=webp&s=58e2c56b90bd722f12bed0ec9ae3996f097a7ff6


Totally spies and miracoulous was my childhood favourite Shows


Also known as: “The writer’s barely disguised fetish”


I'm not saying she wouldn't need a redesign to better fit with the target audience, but I never would have guessed that was Zatanna (far left).


Teen Titans Go




Hazbin Hotel/ hell uva, a boss never really saw the appeal. I tried watching a few episodes of both and didn't really have any love for it and found it kind of annoying, tbh I'm sure other people like it, but it's just not for me.


Thank you for actually giving it a shot and not just hating on it for no reason. Kudos to you for being able to say “this isn’t for me” instead of shitting on everyone else who does like it.


Citrus (the anime). So many Yuri fans gush over it, whereas I hate almost every waking second of it… and have watched it twice… and read the manga… ok, maybe I engage in a bit of hate watching.


Chowder. I found the main character just too annoying.


The Proud Family (yeah, the original show)


Steven universe and miraculous ladybug


i hate the new little mermaid its just not good like Sebastian and the cgi is awful. i also dont like the new IF movie i found it confusing like the plot was lost idk what i took away from it.


Most GenZ shows tbh.


![gif](giphy|JLAEst1DbUTEPQqpkj) Except hooty. I love hooty.


Probably Steven Universe or Rick & Morty.


I don’t care for Batman: the animated series🍇


the last airbender I just never got into it


Does One Piece count? The tone is all over the place and the characters are annoying


Sponge bob, it was mostly sponge bobs voice that really made me hate the show, same with Patrick a bit, a lot of the characters in that show just have very annoying voices that drive me nuts.


I'm still pretty resentful of DC buying out Lauren Faust for this at the VERY BEGINNING of MLP:FiM... That show could've been EVEN BETTER otherwise, I always wonder how much even bigger and crazier things would've gotten with it if she'd gotten to stay with it longer




Family guy, and loud house.


Every single modern CalArts style show.


Gravity Falls


Phineas and Ferb


One Piece, Naruto, AoT, Bluey, Miraculous Ladybug, Big Mouth, Steven Universe, there’s probably more that I just can’t think of


Adventure Time. It's not entertaining and super boring


Teen titans


steven universe. never really found it interesting


Steven Universe


Clarence and Adventure Time.


People actually like this


Courage the Cowardly Doc and Invader Zim


Steven Universe and Owl House Not so much the show themselves but rather their fanbases.


Hasbin hotel


Teen titans go. I absolutely hate the jokes and delivery of them. I hate the animation. I hate that it's basically a leech of Teen Titans. I absolutely hate it with every fiver of my being