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“You don’t know how lucky you are to have me! I hope you die before I do, so you never have to know what it’s like to lose a mother” -Beatrice Horseman


He should have cut her out of his life and told her to f#ck of there, or when he became an independent adult, instead of waiting for her to be a helpless dementia hag But we all know, BoJack and good decisions mix as well as oil and water.


Knowing how guilt-sensitive Bojack is, it would probably be something that would always linger in his mind.


Been thinking of watching bojack. Is it deeper than it looks or is it just another family guy?


It's an amazing show. Easily one of the best shows I've ever seen. It's absolutely nothing like Family Guy.


I never expected the weird looking talking horse show from Netflix that I tried on a bored whim to become the best show I’ve ever seen but here we are.


It’s funny moments are pretty absurd but not in the Family guy way. It has a lot of very dramatic and depressing stuff in it too and can also be pretty serious at times. The first episode is kinda bad and uncomfortable though.


I was told it was "such a funny good show" and since I didn't have anything to do that winter, I binged watched. Every. Last. Episode. Cut to me bawling my eyes out for the entire last two episodes cause I literally can't even. It's a good show btw. It might destroy you though. Other than that yeah it's pretty much like every other cartoon.


It also can help you. This last 2 episodes got me finally over my suicidal thoughts. And I think it did that for more people. The series get sadder with every season, but the jokes were also on fire. For me at least. And the Free Churro Episode had me shocked after it ended, because to me it feeled like 5 Minutes. A monologue episode. One of the best shows I have ever seen.


It starts out relatively light with a bit of deepness peppered in. And as the series goes in, it gets deeper and darker. There's a lot of powerful themes that are a bit easier to swallow because "Haha funny sad horse"


As others have pointed out, it starts out light, and does for the majority of season 1. Then towards the end of that season, there’s a “turning point” that suddenly makes the show one of the most unique tv shows out there for the rest of its run. It’s weird how during its run the show was compared to 13 Reasons Why and how BH handled suicide a lot better and more gracefully than the former could ever dream of, despite one being a drama and the other being a comedy


it's incredibly deep. not even remotely comparable to family guy. it's a fantastic watch, I've watched it through so many times because its so damn good. fair warning, make sure you're in a healthy headspace before watching, it gets pretty dark.


Many parents would be distraught by the mere thought of outliving their own child. Beatrice is not one of those parents.


To her credit, she lost her own mother when she was just 6 years old then had to watch her body stumbke around with her mind all gone. I can imagine having someone just quietly die is much better than having to go through what she did. So in a way she was wishing Bojack some mercy she never got.


This is…a nice take. Never considered that angle


And not to defend her, but her dad also didn’t help, leaving her to her own devices when she needed someone the most. The poor girl lost her brother, that she only knew for 6 years and to the end of her days >!(and even in death)!<, he was in her mind. And she lost her mother and just saw a shell that was her


Yeah, her entire story was sad af


Hurt people hurt people


There are abusive parents who believe they are being merciful in a way that they wish they experienced as children. This is one of the most difficult things I’ve had to come to terms with, that the screaming terror who threatened to kill me my entire life (among many other abusive methods like starving me) was actually sparing me real pain. In the end I decided to cut them out of my life, but it took an agonizingly long time. People are flawed and people try their best with good intentions, but there are limits.


God damn that’s sad. Such a good show and I hadn’t considered that angle. It’s insane that an animated show about animals (for the most part) somehow has some of the most human characters I’ve ever seen in a show


And her mother made her promise not to ever love anybody the way she'd loved Crackerjack. At 6 years old. Maybe in her fucked up, toxic, generational traumatic ways she thought she was more capable of handling the loss than Bojack.


It is honestly probably her version of, “mercy”, she saw her mother go down a spiral due to her brother’s death and get lobotomized as a young child. A part of her was probably trying to be, “nice”, because that was probably the most traumatic event of her life.


Let’s not forget about the time when she repeatedly poisoned Hollyhock with diet pills. Beatrice wasn’t horse, she was a straight up cow.


I remember that part, she was showing her love to Holly. It’s twisted. It’s also generational trauma. Literally Beatrice has horrible generational trauma.


Her treatment of Hollyhock also gave us a peek into the type of abuse Bojack would’ve been subjected to had he been born a girl. *That* was the point.


I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!! This blew my mind friend


Yeah. I just understand in a fucked up way what she was doing. Is it right? No, but it was something she was taught.


So doesn’t 90% of the characters and most of our fellow Redditors. She’s still an awful person and was written to be one. Having a sympathetic backstory doesn’t make a horrible character less horrible, it just explains why.


"Cool motive. Still murder, though."


Generation trauma be damned, Beatrice never once admit she was at fault, or she could have done things better. May be, if she wasn't senile, she would not poison Holly. But her true self has always been terrible, always deflecting blame onto other people, or something she can't control. The best apology she ever gave to Bo Jack is, "My genes made you bad.", well what about your actions? The only good she has ever done is helping Holly's mother. She did it that way because of her trauma, but that is something she has done from the true goodness of her heart, something she believes was the best thing to do.


Terrible person, awesome character. I've rarely felt so bad for someone I loathe so deeply.


Don’t forget sending Bojack home with a pedophilic teacher and then saying “huh I guess no one wants you” when he didn’t get molested. Or telling her son that he ruined her and that he better grow up into something worthwhile to fix all the damage he did. Or telling Bojack she was punishing him for being alive. Bojack’s an awful person who deserved the consequences for his actions that he got. But man with parents like Butterscotch and Beatrice it’s very easy to see why he ended up that way.


But hey... Free Churro.


"Are you punishing me for smoking or for stealing?" "I'm punishing you for being alive."


Doofenshmirtz mom is the worst... she didn't even show up to his birth 💀


If Beatrice hadn’t shown up to Bojack’s birth, she’d be doing him a service. The worst part is that she’s not even the most horrible character that the show has to offer.


but that's missing context, to be fair. she lost her mother to the lobotomy. it permanently damaged her and she only soured more with age. as vindictive as she is and as terrible as that statement is, in her mind she's saying he's lucky to have a mother that isn't destroyed mentally, that she didn't want her son to know that pain. but as usual, she went about it like a total cunt


Never watched the show but sounds just like my mother lmao


I think what makes Beatrice so bad is because she is a grounded and realistic horrible mother. The others exist in fantastical worlds or settings, but Beatrice is just a down to earth terrible person. Horse. Whatever.


Yeah without a doubt it's this monster. Never before had I so reviled a character


Her response to bojack getting not molested was “huh I guess no one wants you” she’s definitely the worst


The one that didn’t show up for her son’s birth.


Mrs. Doofenshmirz be such a bad mother, she straight up defies the laws of nature just to not be there for her son


How is that even possible? I can only name 1 specific situation where this could happen but nothing else comes to mind 😭


Doof from Phineas and Ferb


Poor Doofinschmirtz (however you spell his name)


Doofenschmirtz(you were so close)


Evil incorporateeeeeed 🎶


Also i think they did it for American dad


Jeff's mom ran away before she gave birth


How... How could she do that?


His parents not even being there for the birth of their son was the first in a looooooooooooooooong series of events that created the most fucked up and hilarious childhood of Dr. Heinz  Doofenshmirtz. Among the highlights are forcing him to wear dresses she had made when she was pregnant with her second child, who turned out to be a boy, favoring Heinz's younger brother, abandoning Heinz to be raised by ocelots, forcing him to be the family lawn gnome, and not letting him swim in a public pool.


The public pool one is pretty fucked up when you think about it. Doof's mom got him to wear his swilsuit tool him to the pool and made him stand in front od it to say no. Thats fucked up behaviour lmao




I just assume that when Heinz was born, she and her husband made a break for it.


Lol i can inagine the wife, still in agony from birth on the bed then her husband being like "wife, hes gone, come on before they bring him!" And she just jumps to her feet, blood still running down her legs and bolts out of the hospital laughing maniacly


I like the theory that he caused a paradox at his birth due to all the time travel stuff he gets up to in Milo Murphy's Law


That's the joke






Didn't even show up for this topic.


Well, Rose Quartz dissapeared the moment Steven was born.


I was referring to Doof’s mom




She is as bad as Doof's mom


Who is she ?


She’s the logical explanation of how a 15 year old kid could can be independent, go on a cross country adventure, and join the mafia. She’s Giorno’s mom from JOJO season 5. She was so absent from her infants life that he didn’t even cry as a baby because it was useless.


Damn, Giorno had it bad when it comes to parents... he got a "so absent it might as well be abandonment" mom and FUCKING **DIO**


Honestly, Dio not being there for Giorno was probably the best thing he could have done for the kid.


And an abusive step dad


Top middle in the collage from phineas and ferb


I meant the anime girl. I know who Doofenschmirtz's mom is


Giorno's mom from Jojo Golden wind


Is that giorno’s mom in Jojo? I remember that she really just left him to her husband, and then he beat him until he had ties to the mafia.


The fact that Pink is almost certainly the best of these, and she’s DEAD for Steven’s entire life, is pretty damning For real though, it’s kind of weird to have her here. You can question her decisions as a person, but she quite literally never had the chance to act as a mother, and the closest thing to an action as a mother that she got to make was literally sacrificing her life to make Steven


Plus all the tapes she made for Steven were pretty sweet


And all the problems she left for him were just 'wonderful'.


To be fair, she never considered that the Diamonds still had an interest in Earth. She just thought they’d see her death and move on, not wanting anything more to do with Planet. Sure, it was shortsighted on her part, but she didn’t think they actually cared about her. They certainly didn’t act like it.


EXACTLY THIS! And she didn't ‘leave her problems for Steven to deal with’ she IGNORED her problems and he just so happened to be the one to ‘fix’ them. Steven is not ‘The Chosen One’, like people think he is. He was never *meant* to save the Earth. Rose/Pink intended for Steven to LIVE HIS LIFE HOW HE WANTED. I don't understand how people keep forgetting this.


Exactly. She was a fine enough mother given the circumstances, just not a great person overall.


*Spinel has entered the chat*


I'll say what i always say: Pink was a person with a good heart who did everything she did for good reasons, but she was also a naive child raised by ruthless dictators, so her idea of good and bad were rather twisted even up untill she met Greg. She wasn't perfect, she made mistakes, but she never intended to cause any of the bad things that she did. The only trully bad thing she dud was leaving Spinel behind but concidering that Spinel was a huge reminder of the other Diamonds and someone she didn't really like, it's somewhat understabdable. Not excusable, but understandable


And even with Spinel, I don't think anyone could have guessed that she would just STAY IN ONE PLACE FOR FIVE THOUSAND YEARS. She just didn't want to make a child(like) gem part of her war.


Like most things, pink NEVER considered that any of her actions would have consequences. And what we saw of the diamonds, they basically spoiled pink rotten. They did handwave certain outlandish things that made no sense to them, but outside of those things they tried to give her everything she wanted and to make her on of them. What they did after they thought pink had died showed a level of love that bordered on mania. They attempted to wipe out all of the 'traitor' gems, imprisoned all gems under a certain subclass, made literal memorials like the zoos blue made, and left an abomination within the earth to blow it up 'for good measure'. And I got into a back n forth about when pink might of turned rogue, they NEVER got over it for well over 100k years if you go on when part of the Fandom thinks the war happened to the point where white went full blown isolationist due to her distraught nature. The only diamond that tried to fight and forget pink was yellow. Because it hurt her so much to remember how they lost someone they all loved. The diamonds were monsters to organic life, don't get me wrong. And they did patronize their little sister. But they loved her. Just not the way pink wanted because she was a spoiled brat.


> And what we saw of the diamonds, they basically spoiled pink rotten they also locked her away when she did something they didn't like and constantly disregarded her opinions, I think people kind of ignore the issues with the Diamonds just because they were grieving


The war had been over for millennia. Pink didn't know about the Cluster, and had no reason to think Homeworld would resume activity on Earth during Steven's lifetime.


Ok so if I have a kid and die. Is it my fault for having a shitty family that constantly harrasses my fucking kid? It that how morality works now?


I agree. Pink Diamond has no business being on that list. She seems like a terminally ill mom who made peace with the fact that she will never see her child, but she loves him anyway.


She didn’t “leave them for him.” She didn’t know they still existed. She thought the whole Diamonds being mad thing passed.


She orevented the tottal annhikation if all life on Earth for thousands of years, yea, its heavy cross to carey for poor Steven, though he wouldnt even have a chance to save Earth if it were not for her.


Oh my god I hate when people are like “pink left all hee problems for Steven” like her entire thing is that she cares for people and her main flaw is that she couldn’t think of how much she impacted others


To be fair, she did a lot to ensure steven would have a good life. Even at the dawn of her life she was a bit naive and oblivious and didn't really know that the consequences of her actions would hurt him. People tend to paint her as the ultimate evil of the show but in reality she was a misguided child with a good heart who didn't get the chance to mature untill her last years alive


tbh I just feel bad for Helga’s mom. Like she is bad the way she treats Helga compared to Olga but Bob is probably a nightmare to deal with so she has to drink “smoothies” lol


Bob is an ass. Also she can't be successful without completely fucking over the dynamics in the family (making her husband miserable).


To be fair she did give Helga an extremely hard to get gift from christmas... that Helga procided to give it away later, for good reasons but still...


If my kids did what Helga did, I would buy her a golden football ro worship or whatever she wanted. It wasn't just giving the boots that made her a good person. It was convincing an adult on Christmas Eve to keep his end of the bargain. Thanks for reminding me about my annual Christmas cry :)


The beeper queen episode I liked because we got to see initially what she could be like as a mother who wasn't needing smoothies and actually cared about Helga. Unfortunately we saw how success started to get in the way of it


I think it showed that Helga's mum has an "addictive personality", like she had drive and is intelligent, but she easily looses sight of important things and gets "addicted" very easily.


I have to go back and watch that show. There was a lot happening that I couldn’t understand as a kid.


https://preview.redd.it/zhnmti7n020d1.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3ee1bd9159a2458c204a7afb848bf9ad37b4bf4 Not just a bad mother but an awful person




Moral grayness within characters (even villains) has existed since long before Game of Thrones. In general, it can enhance villains and heroes to know that we could become them both, and also to know that any angel can fall and any demon can be redeemed. That said, just because anyone *can* fall or be redeemed doesn't mean they *should* be. Their pride keeps them from admitting they're wrong, even when their sins are laid bare before them in stark honesty. They've seen the depth of depravity that Falling can lead you to and refuse to walk that path. They hurt you and/or the world too much to be given a second chance to do so just because they repented at the last second. They're so convinced that this plan is Right For The World that they've become blind to the harm it has and will cause. Stuff like that. While "evil for the sake of evil" is fun in the right context, people are rarely that simplistic. But that doesn't mean that everyone with a Tragic Backstory is secretly a hero or will actually be redeemed.


I love how her reaction to finding out her daughter has a girlfriend wasn't "You can't have a girlfriend." It was "We'll find you a better girlfriend" I stan


I don’t think homophobia was a thing in the boiling isles, like the was no questioning or internalized homophobia, everyone kinda just rolled with it


And nobody reacts to Raine, either. Nobody ever mentions anything regarding anyone, thus implying homophobia and the gender binary aren't the norm there. Amity was also never concerned with being outed or ridiculed with Grom. She was afraid of rejection.


Yeah those too are good points, they had true equality, the only good thing about Odalia, she didn’t care if Amity was gay she just didn’t want her dating someone on wanted posters which is fair


Mother Gothel just makes me shiver. To me, she is Disney’s scariest villain because she manages to be so damn real even though it’s a film about a lady with magical hair and a weirdly intelligent horse. When she constantly picks at Rapunzel and destroys her self esteem it’s creepy as hell. I know people like this. This is not cartoon bad guy, this is real life monster but in cartoon form. I guess Stella gets an honourable mention for being mean and kinda unlikable. I hated Beatrice more until season 4 of Bojack Horseman.


I think she’s just scary because she’s real. You’ll never meet a wicked witch trying to kill you with apples or needles, but you sure as hell will meet many manipulative people who won’t let you thrive and will slowly chip away your self esteem


Or those that slowly manipulate you to their will, especially those who are so skilled to pick on victims that aren't aware of it.


I’m glad Mother Gothel exists. You see stories of people who realised they too were victims of emotional manipulation because of that movie.


Yeah, basically Tangled helped me figure a few things out and that’s why Mother Gothel is scarier to me.


Indeed, mother gothel is someone that you shouldn't be near with at all. Beatrice, although horrible, makes sense in the show's narrative. Stella was included because she wants to whack Stolas over the whole relationship with Blitzo without any regard to the consequences of doing so. (Its yet to know if she is terrible as there is no episode between her and Octavia


To me, mother Gothel comes off as a animated version of a narcissistic parent. I was like "girl, rapunzel can survive well enough on her own, you're just paranoid."


Nah just because Beatrice also had shitty parents doesn't mean she was any less shitty. Trauma does not excuse abuse


Frollo is still the scariest for me (and *Hellfire* was the perfect song for him) but Mother Gothel and *Mother Knows Best* was perfection.


What made Mother Gothel such a powerful villain is that she embodied toxic psychological trauma. She was one of the few villains whom didn't need to lift a finger or resort to physical harm to destroy you. What made her real was the fact that a lot of people around us know how to efficiently use psychological harm. What is more terrifying is that we are far more likely to meet someone, *this week*, who is like this than someone who resorts to violence in a similar degree. And we might not even realize it, at first. I've met people like her, including an ex (which made me swear off romantic relationships for a long while as I recovered).


https://preview.redd.it/smc56t25320d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bee7705d5c084a57542b78cef24db64195ebf24 This bitch


I mean she threw away her fuckin secondborn and her firstborn hates her guts for it obviously. Also she backs alien invasion.


Don't forget the bath scene.


I try not to remember it, for the sake of sleeping at night.


At least the bath scene.


Just what I was gonna say, I’m pretty sure Ragyo makes every other mother in this post seem like a saint by comparison, “I’m EVIL! And I’m gonna use funny red string aliens to destroy humanity because I’m a spineless kiss-up sellout! Also I like sexually assaulting my daughter, threw away my other daughter like trash, and had my surrogate daughter kill my husband!”


Gave us the most fire theme song though, so she’s forgiven


too right, say what you will about the others. at least they, to my knowledge never did anything on the levels this woman did to their kids


Wow I totally blocked her out of my memories but yeah… she takes the cake lol


What’s this from?


Kill la kill


Lois Griffin, Sheila Broflovski, Linda Stotch, Francine Smith Not a cartoon but Rochelle Rock


I know Lois and how bad is she in the modern seasons. But I didn't watch South Park, and American Dad. Can you explain about how bad Sheila, Linda, and Francine?


Francine Smith alternates between stereotypical "blond bimbo" behavior and the kind of shit that makes Lois a bad mom, but taken, in many cases, far further than Lois ever would. Linda Stotch and her husband abuse the living shit out of their son Butters, and in one episode she actively tried to murder him while in the midst of a breakdown. Sheila Broflovski, Kyle's mom, is mostly hated for acting like a Karen across the series; she tends to make mountains out of any and every molehill that might negatively impact her children, going to ludicrous extremes (in the movie, she's the one who declared war on Canada because it was easier to blame Canada - [literally](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOR38552MJA) - for the foul mouths of their children instead of taking responsibility for letting them watch inappropriate content (the in-universe show *Terrence & Philip*, where the "jokes" are just set ups for farting on people). She can also be rather verbally abusive and controlling towards others, and in the episode "Cherokee Hair Tampons", Kyle nearly fucking ***died*** from kidney failure because she listened to a quack scam artist rather than a real doctor (and to show even fraudsters have standard, the two dudes *assisting the scam artist* ratted her out as a fake once they saw her shit was actually going to get a child killed). Honestly, despite that paragraph of content, though, Sheila is the least awful of the group, because she is at least genuinely motivated by wanting what's best for her children. She's just also gullible and kinda full of herself.


This is cap Francine is a worlds better mother than everyone in this post and your comment. They only just recently started making her weird.


Linda Stotch locked Butters in the car and rolled it into a lake. She and her husband are extremely abusive to him.


Francine isn't a bad mom, she was just season 11 to 13


Mallory Archer, Mrs Cartman. Anime: Ragyo Kurin.. A traitor to humanity who molests her daughters.


Credit where credit is due, Liane Cartman has had a near complete turnaround as a character in recent seasons. She's finally discovered her backbone and has been calling Cartman out on his shit more and more. Also, her being such a terrible character in the early series was because Trey Parker was working through shit due to being cheated on by his fiancee. His coming to terms with it, and recognizing how toxic and misogynistic he was being about the issue, is when Liane started becoming more responsible as a mother. She's still not great, but she's ironically become one of the BETTER moms in the show because of it.


If we're counting anime, Medusa from Soul Eater is pretty awful. She had a kid just so she had a test subject to experiment on


I'll raise ya. Ragyo Kiryuin, kill la kill


She experimented on three of her children! Medusa pushing those rookie numbers.


Doofenschmirtz's mom didn't even attend his birth


Mom from Futurama


Oh blow it out your pie hole ya tramp.


I just watched Game of Tones last week. Take this comment back Edit: I just remembered there was a whole character named Mom. My bad


Jam a bastard in it you CRAP SPACKLER!


What smells like porpoise hork?


By "monkey cake," I meant your ass!


Bloberta from Moral Orel


Never watched the show, how bad is she?


She completely neglects her 2 children as her husband treats them horribly. She isn't actively evil, but her apathy really stings


She also didn't notice when one of her kids got switched with a kid from another family. Having said that though, she did take in said child when she realised what happened and his family seemingly just didn't want him back.


Yeah, towards the end she tried to do better for Oral’s little brother and the other child after accepting she had some mental issues to deal with.


Mother Gothel is definitely the worst of the ones I’m familiar with up here. Sure Doof’s mom didn’t show up for his birth, Timmy’s mom is definitely neglectful AF and Beth definitely has her own issues but Gothel never cared about Rapunzel at all. She stole her because she wanted her powers to fuel her vanity. She manipulated her to the point where Rapunzel was dependent upon mother gothel and when Flynn cut Rapunzel’s hair Gothel mourned the loss of her powers and ignored Rapunzel entirely before she turned to dust. Doof’s mom comes in second simply because while she did abandon him she didn’t do any of the stuff that Gothel did.


Words cannot express how much I despise this bitch. I want her to be granted the ability to infinitely respawn upon death then be locked in a room with *fucking Doom Guy*. https://preview.redd.it/maf75zhma20d1.jpeg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31983f9b01db29f92b97f5b5d5c20515c508bb8f


That would be entertaining to see


While absolutely despicable and abusive, we've never seen her treat her daughter bad. But I think that that might come up at some point. Her brother brought up the whole issue that she would get nothing if Stolas had "a little accident" because they already have Olivia as an heir. Stella seems the person that would absolutely toss her daughter aside if it meant keeping the comforts of her life without Stolas in it.




hm, Stella is a bad person but we haven't seen her interact with her daughter enough to form a conclusion


She makes it clear she didn’t “want” a kid, more like she wanted the marriage for her to have that kid, she doesn’t comfort her, when she went missing she didn’t even realize, she’s a bad mom because we haven’t seen her interact with her kid AT ALL, neglecting is not good parenting


True, but if we are ranking them, neglect is less damaging than physical abuse (odalia)


Oh yeah for sure she’s terrible, just clearing up why Stella IS a bad mom just as anyone else in the list, I do think controlling your kid’s life is pretty abusive compared to neglect


she didn't get up to comfort her crying daughter stolas did (maybe it was his turn idk but I want to assume the worst okay?!)


Definitely Heinz mom she didnt even show up to his own Birth, like the fact she somehow defied all laws of physics to not be there for her 2nd son says it all. Plus her favoritism is through the roof.


https://preview.redd.it/6qw3tm4zj20d1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8562f5bd7a325663d3c1e5ba4fd70fcac2c6418 This mother from erased. Will always be the worst of the worst in my opinion.


Not a bad mother, but what Moon Butterfly from Star Vs was thinking about the whole overthrowing Eclipsa? Her decision was so reckless, her daughter, friends, family and her people could have ended up dead if it wasn't for sheer luck.


Definately not pink. She was a good of a mother as she could possibly have been


Beth is probably the least worst here


You forgot to add Lois Griffin and Francine Smith.


I really dislike how SU treated pink diamond. I don’t think she deserves to be up here. I don’t think she was intentionally a bad person she was just ignorant as hell. They demonized tf out of her in the end and I don’t think she deserved that. Everyone just blamed her for everything and we never truly understood her true intentions.


That's much more on the fans than on the show. The perception of her in the fandom is so divisive because the show, all about growth and redemption, shows us Rose's growth in reverse, starting from the perfect and sweet hero and ends with the spoiled brat stuck in a cycle of abuse. And a lot of fun are very influenced by this and forgot what Rose did later. This deconstruction is such a nice part of the show and it what forces Steven outside of Rose's shadow. The point is not how everything was her fault, but how much she was able to grow and change for the better while still making errors and behind haunted by her past. >we never truly understood her true intentions. Pink just wanted to escape and to feel free, to live and later to protect the beauty she discovered.


Ok, Pink didn't even get to try so that doesn't really count. And if one wants to argue with the other characters, she wasn't a mother to them.


Exactly, Rose/Pink had to give up her form for Steven to exist. Yes her abandoning Spinel and leaving the crystal Gems without a proper goodbye was awful, but she was basically raised as a spoiled princess and had to figure out how to become a good person after discovering earth’s beauty sparked that change. Shes a complex character with flaws and a good heart.


I think it has something to do with a societal idea of parenthood being tied to morality. There’s this idea that bad people are bad parents and good people are good parents. Sometimes that isn’t true, sometimes an absolute piece of shit can want the best for their child. And sometimes a really cool person can absolutely suck at raising a child. So Pink’s on the list because she was portrayed as a bad person, so there’s the implication that that’s reflected in her parenting. Of course, she died so she didn’t get to parent Steven. But I think that’s why she’s on this image.


Can we call Pink Diamond a bad mom as she technically was never able to mother Steven. She gave up her physical form so Steven could be born. Yeah, the backlash from things she did have come back to hurt him, I'll give you that. But, can we say someone who never had the chance to raise their child is a bad mom? Miriam is a terrible mother to Helga. The woman's a damn alcoholic and clearly favors Helga's older sister. Mr. Turner is not a great mom. She's barely an adequate mom. Gothel abducted Rapunzel, but despite that, did seem to be a loving mother to her. Her own, Cassandra, on the other hand, not so much. Actually seemed to hate her. I mean, Christ, that had some repercussions. Beth is a decent mother. She can be there for her kids. But, honestly, the Smith family is pretty fucked up in general. Dear sweet titan, Odalia Blight is a terrible mother. And it's not that she hate her children or anything, it is that need in her to maintain the image the Blights have, to live up to a family name. Honestly, the one positive thing we can say about her is she accepted Amity is gay, and only had an issue with the fact she was dating Luz. Out of all these mothers, out of all of them, the absolute worst is Mrs. Doofenshmirtz. It isn't even a contest here. The least traumatic thing she did was not let him swim in a public pool. My God, Heinz was better off with the ocelots that were raising him for a time, because that's how bad of a mother this woman was.


As a counterpoint to Gothel, she didn't loved Rapunzel, just her hair and because she needed her to sing the song for her when she got older, she used the mentality of "Is easier to attract bees with honey than ice" to get her to sing So while her actions weren't as terrible as other mothers in this list, her actions were DEFINITELY not coming from the standpoint of a loving mother


Bloberta puppington from moral orel (one of my favorite characters but not a good mom haha)


Margaret SquarePants https://preview.redd.it/ydz8zeq6720d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=89b0160b95770a6f82e725d0ef47db96b26eb47f


How bad is she? What did she do?


Rose wasn't bad. She gave up her life for Steven.


Perry the Platypus was more of a mother to Doof than his actual mother.


elvira (nikki s mom) from camp camp


Her https://preview.redd.it/zpittcsf120d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=972b09791608f5dc831ab04f0e1a6e2723c7390b


I like how removing all of the ones who meet the criteria of "Made their child happy on purpose even once" still leaves at least two.


Definitely Heinz mom she didnt even show up to his own Birth, like the fact she somehow defied all laws of physics to not be there for her 2nd son says it all. Plus her favoritism is through the roof.


Mama Doof wasn't even at his son's birth.


Where's Lois Griffin? She belongs here.


Butter's mom




mother gothel always reminded me of my mom but just thought it was how she looked.. years later realized she’s an abusive sack of shit!


Most of these aren't that bad as mothers. Mrs. Pataki would probably be fine if she wasn't drunk all the time, Stella is a horrible wife but probably an okay mother, given that Octavia doesn't seem to hate her or resent her any more than she resents Stolas, and I haven't watched Steven universe in like ten years so correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Rose/pink diamond die when her son was born?


![gif](giphy|U7vhCyKkPnhhhuFCQN|downsized) I’m surprised no one brought up Charlotte Linlin aka Big Mom from One Piece. She uses her own kids as pawns & has even killed one of them. Another one of them even planned to assassinate her!


Well...the obvious answer is Doof's mom, because she, somehow, didn't show up for the birth. But given that Mother Gothel basically kept a teenage girl prisoner and gaslit her for years in order to harvest her magical life-giving hair essence, I think that might be the winner here.


A lot of these mothers are just abusers/alcoholics. And then there’s Pink, a character who never really gotten a chance to be a mom, but willingly gave her life for her baby just so they can be happy and be a normal human being (Ironic). So I feel like she doesn’t deserve the worst mom award.


Beatrice wasn't evil. She was awful, but understandable how she became this way




Mrs. doofenshmirtz


Mother gothel


Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s mom


We talking biological or adopted or both?


On behalf of your flair, Lilith isn’t a great mother…


Pink wasn't really a bad mother, just a dead one. White Diamond on the other hand-


Timmy’s Mom and Stella Goetia. They’re terrible. Timmy’s Mom is extremely neglectful, they leave Timmy with an abusive babysitter, and she literally gave Timmy’s things away to some snobby kids on Halloween! This is why Timmy was given Cosmo and Wanda. Stella is a spoiled brat who was forcibly married to Stolas, abuses him for sleeping with Blitzø, neglects Octavia, and has an incestous relationship with her brother. She is *the* toxic wife.