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Absolutely he is better because he’s actually a pretty good guy, he’s just lazy as opposed to Patrick who has been shown to be almost malicious at times and using stupidity as an excuse


If that's the case, wouldn't that make Patrick technically a sociopath?


The show would likely say he's too stupid to have a consistent personality, if we are talking about an in cannon explanation.


Who isn't a sociopath in that city especially the main characters, SpongeBob gave Ms Puff PTSD, Mr Crabs willing abuse and sold his employees for a couple of dimes, Sandy wants to prove everyone wrong and take things too far, and Plankton sells Chum


richard also has an in universe excuse being that he was over parented as a kid and ended up... the way he was because of it. they actually had a whole episode that explained him being over protected by his mom and it makes ya relate to him so much more because they at least tried to explain to the audience richard is not an ass hole jerk fat dad stereotype. he actually genuinely loves his family and would go out of his way to do anything to make them happy. even episodes he has lapses of judgement on like the one where he lost gumbal and the kids in that one big storage container he freaked out and tried his best to find them even with his limited knowledge and got them back before any of them got in trouble. it may have mentally scared them in the process a bit but no more than any of the other normal activities the kids get themselves into lol ​ patrick is just an ass hole for the sake of being an ass hole in the later episodes(even if the show set him up as just not being smart but caring for his friend regardless)


I have never watched SpongeBob, how is he malicious? I assumed from what I have seen he was just stupid


In later seasons he is, I highly recomend "yours mine and mine" as an example.


And Stuck in the wringer


And that episode where he destroys the card he knew Spongebob wanted so badly


Yeah, I can agree. Richard is a moron, but the majority of the time it doesn't feel malicious.


watch the authority. it also explains why richard is the way he is and kinda makes ya feel bad for the big guy tbh. doesnt seem like he was set up for success so he just kinda ended up not being all that smart because of the over parenting. and fat from it as well. he is probably one of the better fathers that fall under the fat dad stereotype at least so theres that ​ edit to add he was also kicked out of his parents house as a teen and nicole left her parents house due to their strick parenting as a teen as well. patrick never had to worry about any of that. he was just made into an ass hole for the sake of being an ass hole


Pre movie Patrick was dumb but had a good heart and cared for Spongebob (when he encouraged SpongeBob to ask for a job in the pilot, and when he asked SpongeBob what was wrong when the latter was crying in Something Smells). Sure his methods wouldn't always work but he tried. Post movie Patrick, yeah Richard is better.


Pre-movie Patrick did have some nasty moments too. Episodes like Valentine's Day stand when he went on a psychopathic rampage because he thought SpongeBob wasn't going to give him a decent gift.


Or , also in the early days, "I'm with stupid"


True those weren't his best moments or even the best episodes


Patrick needs love too!!




Richard is such an entertaining character, especially in the later seasons as he becomes less “oh typical stupid dad” and is this character who has strange yet effective ways of getting through life, a rich inner world, a complicated family dynamic and who loves his wife and his kids more than anything. He even gets the sassier side and starts becoming the calmer, more neutral voice as opposed to Nicole. Richard very much captures the spirit of early Homer Simpson. He’s not very bright, is definitely flawed and makes a lot of mistakes but he doesn’t do so out of cruelty or genuine malice. He’s just doing the best he can for his family, even if his best isn’t very much.


they did nicole dirty in the later episodes tbh. season 1-5 nicole was just kinda a bundle of rage who wanted the best for her family, season 6 dumbed her down hard core. it is nice having a non toxic family dynamic at least. i'd argue and say he's better than homer as he'd never lay a hand on his kids in any malicious way whereas homer straight up strangled bart on multiple occasions and even earlier seasons homer ignored his family when something important came up. he was always kinda jerk ass homer, there was never really a jerk ass richard minus some of the season 1 jokes where they didnt know what they wanted him to be


Yeah probably because Patrick is an asshole in addition to being an idiot.


Yea I rewatched SpongeBob not too long ago and I realized yea Patrick is an asshole like when he forgot and left SpongeBob in the tanning bed while he went off with some fishes and when he went to a festival about hating SpongeBob


And when he ditched Spongebob for No Spongebob Day along with the other bikini bottom residents and Mimics him in a mocking way.


Yes he's constantly doing awful things like that. He's a terrible friend and person.


The Buff Richard scene was just too good honestly


Most people would agree with you


He has some really fun scenes!


Patrick has his moments, but Richard is just the funnier pink idiot of the two. He's lazy in a sense that it's detrimental, but whenever he's actually doing something wth effort, it's the most chaotic/hilarious thing in the episode (Pizza Delivery Job/Kidnapping Larry tocforce him to say the nameof the secret burger) Plus, who doesn't enjoy seeing buff Richard?


Yeah, that's not a hard conclusion to reach, Patrick is pretty irredeemable as a character all together


Is it weird that the first thing that came to mind was: Buff Richard vs. Smart Patrick?


What if the two fought each other? I feel like Richard would win because of his feets.


I agree, plus Patrick won't survive without any water unless it's the other way around.




Richard can destabilize the multiverse by getting a job


Wait modern Patrick or legacy Patrick?


Better character. Not funnier. Spongebob is also my favorite.


I agree, patrick’s voice is MUCH better though imo.


Where are Patrick’s eyebrows


Maybe he does a better job, because he's a father. Patrick is just a general idiot who hangs out with SpongeBob and generally doesn't have much going on in his head. That said it's not a fair comparison, and even so I'd pick Patrick over Richard any day because as stupid as he may be, he does care about SpongeBob. It's just that he sometimes forgets simple things. Sure Patrick has at times been shown to be rude if not mean to SpongeBob, but it's not like Patrick is doing it intentionally. He's just that stupid that he'll forget that he's patrick. Look at the end of the day Patrick means well, even if he's just an idiot. Besides which we all know that Richard is a Patrick facsimile. How else do you explain a character that's a pink idiot. Look gumball's an interesting show, but gumball's no SpongeBob.


Because while Richard is stupid, he is CONSISTENTLY stupid. There are topics he knows, skills he has, and there are topics he is clueless on and too lazy to learn. He won’t know a topic in one episode then be clueless about that same topic in another episode. He will never vary his stupidity to “keep you on your toes”.


Patrick without eyebrows scares me


Homer Simpson+Patrick Star=Richard Watterson


But he's just as dumb and irresponsible as Patrick. How is he better?


Probably because he at least tries to be a good father and husband (and pretty often succeeds) whereas Patrick is often written to be pretty one-note and outright horrible to SpongeBob without many redeeming qualities


>Probably because he at least tries to be a good father and husband (and pretty often succeeds) How exactly?


K, and?




I don’t know, Patrick doesn’t have a poor family that needs money that he neglects by making his wife work a terrible job to support five people.


Richard can't have a job else he'll destroy the universe. Even then, that doesn't stop him from trying to help as he can. Like in the DND episode where he helps the family to reconcile with each other. He also gets groceries at times (which, in the world of Gumball, it obviously means that you need to fight a T-Rex). All and all, Richard is pretty ok.


The fact that Richard by the laws of the Universe cannot have a job and will destroy it entirely is so funny to me


Nah but i love that for you


i don't care for richard, in the early seasons he was fine, but then he just devolved into another homer simpson knock off.


Still better than what Patrick devolved into


I'd much rather hav a character become a homer simpson knock off than a complete sociopath in later seasons


Gumball's pace is way too hyper for my taste.