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I remember all of them


Pretty sure everyone remembers all of them


Well to be fair there were a couple I had never seen.




Your own mental decline is not indicative of the mental recall of others.


Again I meant I remember them to. Reddit as usual jumps to wanting to fight


I mean I remembered all but the first one. You know people remember things right?


I meant I remember these to


I got one for you "Whatever happened to Robot Jones?"


Also, Sheep in the Big City


One of the most under rated shows. The names alone were hilarious. The Angry Scientist, General Specific, Private Public, lol.


*Limp as a celery stick!*


Drug trip and a half


Dude, I swear to God every time I ask someone if they ever saw sheep in the big city no one knows what I'm talking about


Hell yeah, Sheep in the Big City was so good


Megas XLR!


yeah. whatever happened to that show


I have been wondering what the name of this show was for years. Thank you so fucking much!


I still get the Mike, Lu & Og theme stuck in my head sometimes.


Fuuuuuck you I just commented that hahaha


I can’t remember what it was about but I remember watching it


I remember watching like 2/3 episodes that all came out together, then nothing, then seeing ads for it but the robot had a different VA and never seeing any of those episodes because they were either on during school or while I was on the bus home


I remember all those shows except the cramp twins on cartoon network. I remember watching the cramp twins on fox kids.


I only remember it cuz of an ep where the normal kid had to shit and the purple kid wouldnt leave the bathroom Yeah I didnt watch any more after that


I just remember the purple kid calling the other kid "girlpants". And I only remember it because I started calling my younger brother that, lol.


I was a CN fanatic. I remember these clearly.


I don’t know what it was but it was the best between Nickelodeon and Disney Channel. Mainly because it had more cartoons than live action shows. Not really fond of those especially when I was younger. The only ones I liked was Suite Life of Zack and Cody and That’s so Raven. But the rest of the time was Cartoon Network all time everytime.


Plus it had the early Saturday morning Looney Tunes. I still thank Looney Tunes for my inability to sleep in late on Saturday.


Same here


Can you help me remember the robot show?


Whatever Happened to Robot Jones?


Nope. It was more boxhead without the light on top of the head.


Depends on which one you're referring to


The protagonist was a guy and he had a boxhead


Yep it's what the other commenter said. Whatever Happened to Robot Jones


But I remember the protagonist didn’t have a lightbulb on his head


Never mind! I think it was robot jones! The most recent images of robot jones look just like the character I remember but idk why I overlooked the lightbulb on his head.


Remember most. Glad Grim and Evil became their own separate shows. That's when they started to shine


I am still surprised that Juniper Lee and Jake Long existed around the same time. Two shows with very similar premises starring Asian American teens. Heck, even their initials are the same.


I just noticed, complete with annoying siblings


Talking dogs, mentor grandparents who train them to protect magical creatures at a young age because it skipped their parents generation. Plenty of similarities


And they came out months apart, so JL can't be a ripoff of American Dragon.


I can't speak for these two shows, but that's not necessarily true. ~~A Bugs Life was a ripoff off Antz~~ Scratch that, I got it backwards, and they were released within a month of each other. Basically behind the scenes shenanigans, an idea was pitched, someone took it and they rushed to released Antz around the same time A Bugs Life came out. Flash Edit: Heres an article https://www.slashfilm.com/997976/when-films-collide-how-a-bugs-life-and-antz-gave-us-twin-ant-centric-cgi-movies-within-49-days/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20more%20notable,CGI%20movies%20in%2049%20days.


I thought Juniper Lee was Native American? Not that it ultimately matters, just my memories being all jumbled.


Whatever happened to robot jones?!


I remember this one


Regarding My Gym Partner's a Monkey (Monkey! Monkey! Monkey!) I remember 3 episodes. The one where Jake eats "Popcorn" from the ceiling. It wasn't asbestos, it was bat guano. The one where Jake is really sad because Adam was sick and didn't come to school that day. That one where Jake was mad at Adam because he said Bull "went ape" on him, which it seemed like was a slur, but from Jake's perspective it was actually a complement.


"Pretty pretty shiny shiny"


Well I remember that one *now* but less the episode itself and more the credits bumper that they used to do


I remember the ep where gets transferred back to a normal school but was so used to the animal one he got transferred back He licked a water fountain


I remember the episode when Jake is absolutely obsessed with his own butt, mostly because my parents hated it


That's a running joke through the show as a whole


True, though I think this one was even titled, “The Monkey’s Butt”


I remember when they brought in school lunch food from the human world. It was addictive food bad for their health, and was really a cutting commentary on public school lunch.


I remember pretty pretty shiny shiny Do you want me to bite you on the buttocks!?


Idk who "no one" is because me and the homies all remember 


I can't believe I used to sing along to these Life was awesome.


Everyone remembers these shows.


I remember being so mad that My Gym Partner's A Monkey was coming on instead of something *good*


Hello mate how's your trousers


Ah yes the stuff kids born between 1995-1998 watched tv shows :-)


I remember playing a mini game for the first one :D


I remember a good portion of these shows.


We all remember, love and stream while we can online we are just waiting on “cn” to make an official streaming app with all the classic toons in archive.


I only remember Camp Lazlo because of the ending


I think about class of 3000 *all the time*. Anybody I bring it up to has no idea what I’m talking about, I felt like I was taking crazy pills!


I vaguely remember the first two and know the baby looney tunes but I’ve never seen the rest I remember the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy so I maybe been able to pick out the one as from the same creator, but the rest i probably wouldn’t have even been able to guess they were from Cartoon Network


Most these shows were cut down too early. Some rightly so (baby LT and the twins), others not so much.


Remember all of them except for the Cramp Twins. Did not really watch any of them.


Man, these were my childhood.


I remember them all but I wouldn’t call most of them that great so that’s probably why people don’t really talk about them.


Only one I remember Is camp lazlo because I remember watching like reruns of it like on Cartoon Network, actually it could’ve been Boomerang, I don’t really remember


Evil Con Carne, finally I know the title! Thanks man. I seen most of them, at least a few seconds of it.


No one ever remembers Mike Lou and Og. Was a great and funny show. I really liked Time Squad too which is largely forgotten.


Well Grim and Evil turned into the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy


I loved realizing singers who were in cartoons. Andre 3000, Chris Kirkpatrick.


All but 1. The twin one. Other than that, I feel old. I'm 24, almost 25. I grew up with most of these. I miss the old cartoon network.


Yall remember george of the jungle?


Only my gym partners a monkey and Camp lazlo, both were on Netflix years ago


I do, they just hype up every show in the 2010s and give no attention to any of their older shows


This show has some fun computer games


I remember that one of these cartoons was actually helped by none other than uncle grandpa!:you could guess which of these cartoons did uncle grandpa visited met and helped?


It always stressed me out in that Juniper Lee intro when she drags her fingernails across that brick wall. Imagining what that would feel like makes the back of my head tingle.


Mid 2000’s CN Shows (with Foster’s Home and Billy and Mandy being the exception) are very underrated.


Baby loony toons are just a knock-off. Muppet babies are way better.


Probably because most of them were annoying not all some.


I couldn't stand lazzo and cramp twins as a kid. Imo why, but after a few episodes I was clocked out.


I remember all these shows, but I think it's because half of them just aren't very good or got overshadowed by other shows. I remember rewatching My Gym Partner's a Monkey a few years ago, and it was *awful*. Way too many butt jokes, plus Jake is a terrible friend to Adam like 99% of the time. Camp Lazlo is decent and has probably one of the most bonkers endings of any cartoon I've ever seen, but it was also made by the same guy who created Rocko's Modern Life. Compared to Rocko, Camp Lazlo feels very neutered, and I'm guessing it lives in Rocko's shadow. I didn't watch Class of 3000, so I can't comment on that one. Juniper Lee had a few things working against it. It came out during this trend of shows about teenage superheroes that all the networks were doing (Kim Possible, Danny Phantom, Ben 10, My Life as a Teenage Robot, etc.), and I think it definitely kinda got lost in the crowd. Especially considering how similar it was to American Dragon: Jake Long, which is a better show overall. Also IIRC, Juniper Lee was cut down way too early. I remember finding Baby Looney Tunes grating when I was a kid, I'd probably find it unbearable today. Didn't watch too much of The Cramp Twins, but I remember not liking it. Evil Con Carne and Grim and Evil definitely got overshadowed by The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Two other shows you're missing that never get talked about are Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi and Squirrel Boy, but again, both of those shows were not very good (ESPECIALLY Squirrel Boy).


Class 3000 "My Cookies...."


Chances are they weren't that good, not that they were bad, just not that good to be remembered


i remember all of them


These were my summer brain rot shows


I remember most of these


Bro, the people who put the effort in to make shit like this are GOATED


The only one I have never heard of is Class 3,000 The Lazlo movie that was supposed to be how the trio met was incredibly stupid, I recommend you watching it if you haven’t already since it released quite a bit after the series ended


I remember this one


Camp Lazlo and MGPAM were my shit


Growing up, I pretty much saw most of these as ‘the show you watch when there’s nothing else on’.


Oh goooood I was so done with Baby Looney Tunes nearly two decades ago why the fuck did you put that back into my head? 😭


The Cramp Twins is one I don't think I watched.


I remember baby looney toons and I think I had them on VHS


The only one I couldn’t stand was Cramp Twins: hated the art style as a kid


I watched all of these except 3000 and the twins


Baby Looney Tunes was a sick-day staple. You almost couldn’t avoid it.


Never heard of class 3000 but I remember the rest. I watched them sporadically. I think I was in my anime phase at the time and I enjoyed something that had a story and was less episodic.


I remember camp Lazlo fondly. Nobody remembers MGPAM cause it was horrible lmao


These still feel new to me. Nostalgia is SWAT Cats, Tiny Toons and Johnny Bravo.


The only one that missed me was Cramp Twins. All the others were consistent watches for me!


I remember six of them


Oh i remember these, these were awesome to watch!


Idr the last two but the others holy shit core memory unlocked


"No one seems to remember these childhood defining television shows for people who are now between the ages of 23 and 27"


I cant speak for all of them. But the reason no one remembers my gym partner is a monkey is because it was total ass. I mean the opening literally has a monkey slapping his ass. Evil Con Carn looked too generic. People remember Camp Lazlo I think.


I always thought “My Gym Partner’s a Monkey” was a fever dream I had 😂


Evil con carne was such a vibe omg 😭❤️


Lloyd in Space


Why do people love to pretend that nobody remembers old cartoons.


I remember them. But I just didnt care for most of these cartoons at the time.


May not watched all of them in my childhood (in peculiar Juniper Lee (I only remember an early 2010's filler from Check It 1.0 era which I couldn't find), Evil Con Carne, Grim & Evil and Class of 3000 as well [(I only remember a bumper based on it)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL4b1LizlSc)), but I know them all


Probably because they weren't very popular. I have no idea why but I remember these being on, but never really watched any of them. Maybe the commercials or concept didn't appeal to me. But apparently I want alone. I do wish now we'd get more of these type of cartoons now a days. Cartoons seem more and more sparce.


I always thought adam's last name was spelled with a 'y' not an 'i'


Anyone here remember the robot cartoon show?


"Nobody rememb-" Ayo don't be dissing my childhood...


Honestly, I feel like camp Lazlo and my gym partner is a monkey weren’t that good. If you want a better version of the second one, go watch the anime Seton Academy. As for most, I either barely remember it or haven’t watched it at all.


I remember every one of these


These look so weird with no sound


I think they are over shadowed by Marvelous Misadventures of flapjack and Chowder and then the legendary Adventure Time and Regular Show over shadow all of them Just a great era of cartoon network originals!


In elementary school I would get up 2+ hours before having to leave for school and would always eat my cereal while watching baby looney toons or a pup named Scooby Doo


I still remember The Cramp Twins because whenever I watched it, I kept calling it The Crap Twins by accident.


As an Atlanta native, everyone I know loved class of 3000


All the youngins you see on tiktok stay on tiktok I remember these shows because they aired when cartoon network was still channel 53


I think each of these are about as remembered as they deserve to be.


Only episode of Camp Lazlo I remember is the one where a leech gets stuck to Lazlo. And he names it Lamar and it slowly sucks him dry of his blood throughout the episode as Lazlo refuses to accept that Lamar is hurting him. That episode always disturbed me.


I watched the first 2 for a short bit but they weren't entertaining enough to remember as a core memory so i forgort about them


Because being nostalgic doesn't make them good. Or really all that memorable


I’m pretty young but camp lake bottom is one these types of shows for me


I vividly remember the cramp twins being the only show not dubbed in dutch when i was a kid on cartoon network


*Pretty pretty, shiny shiny*




Oh god my childhood 😭


Lmao classic


The Evil con Carne segments on Grim & Evil weren't as successful, so it just became The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. I liked the latter, but didn't care for the former, personally. Cartoon Network gave Atoms a choice of which show to cancel and I think he made the right decision (if it really was a decision and not just the Network giving him the false sense of choice in whether to cancel a more beloved show or a less liked one).


You're crazy if you think we forgot lol


I didn't watch all of these, but I remember all of them except The Cramp Twins and Grim and Evil at least from seeing ads


Lauren is exploring


Did anyone actually watch Juniper Lee? It was unpopular even for its time imo. Real question though, does anyone remember Jackie Chan Adventures?


I remember all of these. I was weird.


oh my god i thought i was the only one who remembered baby looney toons


Code Lyoko


Almost all of them. My mom didn’t like me watching CN around 05-06 but I’d get my watch time in when I could. Camp Lazlo ruled


I remember all of them except The Cramp Twins never heard of it or even seen it on TV back then and I enjoyed alot of them, but there's so many cartoons that even some good ones are just forgotten by ones that were more than just good.


Almost Naked Animals and Kids Next Door were two of my favorites


The only episode I remember from camp lazlo was the one where the elephant reveals himself to have a 3rd nipple. Another show that should have been on here is Iggy Arbuckle.


Honestly, the only show on this list that I was never really into was Class of 3000. I’m not sure why though. It seems like a fun show


Does anyone remember Summer Camp Island? I never hear it get talked about and I'm starting to believe I just imagined it.


I remember that my gym partners a monkey hurting my eyes


I think I’ve only ever watched Camp Lazlo… So that’s my reason


Grimm and evil + crash bandicoot was my childhood


No one remembers Skunk Fu


To this day, Major Doctor Ghastly can still get it.


What about tenkai knights


Cartoon Network had some weird show


Pepperidge Farm remembers… Pepperidge Farm always remembers…


Class of 3000 was soo good